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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's a character pic from the Cosmic Centurions thread that I recently redid in

F2011 format -- and upgraded his firepower, to boot.


Presenting the redone Dyrakk, the Positronic Man:








This is the new "Strike Armor" configuration, which adds wings for improved stability

in atmospheric flight, as well as wingtip-mounted air-to-air missiles for use against

targets beyond the range of his innate energy-projection powers. The missiles them-

selves can carry an antimatter payload, and are charged using Dyrakk's own power.

In a combat situation, the missiles remain uncharged until a short time before firing,

in order to prevent accidental detonation (it wouldn't do for an enemy to get off a

lucky shot that hits and sets off a missile while it's still attached to its launch rail now,

would it [:sneaky:]?).


The amount of antimatter that can be loaded into each warhead is limited; neverthe-

less, these weapons are extremely powerful for their size, and their yield can be ad-

justed simply by regulating the amount of antimatter inserted into the warhead. At

their minimum power, each warhead has an explosive yield of 5 kilotons (half that of

the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs), while their maximum yield is 100 kilotons each.

Because of the destructive power represented by these missiles -- of which there are

four, arranged in an over-and-under pattern on the wingtip hardpoints -- they are

restricted to extra-atmospheric use only.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Couldn't decide which would be best....













Gypsum Centurion


If you want them to be able to ride in a car or other vehicle, I would suggest one of the bipedal versions. If you go with a centauroid, might I suggest the wings be lowered to his equine back rather than attached to his human torso? That way his wings are closer to his CG.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


A bunch of characters I decided to come up with for another possibly-stillborn campaign setting, with analogues of Superman and Batman, as well as a few others. Some of the origins are kind of sparsely-worded, but I had more inspiration for some than others. Any suggested origin stories will be entertained for TMS (the Mighty Sampson) and Nightstalker, as well as any suggested heroes for further development. As you can probably tell, I had the most fun with Mighty Mouse's origin, especially since I kept tinkering with it, at least twice discarding everything and starting over. I like those best, because I don't know how it'll turn out until it's done.





The Mighty Sampson


Orphaned infant from another world, the Mighty Sampson was raised by Ma and Pa Clark on their farm in Minnesota. Think Superman with






Feline Fury


Dawna Principe, Archeologist, was exploring Egyptian ruins when she discovered the legendary Amulet of Bast, rumored to be the source of incredible power. While still at the dig, she was captured by Nazi agents seeking mystical artifacts for Der Führer. Little realizing that Dawna already had secreted the artifact on her person, the Nazis tore up her camp and then began digging the site, leaving her guarded but unbound. Where could she run that they could not find her?


Unexpectedly, she felt herself compelled to don the amulet. In that instant, Dawna was transformed into a powerful, cat-like being with incredible reflexes. She could hear a disembodied voice telling her to "drive off the ones who would defile Bast's temple!" and, to her amazement, she did! The Spirit of Bast granted Feline Fury the power of the amulet so long as she continues to use it's power for good.




Night Stalker

A flying, night-vision-equipped Golden-Age Batman analogue.




Mighty Mouse

Marty "Mouse" Miller was a high-school student of fairly small stature. In his junior year of High School, he was approached by a white-bearded old man who offered him a program of diet, exercise, and meditation which, he assured the lad, would grant him physical prowess, mystical power and, according to the man, "Stature of an immeasurable sort" which kind of sounded like a guarantee of added height to Marty.


Marty began the regimen with high hopes, but after several weeks, he had just about given up hope. Sure, he had grown stronger and more fit, and was even getting better grades than he ever had before, but he was still only 4'8" tall. That night he meditated longer than he ever had before, and fell into a trance. While in the trance, he had a vision of how even a mouse was terrifically strong for its size, which changed into a dream about Mickey Mouse as a superhero. When he awoke, he dismissed the previous night's vision as a dream, but was surprised to discover that the subject of school gossip was the origin of a new hero, the adventures of which sounded much like his dream. Marty continued to have mouse dreams for several weeks, each one seeming to play out the adventures of he new hero. This continued until one dream he heard a voice cry: "You can't continue doing this in your sleep! AWAKE!" Marty immediately became conscious that he was the heroic mouse-being the papers had described, and that he was in a burning apartment building! Before him stood the white-bearded man, who explained "You can do it yourself now; I am done here but you are not! Listen and you will find them!" Upon which pronouncement, he vanished.


Now that he was awake, Marty realized he was a 2-foot (~½ meter) humanoid mouse covered in fine fur, tail-and-everything, wearing some sort of athletic outfit with a cape Remembering what the man had said, Marty listened carefully. Over the roar of the flames, he could hear children crying, still inside the burning building! He rushed to the rescue, amazed that not only could he fly, but his small size made it easy to thread his way through the collapsing building towards the children. When he reached them, one of them asked "Who are you?" Without thinking, he started to reply "Marty M..." and then caught himself. Supers were supposed to have secret identities, right? He punched a hole through the wall so the children could escape. He then went to the rooftop water tank and pulled it loose, pouring the water into the building, extinguishing the flames.


After leaving the scene, marty meditated some more until he discovered how to transform back into a human. The next day, the big news was that the new superhero told some kids his name last night, and it was going to be printed in the evening edition! Marty sweated bullets the rest of the day. Had be been recognized somehow? Did he stop giving his name before the kid heard enough to rat him out or not? That evening, Marty was relieved that the kids had mis-heard, and reported his name as "Mighty Mouse".


That will work, thought Marty!



Cow Girl

Fiorella Figaro was born a big baby with a happy disposition. This happy disposition didn't change when, at the age of 12, she began growing hair, horns, hooves and a tail, and ultimately topped out at 12 feet tall, looking something like a minotaur. At 16, she tried to join the Justice Society, but was black-balled for her outlandish appearance. Cow-Girl has adapted to her condition better than anyone expected. She is now as well-known for her incongruously high-pitched little-girl voice and sweet disposition as she is for her prodigious strength and outlandish appearance. In an effort to appear more feminine, Cow Girl wears her hair in pigtails, paints her horns, fingernails and hooves with pink nail polish, and usually has a pink bow tied to her tail.

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