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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Octagon aka Marshall Jens is a perennial member of the Crazy Eights, having served on the first, third, fifth, sixth and current eighth lineups.  His primary powers are being stronger and tougher than most normal people, which he has supplemented with combat training and a variety of gadgets (what sort of gadgets depends on the villain he's working for this month and whether they've paid him recently.)  He also has the ability to place himself in suspended animation for a day or two, most often used to escape prison.


Octagon is pretty pragmatic and sensible for someone in a group that has "crazy" in the name--he often accomplishes the actual goal while his more colorful associates distract everyone.

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Crazy Paving


This villain was in the second team but has not been on any of the others since their arrest. Crazy's superpower is to cause a mini earthquake which can knock people to the ground. The limitation to it is that it only works on pavements and concreted areas but for some reason not on bridges or on the freeways. He was taken down by a flying hero who naturally was immune to his power.

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Ka Pow !


This energy projecting villain served on the 3rd through 5th teams before being captured and incarcerated. His energy projection ability was akin to something you would see in some of the martial arts video games where they project their chi as energy. This is what he did forming a ball of energy before releasing it ith his resounding Ka Pow ! shout. An oriental he is not thought to have any martial arts ability per se. He prefers to disable opponents rather than kill them. He did not have any other energy power like force fields or light.


(NB: I had an idea for a team called the Four which is similar to what The Crazy Eight is. A team that has been around for a long time and now no longer has any original members but Steraica beat me to it.)

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Teeth MacaFee


This villain got their name for their outsized jaw filled with sharp teeth which were able to bite through anything. He was on the 5th team only. However despite a previously good record prior to joining things went wrong for MacaFee with his teeth becoming embedded and hard to release in a vehicle and then he got stuck in a hole in the ground. Then the 'hero' who arrested him smashed all his teeth out. He resides in prison drinking soups and smoothies as there is a restraining order on providing him with new gnashers despite a legal challenge saying that his current existence is inhumane.

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Norm the Tunnel Rat was only on the sixth team. His speciality was locating ways into a target that were not covered on maps. Then he blew his way in. He was killed by American Protector on an unrelated job.


That last bit would be extremely difficult as American Protector was out of the limelight completely by 1999 and since the teams started in 1994 the sixth version would be in the 2000 plus period.

Last confirmed sighting was New Orleans post Katrina. And he was on a tight leash. You could say that it is rumoured that he was killed by American Protector as the hero is still a formidable bogeyman to the Underworld.


Number Eight


This martial artist was a member of the second and then the fourth through sixth teams. He was obsessed with the number 8 and so demanded to be on the team. His martial art style was the 8 fold way. He proved a good solid member even escaping when caught. Tragedy struck in the sixth incarnation when an injury resulted in him losing a finger. Since then he has gone into seclusion in order to see if he should follow a style that embraces the No 7 or whether he should get a prosthetic finger.

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New group

Name: The Mindslaves of The Headmaster

Members: three (3)

Theam: Three members of three different villian teams, they are secretly servents of the Headmaster. This is a new try based on a group tried before but failed. By making it smaller, this might get done.

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The Headmaster is a member of Academica Demonica (or something like it). He is a money grubbing mentlist SOB who 'teaches' teenage beings of power. Over the years in his care, he slowly brainwashes them with his powers, and uses his mindslaves to enrich his pocket books. He is not above getting other pleasure from them, but money is number one.
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The Pro Tempore is a member of the Unholy Days, a group of low-powered villains who are themed around various holidays and special calendar events.  His (or possibly her) chosen time is Administrative Professionals' Day.  He (or possibly she) is a whiz at paperwork and bureaucracy, able to penetrate any organization to assist his (or possibly her) allies.  Pro Tempore presents as male, but is androgynous enough in appearance that many people suspect that person is actually a woman.  PT refuses to dignify any questions on the subject with a response, pointing out that biological sex is irrelevant to most office jobs.


The Headmaster may know for sure, but isn't telling.

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Rebel Yella


This is a cousin of Rebel Yell of the Badmen who sometimes subs in the group although the group are beginning to get a little suspicious. Getting a lookalike in the family was quite the coup for the Headmaster.

The Headmaster is aware of the growing suspicions and is being very careful when and where he arranges the swops to take place.


New Team: The Retaliators


These are heroes and villains whose reputations were trashed by the now infamous Grudge Report. This is a blog that dares, dares I say !, to expose the secrets of villains and heroes especially their secret identities, miserable hypocrites for keeping their real names out of it. But who is the Grudge Report. David Glazebrook. Yeah that David Glazebrook. The one who stole the Hand of Justice's teddy bear and suffered for it. After what her team mate did to him, he had to find a different way of reporting. And now all the news that is unfit to be printed about those with superpowers ends up on his blog. There are a minimum 5 members and an absolute maximum of 20. If we get to 10, take a vote. Depends on how much fun people are having.

So here are the parameters.


1. The heroes and villains have banded together to fight as a team as some of their enemies exist on both sides of the law and want them dead, maimed or incarcerated. Maybe all three.

2. None of them know that it is David Glazebrook who is responsible for their downfall, all they know is that someone talked to the Grudge Report. This informer is known as Tattletale. They maybe seeking revenge on this person.

3. There is at least one hero and one villain in the team.

4. What was exposed by The Grudge Report must be noted:- This can be an exposed Secret Identity, a former identity such as once was the villain known as X or the hero known as Y (It does not have to be a hero was once a villain or a villain was once a hero it could be a hero changed IDs to become another hero or a villain changed IDs to become another villain), that the hero/villain once killed someone or did not kill someone (that they were supposed to), what a vunerability is, that they are in counselling with a doctor or priest or it could be anythng else. It could be really silly or really tragic.

5. The members could be FBI, NSA, CIA or an undercover operative for any police department.

6. Although The Grudge Report is based in America it might be that it is a foreign national who was burned. The Russians, British (specifially English), Germans, Japanese, French and Chinese seem to be particular targets.

7. Someone is protecting David. He might know who that is, he might not. Certainly it might amuse The Sophia or the Unknown to burn some people this way. On the other side it might be someone in the Pentagon/Langley/Quantico who is protecting him. Might be both. You don't have to refer to this but the option is there.

8. The American Protector is alledged to read the blog. So if the hero/villain has a history prior to 1995 then you can have them worried that he might come after them. Any hero who was a villain or a villain who became a hero might have that fear. No-one knows where the bogeyman is (Actually he is the bodyguard of Nancy Reagan and is in airforce uniform not standard secret service get up. And God help the fool who attacks the widow of America's Greatest President, they won't live I guarantee it. AND PLEASE NOTE, NOBODY KNOWS THAT HE IS DOING THIS)

9. The team mates know that they were all harmed by the blog but they might not know specifially who each other is. Your call.

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Grave, a minor brick villian with a death obsession, had his secret outed in the blog. It was not his secret identity (othoe they did that...his real name is Mike Stone). No, what they exposed was worse than that. The fact that from the age of six to the age of ten, he was molested by his father.
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Charles Barley is now known as Equipper. He had a short run as a hero called Dodge. He did a bit of fencing on the side and everything was peachy. What did for him is that he had (unknowingly) passed on to colleagues a hot gun. It had been used in the killing of a police officer. And that was what ended up on The Grudge Report. Charles went underground and knew that he could not come back as Dodge. So he became the member of the team that got supplies, false identities and equipment. He is far more successful and less visible than he has ever been before. He has an inkling who talked to Tattletale and is looking for a way to get both of them in trouble with the Law or a vigilante who will hurt but not kill them.

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Fatemaster, a minor villian who clames to have luck powers was outed by the blog for one thing: he is 100% powerless, and fakes his luck powers by manipulation of the environment beforehand. He has sworn revenge on the blog, and is secretly searching for a reliable source of superpowers.
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The musclebound barbarian known as Crom used to be a cosplaying nerd who was caught in an explosion and riot at a convention. His real name was Dave T. Berryman. When his identity was revealed in the Grudge Report, his sisters and parents were killed by villains he had encountered at the convention.


He vowed revenge.


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