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The ol' name game


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I got wondering. There are several different threads that deals with naming this character or that race. Any search would allow one to find any given character that has ever been published in any entertainment method. However I got wondering what name mutants would be given in your game world. Of course there is the common ones like mutant (including all short versions), paranormal, metahuman, superhuman, Homo Superior, etc. I believe that anyone can come up with a name that would be unusual but still rememberable. The more unusual the better it would be. I am sure that the extremely creative minds in Herodom could come up with several.

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Re: The ol' name game


There was a time the word "Meta" popped up all over for "Mutant."


Byrne used Next Men, Marvel used X-Men, I've seen 'Evolved', think 'GMO' would be cute, have seen 'Beta' (successor), think 'Successor' would work, like 'Freak', not fond of Marvel's coining of 'Gene Joke' (sounds wrong, dunno why).


Changelings, Fae, Touched, Teched, Fetches, Childer, Atomics, Novas, Abnos, Abners, Zoids, Sideshows, Geeks, Enders (as in Dead End), Bents, Misfits, Chimerae, Accidents...

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Re: The ol' name game


Tried calling them Bob. Nobody got the joke, tried 'Were's', nobody got that one either.


Use the term Aberrant / Aberations in my current game. I was in a game once where the mutants were all referred to as 'Steppers'. The GM had a faked up news article where, if normal DNA was a spiral ladder, mutant DNA was a 'Step ladder'.

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Re: The ol' name game


Hypers, Ultras, Megas, Tricks, Powers, Avatars, Jumpstarts, Shortcuts, Luckies, Ringers, Deviates, Genies, Frontliners, Neos, Specials, or Zorros.


Genie + gene-ey = Genie, get it? Frontliners refers to both being on the front line and moving to the front of the line through no merit of their own.

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