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DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


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Do any of you guys put DC / Marvel characters into your Champions Universe campaigns. Im wondering because I have a player who wants to paly Wolverine, and Im trying to make his background fit the champions Universe. Any ideas?


And if you do put these characters in the CU , do you change their backgrounds.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


I tend to prefer the homage approach myself; but if your player really wants Wolverine, it's not that hard as long as he doesn't want him to be an X-Man (assuming they're not in your campaign, too). ;) The Champions Universe carries a lot of the conventions appearing in mainstream comics. It certainly has its fair share of mutants, and some anti-mutant sentiment, although that's not as extreme as in Marvel's world. You could give Wolverine virtually the same skeleton and claws - just substitute "questionite" for "adamantium." The sourcebook Gadgets And Gear even has a writeup for "Questionite Claws."


If the player wants to incorporate the shadowy group that experimented on Wolverine, there are a few likely candidates in the CU with the appropriate resources and m.o., including VIPER, ARGENT, the US government's super-soldier program, the Warlord, and Teleios.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


I hardly use the Champions Universe, Marvel & DC characters are not in my world at all (with the exception of some mythilogicals that I normaly go back to the real myths about)


Lots of homages, but usualy the homage will combine two or three characters


As for the wolverine player, suggest to him that he makes a character that has the elements he is looking for (Maybe the attitude, maybe certain background abilities, or maybe it's the powers) and change them to make it his own


For instance


John had a normal life untill he turned 14, at 14 his body started to grow hair, lots more than a normal 14 year old has. He knew something was odd then, and things got odder and odder. Always a fast healer now bruises he got playing football would heal in minutes, and his senses were going haywire, he could smell Susan's perfume across the room, his hearing was so accute that he could hear the insults girls would wisper under there breath, etc...


By the age of 16 he was shaving twice a day, and he had grown acustom to the senses, the healing was still so quick that he had almost no fear of injury


Then it happened some kids from school decided to attack him for being a freak, this day he found out that his fingernails were sharp as razor blades, and that he was suseptiple to a blood rage.


He ran, ran to the hills of canada where he lived off of the land, finding that he was a natural predator, till Until picked him up, giving him some training he became a natural oerative for them. During this time he found out that his bones had hardened to x10 the strength of a normal humans.


He no longer works for Until, now he has wandered into Campeign City, kind of loose in the winds. He still remembers the girl Susan, the red headed girl he will always love, but who he dares not see.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Another vote in favor of homage characters. This prevents the "But Wolverine can do that - here's a comic where he does it" arguments. There also tend to be arguments about how the comic character should compare to the game characters. Adding the character straight means accepting his full backstory, friends and enemies, history, etc. A homage doesn't bring that much baggage.


Finally, using an homage means that, if Marvel changes the rules, you keep your hmage the way he was built, and don't try to re-tool him to match the Marvel revisions. [Oh, he has bone claws now? Oh, the adamantium's back? Major power-up. Major power-down. He's an Avenger now? He's wanted by the government now? His origin was revised?]

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Homage, definately. That way, the write up IS correct, and theres no second guessing. And no messy conversations about where the character came from. If hes here, where is Cyclops? Who are the Champions, since they dont exist in the Marvel Universe?


Best just to make a character -like- Wolvie. He can name the character Badger, Killer Grizzly, Timberwolf, or something, and its HIS character, not Marvel's.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Considering that I'm thinking of running a "Spot proditor's homages" contest off of my DH articles, you can guess where I end up on this question. ;)


I will sometimes shamefully rip off the name as well however, I just absolutely needed a Union Jack and a Spitfire for my New Knights.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


In my Wold Newton campaign' date=' I've used the names of many Marvel and DC characters while changing their back stories and powers. It's been great fun. :)[/quote']


Of course, Wold-Newton itself a separate reality filled with character who are "a lot like charcters you've read about but different" and everyone knows it, so it works.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Thats some great input, thanks. I will tell my palyer to make homage character. All my players are new to Hero Games and the super hero genre. All my gaming group has played is a D&D Forgotten Realms campaign, so Im trying to get them to think in terms of comic books, which a few of them don't read.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


I avoid using Marvel or DC U characters. I have the players make homage characters as well. I have no problem using established character names for other characters however. To mix them together is a problem. I tried it once and my PC's rather than forming their own group they wanted to join the Justice League. That way if they needed assistance they could call for help from Superman or Batman. That was the first and last time I shared the universe.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


I tried it once and my PC's rather than forming their own group they wanted to join the Justice League. That way if they needed assistance they could call for help from Superman or Batman.


Not, inherently, a problem. What you do is make them a JL splinter group (Justice League Antarctica!) and unless you're in the mood for a guest star, the main Leaguers are up to their armpits in trouble (or out in space, or in another dimension) and aren't in a position to bail your butts out.


Alternately, just talk to them out of character and inform them that such an action is out-of-genre and you'll give fewer XP for it. No matter how outmatched they may be in their solo books, the Leaguers never call in their teammates unless it's a dire emergency, and even then the 'guest star' is invariably just helping out the main character.

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Not, inherently, a problem. What you do is make them a JL splinter group (Justice League Antarctica!) and unless you're in the mood for a guest star, the main Leaguers are up to their armpits in trouble (or out in space, or in another dimension) and aren't in a position to bail your butts out.


Alternately, just talk to them out of character and inform them that such an action is out-of-genre and you'll give fewer XP for it. No matter how outmatched they may be in their solo books, the Leaguers never call in their teammates unless it's a dire emergency, and even then the 'guest star' is invariably just helping out the main character.


Try mentioning that you're OK with them calling in their JL teammates as they see fit, but if they change the balance of power, of if the guest stars handle too much of the work, this could impact their xp awards.


Then mention that "of course, they'll also be calling you in against threats too powerful for them to deal with alone". Then call them in to help Supes out against Doomsday...

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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Try mentioning that you're OK with them calling in their JL teammates as they see fit, but if they change the balance of power, of if the guest stars handle too much of the work, this could impact their xp awards.


Then mention that "of course, they'll also be calling you in against threats too powerful for them to deal with alone". Then call them in to help Supes out against Doomsday...


Or, maybe, every time they call the League for help, they get Batman.

"We're under attack by --"

"You can handle it." *click*


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Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


Well, somehow, when you design a super character, they start to look like some other character anyway. Most martial artist/detectives sorta look like Batman, while most speedsters kind look like Flash. I haven't read the Ultimate Speedster yet, but I've heard of this thing called the Speed Zone, which I'll bet looks a bunch like the Speed Force from DC.


That being said, established comic characters fluxuate from writer to writer, and from era to era. No game will fully and exactly simulate the comic character as writen for all time. So, go ahead and put DC or Marvel characters into your game, just alter the backstory, otherwise, many characters won't make sense in your game's cosmology.


I'll bet, btw, that some version of Superman can be built for 150 points.



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  • 4 years later...

Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


I've had, essentially bring your own idea convention events end up with Marvel and DC characters in the CU ......With both companies current Multiverse set up, it's comic-possible. :D The Last one, basically turned into Every version of Nighthawk from Marvel and DC hunting down the CU Nighthawk to kick him out of the Nighhawk continuity, for his incredibly lame Duck Cowl costume.....which of course eventually ends up in a giant brawl between all the Nighthawks and Super Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, where the lone Character that walks away, is the Wild West Nighthawk, because any incarnation of Hawkman is going to stomp anyone of those other pretenders.....



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