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Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...

SSgt Baloo

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


The Fashionworld will never be the same. Heroes find themselves constantly 'graded' for their costumes by 'experts' and laymen alike. On the flipside, some heroes , particularly popular ones, end up inspiring whole generations... example: "Wonder Lady" is so popular that slightly heeled red boots with white stripes are really big this year.


I also have in some settings "Club Spandex" a chain of strip joints where women parody the most desired superheroines (and if they're feeling cocky, supervillainesses).


The "Make a Wish" foundation and similar organizations end up contacting superheroes regularly when young boys and girls, many of them not long for this world, end up asking only to meet their favorite hero in person.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


I've always thought Damage Control from Marvel Comics was a good idea - a bunch of guys who made their living (not to mention a thick wad of cash) from cleaning up after super-battles. It's a steady job, and you know you're always going to be in demand in major cities, especially New York, LA, Bay Area, etc.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


I've always thought Damage Control from Marvel Comics was a good idea - a bunch of guys who made their living (not to mention a thick wad of cash) from cleaning up after super-battles. It's a steady job' date=' and you know you're always going to be in demand in major cities, especially New York, LA, Bay Area, etc.[/quote']


Yeah, 4th Edition Champions Universe had the similar Aftermath, Inc.


In a world with many supers, I would imagine any heavy-duty sorcerer to be virtually hunted by the tabloids (or National Inquisitor), not to mention fringe lunatics, occultist wannabees, new agers, or one of many others indiscriminately (and perhaps with dangerous desperation) looking for some higher purpose - and the DEMON rejects. *shudder*


Also, I can easily imagine the virtual armies of terminally ill or dismembered people chanting "cure me!" outside the home of the super-healer who made her address publicly known. *greater shudder* :eek:

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


I also have in some settings "Club Spandex" a chain of strip joints where women parody the most desired superheroines (and if they're feeling cocky, supervillainesses).


This would be good for a Foxy Boxing or oil-wrestling match--one stripper's a hero, one's a villain, put them in the ring and have at it.


Or a fantasy swordfight--have two strippers in chainmail or fur bikinis, give them boffer weapons, have them go at it, and somewhere during the fight it becomes a lesbian grapple-fest.


Hmmmm--maybe I can pitch that to one of the Indianapolis strip clubs before next year's GEN CON--:sneaky:

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


This would be good for a Foxy Boxing or oil-wrestling match--one stripper's a hero, one's a villain, put them in the ring and have at it.


Or a fantasy swordfight--have two strippers in chainmail or fur bikinis, give them boffer weapons, have them go at it, and somewhere during the fight it becomes a lesbian grapple-fest.


Hmmmm--maybe I can pitch that to one of the Indianapolis strip clubs before next year's GEN CON--:sneaky:


That sounds like a good idea, wcw43921. Just don't forget to claim your share of the royalites (or whatever).

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


This would be good for a Foxy Boxing or oil-wrestling match--one stripper's a hero, one's a villain, put them in the ring and have at it.


Or a fantasy swordfight--have two strippers in chainmail or fur bikinis, give them boffer weapons, have them go at it, and somewhere during the fight it becomes a lesbian grapple-fest.


Hmmmm--maybe I can pitch that to one of the Indianapolis strip clubs before next year's GEN CON--:sneaky:

have some rep

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


This would be good for a Foxy Boxing or oil-wrestling match--one stripper's a hero, one's a villain, put them in the ring and have at it.


Or a fantasy swordfight--have two strippers in chainmail or fur bikinis, give them boffer weapons, have them go at it, and somewhere during the fight it becomes a lesbian grapple-fest.


Hmmmm--maybe I can pitch that to one of the Indianapolis strip clubs before next year's GEN CON--:sneaky:

witchcraft vs talisman the duke out of the duquense sisters

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


Power Broker Surgery:


Like in the real world, some people want cosmetic surgery to look like someone else or just be better looking. Others take more serious surgery like Gender changing surgery.


It would make sense that the government might allow some people to become super human by going through surgery, how ever it is likely they will have some criteria:


You must pass a thorough psychological examination, for any kind of mental diseases

If you have a criminal record or criminal inclinations you will not be accepted

A body examination to see whether you would benefit from the surgery and get powers

$50,000, maybe more if you try and get more then one power (see:


You must register with the Government as a reserve super and go through a training before and after the surgery


The powers won't be as strong as people who get it by accident, but enough that you could be a decent threat.


Of course the Black market wouldn't look at all this criteria except the money.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


Yeah, 4th Edition Champions Universe had the similar Aftermath, Inc.


In a world with many supers, I would imagine any heavy-duty sorcerer to be virtually hunted by the tabloids (or National Inquisitor), not to mention fringe lunatics, occultist wannabees, new agers, or one of many others indiscriminately (and perhaps with dangerous desperation) looking for some higher purpose - and the DEMON rejects. *shudder*


Also, I can easily imagine the virtual armies of terminally ill or dismembered people chanting "cure me!" outside the home of the super-healer who made her address publicly known. *greater shudder* :eek:


There's a reason Vitus never did any healing publicly - he didn't have the time for that sort of crowd. The wannabe wizards were comparatively easy tho. The ones with actual talent got added to his school (and promptly suffered his idea of a curriculum, and his unspoken attitude that they were useful to keep around as emergency spell ingredients ) and the rest got "So, you have the gift, do you? Very good - you shouldn't have any trouble dealing with this then" *summons a tarantula the size of an Irish wolfhound*



Funnily enough the amount of applicants dropped precipitously after that.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...



Sports in general will change. World records of any kind becoming insignificant, because there is always someone who can run faster, jump higher, lift more.



I'd have at least 2 different sets of sports records kept. Those from "normal" humans, and those for "supers. That way, normals don't feel like there is no reason to compete, and supers have an outlet outside of battle to prove themselves.


Maybe 2 different Olymic games, running concurrent, every 4 years.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


Power Broker Surgery:


Like in the real world, some people want cosmetic surgery to look like someone else or just be better looking. Others take more serious surgery like Gender changing surgery.


It would make sense that the government might allow some people to become super human by going through surgery, how ever it is likely they will have some criteria:


You must pass a thorough psychological examination, for any kind of mental diseases

If you have a criminal record or criminal inclinations you will not be accepted

A body examination to see whether you would benefit from the surgery and get powers

$50,000, maybe more if you try and get more then one power (see:


You must register with the Government as a reserve super and go through a training before and after the surgery


The powers won't be as strong as people who get it by accident, but enough that you could be a decent threat.


Of course the Black market wouldn't look at all this criteria except the money.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


The "Make A Wish" Founationwould be constantly calling any super with a healing power, especially if that power could cure diseases or degerative conditions.


Every First World Goverments would have a Torchwood-like Agency(Like Britain in Doctor Who) using alien and future-tech to protect against alien and super menaces.


Every government would have its own superhuman regulatory agency.


This disreguards time travellers, who can mess with all of human history by jumping back before mammal dominance, and scew up evolution...See Bradbury's story, "A Sound of Thunder"...

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


This disreguards time travellers' date=' who can mess with all of human history by jumping back before mammal dminance, and scew up evolution...See Bradbury's story, "A Sound of Thunder"...[/quote']


This reminds me of a premise for a WW-II-era campaign wherein all (or most) supers are actually time travelers trying to ensure that "their" future actually happens (or doesn't happen, depending upon how horrible the future they came from was).

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


Among other things, I see corporate-sponsored superteams. Some solo heroes might end up looking like NASCAR drivers (sort of like Captain Amazing in Mystery Men). But many companies would sponsor teams on their own. "We'll provide you with a costume, a headquarters, training, and support staff. All we ask in return is that you wear our corporate logo on your uniform and don't turn villain. Welcome to Team Nike."

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


Among other things' date=' I see corporate-sponsored superteams. Some solo heroes might end up looking like NASCAR drivers (sort of like Captain Amazing in [i']Mystery Men[/i]). But many companies would sponsor teams on their own. "We'll provide you with a costume, a headquarters, training, and support staff. All we ask in return is that you wear our corporate logo on your uniform and don't turn villain. Welcome to Team Nike."


Imagine if a super team begins getting sponsorship, imagine if they got fans! And I mean fans like football fans, not celebrity fans.


"Justice League kicks the Avengers Emo butts!"

"Oh yeah! Well your all powerful Justice League hasn't saved the world in 2 weeks, but the Avengers saved the Galaxy yesterday-Oh! in your face!"


There could even be Fantasy Super human leagues, and super heroes will be moved from team to team online. Some Super villains might even be fans trying to boost a certain team/hero's arrest rates.


And don't even get me started on video games...


Also while most super heroes wouldn't let this get to their heads, some of the younger ones or brash ones just might.


"Yeah so what if you got the bad guy and I nearly let him escape? I am still ranked 47th on the Fantasy Super hero league!" And compete with each other or try to take the credit for other hero's work.


"Oy, no stealing our kills-I mean arrests!"

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


Imagine if a super team begins getting sponsorship, imagine if they got fans! And I mean fans like football fans, not celebrity fans.


"Justice League kicks the Avengers Emo butts!"

"Oh yeah! Well your all powerful Justice League hasn't saved the world in 2 weeks, but the Avengers saved the Galaxy yesterday-Oh! in your face!"


There could even be Fantasy Super human leagues, and super heroes will be moved from team to team online. Some Super villains might even be fans trying to boost a certain team/hero's arrest rates.


And don't even get me started on video games...


Also while most super heroes wouldn't let this get to their heads, some of the younger ones or brash ones just might.


"Yeah so what if you got the bad guy and I nearly let him escape? I am still ranked 47th on the Fantasy Super hero league!" And compete with each other or try to take the credit for other hero's work.


"Oy, no stealing our kills-I mean arrests!"


The mind boggles.

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


One of my campaigns had Mmmutant, a restaurant run entirely by Mutants. One of the cooks was a red-skinned, four armed mutant whose skin could get hot enough to cook hamburger; his "hand-made" burgers were quite good. One of the waitresses was a telepath, which helped speed up ordering ("Yeah, hon, I already know what ya want."). Most of the dishes were named after well-known heroes and villains; the DEMONion Rings were killer ;)

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Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


In a world with shapeshifters, lifelike androids and synthetic replicants, every public figure has a sex tape, whether they actually authorized one or not. It's probable that some of them would choose to roll with that, and get ahead of the curve.


People with super-charisma and/or low-level mind control type abilities tend to breeze through life without meaningful difficulty.

The military, through tens of billions in research and the assistance of super-science, has managed to formulate a basic Super Soldier Process which enables them to field a brigade or three of low-level superhumans with paranormal strength, speed and toughness.

Debates about the "personhood" of sapient animals, aliens, undead, zombies, robots, androids, synthetic humans aka replicants, AI computers, otherdimensional beings such as demons and angels, etc. would either be a common theme or would have already been resolved one way or another.

Debates about whether "gods" are simply superbeings from another dimension or actual deities deserving of worship, and whether the existence of angels confirms G-d as a "supreme being" or simply an exceptionally powerful superbeing. Atheists in this case would simply believe the latter.


The extraordinary vulnerability of heads of state, big ticket military hardware, and even WMD arsenals would be a sobering phenomena.

Exposure to alien and even possibly otherdimensional culture might be interesting.

Firearms customized for superhumanly strong wielders and for superhumanly large wielders.

Ordinances against exceeding Mach speed within city limits.


Private Military Contractors employing a few superhumans in order to enhance their services package.


The existence of small private schools of magic, and small private schools for paranormals and the children of paranormals.


Mastervillains not being the only ones with stockpiles of "superweapons".


The Make a Wish foundation might occasionally involve the actual granting of wishes to dying kids.

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