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OK, I see a lot of people mention Tyrannon, and how much cooler he is than Istvatha V'Han - and since she's pretty cool imho, he must be one bad mutha, so to speak. All I know about him is that he's from an older edition book, has uber-cosmic-mystic powers, and conquers dimensions - sort of like the Dread Dormammu, in fact. I'd kind of like for anone who really knows anything about him to post it on this board - I'm sure you'd be doing noobs like me a great favor.

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OK,here's a brief synopsis of Tyrannon,The Tyrant Of A Thousand Forms..

He's described in Mystic Masters (the 4th Edition sourcebook with the Bill Willingham cover).Essentially he has conquered his home dimension and has now set his sights on Earth.

As you've realised he's very powerful,but most of that power is spent on the Duplication power,and he is dependent on the light of the Kae Linn (imprisoned sun goddesses with healing powers) to maintain his many forms.

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While copyright considerations prevent me from going into too much detail about Tyrannon on this public forum :(, I'll try to summarize some of what makes him cool. Note that these descriptions and power levels are based on his 4E writeup in the fine Mystic Masters book, hence may be changed for any future 5E update:


Tyrannon is a vastly powerful mystical entity who rules his own alien dimension, Thulkos. His personal power is augmented by the worship of his subjects. He is obsessed with conquering other dimensions and adding them to his domain. In these ways he is indeed very much like Dormammu, but in most other ways his concept is very different and original.


As the "Tyrant of a Thousand Forms," Tyrannon normally exists as many separate beings who share the same consciousness (their minds are all Linked together). The most powerful of these are the eight Thrones, each one rivalling the power of a mega-villain like Dr. Destroyer. Each Throne appears to be a different creature or substance: humanoid, reptilian, avian, plant, mineral, and others. Every Throne is directly Mind Linked to ten Avatars who resemble their Throne; one Avatar would be a good match for a whole team of standard superheroes. An Avatar is in turn linked to ten Emissaries, equivalent to low-level supers. Thus Tyrannon's 888 forms make up an entire organization by himself, able to personally supervise vast areas of his conquered territories.


Tyrannon can combine his many forms into one entity with enough power to warp immense volumes of space itself; he uses this power to absorb conquered dimensions into his own, essentially transforming them into extensions of Thulkos. He can only do this with dimensions where he has a sufficient number of subjects/ worshippers, though. (This ability was never written up in game mechanic terms, instead being treated as a plot device.) Tyrannon has other Physical and Psychological Limitations that prevent him from just waltzing onto a new world and taking it over. Clever heroes could exploit these flaws to thwart him, at least temporarily - Tyrannon "collectively" is intended to be virtually unbeatable by force alone.

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Re: Tyrannon


Originally posted by Broblawsky

OK, I see a lot of people mention Tyrannon, and how much cooler he is than Istvatha V'Han -


Well, I wouldn't go that far, but I suspect that he's part of the reason behind the changed cost structure of Duplication.


I rather liked him, he has a Dr. Strange villain flavor. Something like vanilla with an overtone of oak.

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Originally posted by VictorVonDoom

Is it not a EYE TYRANT from D&D or alike? (or Beholder)

Tyrannon is just a word, taken from the base "Tyrant" and the time-held tradition of sticking "on" at the tail end of words to name world threatening villains.


Like Mechanon (Mechanical + on), Ultron (Ultra + on), and Celine Dion (Die + On).



Its just part of the extreme mutability inherent to the English language -- you can create whole new words even by accident sometimes.

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

She keeps getting beaten back by the supers IIRC. Which begs the question, why didnt she take over during Terran Empire then when all the supers are gone?


I figure turning off the magic shut the doors that kept having folks wander into our dimension. That, or turning off the magic made them lose interest. Heck, maybe both.

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Guest zarglif69

During the Terran Empire, magic was (will be) at a low point. It has been specifically stated that V'Han is attracted to Earth because of the large amounts of magic. Then, during the "Galactic Champions' age, all the Supers are Cosmic, so they might have a fat chance of beating her, once and for all. guess she's done with Earth.

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  • 7 months later...



Originally Posted by Captain Obvious:

And thus was born Hiccupon, Earth's most feared villain.


Originally Posted by rayoman:

Don't forget Hiccupon's faithful sidekick, Peon (Pee + on).


Hah! Mere harbingers and forerunners of that most fearsome of villains - FLATULON THE GASEOUS!!!!!


His powers include "Startle Housepets", "Rattle Windows", and "Clear Gameroom". Like Tyrannon, he also has an unfortunate tendency towards Duplication, often showing up multiple times during the same game session.


Few are the gaming groups who have never encountered this foul villain, even if they've never played a superhero-genre game in their lives...




(on a more serious note - really looking forward to both The Mystic World and The Ultimate Mystic. It'll be nice to see the Big T written up for 5th, and the Vandaleurs always had an interesting Amberite/Howard Families vibe to them. Perhaps we'll see some of their new Silvestri rivals, too...)

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