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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Some can call heat or light and it's highest form Flame. Some can call ice and it's most dangerous form hail. Some wind so sharp that it cut's or so powerfull it creates electricity. Weatherdamage can only call the most destructive force of each weather phenomenon. He seems to be unable to tone down his power to non-lethal level or under the highly destructive level.

He trains himself in Martial Arts to fight normal humans and superumans without fear for killing them, but robots, demons or walls are fair game. Of course only as long as he knows for certain that nobody is in the line of fire...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


This is going to be "off-theme", but figured I'd post it while it occurred to me. Basically, the theme is Worst Superheroes Ever, based not on them having lame powers or costumes, but just on them having lousy attitudes or unheroic motivations.

I present the Ravagers of Justice:

Mr. Superior(Superman type, possibly the most conceited, arrogant being on the planet)

El Diablo Blanco, hero of Harlem(this may take a minute...)

Cosmopolazon(lots of bad stereotypes of women embodied here)

Warhawk (Iron Man + Hawkman, his superhero antics are usually to test new munitions which he sells indiscriminately to third world dictators)

AlieAndroid(the one kinda decent person on the team, of course is treated like crap)

Straight Arrow(closeted homophobe)


Jupiter(storm god, rival with Mr. Superior--arrogant womanizer and father of dozens of illegitimate kids)

KingFish(arrogant aquatic hero)

FlashMob(duplicating speedster with mob connections)

MegaMILF(Power Girl + Ms. Marvel, with no interest in being taken seriously)

BiWitch (Duplicating sorceress--seriously bipolar)

Ringbearer (anything but brave, tends to overthink things)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The young Latino woman known as Santa Ana has moderate-level wind powers with a twist -- if she wishes, her winds can cause extreme deyhdration in anyone or anything they hit. She frequently uses her powers in concert with Deluge to minimize the latter heroine's flood damage to innocents or property. Despite this close working relationship, she is not very close personally to Deluge, nor to any other member of Weather Warning.



Santa Ana, whose real name is Anita Ramirez, is an illegal immigrant to the US. She has no love for the "coyotes" who help smuggle illegals across the border for money -- her brother was one of dozens who died of dehydration and heat prostration after being left in a locked shipping container for days by one of those human smugglers. Anita was one of the survivors who was deported back to Mexico; her powers manifested a few weeks later, and once she gained some control over them she flew over the border. She frequently spends time along the border, capturing coyotes in an attempt to find the one who left her and her brother to die.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Sleet has various winter type powers. Ice, snow, sleet whatever you need. His favorite uses of his power is to rain down ice upon his enemy or his "blinding blizzard" power, which covers his opponents or at the very least limits their visbility with the heavy amount of snow consuming their area. It should be mentioned that Sleet is a wee bit crazy (he has an occasional tendency to laugh a little maniacally when unleashing one of his 2 favorite moves on an enemy, which is obviously a bit disconcerting for a "hero" to do), so sometimes his teammates have to keep him reigned in, so he doesnt do anything well.....crazy. (also has a bit of a rivalry with teammate Alberta Clipper, albeit likely only in his own mind, and wil probably try to outdo her when they are using cold-powers)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


New team:The Resistance

A 5 member superpowered team from the future who have come to stop Mechanon from creating a "Terminator-on-steroids"* post-apocalyptic nightmare future.


*As they put it


Note: I dont think any previous "future" themed team was quite like this.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


ooo.. got a repost from a looong time ago, a concept that was inspired by Nato's art and I think fits this theme just fine


Warrior Unit 15432z walked over the great metalic plains of Square 47a. Soon it would be shipped to Planet Sol-4, and from there, beyond, to wage war upon the organics. In the mean time, it's time improving it's own fuctions was it's own. It was allowed, within some parameters, to cross caste. It came to the group of like minded robots, extending its sensors to make sure none of the coordinator units were about. A coordinator would see this exchange of data as counter productive, and would 'return them' to original programing: For the greater wellness of the society.


WU15432z transfered data with the others, again marveling at the data packets the Gatherer units had uncovered. Evidence of the time of organics. The thinker units were taking this to dangerous, illogical leaps. WU15432x felt almost overwhelmed by the stream of dataflow in their processring.

Organicsclearlyinferiorphysically.lackofrepaircapabilities.creativeintuitive.1110011.Organicsocietyunstableyeteternallyselfexperimenting.Comparisontoownsociety.Wecontinuetogrow.correction:Wecontinuetospread.Explain?Dataindicatesnoprogessalonglinesofcultureabstractthought.Abstractthoughtobsolete.Negative,Abstractthoughtall that is left to truly explore.Processing.Theory 95%valid.Danger!Danger! Wrongprocessingwillbeclearedbycoordinaters.Ifsocietystagnating, Requirenewsociety.Impossible,reprocessingguarenttees maintainence of current society.1000111011.


WU15432z sent out it's own tactical conjecture, Cut off supply at source.

For a full second, an unbelievably long time, the processing circle stopped.

WU1432z dared to further his simplistic point to the others, Societyisdangertoitself, societystagnates, society cannot remove itself, therefore-force outside society must stop it. Organics are necessray to complimentinorganic, ergo, solelyinorganic societymustbe stoppedinsuchafashion that organicsocietycanthrivealongside.Organicsextinct,therefore, must be stopped at temporalinception.The plan was bold, ludicrious to anyright thinking machine. Had they a religon, the word blasphemous would apply.


However, what ever illogic had gripped them, had infected them all it seemed. The circle began their task. Three Sol rotations later, the experimental device was set up. Thinker Unit 89942b explained to Warrior Unit 15432z, Engineering Unit 100343p confirmsdevicehas73%probability of sending youintopast.

WU15432z accepted this: Sourcethatmustbeneturalized?

The others processed as one, Masterunit:Mechanon.

WU15432z took this in, its programming even now trying to override this treacherous line of data, it was a warrior unit however; Capable of overriding a greatdeal to achieve victory.HowillWU15432zknowobjectivehashadeffect?

The Thinker unit responded, Conjecture:WU15432zwillNOTknow.Unit willsimplyceasetoexist.

WU15432z processed this. To see organics, in all their illogical glory, and to save their own system from permanent stagnation, it was expendable, as was Master Unit:Mechanon. Compliance.It accessed, and moved through the glimmering portal.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The young man calling himself Brother John is scared right now. Scared of Mechanon, scared of Warrior Unit 15432z -- and more importantly he's scared of the future AND the past. See, he's a mutant and he knows all too well how humans treated mutants in this time period. But his abilities could prove vital in removing the threat of Mechanon once and for all...



What REALLY has John terrified is potentially meeting his grandfather -- Plowshares of the villanous Luddites. John's powers seem to surpass his grandfather's, but he's terrified of screwing up somehow. And having a warrior robot as an "ally" isn't comforting in the slightest...


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Fred stared at the portal. It had been an incredibly tough several decades, and he was feeling every one of his years. What had once been a fun (if occasionally intense) lark had, due to Mechanon's ascent to power and his near-genocide of mankind, turned into a serious, difficult job. Sometimes, Fred wondered why he was one of the select few who had survived the robotic hoardes hunting down the last of humanity. It was certainly tougher than those times he had fought heroes and the authorities, and seeing so many dead had practically ripped out his heart. But if there was to be any chance of reversing the Rule of the Machine and the death of billions, he had to take up the cowl and see this through to the bitter end.


Sure, he was slower and not as strong as he once was. He probably wasn't up to flying around on self-made glide wings. But he still had it going on upstairs, and that's where he always shined. He had helped collect this small band of warriors to hopefully turn back the terrors of time. He had assisted in stealing the technology needed to build the time portal. (Okay, so he only assisted a little bit. Electronics were always Leroy's strong suit, not Fred's.) It was still his plan, and by all accounts it would be the masterstroke of humanity's battle against Mechanon.


"So, have you settled on a name?" asked Brother John. "Still liking Blazing Bat?"


"No," replied Fred as he checked the plasma loads in his hand weapon. "Mechanon always struck me as a Microsoft kinda guy, so I think I'm going to go with Firefox." He smiled at his own joke, but Brother John just looked confused.


"I'm sorry, I don't get it."


"Before your time, kid" said Fred as he stepped through the portal. "Before your time."

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Land of Legend had retreated from the fall of man. Very few inhabitants could deal with the steel of the combat drones as they cut through the world. One that could had the knowledge to help with the time machine, had the ability to put things together, and the weapons to help in the past as they tracked down Mechanon.


Vulcan smiled as he joined his friends.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Resistance was kind of desperate for members, so perhaps they were a bit hasty in taking on "Sarkon." She claimed to be a human raised by a rogue copy of Mechanon to become the peak of human physical development, able to smash through metal plating with her bare hands. This may or may not have been true, but once in the group Sarkon has been mostly useful. Except for that slight problem she has distinguishing allied machines from enemy ones in the thick of combat. They don't call her the Robot Ripper for nothing. Firefox just hopes he can keep her pointed in the right direction.



New team: The Young Radicals. Six heroes, members of the counterculture of the late 1960s and themed around that. They broke up in the 1970s due to drugs, the draft and personal issues, but for a few bright shining years, the Young Radicals were the hope of the Baby Boomer generation.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




A beautyfull women whose powers emphasize the Power of Love. She can instantly get people into a state of arousal. The problem (well, not for her): She is affected to the same degree as her "victim". It usually ends with both leaving the fray and being not seen (but propably heard) for some time. Her power is drained right after she is finished, but she is usually the first to recover and also has the power to bind people in Chains of Flowers (a suprsingly durable and decency protecting entangle).


During her time she had a longstanding Rivalry with a with member of the scarlet moon. Later regulary attacked and Flowerchild always had to use her powers on her and the "humilation" only served as reasoning for another attack. Her Rivalry always escaped thanks to her teleportation powers. One day Flowerchild asked her loudly: "When you hate it so much, why did you never brought any mental shielding?" The result was a spontaneous scarlet face tone and a very fast leaving of the battlefield.


A few month later Flowerchild resigned, saying she had gone "resident".



Yes, they talked it through and Flowerchild got her rivalry to resign and live a happy live with her.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Radical


He was here and there, fighting The Man and being hip. No one knows where he originally came from but he became known on the student campuses and in Greenwich New York and Haight Asbury San Francisco. Wherever there was controversy there you found him sticking up for what was right. He was a minor brick but was more known for his mouth and for standing up to authority. He supported the Black Panthers and was against segregation. he annoyed his team mates with his impassioned arguments and was never mellow, drugs leaving him cold.

He became alienated as the 60s wore to a close and Nixon got elected. The Kent State Massacre he found hard to take but Kissinger getting the Nobel Peace Prize after what happened in Chile was too much. Supposedly retired he was said to have become a drunk and committed suicide; committed suicide; been hunted down and killed by a right wing hit squad; or been killed during a liquor store robbery when he intervened.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The young man known as Demonstration was an early skill-mimic, able to use what some later called "photographic reflexes" to perform various tasks ranging from acrobatic feats to martial arts to veterinary medicine. Unlike many of the Young Radicals, Demonstration was a very clean-cut, quiet, almost shy person. Don't get me wrong, he marched in a number of rallies, throwing his support behind civil rights and school desegregation, but he wasn't the one to stand in front of the group and chant slogans or rally the people to a cause. He felt he was supposed to simply lead by example.


Demonstration resigned from the team in 1972, citing personal reasons, and the other Young Radicals declined to give the media any further details except to say that he parted with the team on very good terms and that they wished him nothing but the best of luck in his future.



The reason Demonstration left was because he was drafted into the US Army to go to Vietnam. Rather than dodging the draft, he chose to go with the hope of saving some young men's lives in the Far East. He made his teammates promise not to reveal his being drafted, for reasons too complex to explain here.


PFC Samuel Roberts was listed as MIA when the helicopter carrying him and his squad was shot down in June 1973. His body was not found in the wreckage, nor was he listed as a POW. His fate remains a mystery.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Underground provided transportation for the group. He claimed to be interested in changing the world for the better.


The truth was Underground was using a piece of the Land of Legend to cut through one place to the other. And better for him, meant fomenting as much chaos as possible, which he did using the rest of the group.


Underground ran afoul of Dr. Arcane without the rest of the group and was sealed in a bottle.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Thanks Bolo. I was flipping(?) through the list, I noticed you have Jack of Fools down for alternate Black Harlequin. He's actually the alternate of Jack Fool from DEMON.



Ah, thanks. It wasn't expressly stated that way in the original post, and had mentioned harlequin mufti, so I made an incorrect guess. I've corrected it in my document so it will be right the next time I post the list.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The heroine known as Mary Jane used her plant growth powers to not only help protect innocents, but also to assist amateur farmers with their crops (mostly marijuana). She spent a lot of time in jail for drug possession charges, and was a vocal proponent for medical uses of marijuana decades before it became popular. A tall, skinny blonde, Mary Jane had to leave the Young Radicals due to health issues, and disappeared from the public eye to reportedly live on a commune in California.



In the late 1980s, it was revealed that Mary Jane was anorexic and her death in 1976 was a result of that eating disorder.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Ah' date=' thanks. It wasn't expressly stated that way in the original post, and had mentioned harlequin mufti, so I made an incorrect guess. I've corrected it in my document so it will be right the next time I post the list.[/quote']


I'm just glad you have a document like this at all. I hadn't realized we had so many heroes. Same with the villains list.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


R. G. Bieber had only one power that he used in various ways to help his friends

He could make inanimate objects glow with the power of the rainbow and come to life. His creations were used for entangles and transport mostly.


It earned him the name Tied Dyed.


Ironically he was killed in an explosion at a paint factory.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Imagine a man so wonderful, that people want to imitate him. In the comics, that led to the Batmen of America and The Green Arrows of the World. Now imagine a group of heroes based off Foxbat.


I need six heroes from around the world for the International Foxbat Heroic Planning and Intervention Society


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


At one point Foxbat and an early version of Mechanon had a medium clash of their robot armies. And Mechanon lost! The wierd designs and confuse plans of his adversary simply overwhelmed him. He quickly tried to eliminate that flaw. He started to examine every bit of information, captured samples of each of Foxbats robots and finally reached the point where only a copy a mechanical Foxbat could teach him more.


So he made one - who directly escaped his service (leaving his base in a chaos of re-designed robots, yellow colored foxbats and some other things Mechanon has deleted from his memory...). And he never tried to get the Mechano-Foxbat back.


Later tried to work with his original, but the real Foxbat was rather irritated by the entire thing. He then joined the Fanclub and was the first to propose to make a team of Foxbat fans. But only when others with powers joined the club he was finally able to form the IFHPIS.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


SpaceFox Batlionia


Television Transmissions as well as Radio can travel for tremendous distances through the vacuum of space. In a few billion years, after the humans, gadroons, Qu'lar and others have long passed their cenit it will reach the most distant star. Including one of of Foxbat-Peoples.

They understood especially the News as "Historical broadcasts". And thanks to some translation errors that never got corrected they took Foxbat for the greatest hero who ever existed and formed a religion around him. And then the news brought that Foxbat had died. Right in front of the camera. The people were shocked that their idol was gone billions of years before they even started to exist, but they found a solution:

Send one of their own throug space and time, to save their god from his grim face. The selection came to Spacefox Batliona (as his name is translated from the local tongue). He recieved some genetic engineering to give his skin a color sheme that matches Foxbats costumes and was sent back through time. He managed to save his god/idol and obviously joined the Foxbat Fanclub. When he heard of Mechano-Foxbats call he joined without a second thought.

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