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WWYD - Killer in the fold


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The team your character is on (or you just teamed up with if your a solo character) has a "Wolverine" mentality member. He/she has no problem using killing attacks or full power attacks against opponents no matter if they are weaker or non-powered. Your last encounter resulted in 2 dead Viper agents and 4 more critically injured. The press is having a field day and the authorities are now looking for your team mate. How do you handle this?

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


What Crosshair said. In a superhero world, the cops work with heroes. There are...understandings. A good deal of trust is placed in that mask.


All that trust is cast aside when a hero goes lethal. the entire hero community is threatened. Who will trust a mask if they have a secret ID and are above the law. In Dark Champions this may be expected, but in any place else, all the local heroes will turn him in.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


if they came at Wolverine with killing attacks he will use claws and not care if they live or die

if it is just fists Wolverine will go with just fists,so long as the opponet is going non-lethal

the Punisher is more likely to knife anybody in his way ,fists or not


the big question to ask

did the Viper agents try to kill/kidnap him or people he was protecting

self defense and protecting others are a legal defense

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Well, Vitus wouldn't have a problem with it, but then his team was having enough problems with his use of Lethal Force as First Resort. Vitus simply considered it a useful example to the survivors, and a good way to reduce rates of recidivism.


Zero : Would be appalled, and stun him and give him up to the authorities, after a telepathic scan.


Rumbaba lives in a world where financial reward for acts of homicide is expected, as long as you're on the police roster.


Brother Polonius similarly. Indeed, he'd be extremely surprised by anybody trying to take an opponent alive when other possibilities present themselves. Wounded is fine, you can just burn them at the stake later.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


what crosshair said. In a superhero world, the cops work with heroes. There are...understandings. A good deal of trust is placed in that mask.


All that trust is cast aside when a hero goes lethal. The entire hero community is threatened. Who will trust a mask if they have a secret id and are above the law. In dark champions this may be expected, but in any place else, all the local heroes will turn him in.

hear ,hear

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Smack the GM around for letting his pet player literally get away with murder while the rest of us made characters in what we THOUGHT were the proper campaign guidelines. :P


To be fair, there's a slim chance that the inverse is the case; the GM is wanting to run a 'hunted hero' scenario where characters like the Punisher and Wolverine are the expected campaign types, and the other players are more traditionalists and have characters with CvKs. In either event, the issue of one of communications. Someone, somewhere, should have told somebody something.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Volt - Would be appalled if the deaths were not necessary, and turn the guy in.


Olorin could almost be the killer. Almost. He killed quite a few where he came from. He only refrains because he does not have the authority to do so - and he has argued for him - and others - for "a license to kill" or as he puts it "the ability to meet justice, both high and low." It is almost certain that someday he'll kill someone illegally - especially if noone saw. if someone else did it he would turn in the killer if the thought the victim did not derserve killing.


Black Tiger - If he thought the victim deserved it, it would be "I didn't see anything." otherwise he'd turn the killer in.


Leadman - pretty much the same as Black Tiger, but it would eat at him more.


Futurian "Oh wow. Dead body. Fragic." And then promptly forget about it unless pressed. Then he would fo Black Tigers route - only more silly and scattered.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Super Model: Try to talk the overly violent team member into turning herself in, and cooperate with authorities at every turn.


Earth Girl: Shrug and let others handle it. Her chief concern is the environment, so she's not going to worry much about super villain-employed thugs catching the wrong end of a loose cannon.


Kurzhaan the Conqueror: Ask, "Why are you all looking at me like that?" while he wipes the blood off his axe.


Young Scratch: Smart off to the press to the effect of "These Cobra Command wannabes are sending armed death squads to terrorize the general populace and you're worried about arresting the guy who stopped them? What's next, arming the Marines with blanks so they can only hurt people's feelings?"

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


As the resident HERO GM of our group, I'd have NPCs apply pressure to the PCs who in turn would police their own. I'm confident in that because the players love playing characters that have something to get worked up about.


As for my characters...


Anthem would have difficulty stopping such a killing machine though she'd probably risk her life to do it. She'd start by explaining how wrong it is but finally end up having to work with others to bring them down if they didn't comply.


Uncle Slam would pick him up by his scrawny neck and carry him directly to holding.


Audra Blue might not get involved unless he heard something about the situation that implied he was using excessive force just because he could. She has little respect for villains, but she also hates bullies. She'd engineer a trap for him if he didn't desist. If it failed to work she'd revoke his base access before he got back and then call in reinforcements because alone she'd have problems.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Economaster knows two facts: first, a superhero's marketability in the public sector is based on their public image... get this guy turned in to the authorities ASAP to preserve my own and my teammates career... and secondly there is a good market for killer super-mercenaries to be had on several both 'good' and 'bad' sides. Once the guy gets his current problems sorted out, try to direct him into one of these groups.


The Golem is in no position to chastise people for violent behavior, and has no trust for secular authority figures... but it would try to council him on changing his ways and (if the bloodlust started turning towards clear innocents too regularly) take care of the problem in a more direct, personal, and final way.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


What Crosshair said. In a superhero world' date=' the cops work with heroes. There are...understandings. A good deal of trust is placed in that mask. [/quote']


You assume much about the nature of the game world. If, indeed, the world works that way then you are correct. But even in the Marvel universe there has been a great deal of mistrust between the heroes and the authorities... because the authorities are untrustworthy.


And if your GM is looking to explore that part of the genre... then there is no trust.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Shadow Hawk: as a CIA wet work operative, this would have been "Who let the cat out of the bag on this op?"


Steel Panther: Help bring him in. Question my membership of the team. Not in that order.


El Mago: "Isn't that sort of thing against the rules?" Bring him in. Quit team if they don't help.


The Mad Ninja: "We are not thugs! We are NINJA! We do not kill are foes!" (Wait, did the ninja just say...)

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


The Mad Ninja: "We are not thugs! We are NINJA! We do not kill are foes!" (Wait' date=' did the ninja just say...)[/quote']


Yes, but he's the Mad Ninja, innit? So he's allowed to say things that are crazy like that.


Seriously though - it depends on why "Not-Wolverine" killed the VIPER agent. If he was in genuine fear of his life then the kill is (arguably) justifiable. If not, then what Crosshair Collie said goes for all my PCs. My ex-PRIMUS agent blaster would take him down and arrest him on the spot.


It's not so much that "We don't kill", but "We don't kill needlessly. And we certainly do. not. MURDER!"

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Yes' date=' but he's the [i']Mad[/i] Ninja, innit? So he's allowed to say things that are crazy like that.


Technically, he's not a ninja at all, he's a madman who thinks he's a ninja. But when a man bounces anti-tank shells off of his chest, then picks up the tank and throws it into the next county tells you he's a ninja, you don't contradict him.


But on the subject of killing...


"We do not murder. We do not kill for a cause or ideal. We do it for money. And since we understand the value of a human life*, we charge a great deal to take it. And always give a receipt." Ahnk-Morpork Assassin's Guild Rules, Terry Pratchett


*To the penny, sometimes.

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Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


Yes' date=' but he's the [i']Mad[/i] Ninja, innit? So he's allowed to say things that are crazy like that.


Technically, he's not a ninja at all, he's a madman who thinks he's a ninja. But when a man bounces anti-tank shells off of his chest, then picks up the tank and throws it into the next county tells you he's a ninja, you don't contradict him.


But on the subject of killing...


"We do not murder. We do not kill for a cause or ideal. We do it for money. And since we understand the value of a human life*, we charge a great deal to take it. And always give a receipt." Ahnk-Morpork Assassin's Guild Rules, Terry Pratchett


*To the penny, sometimes.


From Lord Downey's address to the class in Pyramids, I believe

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