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New team on the evening news


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The situation is from a Play-by-Post M&M game that lasted 1 adventure, in the Freedom City setting. My character was the one speaking. Substitute references to FC specific items to ones appropriate to your game.


At some point during your day to catch a news report.


"Good Afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, Honored Delegates, and Citizens of the World.


Today, on the fourth anniversary of the Grue Invasion I have come to tell you of the founding of a new team of heroes. But first, a little background.


The world today is beset by myriad threats. These range from the crimes that have plagued humankind for all of recorded history, to the comparatively recent advent of the super powered criminal, and culminating with extra-terrestrial threats such as the alien Grue Unity and the nihilistic forces of Omega, lord of the Terminus.


In the face of such threats, It speaks well of the human spirit that so many use their gifts to defend the innocent. Young people like Sonic and Streetmonky who focus on their home neighborhoods. Others, such The Rooftop Society of Neon City or the New South Wales Defenders take still larger areas under their aegis. Beyond these, are teams such as the Northern Lights or Tiger Squad who are dedicated to an entire country or collection of countries. And of course there is the Freedom League. Defenders of Freedom City, the World, and at times beyond.


Finally we must not forget the police, firefighters, and medical personal who, despite lacking any form of super powers or hyper technology still work day after day to keep people safe. It is on the shoulders of these worthy souls that the we can do so much. Without their daily sacrifices, the work of the super heroes of the would be as drops of rain in the face of a sea of troubles.


Each individual and group stands for somewhere and something different. Each acts as they feel best suits their skills and temperament. Each is worthy of great praise and I salute them all.


Following the proud examples set by those that came before, we have chosen to do our part to preserve the life and well being of the peoples of Earth.


We call ourselves the Protectors. We are united in our belief that all people are one, and that national boundaries or racial differences are meaningless in the face of the threats facing the people of the world.


We are a group without allegiance to any nation-state or power bloc. We are not beholden to police, to governments, or to borders. We are free to act in the best interests of the world, without dealing with the bureaucracy that ties the hands of other worthy groups, such as the Freedom League and UNISON.


We have no interest in combating common crime, nor forcing our views on people. We will not interfere in the internal affairs of nations, save for the most heinous of atrocities such as the Holocaust of the 1940's. Local problems, we feel, are best left to those with a local perspective, who will be sensitive to hidden tensions an outsider would be blind to.


Instead we focus on the larger picture, on global threats. Alien invasions, trans-dimensional evils, extinction level disasters. These are what we shall concern ourselves with. When these do not threaten, we will act in an humanitarian role, helping those who have lost everything to rebuild.


Some will, no doubt, harbor suspicions about are motives and our methods. I can say little other then this - Judge us by our actions and the fruits of our labours. You will not be disappointed.


The Protectors welcome cooperation with the nations and super teams of Earth. United, we can do far more then any of us can do alone. However, we reserve our right to act as we feel best serves the interests of the people of Earth.


It is time to help those in need, where ever they might be.


Thank you."




NBS Correspondent Kate Caldwell: "This was the scene today, as a superhero calling himself Journey called a press conference to declare the creation of the Protectors, a new super-team, and then stepped into what appeared to be a sort of teleportational gateway and vanished without taking questions. His announcement has drawn sharp criticism from some quarters for what Senator Jerome Blackwell described as 'a disturbingly unilateral disregard for human law.'"


"Captain Thunder of the Freedom League declined to comment..."




How does/do your character(s) react?

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Re: New team on the evening news


Dolphin will shrug and get back to work.


Millennium will see if they are recruting. Sounds good if they are sincere, being on the inside is the best place to find out if they are not.


Snow Leopard will wonder why they didn't mention any more recient genocides.


Iron Will feels they are making a major tactical error, investigating common crimes can lead to uncovering bigger crimes. If they have a contact, he will send them a copy of The Cuckoo's Egg, a book that tells how the investigation of a 75 cent accounting discrepency lead to busting an espionage plot. Other than that. he'll watch and wait.


Cheeta won't care. If they are sincere, good, If not, he'll be in on the assault when they show their true colors.

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Re: New team on the evening news


Vixen doesn't watch the news.


War Wolf would be suspicious, in one of those 'can't put my finger on it' kind of ways. A certain degree of secrecy is expected in the supers business, but there can be too much of it. The bit about doing whatever they feel necessary to act in the interest of the human race can be taken too many ways.

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Re: New team on the evening news


Politically, that whole announcement yo-yos between pure vanilla blandness and sheer unmitigated arrogance. That's... not a good combination, in my experience.


Any of my characters who had the capability would investigate these guys to the fullest. Maybe even volunteer to 'join' the team for a closer evaluation. If they really are in it to protect the whole world, then there is no problem.


But I think they're up to something.

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Re: New team on the evening news


M/Freedom would, like McCoy's Dolphin, shrug and be on her merry way. She's been doing that job for decades, so someone announcing they're going to do it now is sort of a SSDD issue. She'd probably also follow along with some interest, and likely amusement, when the team was declared outlaw in one (or several) major world powers and accosted by other super-teams. She's been there already, too ...

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Re: New team on the evening news


Badger- Takes a "as long as they dont get in my way" approach. Actually, a lot of what this guy said would appeal to him. He does have a tendency to hate some human laws. He doesnt particularly go out and break them (though if it is for a greater good, he may or may not) but for some he is very "contemptuous" of. THough, he probably wouldnt join them if he had to be a humanitarian. Helping someone in the heat of battle is one thing. But, going all over the place helping, aint for him. He is a warrior, first and foremost. He helps people if needed (he does have a soft spot for when children are in danger) but he generally only comes to town when an actual menace has come to take over (or whatever the current villain motivation)





Frosty Bob- ponders how many hot chicks this group has. Considers whether he would want to join them on the answer to that question. :rolleyes: More seriously though, he wouldnt care about it much (worrying about the motives every little new group that pops is for the resident "boring" boy scout do-gooder on the team). Probably tells said boy scout "I'm going to the bar, call me if a fight or anything else actually interesting comes up......no I promise I wont start an all-out bar brawl this time" (crosses fingers)

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Re: New team on the evening news


Volt - Watch, wait and hope for best if he cannot contact them. Would wonder why they did not contact him, since it is well known in the hero community this this is pretty much up his alley and that he is trying to form, in effect an "all supers in case of big emergency, and see what help you can get group" like the JLA.


Olorin - Pretty much like Volt, but would use magic instead of tech to contact them.


Black Tiger - Be a bit suspicious of them. Watch carefully. Deal with if necessary.


Futurian - "Aw, man! Why didn't they invite me in? They missed a sure thing. They obviously don't realize who I am." Olorin : "Yes they do. That's why you weren't invited." Futurian:"Aw man, that's cruel."


Leadman : "I hope they are not bad guys. That is all."

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Re: New team on the evening news


Black Cat and Ballistic would give them a call. They are both on the world's equivalent of the JLA - the people who fight those global menaces. The point was to figure where they thought Watchtower was not doing it's "job" and to make sure that communication remained open so they wouldn't step on each other's toes.


Terminal Velocity would just think "Okay, whatever" and go back to doing city level stuff.


Sift would contact their supermage as she is trying to get a super-mage "Emergency broadcast network" thing going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: New team on the evening news


Pretty much all my contemporary characters would be suspicious of this team. Its not that a global-scale team is forming, its the borderline-megalomaniacal undertones of their global announcement. Details would vary, though. Microman II would find it ironic, given the Sentinels were days away from publically announcing their reformation. Jack Frost, by contrast, would be outraged, given the implicit insult to the dimension-lost, possibly dead Sentinels of his world, who just sacrificed themselves to stop V'Han.


Hermes, can't really happen in his home time ( bronze age Earth ), as the only people on the up and up who'd mostly agree with this sentiment, are already Theran ( and have better sense than to make such an ill-written announcement ). If visiting the future, he'd be suspicious, but no moreso than he now is of everything in the future.

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Re: New team on the evening news


My groups would immediately suspect them of being supervillains. They would investigate them thoroughly and vet them every chance they got. They wouldn't trust ANYONE who claimed to be so mighty that they had the right to judge what was and wasn't right for the entire world.


They really would sit there and say "Are any of them secretly our old enemies? What are their real motives?"


Quite frankly, they sound rather ominous, in a JLA "New World Order" kind of way.

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Re: New team on the evening news




Would not be overjoyed. While he would welcome more heroes, he is wary of new heroes he knows nothing about. He would keep an eye on their actions. Should he encounter them in the field, he would make it very clear he was in charge of the situation. Should the new team go too far (ex. lots of collateral damage, injury or death to civilians, etc..), he would waste no time taking them down.




As long as the newbies do good and stay out of his way, no problem




Could care less

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Re: New team on the evening news


Some interesting responses, thank you. Here is some more information, if anyone feels the desire to expand.


Investigations into the team would reveal very little information about Journey and 2 of his teammates. The other 2 members of the team have more information floating around. They are former solo heroes, not very well known but with nothing terribly suspicious about them.


All the members seem to be young and fairly idealistic, and all seem to be in the upper tiers of power for supers. Not Superman level, but certainly from a power level PoV they would not be out of place on the local JLA/Avengers team.


Higher skill level investigators would find out that out that the two unknowns fit the same mold as the two other former solo heroes, just with a lower profile. Journey on the other hand is something of an enigma. Observations would show he seems to be as idealistic as his companions, but he can be rather arrogant at times. (See the speech above. Yes, he wrote it.)


Journey also seems to be rather older then the others. He occasionally can be heard muttering phrases that are archaic to say the least. Either Journey is several thousand years old or he is a scholar fluent in a dozen languages that no living mortal still speaks.


He has a great deal of wealth, but tracking down the source is mostly futile. One can tell that it seems to be very old money though, dating back a few centuries, perhaps more.


This money has funded the Protectors, including the construction of their base. An artificial island 3 miles across, home not only to the team but a support staff of mechanics, doctors, engineers, and scientists. It's less well armed then Destruga, but is capable fending off an significant airstrike or a small team of supers (though not a top tier team. The Protectors themselves would need to deal with that). It is also capable of moving at 10-12 knots. It stays well away from any shoreline, firmly in international waters. (Note: In the FC setting where this game took place Destruga didn't exist.)


If one was familiar with the power of the local Empyreans equivalent, then one would recognize Journey's powers as closely matching them. Unless you were are particularly ancient Empyrean, one wouldn't recognize Journey. He hasn't had anything to do with them for a LONG time.


Now for the WWYCD portion. Feel free to jump in at any point.


Their first operation is responding to an devastating earthquake that has destroyed a small city in a war torn area. They arrive within fifteen minutes of the Earthquake on board a hypersonic spaceplane. They set about helping as best suits their powers. Anyone seen trying to do violence to them or innocents are swiftly taken out, though no permanent damage is done.


Fifteen minutes later a large teleportal opens and teams from the island start coming through. The provide aid, and start leading the refugees back through the portal, promising food, shelter, and medical attention. No one is forced through and aid is provided on site to those not willing to travel to the island.


Journey will later make a public appearance, saying that the refugees are doing well, the Protector Island are not limitless. If any government would be willing to provide a place for the refuegees, the Protectors would provide transportation both to the site and back to their home city once reconstruction was complete. If no one was willing to take them in, then the Protectors would continue to provide shelter until it was safe for them to return home.

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Re: New team on the evening news


It does sound a little Authority like or the White Martians from the JLA. Then again, that's meta-gaming from a comic book fan. Lady Silver, leader of the Silver Knights, would most likely welcome open the Protector with open arms. She's really big into giving people the benefit of the doubt.


Sentinel would probably be suspcious (as well as needing to up his antacids since even more costumed interlopes are out there) and Starknight would be rather snarky about being flattered that someone is imitating them.

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Re: New team on the evening news


The first mission sounds to be very successful and the Silver Knights would:


Lady Silver: issue a statement of support as well as an offer for assistance.


Sentinel (the US monitor of the Knights) would probably insist that someone check out the island to be sure the refugees are treated well.


Titan, an African prince, would pledge aid and temporary housing (his nation is small but quite weathly ala Wakanda). Idealistic like Lady Silver, he would chide Sentinel and note that the US should not feel so threatened.


Starknight (GL analog): would probably fly over personally to look into things. She's answer communications but would insist on landing on the island regardless of being given clearance. HOPEFULLY this wouldn't lead to your classic misundersanding/fight between the Protectors and the Knights.


Nova: would probably side with the Protectors as an example of humans not blinded by national borders. Her world has a single world government and doesn't seem to understand why humans can't do the same. Of course, her world was less populated and had fewer racial/relgious differences.


Speed Demon: hedge between saying it was a job well done... for amateurs. He's into being a superhero to help his acting career and positive press for the Protectors takes the spotlight off him.

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Re: New team on the evening news


: *look up at the screen and away again, in complete disinterest.*


Unless of course, they consider Vitus a threat. Certainly there's a lot of people that would agree. Vitus finds it all very irritating, especially as he has no interest in Earth, except perhaps as raw materials.



Zero : Obsess in a paranoid frenzy trying to determine what they're really up to. Some intercontinental deep mind probes might be in order, once he finds out where their island is. If they are dangerous, tell somebody and try to avoid the fallout.

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