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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Toystealer


Imagine someone akin to the Childcatcher from the film Chitty, Chitty, Bang Bang and you have a fairly good idea of The Toystealer. It has been claimed that the Black Harlequin stole his gimmick and was more successful with it. But the Toystealer never killed anyone. He did favour stealing antique toys and valuable ones but he never set out to kill either with the team or on his own. He used gadget rigged toys but these were liable to break down. As the 90s drew to a close the American Protector caught up with him and broke his arms before sending him off to prison where he has stayed on the three strikes principle. He is on suicide watch as a broken man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


*bumps the thread*

New Team : The League of Naughtiness has been mentioned as one of the teams Ren the Space Weasel was in. Said team opposed Teen Heroes of the time. Your mission is to design one of five members of the team who were Ren's companions and were the scourges of Teen Heroes. This is more of a Silver Age theme team so no deliberate killing of another (friend or foe) and no running off with the loot' date=' otherwise you can specify if they are still around. The [b']League[/b] unlike the Wild Feral Battalion is not comprised of wholly quasi animal vilain types.

three down:

King Octobot XV - Cygnia

Spore - csyphrett

The Toystealer - death trible


two to go...

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Doctor Devilegg


Doctor Devilin Ergg was a scientist working on a portable helmit like device which would increse a person's intelagents when worn. The doctor created the egg shaped helm and being unable to find willing lab rats to try it, chosed himself. The helm worked, but also locked itself onto his head. And it gave him mild psyonic powers. The media called him Doctor Devilegg after his first robery (originaly to fund a way to remove the helm...later when he got use to it to fund other scientific experments) based on the apperance of the helm...red with two horn-like atena sticking out of it.



As the 90's began, The American Protector shot him in the head. He survived, but was put into a coma for the entier 90's (but forcently the helm came off for the first time). He awoke from the coma in 2003, and died in prison of inoperable brain cancer in 2005.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




Like the legends of old, the villain known as Comet was a bad omen. He had the ability to "project or focus" bad luck on an opponent. Crazy things would occur to his opponents with often hilarious results. Bricks about ready to give a pounding would get whacked by speeding trains. Speedsters going in for the attack would trip on the crack in the sidewalk. Etc.


Last he was heard from was that he had become a farmer somewhere in the midwest. Though rumor has it somewhere in Nebraska a high rate of contestants in a pumpkin growing contest slipped and busted their pumpkins before the judging began back in 1995.



New team: The Twilights

Members: 8 (more can be optional)


Not sparkly vampire related. These are characters whose powers are at least loosely related of characters from classic Twilight Zone episodes.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Gremlin looooves technology. Let me rephrase that, he loves destroying technology -- and the more complex the better! Planes, trains, automobiles (especially with those sweet GPS tracking systems he can make go haywire), the scientific advances of the 21st century are a veritable buffet for him! Very few can see him when he's at work and those that have are nearly never believed when they try to stop him.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




A homeless man...a drunker in a santa suit. Give him an empty sack with the power to take away anything, a sled pulled by a flying raindear, and a mission: to take away 'toys' from thoes who do not aprecate them, and for your aproval comes Atnas the Ungifter.



Loosly based on the short story "Night of the Meek", and of the Zone epasold of the same name.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Maskmaker offers people big bucks to wear his ugly masks, chosen to reflect what he sees as their personality flaws. Unfortunately, if you wear the mask long enough to earn the money, your face becomes identical underneath. Perhaps the Maskmaker's true superpower is his ability to trick people into wearing the masks despite the story being known....

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




Like the legends of old, the villain known as Comet was a bad omen. He had the ability to "project or focus" bad luck on an opponent. Crazy things would occur to his opponents with often hilarious results. Bricks about ready to give a pounding would get whacked by speeding trains. Speedsters going in for the attack would trip on the crack in the sidewalk. Etc.


Last he was heard from was that he had become a farmer somewhere in the midwest. Though rumor has it somewhere in Nebraska a high rate of contestants in a pumpkin growing contest slipped and busted their pumpkins before the judging began back in 1995.



New team: The Twilights

Members: 8 (more can be optional)


Not sparkly vampire related. These are characters whose powers are at least loosely related of characters from classic Twilight Zone episodes.


By classic, do you mean first series?


Lucius Alexander


And a sparkly palindromedary

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Mr Dingle is the experimental subject of scientists wishing to test the various methods they have for creating superhumans. He randomly recieves one power at a time for a day. naturally he uses that to win himself wealth and influence before the power changes to something else.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Doc Hollis


Dan Hollis was admitted to the Peaksville Asylum for the Criminally insane, after the brutal murder of six year old Anthony Freedman. Dan was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, and he claimed that the murder was self defense; he said that Anthony was a demon, who was trying to send him to the "Cornfield". Despite the murder, Dan was constantly afraid that Anthony was still alive, trying to kill him. One day, Dan killed an orderly, and escaped, trying to flee from Anthony. He made it to a nearby town, and got a room at a motel. As the days of his escape continued, people in the hotel began to disappear into the cornfield. He swore Anthony was near him, taunting him. Hollis ran from the Motel as fast as he could, and eventually made it back to his home town, and found his wife, who had remarried. At this, he became enraged, and with a bad look, his wife, her husband, and his daughter disappeared into the cornfield. He suddenly realized that Anthony never sent anyone to the cornfield. He couldn't even be sure Anthony had ever existed. He had the powers he attributed to Anthony, and it was possible that Anthony, himself, was a figment of this power. His already fractured mind began to crack more, and he fled from society all together. Whenever he'd meet someone, anything that they'd do that would annoy him would send them to the cornfield.


Based on "It's a Good Life"

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The new team is Telemachus's Terrors. When the Shooting Stars caused Dr. Telemachus's machine to go wild, they were blasted across the universe. The machine also summoned seven individuals from various other places when it reversed.


The challenge for this team is one example from one rpg.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Private Carson McCuller hails from Chi-Town, a mega city in the middle of a wilderness of monsters and bandits. As a member of the Coalition States Army, he was supposed to serve and protect the humans of the Coalition. McCuller became known as profiteer and was forced to escape in a suit of SAMAS flying armor before he was pulled from his home universe. He joined the Terrors as a way to make money and influence.


McCuller is known as the Black Wing.


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Basing it off an rpg (rpg character?). Do we make up our own that would fit in an rpg or do we have to base it off of pre-fabricated character?


(if the latter I'm out)

As far as I understand we just make a character that would fit a typical/established setting of one RPG, then plant him into CU via this mishap.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


(I'm new here, and if I am stepping on any toes, I apologize.)


The Eye Tyrant, real name unpronounceable in any human tongue, was whisked from his lair to a world he has never known. Uncertain of the circumstances he is in, he allows himself to be lead by his strange allies while he makes his plans to rule the world from behind the scenes.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


(I'm new here, and if I am stepping on any toes, I apologize.)


The Eye Tyrant, real name unpronounceable in any human tongue, was whisked from his lair to a world he has never known. Uncertain of the circumstances he is in, he allows himself to be lead by his strange allies while he makes his plans to rule the world from behind the scenes.

There goes D&D (Eye Tyrant is better know as Beholder) :)

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