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Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


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What do you think is the most sick, vile, and revolting concept ever used to come up with a superhero or villain?


Most of the ones I know of come from the X-MEN, with the prize-winners being Maggot (ugh!) and that giant elephant-guy who killed people by swallowing them whole and alive and then dissolving them with his super stomach-acid. I forget, did they ever actually show him chowing down?

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


What do you think is the most sick, vile, and revolting concept ever used to come up with a superhero or villain?


Most of the ones I know of come from the X-MEN, with the prize-winners being Maggot (ugh!) and that giant elephant-guy who killed people by swallowing them whole and alive and then dissolving them with his super stomach-acid. I forget, did they ever actually show him chowing down?


The elephent guy is named Mamathmax, and I agree that it is a 'sick' power (he acualy sprays his acid from his mouth, by the way).


Af for Champions, I would have to say (from memory) a tie between Hideous (who, as far as I know, no longer exists), and The Monster. But I can think up more monsters from my mind. Like Blackhead (the zit ridden brick) and Vile (who is a walking drug factory who constently drips acid from his pores, and is constently high from his own powers).

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


May not count, since it was from a deliberately horror-based comic, but how about the Corinthian from Sandman: A nightmare loose in the waking world, a handsome athletic young man with toothed mouths instead of eyes who used to abduct boys, eat their eyeballs and kill them. At the very least.


Lovely creation of Mr Gaiman's, perfectly fitting the horror tone of his supernatural world.

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


For me: Spawn.


Well, Spawn is not exactly original a concept. The "Dead Guy Superhero" has been done with Deadman, Dead Girl (the mutant from X-Staticx, who come to think of it, is semi-grose in her own right), and The Spector. As for "powers from beyond", The Spector can get just as nasty as Spawn (Spawn has never turned a thug to wood, then cut him up with a buzzsaw. The Spector has never torchered a child molestor to death by plunging icecream scopers into his body).


As for 'normal' villains, I would have to say Billy Kincade.


Bluebeard from FABLES is also emi-sick, but that IS his nature.

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Hideous, Monster and the Corinthian don't seem to fit the "SuperHERO" concept from the title of the thread.


Just an observation,



But I would be happy to consider them "villains" which is the question in the original post.


Unless you consider someone who kidnaps, mutilates and kills young boys not to be villainous enough...?

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Well .. there's Savage Dragon's Backdraft' date=' who had explosive flatulence and then there's the whole cast of the comic Wanted.[/quote']

He's the first one I thought of. Then there's the guy who shoots raw sewage from his arms, also from Dragon I believe. Those are sick/gross.


Sick/creepy for me is the Man-Thing. He's just a little disturbing. When he is written--and drawn-- correctly, nobody's creepier than the Joker.

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Well, there's always "Vomir," French existentialist character who had the power to vomit nearly anything. It just had to be one ton or so or less. So, frex, he could vomit Volkswagens. Never wrote him up though.


Then there's Disgusting Man. All of his powers are, ahem, "emissions-based."

So, he spews lava diarheaa (sp?), stickly snot Entangles, acid bad breath...never finished the concept, but I think that's a good thing.

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Marvel's Terror Inc. - A sort of zombie-type who would take body parts from dead people (some of which he'd killed, some not) that would confer upon him their powers or abilities. He debuted at the height of the Iron Age, so that explains why he had his own ongoing for a little while.

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


It's easier to come up with nasty super*villains*, of course, but:


Penance (the ex-Speedball one) is pretty icky when it comes right down to it.


Garth Ennis' Section 8 is a whole team of creepy loonball "heroes", with Phlegm-Gem and Bueno Excelente being the standouts (and Dogwelder not far behind).

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


It's easier to come up with nasty super*villains*, of course, but:


Penance (the ex-Speedball one) is pretty icky when it comes right down to it.


Garth Ennis' Section 8 is a whole team of creepy loonball "heroes", with Phlegm-Gem and Bueno Excelente being the standouts (and Dogwelder not far behind).


Nothing personal, but I don't really consider anything that Ennis writes to be in the true superhero mold. He writes things like that to show his haughty disdain for the genre. I may be the only person who actively despises the Hitman series, but I do. I thought it had some mildly amusing moments, but overall I was underwhelmed.


I wonder what they're going to do with the new Penance character, though I can't say that I will be spending any money to find out. I think my Marvel habit is going to be down to The Ultimates and Daredevil (but only as long as Brubaker stays on the book).

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Lord, how could I forget the Asylum?! (Actually I think I blanked out the memory to preserve my sanity.) :doi:


Chris Avellone was so twisted with that book, he was brilliant. Or so brilliant he was twisted...


Along those lines, I have to give kudos to Allen Varney's horrific Lovecraft-inspired superfoes from Champions In 3-D, the Anopheles.

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Lord, how could I forget the Asylum?! (Actually I think I blanked out the memory to preserve my sanity.) :doi:


Chris Avellone was so twisted with that book, he was brilliant. Or so brilliant he was twisted...


Along those lines, I have to give kudos to Allen Varney's horrific Lovecraft-inspired superfoes from Champions In 3-D, the Anopheles.


Oh yeah, them. You know, I was never quite so deeply affected by that. I guess for two reasons: it's not all that Lovecraftian, really, and bugs don't squick me as much as most people. ;)

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Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


Captain Cadaver from The Elemental. Psychotic vampire with an endless list of fetishes and unending bloodlust. Tortured, mutiliate and ate his victims at the very least. At one point killed a pregnant woman but eating his way to her unborn child....

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