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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Jill the Bat

Thought to be one of several people responsible for the Spring-Heeled Jack urban legend, she was one of the only terrors who was identified. She could fly short distances like a bat with the wings she had which were part of her. So how she grew up without being put on display as a specimen is unknown. She could also breath out flames in blue or white. Most of her attacks and activity were at range so that she could not be fully identified. She was brought down in late 1842 and was certainly dead by the time of the last Spring-heeled Jack attack in 1904.

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I apologize for this, but it's a villain concept I used a long while back, and it seemed funny at the time.  


The Great White Hunter


Clad in pith helmet, jungle fatigues, and trophies like a tooth-necklace and lion's pelt (sorry 'bout your dad, Kimba), armed with a powerful hunting rifle, an eye for targets' weaknesses, and an assegai for close-in work, The Great White Hunter stalks his prey:  White rhinos, the rare white tiger, the largest & most rapacious of sharks, American Presidents, tech billionaires, Aryan supervillians .... 

Yes, if it's great and it's white, he hunts it, whether as poacher, professional assassin, or just avid player of the most dangerous game.


Obviously, as part of TUSK, TGWH is the killer, he takes the shot - whether prized animal or annoying game warden - and lets the others handle the rest.  When operating in the West, he hires native bearers and guides to help him find his prey in the unfamiliar concrete jungles.



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And in a hunter team I have a great white hunter that was done for the threads. It might be a hero. I'll have to check. If they met it would be awkward.




This member of the group organises the sale of ivory and rhino horns for medicines and decorative purposes. He is Chinese and is utterly ruthless disposing of people who get in the way. He organises the pay offs and 'removal' of anyone getting in the way. He is a skilled martial artist and expert small arms marksman. Woe betide a subordinate who screws up as Xiangya is not forgiving. He is also aware that with his contacts he would be the most valuable captive. To that end he has taken precautions against telepathy and interrogation techniques.



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Mac the Driver


To hunt something/someone, TUSK needs to be able to move people, gear and weapons across the globe, and across national borders, quickly, efficiently and above all quietly.

That's where Mac the Driver comes in. He has access to a seemingly endless variety of vehicles, from various top-of-the-line all-terrain trucks to his home base, a Soviet-era Alfa class attack submarine - which also acts as the team's base of operations and bulk transport system. And he knows how to operate all of them to the peak of their capabilities, as well as a remarkable capacity to modify them on the fly to deal with unexpected events, like adding an anti-radar cloaking system - while still in the air.

Mac doesn't care what TUSK hunts or where, save that he steers the team away from Australia - "You ain't ready for the stuff that's down there, mate."

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Mozambique Driller


Mark Rosseau is a ruthless mercenary who is often tasked by TUSK to eliminate law enforcement officials, rival poachers and really anyone that gets in the groups way as it operates. He also helps on the hunts as well, but prefers fighting against targets that can shoot back. He carries a pair of heavily customized high caliber pistols that he is incredibly deadly with usually employing his signature 'two to the body, one to the head' technique.

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This African organises the people for the group on the ground in Africa. He can either duplicate himself and thus get lost in a crowd or become invisible and blend into the landscape. Named after the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo it reflects his ability to either blend in or vanish. Kinshasa is greedy. He cares nothing for his country, the African continent or its wildlife. Money is all there is. Xiangya does not trust him and will eliminate him if the African proves to be a liability.


New Team: The Air War Villain edition

New York City was the scene of what became known as The Air War. 20 flying paranormals battled between the buildings, over the bridges and into and out of the tunnels. All anyone could tell to begin with was that there were 10 people on one side and 10 on the other. After some time the figures morphed into their known identities and the fight broke down. What was unusual was that heroes and villains were fighting on the same side against other heroes and villains on the other.

Your mission should you choose to accept it is to do one of five minimum of the heroes present (up to a maximum of 10) who took part with the following parameters.

The villain has no idea why they were fighting in the first place;

The villain has no idea how they got there in the first place;

The villain has no idea who is responsible for them being there;

None of the heroes or villains present are dyed in the wool killers i.e. no Punisher wannabees for example

No hero or villain is working with, or facing, their archfoe.

The villain can fly with power armour, some gadget or power.

They have some power that lets them fight while airborne

There were between 11-9 villains present so there were 9-11 heroes present.

You can detail what the villain was known for before The Air War i.e. team affiliation, home territory, arrests etc

You can details what they were doing during the course of the fight and what landmarks they were flying around

You can name a few of the other participants on either side but they would not have recognised or cared about who they were before the sudden reveal. Others can then detail these other names. No-one needs to name everyone.

You can detail what happened afterwards such as did they survive and were they arrested, did they retire etc.

No more then five of the twenty were killed or suffered serious wounds that resulted in death

There was some property damage but not whole skyscraper blown up and reduced to rubble.

Civilian casualties were light i.e. no deaths.


What people could see of them was non-descript clothing which masked capes and power armour. While onlookers could not make out who was who, those fighting could tell someone who was on the other team as if one lot was wearing an A and the other a B. Only special effects would be visible, energy trails and blasts but not a broomstick or wings. Consider it some form of illusion.

Once the reveal kicked in it was obvious who was who but it took a little time for those fighting to realise what they were doing as adrenaline was up and they were caught up in the fight.


And there is no barrier to sex of combatants nor ethnicity.

The following heroes have so far been identified

Sky Knight, Air MARTA, Detroit Shield, Tankhunter, Firefly

The following villains have so far been identified

Baltimore Battler, Fortress America, Red Raptor, War Monger

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Nursing the wounds it had received from it latest battle on the human's world, Kreesh-Nal-Ib plodded back to it's lair. DEMON and their accursed summons for their petty small minded schemes was really beginning to annoy the greater demon. At first it had enjoyed the charnage and misery the jaunts to the mortal world allowed it but now they were more often than naught just lessons in pain and humiliation. Time and time again some "wizard" or "grand-puhba" or whatever they called themselves would summon the great and powerful Kreesh-Nal-Ib to accept a sacrifice or destroy an enemy or corrupt some location but instead it inevitably ended up fighting a slew of heroes. To make matters worse the thrice accursed heroes seemed to be getting stronger. Take the summons it was limping back home from at the moment. It had been minding its own business torturing some souls it had lying around when it had received the summons. At first it was looking forward to this particular summons because who ever had done it had made several mistakes. The summoner had not identified themselves or demanded subservience from the greater demon letting Kreesh claim it did not have to follow any orders it might have been given when it got to the mortal realm. Then it realized the mortal mage, for who else would have summoned it, had made another error by not binding it thus allowing it free reign when it arrived on the world of the humans. So it was with genuine glee that it had answered the summons and gated to the world of the mortals. Alsa not all was as it had predicted. 


To begin with who ever had summoned it had manage to mask itself such that Kreesh could not locate the perpetrator of this affront to extract it's revenge for attempting to enslave it. Second, the moment it stepped through the portal it was assaulted by, well by someone, although Kreesh never did figure out who was who. It did know that apparently several other demons had been summoned and that as a group they were fighting several other beings. Kreesh knew who the "enemy" was and it was able to identify its allies but something was off. 


Spreading its great leathery wings it rose into the air and threw a bolt of arcane hellfire at one of the other flying enemies, a great shining knight in silvered armor. Either the knight was a practitioner of majik or the armor was enchanted for the hell bolt smashed into some kind of barrier just before it struck the target. The battle raged back and forth. Around buildings, through tunnels, high in the air and close to the ground. Many a time Kreesh had been tempted to break from the battle to find a tasty mortal to drag back to its realm but every time ithe demon found itself being dragged back into the battle. In Fact by the end Kreesh-Nal-Ib was certain there was some outside force directing the whole affair. As the battle dragged on the individuals on both sides grew to be less of "them" and "us" and more individuals the demon recognized. Warmonger was a soul it had been watching for sometime as Kreesh had recognized that the mortal's zealous nature and blood-lust could be used to corrupt him. Kreesh-Nal-Ib assumed the reason Warmonger was fighting today was that someone had convinced the would-be hero that "the cause was justified." Now as to why Kreesh was allied with Firefly, a Fey creature it had fought against before, it had no idea. Maybe she was under a spell or possessed.


Eventually though it felt the majik of the summon began to weaken. As it had suffered majorly in this battle in the air it elected to return to its lair to heal its wounds and plot its revenge on whoever or whatever had called it out to this pointless and in the end fruitless battle.   

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The bloody murder named Razorwing is a strange one. He was thought to be a mutant with metallic bird wings with razor sharp feathers and bird talons for hands and feat. He was responsible for the death of various normals during the attack. 


He was thought to of been killed during the battle, but his body was never recovered. And he has yet to reveal if he was truly dead or not.



Razorwing is not a mutant nor a demon, but an alien stranded on Earth. He was not killed in the battle at all, but was near by when Kreesh-Nal-Ib was pulled back into his Hell and followed along. Kreesh was pleased with Razorwing and this did not torture him much as he flew through his Hell, ripping souls appart by the act of just flying about (the souls reform, but the wings cause lots of pain as he flys past the souls).


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Sky Lord
Sky Lord had been about to activate his Planet Buster Beam onto San Francisco and thus sink the west coast into the ocean when it found itself somewhere else. It was unable to identify it position as it could not seem to connect to internet or any GPS device. What it could detect were the pitiful human meat bag supers that had obviously transported it to wherever here was and it would make them pay for interfering in its grand scheme to take over the Earth for the betterment of all machine kind.
Even before the strange "event" that had been blocking or interfering with everyone's ability to perceive reality ended several of the victims of the Air War had teamed up to take out the black lacquered robot that was indiscriminately attacking everyone and everything. Later when things became more clear many felt there might have been something in some of the team ups between certain of the heroes and villains although none would admit it at the time.
P.S. He is no more powerful than any other villain he just thinks he is. Megalomania and all that.
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The Fremont Flyer


Probably the one person who did not want to end up back in New York was The Fremont Flyer but when you manage the difficult feat of alienating the underworld by stealing several million dollars from your colleagues and leading them to the police whilst also irritating the police and heroes along the East Coast you really should retire. And that is what Jules Cranfield had done. Only when he awoke during the reveal did he realise the problems he was facing. He had been fighting in front of Macy's, FAO Schwarz and Tiffany's with his colleagues against their common foe but now he was the common foe. So he fled for his life especially after he saw Fortress America on fire and heading down to die in the city. He was recognised and several heroes and villains shot at him. After all there was a price on his head, wanted DEAD not alive. The end came close to Liberty Island when the Flyer ran into police helicopters equipped with SWAT personnel who poured fire on him. While that did not hurt him the bullets damaged his equipment and he plunged into the harbour. His body was quickly recovered from the water in front of the Statue which a number of people felt was quite apt.

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After spending 20 years in Stronghold's 'Hot Sleep,' this notorious late 70s, WITCH-associate supervillain retired to a commune in the Santa Cruz hills.  Since her pyrokinetic powers can simply set enemies on fire with a snap of her fingers, as well as project bolts or cones of flame, it was hard to tell, at first, who she may have been inflicting damage on.  Once the illusion dropped and  her large wings and humanoid-reptilian features were visible she was identified, and it was clear that she had been fighting on the 'same side' as a demonic entity and the obscure Homeland-security-flunky Firely.  Maybe someone thought 'fire' needed to be a theme?

As soon as the chaos sorted itself out, Snapdragon descended to ground level and surrendered to authorities, her parole was violated but we she got off with just a few more years of probation.  She gave a full account of her experience.  She'd been sunning herself on the upper branches of a giant sequoia (one of the downsides of being 'cold blooded') and had just started her first sun salutation, when she suddenly found herself over New York, under attack along with a 'team' she intuitive new were on her side, somehow.  Still not fully warmed up from the cold morning, she spread her wings on thermals to gain heat and altitude, torching 'enemies' that got too close, then coordinated with her 'teammates' to concentrate fire on one enemy at a time (an old tactic from back in the day).   Once the illusion dropped, and the sense sense of 'sides' faded (which was not immediate, she did realize one 'enemy' was armored once she could see him clearly, and set some of his internal systems on fire), she dived into the wooded areas of central park to escape the conflict.  

She latter regretted not getting to meet Tankhunter, who had been an idol of her's in college, when she was still an antiwar student protestor, before she'd turned radical environmentalist and been exposed to the reptilizing serum that granted her powers while freeing lab animals from a medical research facility.

Like any proper reptile, Snapdragon keeps her naughty bits safely tucked away in a tightly sealed cloaca, and lacks any mammary tissue, instead her chest and abdomen are protected by hard bands of yellow-green osteoderms, the rest of her body is covered by finer, darker green-grey scales, so she goes sans costume without rousing comment.  She does, however, retain the narrow waist and wide hips she had as a mammal, so is still readily perceived by humans as female, similarly her face, though hideous, is still a face, not a dragon-like snout.  She has fully jointed wings, rather than ptagia stretched between spines like Gargoyle, pale grey-green (nearly white) on the underside, and much darker above (a typical pattern for soaring animals).  She literally snaps her fingers to evoke her pyrokinetic powers, probably as a learned limitation to help control them, since pyrokinesis is notoriously dangerous (though for years that fanciful 'gesture' led to the perception she was magical or "half-" mystical dragon) .  Until the Air War it had been years since she'd done anything more than light a campfire or a doobie with them.

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Thank you 

1 hour ago, death tribble said:

PS Congratulations to Lorehunter and Opal for Winning the Day thanks to their work in this thread and the Create Heroes thread

Was just doing my part

I vote new team. For some reason I just seem to have a hard time with this particular concept. 😕 And just to be clear the problem is with my neural network not the concept itself

Edited by Lorehunter
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Well, Snapdragon was an actual villain I used back in the 80s, and she was part of a team.  It'd be interesting to see what the board comes up with for team-mates.


Flower Power  (yeah, it's cheesy, I was a teenager, and the 70s hadn't been over that long)


All named after flowers, all with powers that remotely have something to do with their name.  Associated with WITCH (female-supremacist terrorists; think silly 70s battle-of-the-sexes stuff, like ), radical environmentalism, "communist agents," anti-war, anti-nuclear, anti-imperialism, etc...  they committed crimes like robbery, sabotage, kidnapping, and drug-running (hippie "running towards" drugs like mamajuana, LSD, shrooms and the like, not cocaine or heroin 'running way' drugs, but they weren't in it for the money, anyway, well, some of them might've been), active in the US, Mexico, Central & South America, and the Pacific Rim, particularly Taiwan and Hong Kong.  


They can be a mix of mutant/mutate, tech or magical villains.

Any race, don't all have to be Americans, and could have other group memberships and varying priorities.

This was the 70s & 80s, and though they were far-left political radicals, the attitudes towards, understanding of, and vocabulary to describe transpersons and non-binary genders weren't really there, bisexuality tended to be erased, and lesbians were in the background of the gay movement.    (androgyny was briefly mainstream in the 80s with Boy George and the like being popular)  

At least, that's how I remember the decade.


Team of 5, no two of the same archetype, (Snapdragon took the Energy Projector spot)


You can go into their history after the group broke up to the present as I did with Snapdragon, but it's not required.  


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Holly Caustic


As a child Holly was always admonished to be a "good girl", to obey her elders, follow the rules, etc. When she was in high school she was raped. The boys responsible were never punished as "boys will be boys" and "she obviously was asking for it." Her parents were so disappointed. How could she have let this happen. They were embarrassed and ashamed of her. Holly had gotten pregnant and 7 months later had a miscarriage. She was alone when it happened, her father at work at his prestigious job in the city and her mother at the country club. Looking at the still-born baby, knowing this was yet another life that those boys had destroyed, knowing that the "men" in power would never do anything about it, Holly felt something deep inside her break. Something was released at that moment, something that coiled and twisted as it grew within her. She could feel the house plants around her, the grass of the lawn outside, the trees along the street. She felt the life all around her and then she felt the "death" brought about by the concrete and artificial constructs of the Man to show his status and power over Gaea the Earth Mother. The suburbs where the women and children were kept to be displayed for the prestige of the Men that controlled them and owned them. Along with the expanding sense of Gaea's life force around her Holly felt the bile of her anger and hatred rising as well. The two forces became mixed within her. She found she could influence the plants around her to move as she wished. Additionally she could cause them to seep out the hatred and anger she held within her in the form of a caustic sap able to eat through almost any "Man-Made" material. That day a new woman emerge from the destroyed and overgrown building that had been the house she grew up in, that day Holly Caustic was release upon the world of Man and woe to those who opposed her.

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Rambling Rose


She is the speedster of the group and has padded gloves so she can hit a number of targets in move by attacks, She does not say much and is thought of as a follower rather than a leader. Her costume features roses with very prominent thorns. She is known as a messenger of the group and is not relied on to do assassination missions or any task that involves a lot of killing. Stealth and speed missions are her forte.

She is Caucasian but nationality is unknown. The costume is bulletproof.


The paragraph above is all that remains of information regarding Rambling Rose. Although people called Rose and Rambler have appeared since there is no record of a Rambling Rose after 1989

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Lily White 


Lily White is an African American woman who was radicalized into the Black Power movement. She also studied various forms of self defense to protect herself from "The Pigs" (the police, who of course are controlled by White Upper Class Society, bka "The Man"). She wanted to help out the men of the movement, but she was always told to stay back/stay at home.


Fed up, one day she just left the movement and joined WITCH. If the men wouldn't let her fight, the women will. She became the martial artist of the group. Her martial arts styles are Capoeira, Dambe, Dirty Infighting, Knife Fighting, Re-Efi Areh-Ehsee (all fully described in Hero System Martial Arts book), Kupigana Ngumi, and Sebekkha (both only have a small sidebar in HSMA).

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I think I like the irony of "Lily White" even better.   ;)   Like Marvel's "Ivory" who was a light-skinned Wakandan, looked down upon for her possibly-European heritage.  (I hit Google to refresh my memory of the character, who I thought I recalled from the late 80s, and, wow, she's really quite obscure, and was actually from '92).   


Heck, she could wear a white costume ...ooh and leave a lily on each of her victims.

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28 minutes ago, Opal said:

I think I like the irony of "Lily White" even better.   ;)   Like Marvel's "Ivory" who was a light-skinned Wakandan, looked down upon for her possibly-European heritage.  (I hit Google to refresh my memory of the character, who I thought I recalled from the late 80s, and, wow, she's really quite obscure, and was actually from '92).   


Heck, she could wear a white costume ...ooh and leave a lily on each of her victims.


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