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WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas

The Watcher

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So, assuming your characters celebrate the holiday, what are they getting each of your teammates, support staff, and DNPC's for Christmas?


And how are they going about getting those gifts? Braving the mall? Online shopping? Making them themselves? Trips to outer space or other dimensions? Or did you just regift the stuff you found in that Viper Base you took down? :)

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Tao: Assuming she received “Secret Santa” orders, she’d give money. This gift giving thing isn’t something she understands and currency will allow them to requisition what they want. It seems to be the only logical assumption. The exception being Eastern Knight, if she has to gift Addy she’ll just get her something edible. She always seems to want that.


Ivy: Her team mates will get lovingly crafted living works of art, suited to their personality and mood. Her children will get the typical toys and a state of the art game console along with a collection of classic fantasy novels for her son and DVDs of the Harry Potter movies for her little girl. .


Shidoku: No friends she’d been into exchanging gift with, but her she’s considering giving her gear head Otaku contact a “gift” so to speak. It involves a sailor suit, a video camera and handcuffs. Kinky but he’s been a good boy and it’s minimal shopping.


Eve: Ms Samara will get DVDs of all the Jackie Chan films, Batgirl some classic comics Eve got from EB, Her daddy a collection of German operas, “Tiny” the team brick an new guitar, Olympiad a new set of workout equipment, Agent X some good comedies so maybe he won’t be so sad and grumpy all the time and Hell’s Angel a trip to a nice spa. She’ll do most of her shopping online of course.


Velocity: Doesn’t have a team proper just yet but her Mom gets a KD Lang and Enya CDs and her dad a subscription for a few new tech journals that have come out. She’ll get the final Ranma ½ mangas for her BFF Angie.


Valkeyrie: A book on rare flowers for Asp. She’s not very familiar with Adamantine but will get her gift certificate for a store she frequents. She’d try to acquire some classic Dr Who episodes for Torchwood For Phantom DVDs of The Nightmare before Christmas, Beetlejuice and The Corpse Bride, it fits her playfully morbid sense of humor. Mr. Tesla would get tickets to his favorite Broadway show. There would be two. She wouldn’t let herself acknowledge that she desperately wants him to invite her. 

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Crown Princess Cyrande doesn't celebrate the holiday, but if invited to participate would make her gifts herself, including new outfits for Starguard and Microman, likely jeweled boxes for Warp and the Warmaster, and something...special, for Horus.


Artemis doesn't celebrate(living thousands of years before Christ), but for Solstice she just likes to spend time with her friends, and may give Hermes and Quetz some stone carvings she's done.



Nox celebrates the holiday, and for her current team, well... Daedalus would likely get some of the newest manga that she thinks he might like, and she'd ask one of her tech friends for advice on a gift for him. Striker would likely get a metal bracelet, that holds a spell for one night of fully peaceful dreams, and Exemplar would get a plant from her garden that she raised herself.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Jake the Troll - if he found it on one of his jaunts into the Other, he'd get his best friend the boxed set of Seasons 1-3 of Firefly. (The fourth season kinda sucked.) Other than that, he usually makes stuff, because he's really freakishly good at it.


Icon - Probably got her dad a tie or something; nothing for her mom. She'd feel a bit uncomfortable buying stuff for her teammates, as they don't really know each other THAT well. Probably get a Dino the Dinosaur cup for Danny (Dino Lad), who she's known the longest. Her friend Ami would get a CD collection, though.


Shinji Miromoto - nothing, really; he really disliked the Japanese version of Christmas, and thus cut himself off from it. Which is probably counterproductive in terms of dealing with it healthily, but there y'go...


Widower - doesn't have teammates. yet...

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Aquatic: Would have to think on what to get everyone.

Meghan- Might get massage oils... and he'd offer to rub them into her :)

Areoforce and Mimic- He'd try for concert tickets for the couple, if he could find out what they liked.

Nemesis- A gift certificate with an apology that he didn't know her well enough to purchase.

Archer- Something for his daughter, of course.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Gwen would make everyone cutesy stuff (tailored to the person in her mind) that no one could really use.


Tamlyn would have an expensive leather coat made up and tailored for the lizard. She would put up a thousand dollar account at the local electronics store for the sidekick. She would gift the witch of a complete set of herbs and hard to get magical liquids. The leader would get a book on "leadership and you".

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Georgette Batroc would give her female teammates really expensive and beautiful jewelry* and fashionable clothing, because they all obviously need a little more glamor in their lives. Knowing her teammates, though, the gifts would be completely inappropriate. Electron is a homebody who doesn't like to go out or call attention to herself, Stilt-Girl is kinda a gear-head and a tomboy, Doom might appreciate the gift but she owns her own friggin' country (and is rather socially inept, besides). She'd give Journeyman a gadget or gizmo that she "found" somewhere and let him take it apart/play with it/figure it out.


The question is... does Batroc have a reciept for those pretty shineys? :snicker:

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Volt What do you get a 747 year old mage from another dimension? Most of his teammates would get a book the he thought was appropriate. If Olorin had not read them yet, he'd get him a copy of Shakespeare's plays. If he had, he'd get him several tickets to Shakespearian plays; esp Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Midsummer Nights Dream, Macbeth and the Tempest.


Olorin would love the idea. Anybody that liked medieval stuff would get a non-magical sword that he made himself. (they are pretty good, but not the best around.) Almost anything would probably be homemade. Stage magic props (from a real mage; kinda ironic) for some and things like a magic flashlight that never needs batteries.


Black Tiger bah, humbug. Maybe small knives. (weapons, not kitchen implements)


Futurian - small techno gizmos.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Bombardier Beetle: Little hologram display units showing Frosty, Santa, Rudolf etc.

(He does this themed stuff every year, for every holiday. Somewhere there is a bloody basement full of this rubbish.)


Utax: Blood! Blood from ones foes vanquished in glorious combat! Thier heads mounted on golden spikes! Thier screaming wives and bloodied children yoked to my horse, thier tents burnt to the ground and their herds added to mine! But that was the good old days... I don't know... maybe a gift voucher?


Crimson King: These great little crystals that, like reflect and refract light man. I mean, wow! You know? They're awesome!


Icestorm: A pint of Ben & Jerry's, Haggen Daaz or the local ice cream suppliers finest Bannana ice cream. (So, you're on a diet eh? Oh well, more for me...)

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Gaze: Many of Gaze's friends seem to have retired or moved away...

Jazz- A hot tub, if he can afford it, she works her butt off

Facet- A collection of John Wayne movies on DVD

Lady Eldritch - Tickets to his show ;)

Blink- A hair trimming set with a good warranty

Ingot- Perhaps tickets to his favorite sporting event

Carapace- Kitchen Knives for his wife and he

Maelstrom- A CD of Dean's best hits.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Tohru Shinozu: Of course, seeing as how he has developed a new softer side, he'd get Rui a silk kimono and Rui would model it for him, lol Anyone else? Yeah, he'd give 'em all a big bang on his way out the door.



Addy (Eastern Knight): She would have ulterior motives for giving her gifts, once someone reminded her that it was Christmas. She'd give Polaris a new bar-b-que pit! lol She'd give Major Victory a big fluffy pillow of Domo, lol. Just for kicks she'd give Tao one of those t-shirts that say Stay Back, I've Got PMS, lol.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Tohru Shinozu: Of course, seeing as how he has developed a new softer side, he'd get Rui a silk kimono and Rui would model it for him, lol Anyone else? Yeah, he'd give 'em all a big bang on his way out the door.



Addy (Eastern Knight): She would have ulterior motives for giving her gifts, once someone reminded her that it was Christmas. She'd give Polaris a new bar-b-que pit! lol She'd give Major Victory a big fluffy pillow of Domo, lol. Just for kicks she'd give Tao one of those t-shirts that say Stay Back, I've Got PMS, lol.



Well, of course, for Stat, Addy would get her a gift certificate to one of those stores that would actually make clothes to fit her...luscious endowments. Then Bushi would smack Addy for it! lol

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Addy (Eastern Knight): She would have ulterior motives for giving her gifts, once someone reminded her that it was Christmas. She'd give Polaris a new bar-b-que pit! lol She'd give Major Victory a big fluffy pillow of Domo, lol. Just for kicks she'd give Tao one of those t-shirts that say Stay Back, I've Got PMS, lol.


I'm everyone else would be willing to let her explain to Tao what PMS is too. :D

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Morningstar is going Christmas shopping! Here's what she's getting for her teammates:


Blindside - A really nice fountain pen with which to write poetry, and a hand-stitched journal in which to write it.


Deadboy - A black leather duster—with a copy of Dickens' A Christmas Carol tucked in one pocket.


Defender II - A Fathead™ life-sized poster of his idol, the original Defender.


Jeopardy - A day at a local spa—manicure, pedicure, facial, Swedish massage, the works.


Terminal Velocity - The best sauté pan she can lay her hands on, or maybe a full set of chef's knives.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Devilfire: (Human half) Greg will probably order Rhea some new lingerie from VS online, buy his kid brother an iPod, and get himself that plasma screen he's been wanting. (Demon half) This is the time of year when the Devilfire demon retreats into deepest, darkest part of Greg's subconscous mind, sticks his fingers in his ears, and hums until about mid-January.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Soulbarb doesn't really have any teammates... at least not in her current continuity.


Sylph does, kinda... if the New Pantheon can really be called a team. (They're a bit too disorganized and more of a non-team team.) She's thoughtful enough that she probably would want to come up with something, and would likely wind up growing some kind of decorative crafts out of wood for them, not really knowing what any of them would like.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


Hmm... hitting some of the highlights:


What Void would get:


Darkchild: A collection of high-end religious icons, preferably antique. Gal's got enough different gods to keep happy, she ought to do so with nice things.


Heatwave: Some nice lingerie for Darkchild... and the finalized papers for his emancipation from the wastes of flesh he called parents.


Huntress: Rehab. :help:


Himself: A visit down to the psi-shielded prison cell they keep his ex in during the stretches she's in custody. Painful, but he keeps hoping one of these days she'll improve.


What Outsider would get:


Sparky: The nice thing about dogs, even super-powered ones, is that they're easy to please. Bacon-wrapped scallops would put him in seventh heaven, so that's the easy way to go.


Galaxy Girl: As soon as he got a look at her wishlist, he'd quietly close the websites he could pick the stuff up from and make a mental note to talk to the school counselor. :P


Bombshell: Something nice, silky, lacy, but not too racy, to wear.


Jerry: See above. ;)


Charger: What do you get a jock for Christmas? Probably something that'd get Bombshell seriously ticked off at him....


Razor: He might just offer to give her a few minutes to talk to her sister again... and then pony up for the therapy she'd need shortly afterwards. :help:


Himself: A nice copy of an original Weird Stories, perhaps the ones featuring At the Mountains of Madness... not The Dunwich Horror though. He's got enough problems with that story as it is.

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Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas


wow, it's been a while for me


Ashley (the bad boy of the group) hasn't really celebrated Christmas before, so the true meaning would be lost. It wouldn't stop him from trying though, in his 'unique' way:


"Wow, that punk I just took down has an iPod! I'm sure Phydippus would love one of those! Whelp, the punk can't use it in prison. Yoink!".

"You wanted me to get a Christmas tree, so I got you a timber log with glitter. Why are you so pissed?"

"Hey Nightfox. In the spirit of the holidays, I won't remind you how Foxbat beat you singlehandedly and then procceded to impersonate you in a hero party. Oh wait, your name is Nighthawk right?"


Alagara, on the other hand, would have been accustomed to modern traditions enough to get meaningful, fey gifts (potions, flowers, etc) each with a deep meaning, for those she knows personally.

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