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WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


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You wake up one morning and turn on the news to find out that the government has had a data robbery. What was stolen? The Champion Protocols! It is unknown at this time who orchestrated the robbery.


Over the next few days various superheroes worldwide are being taken down by someone using the protocols, including a couple of your teammates.

Then you are attacked by several villains carrying equipment to specifically defeat you, based on said protocols. You narrowly survive the attack.


WWYCD now?

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Anthem would change identities, assuming an new and unrecognizable costume to confuse the villains. They would have difficulty knowing what counter to use on her. Hopefully she'd take them down while they were in that state of confusion.


Uncle Slam would bait a trap. Even with equipment for specifically defeating heroes they can't account for a mass encounter. So he'd be certain that when they moved on him there were dozens upon dozens of heroes available to haul in the bad guys. He's got that kind of pull.

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Re: WWYCD: The Campion Protocols


Terminus would get The Edge together and have them investigate the original robbery. Most of The Edge have public IDs, so the protocols aren't that important to them; they'd be most interested in stopping whoever it was from releasing information about mor vulnerable heroes.

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Re: WWYCD: The Campion Protocols


CrashTest would defintly hunt down some of the "independent" ubers and convince them to try and help defeat them.


See, I figure that the independents are a less priority compared to actual teams, in regards to the Protocols. Thus you'll have a lot of empty spots regarding some of the lesser-known ubers out there. :D

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Re: WWYCD: The Campion Protocols


Style - Shapechanged (including mind and aura and down to the cellular level), Style tries to determine who the thieves were. Once he has a clear idea, he cautiously builds a coalition for a counter strike. Only the highest divine or infernal power can protect most villains against a mage as skilled as Style if they don't have surprise on their side, and villains that powerful don't need special protocols to kill who they like.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Dreadnought would phone up the head of his company's R&D department and ask how their cure for some of his weaknesses is coming (ie. try to buy off his vulnerability off with exp), then make sure the rest of the team understands the danger. He'd then try to form a group of most of Millenium City's heroes to hunt for whoever is responsible.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Soulbarb is mostly a low-mid end solo vigilante street-level heroine. Her only significant superpowered confederate is her boyfriend Nocturne. She's not really in any position to stop an opponent with national or global-scale operations -- or even assault teams of multiple supers at a time. The best she could do would be to track down the people responsible for the attack on her and gather whatever intelligence she can in her city. From there, unless she can discover a way to bring down the organization from within, all she can do is pass the info to PRIMUS or UNTIL and hope they can coordinate the efforts of everyone else who's certain to be looking into this. If a GM sprang a scenario like this on Soulbarb, I would expect that GM to design in at least one 'way out' so that she can survive and turn the tables on the organization, as she doesn't really have the wherewithal on her own.


Sylph also doesn't really have any teammates, but in her case there are other heroes out there in her city she could ally herself with. Meeting up with them would suddenly jump several notches on her list of things to do.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Team Vanguard would probably call on Patriot, Cheif Rising Storm, And Stellar.

The Cheif could grant defenses on a temporary basis, Patriot and Stellar Are Able to hold there own , and if Cheif augmented them ...well nigh unstoppable.



Last ditch, Cheif Is owed a favor by the Entitie known as Time

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Quantum - Would make sure his team mates were safe, then begin researching like a mad man to find clues about who is behind the theft and attacks. He also try to find any patterns for any other thefts. Part two would be contacting every super group he could to exchange info and try to develop a quick response team to deal w/these attacks. When he can ID the responsible folks or is able to join in a counter attack, I feel sorry for the bad guys. Thats when his bad temper and vengeful just might kick in.


Spectre - This cannot be tolerated. He would use all of his abilities (darkness, desolid, entangles, presence drain, teleport, end drain, and shape shifting) to begin to work his way through the local crime world to dig up information and plan to dish out some justice to those who are responsible.


Stone - Round one to the the bad guys. Time to knock some heads together and find out who knows what.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


The Silver Knights might deal as follows:


First of all, make sure that all Knights know. Next, get Titan and get him to figure out what these protocols might be... and thus how to counter the counters. Afterwards, the team moves in strength: miniumum of three and that means YOU Starknight!


Like Uncle Slam's idea, you really need to take the offense. Investigating the crime scene would work although they'd have to tap Stalker (an associate) to do so and that's IF they can convince the government to let them do it. Also, look to prepare a trap that could be activated by having Lady Silver teleport in reinforcements. They'd also develop some new tactics that the enemies might not be ready for.


One possible trap might be a charity event with Lady Silver. Augment her normal invisible shields with Titan's tech and have the crowd be a combination of supers in disguise and illusions.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Panther:Steal it back.


Or, if the mood struck her, hack it and corrupt it, especially if she could use this to force her 'opponents' to do something particularly humiliating.


Iron Max: Whatever she could. Probably use her tech contacts to gain upgrades or modifications that would defend her from her "known" weaknesses, and whatever else she might have concerns about.


Martin Power: Dare them.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Badger- (assuming any weaknesses of his is particularly known) Go into hiding and study any tactics known of the people going for him. Or alternatively figure out a way to minimize weakness (more than likely he would have a tactical weakness rather then physical, only thing I can think of is too much time charging up a powerful EB or maybe exposing self too attack by lowering defense at times). Go out in some type of alternate identity. And fight that way before they figure out the identity. Would first warn possible other targets as well.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Immediate response by all my characters.

"Mom... Dad... There's something you need to know..."


Luna Moth: After coming clean with her father, would probably volunteer to help the Feds track down the thieves. She is actually a solo street-level criminal (jewel thief/cat burgler) so her best bet would be to gather information from her contacts in the Underworld and feed it to the cops.

After the data thieves are locked up, Luna's father would ask to be transferred off of her case, most likely citing either family emergency or conflict of interest. Luna's activities may also be affected in the aftermath as well, unless she corrupts all data in the protocols relating to her. (As a side note, Luna would very curious to know how the goverment got enough info on her to create the take-down procedure, and why they hadn't used it yet.)


Flying Kittens: If they hadn't been grounded by their parents by now, they would suggest that every uber targeted in their city come together to help track down the data thieves and their associates.

If they get any solid leads on the thieves IDs, the Kittens themselves would make the calls to the authorities.

(Of course, knowing the type of GM I'm most likely to get, the thieves had been hired by a pair of bumbling supervillains that are the Kittens' arch-nemesises, as well as their parents.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


I'm reading "taken down" to mean killed or incapacitated long-term.


In Penumbra's case, anything that interferes with his ability to move through shadows makes him very nervous. He relies on that ability to keep the "bad guys" running scared, not to mention it makes up a considerable amount of his combat strategy (get bad guy to place with lotsa shadows, blip around while hitting them a bunch, then make them confess/steal their money/whatever). As for the rest of his powers, well, they're mostly shadow-based (and kinda evilish), so the protocal would involve some sort of spotlights and possibly priests with holy water (or maybe they consecrate the ground, I dunno). If Virtue and Marvin were somehow available, he'd run to them and probably back their play, since Marvin has enough magical gewgaws to enchant/charm/curse us all back to primordial sludge. Otherwise, he'd probably panic and run right into the waiting arms of his "family", specifically the Prince of Darkness, and make some sort of bargain to overcome the current problem (somesort of short-term power boost that isn't affected by his usual weaknesses). He'd regret it later, but he'd have a later.


Kodachi already has a couple of opponents who specifically target her weaknesses; she deals by having allies. If someone was coming after everyone, though, she'd get to the closest ally she's got (whoever that may be), help them out if they needed it, and then try to contact her other allies and bring them together. Get the brains (Nabiki, Cologne, and Ami, to name a few) together and come up with a plan to strike back. In the mean time, see if she can't get these people to work together better. There's a lot of weird stuff out there, and if we could all work together, it would be much more easily handled.*



* And yes, I-the-player realize that this would just escalate things, since there has to be a challenge. That's what I want; I-the-character doesn't know that though.:sneaky:

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


Oooh... well, this depends on the character (obviously!) and what level of 'taken down.' If it's 'dropped and captured,' then we're talking about different tactics than if it's 'crippled or killed.'


Given what I remember from the Champions Protocols thread, I assume it'll either be crippled/killed, or will be with a handful of adjustments from whoever stole them (can you say, "Dr. Destroyer or Menton"? I knew you could!)


Huntress: You've seriously injured her friends? It's warpath time. Her power suit is already designed on the same model as Samus Aran's from the Metroid games; she'd finish the fully modded "Phazon Suit" and get ready for war. Nobody besides her even knows that it exists; it's basically the same as her basic armor, but tougher, more heavily shielded, and has this nifty little gun that basically amounts to a massive Continuous RKA.


Darkchild: Is, or isn't, Heat Wave among the injured/killed? Let's assume that he is, just for kicks. This is where you find out just why it is that she doesn't usually call on particularly dark gods and goddesses. When she does, and she does so for more than just a minor fear effect, the biblical Plagues tend to look like an overcast day. The wrath of Hel, Arawn, Loki, Fenrir, Apep, Set, and every other deific being who has ever been invoked for a curse would be brought down on the people involved, and Heaven would not be enough to help them.


Next time folks, take out the lady who chats with gods first.


Void: Go to ground. He, and every other super he can convince to do so, would immediately scatter and drop out of sight until they can find who's responsible for this. This is time to use your Secret ID and all his resources, with the occasional reappearance in-costume to rough up people who are being stubborn.


Once the information is acquired, get in touch with everybody and let them know that it's time to take them down. Hard.


Outsider: Actually, fairly similar to Darkchild's response. You don't screw around with a being that's half-Qliphotic Lord. There's been something like the 'Champions Protocols' in place for him since his family knew he existed, and he's already trained rather hard to avoid having it put to practice while he was still something that could be considered sentient (for the record, blessed silver bullets to the back of the cranium), so he'll probably get out of this fairly unscathed.


After that... well, I already know what happens when he sees his friends getting killed. He gets a tad testy... and when he gets testy, he's prone to doing these silly little things like opening portals to the Qliphotic Realm and unleashing dark powers on the mortals foolish enough to tempt the wrath of the Thousand-and-First Childe of Shub-Niggurath.


Somehow, I doubt that the Champions Protocols include a category for dealing with that. Now, of course, the Armitage Protocols do, but that's what you get for stealing the wrong files. ;)

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


As an aside, I realize that a few of the characters don't know who they're turning their wrath on just yet. But at the same time, by the time these characters go on the warpath, they don't particularly care anymore. They find the first link in the chain, find out what the next one is, and leave the first link a twisted, life-or-mindless husk before moving up.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


It's fairly to easy to answer the question of what you'd if bad guys came after you and your fellows. Naturally everyone is going to try to track them down and chastise them for being naughty. The real issue nobody seems to have considered, yet is how their character would react to learning that their government has been making plans to kill them, plans which often involve penetrating secret identities to make them and then ...oops... somehow those plans fell into the hands of their enemy.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


If "their government" is meant to imply the government of the country where the heros are operating then "St Barbara' might want a word with the U S pesident urgently ! If it is the protocals that she KNOWS a former team member had then she would go and speak to "Warcry" and ask him to help her and the rest of "Team Zenith3" deal with the problem.

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Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


It's fairly to easy to answer the question of what you'd if bad guys came after you and your fellows. Naturally everyone is going to try to track them down and chastise them for being naughty. The real issue nobody seems to have considered' date=' yet is how their character would react to learning that their government has been making plans to kill them, plans which often involve penetrating secret identities to make them and then ...oops... somehow those plans fell into the hands of their enemy.[/quote']

This is true... but really, at this stage in the 'game,' taking out the people responsible is the bigger issue (y'know, the whole 'I'd rather not acquire a terminal case of the deads' issue.)


Afterwards, did the government develop and maintain these plans themselves, or did somebody else develop them and give the feds a backup copy in case they got taken out too soon (let's face it - if Supes took out Batman on principle when he went bad, then the Batman Protocols wouldn't have really helped, would they?)


Pretty much all of them (who didn't devastate a significant portion of the Earth in the process of handling Stage 1) would fall into 3 major schools of thought:


1: Not surprised in the least. Let's face it - it makes sense to have contingencies in place for what would happen if the people who can blow up Rhode Island single-handedly should decide they don't like you. Once you accept that, the fact that a data theft occurred and the info was taken isn't really all that surprising. It's vulnerable to that just like any other classified info is (this is why so many of them oppose a central mandatory registration program.)


It's time to get to training to overcome your Protocol, because the fact that they could develop one for you shows that there are glaring weaknesses in your abilities that may be possible to overcome. Void would fall squarely into this category, as would Outsider (though he'd point out that they should probably have worked a little bit harder on his, and give them some pointers.)


2: Slightly wounded, but probably a lot like #1 after that. Huntress and Darkchild (after she was done with her Queen of the Damned routine) would fall into this category.


3: Completely and irrationally p***ed off at the government, and make their displeasure known vocally. Oddly enough... I don't have any who'd really fall into this. Heck, even Scarface would be category one.


Well, okay, Flagburner, but he's in a continual state of completely and irrationally p***ed off at the government, so he doesn't really count, does he?


Granted, all of them would probably yell at whoever was in charge of the project, but that's a given. You yell at people who make collossal screw ups like this, and possibly suggest that their job should be given to somebody else. But as far as the large-scale sense of governmental betrayal... none of them are really so far out there that they'd feel it. At stated under 1, it makes sense to figure out what you're going to do if somebody who could be described as the next best thing since nuclear weapons decides they want to kill you.

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