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Members: 8


Eight supercriminals brought together by the mysterous Shadow Boss, theas criminals are all at the beck and call of him, in spite the fact that nobody has ever seen Shadow Boss and live to tell the tale. A supermafia, the eight supers are the top ranked made men of this group.

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Tony 'The Wheels' Marconi


The designated driver of the group and mechanic, Tony is not a speedster. His reaction times are faster and he can do remarkable things with vehicles especially cars and motorbikes. He can pilot planes and skipper boats but his real talent is with land vehicles. He is not invulnerable so wears protective clothing. He is a loyal soldier and serves also as the back up intel and surveillance guy as he blends in. His showboating is reserved for vehicles.

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In case anyone wants to know, I based the idea of Dispar on the mafia group Passion, from the fourth storyline of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I don't want to see Stands, thoe. The only bases are "superpowered made men" and a mysterious boss which nobody sees. (Shadow Boss is like Davilo in the way he likes nobody to know who he really is. Bit Davilo is even more so, going so far as to place a hit on his illegitimate daughter Triss Unn and her Stand Spice Girl.)

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One of the enforcers is Mickey 'Splittyfingers'. He has this nasty habit of breaking people's fingers particularly the first and second or third and fourth together making people adopt the Vulcan salute beforehand. A man of few words and no discernable morals, Mickey is usually well turned out despite the fact that he is the one most likely to face combat. Mickey is the one most likely to be caught out by the old 'the boss want you to do this' stunt as he does not question orders. He is a mid level brick with medium defences, i.e. he can bounce bullets.

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In accordance with prophecy.

I have no idea what that has to do with Despair.


Anyways, here is the kingpin of the group The Shadow Boss.


Randolf Shade was always a weasely kid, always getting into trouble till he turned 16. At 16, his mutant powers manifested. His powers allowed him to view the future by starring at a blank screen (like a TV set turned off, or an off computer monitor). Using this power, he was able to manipulate events to eventually become the head of the mafia unit Despair.


He is extremely cautious and secretive, only calling his made men up to give them there orders (and he never calls there cell phones...as he somehow knows when they pass certen pay phones ans such). While it is rumored that nobody has seen him and lives, that is a hyperbolt. If he wants someone dead, he mearly gazes into the future, finds out where he will be when, and uses hus conections and made men to manipulate an 'accident' to happen.


He also punishes his made men in the very same way (only less than lethal, unless he is going to squeal...).

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I have no idea what that has to do with Despair.


Anyways, here is the kingpin of the group The Shadow Boss.


Randolf Shade was always a weasely kid, always getting into trouble till he turned 16. At 16, his mutant powers manifested. His powers allowed him to view the future by starring at a blank screen (like a TV set turned off, or an off computer monitor). Using this power, he was able to manipulate events to eventually become the head of the mafia unit Despair.


He is extremely cautious and secretive, only calling his made men up to give them there orders (and he never calls there cell phones...as he somehow knows when they pass certen pay phones ans such). While it is rumored that nobody has seen him and lives, that is a hyperbolt. If he wants someone dead, he mearly gazes into the future, finds out where he will be when, and uses hus conections and made men to manipulate an 'accident' to happen.


He also punishes his made men in the very same way (only less than lethal, unless he is going to squeal...).

Does Shadow Boss count as part of the total ?


And Mister E was being a little silly.




Vincenzo is a minor mentalist and a bit of a brick. He can use telepathy and a degree of weak mind control on people. He has a metal collar which is the Shadow Boss's way of controlling him. He is pretty close mouthed and people put that down to the collar. How the collar got on him is anyone's guess. He is relatively immune to telepathy and mind control but mental blasts and illusions work on him. He usually stays with Wheels if not needed by the others.

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Does Shadow Boss count as part of the total ?


And Mister E was being a little silly.


Depends. If nobody can think up a decent number eight, then Shadow Boss counts. But if someone has a good number eight, then count Shadow Boss' entery as more of a how the group operates and is runned than anything else.


And Mister E can be as silly as he wants to be.

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Sometimes a hit has to be done. The designated hitter is Carmine Mortello. The FBI can't find the bodies of his targets, but chatter says he was ordered to do the hit, and the victim is gone soon after. No one knows how he does it. And he has the odd name of Fava Beans. The significance is lost on investigators. 


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The team seems to need a woman's touch.


Millie "The Moll" Morgan isn't the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen -- so why do all the good guys fall all over themselves for her?  Perhaps it's her ready smile, or maybe her laugh.  But most likely it's because of the pheromones she produces.  They're strong enough to cause many costumed crimefighters to simply let her go form the scene of the crime, so Millie has never actually been arrested, let alone charged.


- - - - - -


New team:  The Memphis Belles are five supervillainesses who call Memphis, Tennessee their home, though their criminal activities have spread into neighboring states.  Who are these ladies, and how is each linked in some way to Memphis, Tennessee, the Mississippi River, or anything else related to the region?

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Lady Ptah- A woman in powered armor and that armor decorated in a style that honors ancient Egypt complete with hieroglyphics. Lady Ptah is the engineering genius of the group, and whether she is actually a neo-pagan showing off her faith, somehow really tied to the ancient Egyptian god of craft, or just enjoys pulling the collective leg of the public over the namesake of the team's home city is unknown. She does seem to enjoy robbing the Memphis Pyramid and its surrounding area.

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Memphis Belle


In one of the most supreme examples of evil, the woman calling herself Memphis Belle can turn into a B17 bomber which can then unload munitions on a target. Why anyone would want to turn themselves into a full size WW2 bomber or a scale replica is unknown. However if full size then 'she' needs a crew whereas a scale model does not need outside assistance. The others love th idea of using a bomber to get away in. The villainess is wanted for kidnapping Billy Zane, Mathew Modine, Sean Astin, D B Sweeney and Harry Connick Jnr who were all in the film of the same name. John Lithgow and David Strathairn are also on her list and have narrowly escaped capture. The villainess is  apparently from Memphis.

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TCB⚡ used to be Grace Priscilla landon female Elvis impersonator and waitress in the Jungle room lounge at the Heartbreak hotel (a real place honestly).


That was until she claims she was struck by lightning whilst standing over elvis's tomb at graceland ( no evidence has ever come to light of the incident but she claims to have broken in so no one knows for sure) 


Now she is Taking Care of Business in a Flash



she is the teams speedster moving around in a trail of lightning and twinkling rhinestones she dresses is a variety of Elvis themed costumes(often themed after the caper ie jail-house rock for a prison break or blue hawaii for a beach front crime) but she prefers the white jump suit of vegas era Elvis.


unusually for a speedster she carries a gun but mostly uses it to shoot out cameras and monitors. she also rides a fast japanese Motor-Cycle usually when not actively in combat. she is skilled in Karate which she claims  "Goes with the Sickle!"

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She is known as The Pedestrian. she has a way of draining the energy of vehicles but she can also slow people down but not completley. she does not use her powers on Memphis Belle for obvious reasons.


What is this to do with Memphis I hear you cry ? Well there is a song called 'Walking in Memphis'.......


New Team. Three Faces of Fear. This team has three members who can cause fear in people either artificially via a device or by their actions. Detail them.


NB. Can we please have a moratorium for a bit on 5 piece teams ? Two, three, four, six, seven, eight are all underused.

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The Night Mare


Flibbertigibbet was a mildly successful race horse but when she was injured it wasn't worth nursing her back to health for her limited worth as a broodmare so she was sold off.


If she had been luckier she might have ended up at a gentle horse tour company or as the horse of a beginner rider but she ended up in the unlicensed secret lab of an argent cell.


The immoral scientists where testing a drug and implant regimen designed to massively increase intelligence . Months of excruciating pain daily injections and electrodes buried deep into her brain succeeded.


her mind expanded not only did she develop an IQ equivalent to a gifted human she also developed psychic powers able to absorb information from the minds of her tormentors but also experiencing the pain and terror of the other lab animals.


She hid the success from the evil scientists until the day they decided to vivisect her to see what went wrong. Instead she took control having them release her and the other subjects and then locked the scientists in their own minds forcing them to experience everything they had done to their subject over and over again.


They where left insane broken shells.


Now the Night Mare commits crimes to fund her secret animal sanctuary filled with animals saved from other mad scientists she joined the Trio because she needed some one with opposable thumbs.


She is a potent psychic able to lock people into nightmarish psychic illusions. She also acts as the teams communications.


She is also highly educated having absorbed the equivalent of several degrees she has designed some high tech battle gear but lacking telekinesis she has to have others build them for her.


She is also the teams best tactician and plans many of the jobs.


The experiments left her some what stronger and faster than a normal horse she hates being ridden but will do so to let the team escape.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Suspense was laughed out of three villain headquarters but that never stopped him. He knew his powers were amazing. The ability to create perfect silence in a ten-foot radius was exactly the sort of thing that could leave superheroes trembling in fear and lead him to a life of riches and fame and beautiful women lounging around him in European casinos. After all, all the greats like Hitchcock and Romero know that silence is the scariest sound of all. Ever since that experimental auto-husher in the Millenium City Library malfunctioned while he was working on it, he knew his destiny was great things. 


And shockingly, he's proven himself right. Perfect silence and a little patience make for a perfect ambusher. He made his debut with the Faultless Four when they cut the power and backup generator for the local police station and broke into the evidence locker, making out with millions of dollars in impounded goods and enough labeled evidence to put many other villains in their debt. He stalked through the halls with nightvision goggles, while the cops all tried to navigate by sound and speech. It was a terrifying half-hour for them as they learned to fear the silence and the Suspense. Eventually though the heroes showed up, and learned the same lesson. An assault shotgun on full-auto with beanbag rounds may not kill most superheroes but it'll knock them down or knock them out, and he can often take down one or even two of them before they even figure out that they were under attack, let alone start looking for him. It had been a good night for them, putting them on the map. Not to mention all the banks he can break into with shaped demolition charges, looting the vault while nobody even knows they've been breached. The more tactical a hero team is, the more he shines, disrupting their communications with ease, and gods help them if they've got a sonic blaster on their team. Cops can't call for backup, alarms don't go off, his team operates in perfect stealth, and he is amassing those riches and fame with a speed that surprises those villain teams that laughed at him and blew him off. 

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