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Mr. Fantastic

SSgt Baloo

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Let's face it: Most of the Fantastic Four are pretty easy to figure out.


Sue Storm/Richards: Invisibility, Force Field elemental control with force wall, telekinesis and (mostly) invisible effects.


Ben Grimm: Strength, Pre, possibly a dash of density increase, and some armor.


Johnny Storm: Flame-themed elemental control with EB, RKA, force field and the like, with Psyche Lim: Egotistical.


Mr. Fantastic? Well, he can stretch. A lot. He also seems to have extra strength when stretching (as in the movie where he kept that big ferris wheel from falling over... at least for a little while. He can reach out and grab people. Yeah, he's smart. He builds Deus Ex Machinae as a pastime. I'm not sure what all he can do apart from that.


So... How would you build him?


Anyone interested post one or more versions of Mr. F.


My suggested power levels:


  1. Unlimited class: use as many points as you need to get him just the way you think he is.
  2. Powerful PC level: 400-500 points including 100 points (more-or-less) of disadvantages.
  3. Starting Character: 300 points including 100 points of disads.
  4. Starting Character on a budget: 250 points including 100 points of disads.

Thanks in advance! I eagerly await your responses.

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Re: Mr. Fantastic


I don't know about building a character, but Mr Fantastic can easily get all of the stretching powers from the Ultimate database either in a multipower or power pool, an int of 50, all known sciences, piloting, wealth, contacts and favors.


DIsads would be reputation: Genius, code versus killing, Hunted Dr. Doom, public identity, famous maybe, watched by the government, Hunted by Skrulls.


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Re: Mr. Fantastic


Mr Fantastic can easily get all...


At the other end of the scale, he can be represented by a character who hasn't yet gotten all this stuff.


The simplest and cheapest version would be the FF#1 version. The biggest problem there would be those abilities he exhibited a few issues later, which couldn't plausibly be explained as "bought with experience".


Unfortunately, I don't have reprints of the relevant issues, so I can't be more detailed. My impression, though, is that he mightn't have been quite so much of a gadgeteer and super-ultra-genius as he was portrayed later, and was instead more of a standard stretching character who happened to also be a scientist.

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Re: Mr. Fantastic


I have seen multiple stories by multiple writers where he became taffy-esque upon being rendered forcibly unconscious though. Maybe that should be modeled as a Side Effect of the stretching EC or Multipower?


From the descrt5iption, I'd think most GMs would just lable that "Special Effects" and not worry about it.

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Re: Mr. Fantastic


I have seen multiple stories by multiple writers where he became taffy-esque upon being rendered forcibly unconscious though. Maybe that should be modeled as a Side Effect of the stretching EC or Multipower?

The only time I've seen it is when he was knocked out while stretching.

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Re: Mr. Fantastic


How about some damage resistance 75% Vs. physical? the rubber man effect protects him some. Example; in FF Vs X-men the thing grabbed Reed by suprise and threw him against a wall, pancakeing him.

Give him Disadvantage "Intellectualy arrogant" or "thinks he's the smartest person in the world"

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Re: Mr. Fantastic


Lots of good advice thus far. What about the movie version? In one scene in the second movie I saw him holding up that big ferris wheel along the Thames in London. Is that extra strength, an entangle or something else? Certainly he never punches anyone with that kind of strength?

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Re: Mr. Fantastic


Lots of good advice thus far. What about the movie version? In one scene in the second movie I saw him holding up that big ferris wheel along the Thames in London. Is that extra strength' date=' an entangle or something else? Certainly he never punches anyone with that kind of strength?[/quote']


I covered this with Stretch Armstrong by a combination of Limited STR (his base STR is 25), Clinging and Martial Grab.


Martial Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 45 STR for holding on


Rubber Grip: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)


Rubber Wrap: (Total: 36 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) +20 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); (Only For Holding On With Grabs; -1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (Real Cost: 12) plus Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) for up to 25 Active Points of STR (6 Active Points); (Only For Holding On With Grabs; -1) (Real Cost: 3)

Notes: This can be combined with Martial Grab or Sacrifice Disarm for a total of 65 STR for holding on and makes it easier to do so via Reduced END on his normal 25 STR.


Just like the scene in the FF movie this character could keep the ferris wheel from falling further but did not have the ability to pull it back to vertical.

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