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Gestalt is Online


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Re: Gestalt is Online


Purchased it. Love it. Everybody get your copy.


I have been waiting for this for so long. Ever since I download the Gestalt files on the Red October BBS all those years age.


I was also pleasurely surprised to see my name in the thank you credits.:D Thank you for the nod, Scott.:hail:

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Re: Gestalt is Online


I'd really be interested in the "hard copy". :D


We have a few advance copies of the book that we'll be taking to GenCon with us. The printer will start the main production run next week and ship them to the warehouse, so my guess is that they'll be in stores in about three weeks.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


We have a few advance copies of the book that we'll be taking to GenCon with us. The printer will start the main production run next week and ship them to the warehouse' date=' so my guess is that they'll be in stores in about three weeks.[/quote']

Problem is my "local store" where I would even have the potential opportunity to purchase it is about 35 miles away (and I don't drive... long story)... so I would look to purchase online.


So, will it be available as a "hard copy" online?

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Re: Gestalt is Online


Oh this is good. Very good.

I agree, very interesting. :thumbup: But...


I've read the .pdf preview... very impressive.


By comparison, $49.95 for Gestalt: The Hero Within "print edition" seems a little steep, since it is basically the same price as HERO 5th revised ($49.99).


That price will keep many gamers away from Gestalt.


The .pdf of Gestalt: The Hero Within is $24.95, where as the cost for HERO 5th Revised is $35.00. The prices don't seem to match up.


Although I am really impressed with the preview, I'm probably going to pass on Gestalt: The Hero Within.


Considering the price comparison... it's for me just not a solid value. The "print edition" would be a great value at the $40-45 range, but at $49.95... I just can't justify the purchase.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


The price disparity between PDF and print reflects the costs for a small company (that is, smaller than Hero) at doing print jobs and distributing books in today’s market. If you can’t afford big print runs, it’s expensive. (Dammit).


Beyond that, it’s your choice, as always. Never argue with a consumer's wallet.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


I agree, very interesting. :thumbup: But...


I've read the .pdf preview... very impressive.


By comparison, $49.95 for Gestalt: The Hero Within "print edition" seems a little steep, since it is basically the same price as HERO 5th revised ($49.99).


That price will keep many gamers away from Gestalt.


The .pdf of Gestalt: The Hero Within is $24.95, where as the cost for HERO 5th Revised is $35.00. The prices don't seem to match up.


Although I am really impressed with the preview, I'm probably going to pass on Gestalt: The Hero Within.


Considering the price comparison... it's for me just not a solid value. The "print edition" would be a great value at the $40-45 range, but at $49.95... I just can't justify the purchase.

First, it's not really fair to look at DOJ's PDF pricing compared to most of the rest of the industry. Aside from Wizards of the Coast, most of the companies price their PDFs at half the price of the printed edition. DOJ has always believed in charging more for their PDFs.


Now as for the price of Gestalt, keep in mind that the printed book will be 400 pages. A lot of other gaming products these days seem to max out at around 256 pages. Green Ronin for example, has their Freedom City setting book on sale for $39.95, and it is only 256 pages. Gestalt is almost twice as big as anything else Blackwyrm has published before. Look at their other HERO System books and realize where the pricing structure is coming from. They are much smaller than DOJ or Green Ronin, also is a factor.


The bottom line is the cost of the printed Gestalt is well within the expected price range of such a product. However, if you can't afford it, get the PDF at least.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


Considering the price comparison... it's for me just not a solid value. The "print edition" would be a great value at the $40-45 range' date=' but at $49.95... I just can't justify the purchase.[/quote']

This is one of those things I just never understand. You're willing to pay $40.00-$45.00 for a book of that size but asking you to pay $49.95 is out of the question. For $5.00-$10.00 more then your "great value" price you're getting a book that you'll have in your collection for years. You're talking about unwillingness to purchase a book based on the price difference of a McDonalds lunch or a movie theater ticket. That never makes sense to me.


I don't know if the book will be available in OFGS but if it is then you might want to check out FRPGames.com. They'll be selling the book for around $40.00 with about $5.00 in shipping. That'll put it in your "great value" range.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


This is one of those things I just never understand. You're willing to pay $40.00-$45.00 for a book of that size but asking you to pay $49.95 is out of the question. For $5.00-$10.00 more then your "great value" price you're getting a book that you'll have in your collection for years. You're talking about unwillingness to purchase a book based on the price difference of a McDonalds lunch or a movie theater ticket. That never makes sense to me.


I don't know if the book will be available in OFGS but if it is then you might want to check out FRPGames.com. They'll be selling the book for around $40.00 with about $5.00 in shipping. That'll put it in your "great value" range.

That's because you don't understand the situation that I am in.


The problem is, that when you have a really tight budget, with very little "disposable income"... that little bit of price difference becomes a really chasm to cross. So I have to make some hard decisions.


I just recently purchased the Dark Champions Bundle from HERO... and I had to scrimp and save for 6 months to be able to do that one purchase.


So, I can spend the extra $10, and get Gestalt, or... I can put gas in the car.


I think I'll put gas in the car... since I won't be able to get to work otherwise, and then I really won't have any disposable $$$.


I won't buy from FRPGames.com, and I can't really discuss why, other than I cannot/won't purchase from them again.


So... I guess I have to really weigh the issue, and for now... that $10 is a really BIG issue. I don't buy .pdf books (I prefer the genuine "hard copy"), so that isn't really an option. It would cost more for me to have a printed copy using that avenue of media.


So, for now... that $10 difference is an insurmountable one.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


That's because you don't understand the situation that I am in.


The problem is, that when you have a really tight budget, with very little "disposable income"... that little bit of price difference becomes a really chasm to cross. So I have to make some hard decisions.


I just recently purchased the Dark Champions Bundle from HERO... and I had to scrimp and save for 6 months to be able to do that one purchase.


So, I can spend the extra $10, and get Gestalt, or... I can put gas in the car.


I think I'll put gas in the car... since I won't be able to get to work otherwise, and then I really won't have any disposable $$$.


I won't buy from FRPGames.com, and I can't really discuss why, other than I cannot/won't purchase from them again.


So... I guess I have to really weigh the issue, and for now... that $10 is a really BIG issue. I don't buy .pdf books (I prefer the genuine "hard copy"), so that isn't really an option. It would cost more for me to have a printed copy using that avenue of media.


So, for now... that $10 difference is an insurmountable one.

The fact that you can't afford the book has nothing to do with the price of the book; but your statement is coming off as if the book's over-priced for the market. There's a huge difference between "I can't afford it" and "it's over-priced." One statement is a reflection of you and the other statement is a reflection of the company.


For the size of the book and the size of the company the book is reasonably priced. No one at the company is trying to cheat anyone out of an extra $10.00 for the book. That's just what it costs to print in small runs. The fact that you want the book but can't afford it doesn't mean you should disparage the material [and that's what you did by criticizing the price and making statement about how poorly you think it will sell based on price] just because you can't get it. It's like saying that you want a Lexus but can't afford a Lexus so you go around telling people Lexus won't sell well because you can't afford it.


I'm sorry your financial situation doesn't allow you to buy the book. Perhaps that will change in the future; or you'll take advantage of some OFGS [there are more of them then just FRPGames]. Otherwise I'd suggest you buy the pdf. It's time for Hero players to come out of the "I hate pdfs" closet anyway. :)

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Re: Gestalt is Online


The fact that you can't afford the book has nothing to do with the price of the book; but your statement is coming off as if the book's over-priced for the market. There's a huge difference between "I can't afford it" and "it's over-priced." One statement is a reflection of you and the other statement is a reflection of the company.


For the size of the book and the size of the company the book is reasonably priced. No one at the company is trying to cheat anyone out of an extra $10.00 for the book. That's just what it costs to print in small runs. The fact that you want the book but can't afford it doesn't mean you should disparage the material [and that's what you did by criticizing the price and making statement about how poorly you think it will sell based on price] just because you can't get it. It's like saying that you want a Lexus but can't afford a Lexus so you go around telling people Lexus won't sell well because you can't afford it.


I'm sorry your financial situation doesn't allow you to buy the book. Perhaps that will change in the future; or you'll take advantage of some OFGS [there are more of them then just FRPGames]. Otherwise I'd suggest you buy the pdf. It's time for Hero players to come out of the "I hate pdfs" closet anyway. :)

Thank you. I had been think on how to respond. You have nail it.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


The fact that you want the book but can't afford it doesn't mean you should disparage the material [and that's what you did by criticizing the price and making statement about how poorly you think it will sell based on price] just because you can't get it.


I guess beauty must be in the eye of the beholder. I don't know him, never spoke or communicate with him in any way and it never crossed my mind to interpret what he said as "disparaging the material". It may be what you understood but not necessarily what he intended to convey.


Otherwise I'd suggest you buy the pdf. It's time for Hero players to come out of the "I hate pdfs" closet anyway. :)


Nope. I hate pdfs. I may at some point get used to tehm but all in all I never really succeeded in reading a PDF product I purchased so I don't buy them anymore. So I just hate them :)

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Re: Gestalt is Online


It's time for Hero players to come out of the "I hate pdfs" closet anyway. :)


I read game books for pleasure as much as for reference in game. I can't lose myself in a pdf the way I can in a traditional book, so I'll stay the way I am thank you very much. :)


I still buy PDFs of things that I can't get hardcopy, but then I just print them off anyway. :)

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Re: Gestalt is Online


I read game books for pleasure as much as for reference in game. I can't lose myself in a pdf the way I can in a traditional book, so I'll stay the way I am thank you very much. :)


I still buy PDFs of things that I can't get hardcopy, but then I just print them off anyway. :)


I'm with this (and r3p if I can give it you, LM). There's no "closet" for me to come out of -- if I were to properly enjoy a PDF, I would need a full size portable screen light enough & sturdy enough to take anywhere, that I could easily read PDFs on. Until I can do that, there's no point. They're good for immediate reference, but I take a great deal of pride in my shelves of texts.

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Re: Gestalt is Online


The price is comparable with other 400 page books at this time in the market.


THe color version costs 80 dollars, and it's well worth it. Even people who proofed it have to pay for it, so I took the PDF only.


It should be available on Lulu.Com in the next few weeks.

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