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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!



I'll pass on the next team and let someone else pick it.


15 Seconds Forever!- Do you have what it takes to dominate the world around you? To MAKE them pay attention? Welcome to 15 Seconds Forever, THE villain reality program. You are equipped with micro-cameras that send (as yet untraceable) feed of your every action. Get points for crimes large and small, the louder the better. Get MAJOR points for taking on superheroes and beating them into the ground! You can't fight your fellow contestants (not till the end of the season), but you're encouraged to show them up. Votes are coming in, and at the end of the season, if you get the most points are are still free, you get one hundred million dollars, and you can beat the major villainous organizations are going to be looking for guys or gals JUST like you to hire in their top tier.


Game on!


(there are currently 6 members of '15 Seconds Forever' this season. The 'stuido' provides them a base and vehicle so that need not be covered. The contestants do not have to get along, and in fact, their sponsors find it more interesting if the rivalry is intense. They should be at about 'standard' superhero power level instead of world breakers, but there's a lot of room in that)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Mahalia Green is Drama Queen. Once a perennially uncast actress, Mahalia paid her life savings for a super empowerment process. Now she can control the emotions of anyone who hears her speak or sees her face. She just loves being the center of attention, which makes her source of power also her greatest weakness. Drama Queen specializes in causing small riots to distract from her henchmen's thefts.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




People say they recognise him but then no-one can quite place where, when or who. Bilious has the power to make people feel sick. He gained noteriety on the show when one of the other contestants was robbing a bank and was stopped by a hero and the police. Bilious made the hero ill after the other contestant was taken down. Then he made the police ill. Then he made the other contestant ill and carried them away from the scene of the crime with the loot. He dumped the other contestant in a dumpster (natch) and fled. Bilious is a showboater and eminently quotable as in 'Even I am not sick enough to date Paris Hilton' and 'Kim Kardashion turns my stomach too'.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Plain Jane


Tired of being ignored and passed over for everything from promotions to friendships to boyfriends, Alice Montrose went looking for someone to give her power. And then for a way to finally be noticed. She really does not like Drama Queen or Bilious and would do almost anything to get rid of them. She is a brick whose main tactic is get close, taking all sorts of punishment and then pound her contact into the dust.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Web-Star acts like a typical wrestler given to making speeches, calling out heroes, using a car on the battlefield. When combined with the proportional strength and speed of a spider, his high flying tactics become extremely dangerous to all but the most durable brick.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Big Blast knows the way to keep an audience watching is to keep an audience guessing. So when not using his fire powers to burn his way to the loot, or he explosive boots to propel him through the air, he lobs objects at heros cops and pedestrians. The audience has several tense moments wiondering if this will result in sparklers, an odd gift, or several injuries from a massive explosion,


Next group The Colors. As the American Revolution ended a group of British loyalists fearing reprisal met in secret. Vowing that though the war had been lost, they would never strike their colors. And began making plans to prepare for Brittian to reconqquer the U.S. A conquest that never came. But The Colors have kept their vow. Though the orginization has evolved over the years it still plots the downfall of the U.S. and has strong British leanings. Bu now they only plan to conmquer it for themselves. The orginization is split into roups refered to as colors, and each color is headed by a two person team. A man and a woman. The purples- Mr. and Mrs, Purple are the Colors leaders.Mainly concerned with administration. The greens- Mr. and Mrs. Green are in charge of the financing for the Colors The blues- Mr. and Mrs. Blue were originally to take care of insurung control of the ports. Now they take care of all transportation needs. The reds- Mr. and Mrs. Red are the information storhouses. weither it's insider trading, goverment secrets, otr blackmail the reds keep the Colors well informed. The Browns- Mr. and Mrs. Brown are in charge of insuring the Colors have as many troops as possible to put into the field. The Blacks- Mr. and Mrs. Black are in charge of security. Weither torturing suspected tratiors, or launching assinations against foes, the Blacks mean only death for the Colors enemies. And a new color has been added in the high tech age. Mr and Mrs. Yellow are a rather new position tasked with keeping the Colors on the cutting edge of technology.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Speaking as a Brit, I m not sure that returning the colonies to their rightful owner makes you a villain. Ah well, this is an American based board.


Tha Blacks


They are such a nice couple but they are not married to each other. They have all insured that no-one has learnt the identity of the group in nearly two hundred and fifty years. This has meant killing off various other members who were given to pillow talk or drunkeness or those whose desire to kill went above and beyond that which could be hidden. With the information age the task has got more difficult as it is easier to spread rumours via the Internet so the Blacks welcome the Yellows. They also made sure that they got a close up demonstration on how to deal with those who breached security as they tortured a hacker to death in front of them.

The Blacks tend to stay in the background with the others but can deal with problems very fast. Like that Banker who tried to cover his losses with Color money, or that truck driver who got a little too nosey about what he was shipping, or the agent that Homeland Security tried to infiltrate the group, or that Congressman who suddenly grew a spine and would not bow down to blackmail anymore or even that secretary who stumbled upon some of the organisations secrets.

The Blacks have International Passports and are nondescript so they can pass for anyone. The others do not ask if they are having an affair. It pays sometimes not to ask questions.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Yellows


Simon and Stacy were a college couple then aged 20 and 19 respectively, who got their kicks as being among the best hackers in the world. They were good enough to bilk millions of dollars out of others. Unfortunately, one of those was a company that was a front for the Colors. This didnt make the hiearchy happy, of course. Luckily, the Blacks recognized that the couple had exposed a weakness in the organization. And they would be useful in eliminating that weakness. (plus they were of an anti-authoritarian bent, or at least American authority )They agreed as long as they had some amount of autonomy (creating a new branch essentially). The Blacks have acted as mentors to the young inexperienced couple since.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Mr. and Mrs. Red.


They are relatively new, only second generation in the Colours. They claim to be fraternal twins with some psychic twin bond. They undoubtedly look alike and are good at the information gathering buisness. But some thigns are odd: As soon as they took controll in thier devision, they replaced certain key members against once they "could trust personally". Those that did stay with them started acting strange. Right now even the Blacks have trouble getting information from that division. And now people who are send/lent to that division started behaving strange. It almost seems as if there is a sort of conspiracy in the conspiracy going on. But so far the blacks were unable to proof it and the Red's permanetn good work let's the others forget all concerns.



Truth to be told there is no Conspiracy. Or at least not in the conventional sense. Mr. and Mrs. Red, all the "friends" they brought into the organisation, most of those that started acting strange - they are just ONE being. The Heirarchy, a unusual Duplicator: It can only create a duplcaite to replace someone, but those copies are almost flawless: Looks, Biometric, Genes and even a Memory copy and a convincing "Mental Signature". Pysical characteritics (tatoos, scars) are added as the memory of the copy allows when replacing someone. So far these measure have prooven beyond the Black's ability to detect. Also, all of the copies are mentally linked in a way that eludes most mentalist and can even be interrupted if need without damaging the Duplicates function (but they do tend to get unnerved if this happens for a logner time).

There seem to be multiple "tiers" of bodies. The two Red's are the core, the closest thing the Heirarchy has to a real body. They are the strongest, but also the fewest with only two.

Under them are handfull copies of weakly superpowered people. They have powers, but they are not really a match for a single superhuman in a 1:1.

The largest body make the "normals", but they are also just "normal" people. They replaced agents that were on loan from otehr divisions, the odd spy from other divisions, or just normal people in the right position: Your noise landlord, the cleaner you had for years or your DNCP - they all could be part of the heirarchy without you even suspecting it...


And what "it" wants is not so certain either. Perhaps not even itself knows. But it does know that people would attack it once it's true nature would be revealed, so aquiring enough power to counter any such attempt is a natrural goal for it.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Speaking as a Brit' date=' I m not sure that returning the colonies to their rightful owner makes you a villain. Ah well, this is an American based board.[/quote']


Do you really hate your own country so much that you'd want to have to take us unruly types back? :winkgrin:


Rob and Roberta Green have their fingers in many financial pies in the US. Each one is on the boards of several large US-based banks, mortgage companies, and other financial institutions. It is rumored that Rob Green had a hand in the creation of sub-prime lending and related practices (this is true), although few realize that he was actually aware from the start that they would eventually result in financial upheaval of international proportions. His only failure was in not believing that the US government would go to such lengths to prop up the "too-big-to-fail" banks.


They are currently grooming their teenage daughter, Olive, to take over in their financial footsteps.



All three of the Greens are precognitive, with the parents not able to fully control what (and more importantly, when) they view, but they've used their powers to selectively invest and buy their way onto banks' boards of directors. Olive has much better control, and has actually helped her parents avoid a lot of official attention in recent years.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Bud and Bertie Brown handle the logistics of equipping and moving a private army to take care of surgical strikes against the Colors' enemies. Their troops are built from a template in depots around the world. They are given the plan and equipment to carry it out. When the operation is over, the army and gear dissolves into fine ashes.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Purples


Mr Purple is Simon Purple. And "Mrs" Purple is his long time copanion David Violet (sometimes crossdresed in his fabous other idenity as Violet Purple-Reing when in meetings within the group, even thoe there sexuality is not disguised within the group itself). Simon is of old monie, and provides the financing of the group for day to day operations. David does acounting based on bank roberies the henchmen do. Thay are both stingy with the pocketbooks, only letting cash go if the outflow of cash would benifit the final gole.


There are some in the group who think that it is time for a new Purple leadership, since it is clear that there will be no biological hear to the title. But few know that Simon is a mutant of some talent. And for David, few who attack him/her ever speek about the encounter, or anything else ever again (s/he colects toungs of thoes who attack him/her).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The blues- Mr. and Mrs. Blue were originally to take care of insurung control of the ports. Now they take care of all transportation needs.


The Blues- "Pumpkin, how's the new deep sea suit design?"


"Just fab, daddy dearest! I've corrected the sonar modulation to make it harder for the US navy to pick up. Aren't I the bestest daughter in the world?"


"Oh, right you are, peachy pie. I'm just SO darn proud to be the father of a technical genius."


"But daddy!You were the one who took had the bright idea of taking transportation control to its next logical level: making vehicles and even powered armor suits with focus on rapid speed and high attack capability to sabatogue other rival airports and seaports to gain control...."


"Wouldn't have been able to turn those can-dreams into can Dos without you, pudding. I'll let the browns know about our progress, they just LOVE your new toys."


Martin and Angel of the Blues are doting father and adoring teenage daughter. Their mannerisms often seem to be sugary sitcomish and out of date , but there's no denying they are pure ruthlessness. Martin's late wife died under mysterious circumstances when it was discovered she MIGHT have been ready to betray the colors to the authorities. The Blues have caused dozens of 'inexplicable' airplane accidents and ship sinkings when needed to maintain the supremacy of the transportation hubs they control. Some of the other colors think their new interest in specialized powered armor is stepping on others toes, and the Blues are getting TOO bold, but as they've been nothing but generous with the designs, few have any serious complaints.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


New Team: PSI Japan

Theme: PSI is expanding its base and going truly international. One of the locations it is now getting a toehold in is Japan! All, of course, are mentalists/psychics of some sort. Some had their powers triggered by the corrupting PSI serum, others had the powers to begin with. Some openly wear colorful costumes, others are more discrete.


There are currently 5 members.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


This is just up my allie, guys.


Red Esperblade


The one calling himself Red Esperblade is the combat leader of PSI Japan. An 'otaku no ranger', he dresses the part, carries a standard PSI blaster, and wields a sword of pure psionic ("esper") energy. He is also pasovely telepathic (that is, he can receve thoughts, not send them).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Shinji Kurotaka is Tengu and is capable of producing powerful mental illusions -- to the point where a victim can be convinced they do actual damage to him/her. And yet, those corpses are never marred when found. Tengu prefers sadistic imagery in his illusions if at all possible.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Quiet Man


He appears as a nominal Japanese business man. The one distinguishing characteristic he has is the moustache. Otherwise he is clean shaven. He does not wear glasses. He is a telepath but his telepathy appears to be undetectable even by the victim and by sensors. He does not appear to speak at all. But he appears to send and receive information to his team mates. He also appears to be able to cloud the mind of victims so that they cannot describe him. For some reason this does not seem to work as well when remembering his team mates. He follows the orders and directions of the others.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Well as no-one else has come up with a last one here is my idea.




Imagine if you will a six foot version of Godzilla and that is Kaiju. Some say he was summoned by a sorceror, others that he was an alien that landed on earth while a few claim that he was a kid who could shape shift and when told to turn back stubbornly refused thus becoming trapped in giant monster form (albeit human size). Kaiju is the brute strength of the group and he does have an energy attack as well. What throws people is his immunity to mental attack. But he can receive telepathic suggestions and nod agreement. Just don't try giving him orders.


New Team: The Descendants !. Their ancestors were people of integrity or were heroes but their descendants are nothing but vile villains. Oh calamity ! Your mission should you choose to accept it is to come up with a further five members of the group to join this one. And where possible make a rotton pun name. (don't worry if you can't. This bit is the icing on the top).

Preferably one post per person but if the thread is bare after three days, post again.


Annie Oakley was a revered Western gal. Her name, however, became too much for later generations to handle but they did not stoop to the criminal ways that this Descendent did. She picked up the knack of using guns but for strictly criminal purposes. Some say a Political Correct upbringing and a too strict overbearing mother was to blame, others that she was just born bad. But now the punk styled Descendant is out for a life of debauchery. The one thing that needles her is the name she has been saddled with Poison Oakley

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