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Child of Mine . . .


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Here is a fun game for everyone to play. Lets assume that two supers get together and produce a child. The parents can come from any reality, so long as both are recognizable (no home-brewed characters). Think of all characters as belonging to one mega-universe for the purposes of this thread. Following the laws of genetics the child will possess aspects of both parrents, so the abilities of the child will be in either or both parents. There cannot be anything like Spidy and Electra creating a speedster. In that case, the child could possess spider-like powers, since Spidy is the only parent that possesses powers in this union. Each poster will be given a pairing to child then will have to create a new pair for the next poster.



Lets start off with: Flash & Spiderwoman :ugly:

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Re: Child of Mine . . .


Speed Spider

Who knows how these lovebirds got together? What matters though is that their kid could keep up with the high adventures the day she could walk.


Possesing the powers of the speedforce, and her mother's old costume, she can glide faster then most people can run, giving her a distinct advantage over many ground based speedsters. She can also release energy blast in a field around her, but only when emotionally agitated. She possesses the ability to run up walls, but it is still unknown whether this is due to her mother's ability to stick to walls, or the Flash's control over kinetic energy.


Next up: She Hulk and Venom.

I fear I may have been the only person to have ever thought up that pairing. May it remain so.

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Re: Child of Mine . . .



Next up: She Hulk and Venom.

I fear I may have been the only person to have ever thought up that pairing. May it remain so.




Taking after her mother profession-wise, she's a cutthroat lawyer in more ways than one. And when daddy's symbiote manifests itself during dates, you better watch out. :ugly:


Alright, here's a weird one: Poison Ivy & Cypher.

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Re: Child of Mine . . .




Taking after her mother profession-wise, she's a cutthroat lawyer in more ways than one. And when daddy's symbiote manifests itself during dates, you better watch out. :ugly:


Alright, here's a weird one: Poison Ivy & Cypher.





He talks to plants. He sulks alot because daddy is dead (assuming the New Mutant Cypher) and mommy wants him to grow up and be a villain like her. I picture a red-haired goth kid with a hell of a green thumb. Only the plants "understand" him (/single tear).


next up: Black Canary & Ghostrider

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Re: Child of Mine . . .


while Electra may not have any powers if she imparted her child who has Spider-man's dex,speed,strength,leaping,inventiness,and wise-cracking

along with her martial ability from say 3 yrs old till their powers kicked in

that would be one heck of a fighter who might be able to take on either or both of them


I consider Spidey a brawler he has no formal martial arts training

give him ninja training

look out



Here is a fun game for everyone to play. Lets assume that two supers get together and produce a child. The parents can come from any reality, so long as both are recognizable (no home-brewed characters). Think of all characters as belonging to one mega-universe for the purposes of this thread. Following the laws of genetics the child will possess aspects of both parrents, so the abilities of the child will be in either or both parents. There cannot be anything like Spidy and Electra creating a speedster. In that case, the child could possess spider-like powers, since Spidy is the only parent that possesses powers in this union. Each poster will be given a pairing to child then will have to create a new pair for the next poster.



Lets start off with: Flash & Spiderwoman :ugly:

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Re: Black Canary and Ghostrider


Supergirl and Nightcrawler



He is a Half-Kryptonian powerhouse with the ability of long-range teleporting (like say from Earth to Alpha Centauri). He has blue skin and was raised in loving, very religious household. He cannot go to school, because of the intolerance versus mutants and aliens, so he visits Xavier's school for gifted youngsters.


Next: Medusa and Black Bolt

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Re: Child of Mine . . .


All of Deathbird's life was a frustrated quest for recognition. An outsider in her species because of her strange appearance, denied the throne, stripped of her name and given one that advertised the prophesy that she would be a murderer, with her abilities, t would have been extraordinary if she had not become a villain. She tried repeatedly to take the throne that would have been hers had it not been for mutation and prophesy, and her only reward was exile and imprisonment. Eventually, out of ideas and with her sister firmly on the throne she became a mercenary for a while and in that role, was recruited with 6 other powerful warriours each of a different species to defend a peaceful agrarian world from pirate attacks. One of the others was J'onn J'onzz, and one thing led to another.


Being pregnant gave Deathbird a whole new longer-term perspective. She stopped thinking in terms of personal ambition and started thinking terms in terms of her child's prospects. She named him something that in their language meant "Heir to Empire", and would later be translated into English as Imperion. She raised him with a mixture of affection and harsh, perhaps abusive discipline, always instilling in him the knowledge that he was the rightful heir. He was genetically well-equipped to become a pretender to a throne. While his shapeshifting powers were much less than his father, they enabled him to change his face and hide wings and claws, looking like a normal Shi'ar, and his telepathic powers let him find any courtier or officer's weakness. It was only a matter of time before he overthrew his cousin and ruled as was his right, and he would have no problem weeding out any foolish enough to plot against him.


OK, all that wasn't really necessary. Short form...


Imperion: Flight, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Shapeshifting, Superstrength.



Next: Zatanna and Jack Russell, Werewolf by Night

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Re: Child of Mine . . .


3-D Man was a Marvel hero from the 70s who was composed of the mental energy of two brothers, who called him into existence by putting on 3-D glasses and thinking real hard.


I kid you not.


Sun Boy and Night Girl find that they can't seem to meet. One of them is always busy. Even when they do produce an offspring with the assistance of a fertility clinic, the family gathering never quite gets to three individuals. So their son is called The Loner, and his power is to make lifelike illusions of the loved ones of his enemies, in order to trick them. Sort of like Black Mamba.




Superia and Eon

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Re: Child of Mine . . .


Superia and Eon? ookay. i dont even want to begin to figure out how they mated but here goes.



Dana Wentworth was the daughter of Superia (Dr. Deidre Wentworth) and the cosmic being Eon. Superia raised her offspring to be well an ultra-feminist. Dana followed in her footsteps as genius scientist. Until one day her cosmic powers manifested. Although, she initially turned to villainy, her father had been watching from afar. And he came to claim his offspring, as his new champion. Dana took this job to learn more of her father.(much to her mother's dismay). ANd became Supereona (yeah lame name but what can you do :o)




Genius-level intellect

Super strength.

Cosmic Energy blast.

ANd dimension hopping.


Note: I didnt know these 2 character all that well. (Eon none at all) So, I did my best.



2 leaders of countries (well on is, the other in a way)



Sailor Moon

Dr. Doom



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Re: Child of Mine . . .


sailor moon and DR DOOM?

ok boy with homemade armor surpassing that of ol vicious vic himself and supernatural powers to match

the golden age atom and liberty bell


Blast Zone: Super strong and able to produce massively destructive shock waves like that those from a nuclear weapon.


The Human Torch and Black Cat

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Re: Child of Mine . . .


Ghost Tracker: She didn't inherit any powers from her father--his powers were artificially induced, after all. But he did teach her survival, combat and tracking skills, which she puts to use as an unstoppable bounty hunter.


Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2) and Rebis (Doom Patrol).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Child of Mine . . .


Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2) and Rebis (Doom Patrol).


Rebaun -


The unexpected child from the even more surprising union of Ranma and Rebis (actually a one night stand that none ever talks about) is the very twisted (and possibly unwanted) mysterious Rebaun. He was left at a dojo one night and they raised him with full training to be the best that he could be. However his mind was never entirely correct and when he was a teen he discovered that he can generate and control radioactivity. He did develop greater control than his father ever had but never did learn how to get a focused blast (the most was a wide area blast). He desires to become a great hero like he forever hears so much about but every time that he tries, the efforts are usually either assumed to be from some other hero or totally ignored.


Now lets have fun with this duo: She-Hulk and Carnage

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Re: Child of Mine . . .



Marcus Walters-Cassidy always felt a hidden anger deep inside. One day he snapped and the inherited powers of his gamma radiated symbiote came out. Strong, merciless, and looking like a Christmas nightmare, he now stalks the streets seeking those without joy.



Max Mercury and Saturn Girl

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