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Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)

SSgt Baloo

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Okay, now that I have your attention...


I once was very familiar with the Hero Sytem (4th Ed.) At one time I actually had the rules memorized. Today...? Not any more.


Still, I'd like whichever of you are interested to participate in the following Christmas challenge: Write up one or more of the following:


  1. Santa Claus,
  2. his reindeer,
  3. the sleigh,
  4. Santa's elves,
  5. Santa's secret North-Pole base,
  6. Mrs. Claus,
  7. anything else you can think of that's appropriate (maybe Santa's got some enemies weve never heard of -- 'til now?)


I am looking forward to seeing your excellent Hero-Fu demonstrated.

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


There are (already) a couple of builds for Santa here' date=' and some very good discussion of alternate implementations here.


The one by GamePhil in the first thread you linked to was scrambled by a change to the discussion forum configuration. Allow me to reproduce it below:


Santa Claus

Alternate ID's: Saint Nicholas, Befana, Berchta, Sankt Nikolaus, Christkindl, St. A Claus


Player: NPC


Val** Char*** Cost

10** STR 0

10** DEX 0

10** CON 0

10** BODY 0

20** INT 10

20** EGO 20

25** PRE 15

10** COM 0


2** PD 0

2** ED 0

2** SPD 0

4** REC 0

20** END 0

20** STUN 0


6"** RUN 0

2"** SWIM 0

2"** LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 45


Cost** Power END

38** The Joy Of Giving: Major Transform 1d6 (milk & cookies into presents, decorated trees into decorated trees with gifts beneath, stockings hung by the chimney with care into stockings filled with small toys and candy, air into coal, and so on, healed back by another application of this or a similar power), Improved Result Group (any gift; +1/2), Area Of Effect (7" Radius; +1), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2) (86 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; Sleigh And Bag Of Toys; -1 1/4)* 9

78** He Sees You When You're Sleeping, He Knows When You're Awake: Clairsentience (Sight Group), 1,024 Perception Points, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 192" per Phase), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (157 Active Points); Only To Watch Out For Naughty And Nice Kids (-1)* 0

Powers Cost: 116



Cost** Skill

8** PS: Toymaker 18-*

8** KS: Children Of The World 18-*

Skills Cost: 16


Cost** Perk

3** Anonymity*

70** Follower*

75** Vehicles & Bases*

Perks Cost: 148


Cost** Talent

25** Universal Translator 18-*

Talents Cost: 25



Total Character Cost: 350


Val** Disadvantages

150** DNPC: The World's Children 8- (Incompetent; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x134,217,728 DNPCs)*


Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Background: Some information is found on Encarta:




There are many other sources.


Of course all of the writeups above are for Fifth Edition, but there's also Scott Heine's classic 4E adventure, "The Fright Before Christmas" from Adventurers Club #22, which gives a... unique writeup for Santa. In the adventure the Skull Pendant (from To Serve and Protect), which causes anyone who touches it to become obsessed with punishing what they see as wrong behavior, falls into the hands of Santa Claus. Knowing every child in the world who's been naughty, Santa is now driven to punish them, harshly.


"Dark Santa" forces his elves to build a powered-armor suit for him (and Scott's depiction of a "punk" Santa suit is frankly hilarious). The writeup of Santa's powers is also pretty neat, but without MegaScale some of his abilities were so expensive that Scott relegated them to the realm of "plot device."

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


There are (already) a couple of builds for Santa here' date=' and some very good discussion of alternate implementations here.


Very cool! I had pondered the possibility of using Duplication or Dimensional Travel to provide enough Santa Clauses to do the job in one night (really, several nights -- Christmas isn't Dec 25 for everybody).


Still, If you had Santa/Father Christmas/Father Winter in your campaign world, what would he look like?


And I'd really like to see a write-up for Bun-Bun. I had forgotten about the Bun-Bun/Santa enmity.

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


I'd use the Terry Pratchett approach and the rules from the Ultimate Speedster.


Make him the embodiment of the return of the sun after the solstice, and of life surviving even through winter. The king of the bean, whose life, death and rebirth ensures the turn of the seasons, cousin to the Wintersmith, the Summer Lady, Death, War, and the Soul Cake Tuesday Duck.


Power-wise, Enter the Speed Zone to the point that an entire year can pass for him in only three seconds, giving him time to do just about anything he feels like. Add on a bunch of skills, some elf and reindeer followers with lesser versions of Enter the Speed Zone, Universal Translator, and maybe a magic VPP.

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


[*] anything else you can think of that's appropriate (maybe Santa's got some enemies weve never heard of -- 'til now?)


I am looking forward to seeing your excellent Hero-Fu demonstrated.


I have heard of them.


L. Frank Baum has recorded Santa's encounter with the Daemons of Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, Malice, and Repentance, by his account the only living enemies of Santa Claus (he also tells of another set of enemies, the wicked Awgwas; but according to Baum these were all destroyed when they defied Ak, the world's Master Woodsman, one of the three great Masters of the world and the One who proposed to the Immortals that, Human though he was, Santa should be given the Mantle of Immortality.)


Unfortunately "A Kidnapped Santa Claus" (A sequel to "The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus") gives me very little to go on in writing up these creatures. This can only be considered very tentative.....






Val Char Cost

18 STR 8

20 DEX 30

13 CON 6

10 BOD 0

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

20 PRE 10

6 COM -2

5 PD 1

5 ED 2

4 SPD 10

7 REC 0

26 END 0

26 STUN 0

Total 80



Ability Description End Roll Real Cost

Immortal Daemon Regenerate 3 BOD (30) Regrow Limbs, Ressurrection (+25) Base: (55) Reduced END, Persistant (+1) Active: (110) Self Only (- ½) Extra Time: 1 hr (- 2 ½)

"’It is useless to pursue the Daemons,’ said Santa Claus to the army. ‘They have their place in the world, and can never be destroyed. But that is a great pity, nevertheless,’ he continued musingly.” 27

Immortal Daemon Life Support: Self contained breathing, immune to starvation, pressure, vacuum, radiation, heat, cold, disease, poison, age. 47

Can Tempt in all Tongues Universal Translator +3 15 23

Temptation PRE based Seduction type skill

"And there are others who resent your making children happy and who sneer at you and call you a foolish old rattlepate! You are quite right to hate such base slanderers, and you ought to be revenged upon them for their evil words." 15 7

Traps & Tricks Variable Power Pool (95)

Control Cost (47) No Skill (+1) = (95) Can only change between adventures, can only be used to fulfill Daemonic purposes (-1 )

“a rope shot through the moonlight and a big noose that was in the end of it settled over the arms and body of Santa Claus” 147

Caves of Daemons “A broad pathway leads up to the first cave, which is a finely arched cavern at the foot of the mountain, the entrance being beautifully carved and decorated. In it resides the Daemon of Selfishness. Back of this is another cavern inhabited by the Daemon of Envy. The cave of the Daemon of Hatred is next in order, and through this one passes to the home of the Daemon of Malice—situated in a dark and fearful cave in the very heart of the mountain. I do not know what lies beyond this. Some say there are terrible pitfalls leading to death and destruction, and this may very well be true. However, from each one of the four caves mentioned there is a small, narrow tunnel leading to the fifth cave—a cozy little room occupied by the Daemon of Repentance.” 20

Total 271




200+ Disadvantages

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

15 Psychological Limitation: Hates Santa Claus and His Ilk

"For Santa Claus distributes so many pretty Christmas gifts to all the children that they become happy and generous, through his example, and keep away from my cave."

20 Psychological Limitation: Selfish, Envious, Hateful, Malicious, or Repentant, according the nature of each Daemon

20 Psychological Limitation: Motivated to arouse their specified passions in mortals. (i.e. the Daemon of Selfishness wants to tempt mortals to be selfish, etc.)

15 Watched by Other Immortals 8- (More Powerful, Non Combat Influence, Daemon has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, only Watching)

"So Wisk the Fairy transported himself to the bower of the Fairy Queen, which was located deep in the heart of the Forest of Burzee; and once there, it did not take him long to find out all about the naughty Daemons and how they had kidnapped the good Santa Claus to prevent his making children happy."


Total Disadvantage Points: 90



Daemons of the Caves created by L. Frank Baum.

Hero System write-up created by


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


I'd use the Terry Pratchett approach and the rules from the Ultimate Speedster.


Make him the embodiment of the return of the sun after the solstice, and of life surviving even through winter. The king of the bean, whose life, death and rebirth ensures the turn of the seasons, cousin to the Wintersmith, the Summer Lady, Death, War, and the Soul Cake Tuesday Duck.


That's not Santa, but the Hogfather. He gives out sausages. Still, they do both seem to be in the gift-giving business...?


Power-wise, Enter the Speed Zone to the point that an entire year can pass for him in only three seconds, giving him time to do just about anything he feels like. Add on a bunch of skills, some elf and reindeer followers with lesser versions of Enter the Speed Zone, Universal Translator, and maybe a magic VPP.


Emphasis added. I've never heard of EtSZ -- please enlighten me?

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


That's not Santa' date=' but the Hogfather. He gives out sausages. Still, they [u']do[/u] both seem to be in the gift-giving business...?




Emphasis added. I've never heard of EtSZ -- please enlighten me?



Comes from one of the supplements for HERO. I want to say The Ultimate Speedster but someone else can verify. It is one I dont have in any case. :o

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


That's not Santa' date=' but the Hogfather. He gives out sausages. Still, they [u']do[/u] both seem to be in the gift-giving business...?


That's like saying "That's not Santa, that's Father Christmas"


Or "That's not Santa, that's Saint Nicholas."


In any case, I think the core of what Oddhat says applies to Santa Claus.


Lucius Alexander


The Palindromedary maintains that there ain't no Sanity Clause.

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Re: Santa Claus is coming (and man, is he ever pissed!)


I would like to nominate Ebenezzer Scrooge for the position' date=' then :angel:[/quote']


I'll add The Grinch and Silas Barnaby, but I don't think any of the three are *mortal* enemies of Santa. The Grinch and Scrooge were reformed, but Barnaby was exiled. He might still be out there, somewhere, in the Haunted Forest.



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