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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Saggitarius seems to be mostly "just another super-archer", but that is misleading. For in addition to the normal Trickshoots, he can also summon a small, localised rainstorm. While it obscures others people vision and aim, he miself is perfectly able to fire through hsi own bad weather.


This can be a boon agaisnt superteams with Ranged combatants - if you don't mind standing in the rain for an entire battle.


Edit: The Deed is "To kill the Stymphalian Birds."

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Representing the Augean Stables, Muckraker deals in character assassination, psychically "stirring [bLEEP]" as it were. For the right price, he can "nudge" a victim into a compromising situation -- perfect for blackmail and destroying promising careers.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Grappler is a four armed wrestler whose favorite tactic is to grab, restrain and crush. He has helped bring down extremely tough and heavily armored opponents able to shrug off most attacks. (Labor: The Nemean Lion)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suspects he has Danger Sense too. Forewarned is four armed.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Cerebata the daughter of Cerebus


Be careful what you wish for. It may come as an unpleasent surprise. It is said that the girl who became Cerebata wanted the chance to become something akin to a myth of the Greek Gods. It seems some spiteful soul decided to fulfill her wish by making her descended from Cerebus the guardian of the dead. Now she must recapture her ancestor to have any peace at all.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


More than half already. Taken are:



  1. To clean the Augean Stables.
  2. To kill the Nemean lion.
  3. To destroy the Lernaean Hydra.
  4. To kill the Stymphalian Birds.
  5. To steal the Girdle of Hippolyte.
  6. To fetch the Apples of Hesperides.
  7. To capture Cerberus.




that leaves:


  1. To capture the Ceryneian Hind.
  2. To capture the Erymanthian Boar.
  3. To capture the Cretan Bull.
  4. To round up the Mares of Diomedes.
  5. To herd the Cattle of Geryon.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Geryon the Giant was once a normal shepperd boy - until he was caught by Teleios and used for some rather unique enhanchment. Teleios tried to reproduce the legendary Geryon, but since accounts about his form varry greatly he couldn't jsut give him one shape. He gave him many shape, between wich he swtiches on almost daily basis. One day he is a normal giant. Another day he has one body, three faces. The next he has one head, three bodies. Sometime he has Six Arms, six Legs and Wings. And those are the rather "normal" forms of him...

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Next team: Terror Tubbies

Membership: 4


Most of us know the teletubbies and that they are rather famous among children. One of this children was a powerfull reality warper, whose power might have one day destroyed the world, if it hadn't burnt itself out thanks to the teletubbies:

When the show was cancelled, he just couldn't stand it and for a short tiem hsi powers went amok. He created four villain, each one in the image of one of the tubbies, across the world. each of them went on the villain path on thier own, but never quite fit into any team and never hit it solo either. That was, until the first two meet by chance (or was that still an effect from their creation?). They soon discovered that two Terror Tubbies togehter are more the sum of their parts. Once these two became infamous, the other two joined as well. Unfortunately the press noticed the "theme" in the team, changing their original name to thier current one, wich got so stuck they just kept it.


Your job: Give us the four Terror Tubbies. They could have come into existence when the show was cancelled (literally created from nothing), they could have been "empowered" by the reality warp or maybe the warp let fate conspire so they got here from their home planet/dimension. They do not have too look or be named exaclty like thier originals, but they familarity in colors and shtick should be obvious (especially if all four are together).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Okay, I received Rep for the idea. But no supers for the Terror Tubbies. Perhaps it helps if I citate the Originals Description here?

Tinky Winky (played by Dave Thompson, Mark Heenehan, and Simon Shelton) is the first Teletubby. He is the largest and oldest of the Teletubbies, is covered in purple terrycloth, and has a triangular antenna on his head. He is notable for the red luggage (described by the show as a "magic bag", but often described by other media as a handbag) he always carries. His character has caused controversy due to allegations that his character's behavior, bag and body colour have homosexual qualities (see below).

Dipsy (played by John Simmit) is the second Teletubby. He is green and is named "Dipsy" because his antenna resembles a dipstick. He likes his black and white furry top hat, which he once lost. Laa-Laa found it, but instead of simply returning Dipsy's hat to the stricken Dipsy, she ran around it for about ten minutes shouting "Dipsy Hat! Dipsy Hat!" Dipsy is the most stubborn of the Teletubbies, and will sometimes refuse to go along with the other Teletubbies' group opinion. His face is also notably darker than the rest of the Teletubbies, and the creators have stated that he is Black.[11]


Laa-Laa (played by Nikky Smedley) is the third Teletubby. She is yellow, and has a curly antenna. She likes to sing and dance, and is often seen to look out for the other Teletubbies. Her favourite thing is a bouncy, orange ball, which is almost as big as she is.

Po (played by Pui Fan Lee) is the fourth and last Teletubby. She is the smallest and youngest of the Teletubbies, is red, and has an antenna shaped like a stick used for blowing soap bubbles. Her favourite object is her scooter, which she calls "scoota" (she also calls it "Po 'cooter!" or just "cooter"). Po can sometimes be mischievous and naughty, as when she disobeys the commands of the "voice trumpets." She has been stated by the show's creators to be Cantonese,[11] and as such, she is bilingual, speaking both English and Cantonese. Although many are unsure of Po's gender, or consider her to be male (possibly because of her scarlet colour and tomboyish antics), she is clearly referred to as female in several episodes, such as "Dad's Portrait" (Episode 216, first broadcast 1998) and "Numbers: 2" (Episode 30). Many refer to her as "he" even though it is "she" (the same happens with Laa-Laa).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


I'm surprised no one has done anything with this. It looks right up Dt's alley. I'll kick one out for you.


Tipsy is the drinker of the Terror Tubbies. He is fond of his top hat and green clothes. When his power activates, everyone around him becomes inebriated and prone to doing things they wouldn't otherwise.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Well, to finish this team off......


Nya-na (think of a taunting kid nya-na-na nya-na) is the final member. Her main power is throwing a wierd giant orange bouncing sphere at her opponents crushing them. Given her ease at tossing the thing, either it is light in her hands or she might have some sort of telekinesis. Nevertheless many a hero takes a wallop when the thing hits them. Her taunting sing-song doesnt help matters.



New team: The Nocturnals

Members: 7


These 7 villains all share a hatred for sunlight. (the reason may widely vary). They often come out to wreck havoc upon the city at night. While spending daylight hours hidden deep inside the abandoned subway tunnels which makes for their de-facto hideout. Note: Few know the exact whereabouts of where they hide in the day and those who do are petrified into silence.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


know how some people go mad and howl at the moon ? Well Clark Hedleigh howled at the sun. It was too yellow or too white. The sky was too blue. His parents decided after psychiatry had failed to help them to see a specialist who went by the name of Dr Axmyn. His radical approach was the use of surgery and medicines or potions as he jokingly referred to them. However this had quite the reverse effect and Clark went completely haywire even developing spider legs and hair. The Hedleighs could then not find the Dr to sue him and had the son imprisoned in a sanitarium. But someone tipped off other members of the Nocturnals who freed him and brought him to their lair. And now the horrific Man Spider makes sure anyone who finds the lair does not get very far.......


(And regular viewers of the thread will guess who the 'good' Dr is. And if you don't, shame on you !)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The female mentalist known as Daymare can tap into targets' minds to put them into a daydream-like state that gets progressively more dangerous the longer they remain inside it. After a while, the target can suffer lethal damage from the illusory attacks. Strangely, Daymare's powers seem rather muted at night -- at best, she can create normal nightmares that are frightening but decidedly non-lethal.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Gator is a human mutant who's alagator style mutations were active at birth. His parents were to disgusted by him that thay left him in the sewers to die. Gater grew up with a group of homeless outcasts, eating rats and other animals found in the sewers. Eventualy he was found and joined the Nocturnals.


As for how he fits into the group? Well, nobody knows the sewers as well as him. And bright lights, like sunlight, hurt his eyes (years of sewer living without seeing the sun can do that, along with extream undianosed astemitisim).

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