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Undead Labor: why not?


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Re: Undead Labor: why not?


Instruct the skeleton to dip their hands in bleach or cleaner of choice? Besides' date=' isn't it just turning a crank?[/quote']




Depending on the system, commands have to be pretty simple. And Skeletons can't keep time.

Probably, I am projecting modern "wash your hands" on a less civilized society.


but the main gist is this, what are you looking for in your questsion? Since it's fantasy, any response is appropriate and valid.


Depending on the campaign, there's no reason not to use Golems or Undead. Particularly if the GM wants it, and puts it into the background.


If you're talking about introducing that to an existing non-necrocentric campaign, things are different. Golems would be most likely more expensive but easier to convince the public, as undead are generally considered evil or blasphemous.


If you're looking for reasons people might object, cleanliness (even if it's just perception of) is one, the idea of having themselves raised to work for eternity might upset some people, or that their relatives have been disturbed from their slumber. Convincing the populous that it's just the vessel and the soul has gone to its final resting place is paramount here. The upkeep and required supervision would be another complaint. And the smarter, more independent you make the undead/golem laborers the more likely they will revolt.

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Re: Undead Labor: why not?


Exactly. Only Harryhausen could animate a skeleton that clean.


I am so tempted now to make a necromantic character and name him Harry Hausen.


Lucius Alexander


Only Lucius Alexander could animate a palindromedary that bicephalous

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Re: Undead Labor: why not?


Really interesting thread. I don't think the military implications could be overstated. A force that never routes, doesn't eat, never tires, doesn't fear death, obeys all orders and strikes fear into mortal men. Unless there was an easy counter necromancers or those that control the armies(maybe through a passphrase) would wield immense power. There's a book called Warbreaker I think, by Brandon Sanderson that covers something like this.


But I think one aspect of this is the meta physics of it. There's no such thing as a free lunch(perpetual energy) and I'd think the same would apply to magic as well. The force that propels that skeleton that turns the water wheel or carries the stone from the quarry has to come from somewhere. So where from?


Maybe in areas with undead labor stillborn deaths are more common. Maybe mysterious diseases break out and wipe out entire villages. Maybe crops die and famine is a fact of life. Maybe the people in charge even know about the "price" of the undead but keep it to themselves.


Maybe other groups find out and oppose their use(likely druids). Or maybe other people find out and begin to find other ways to channel that power(death cults).


What about the slippery slope effect? Once it becomes okay to use undead, well, what about cheating death itself? Vampirism, lichdom, all it'd take is enough wealth or power to secure either.

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Re: Undead Labor: why not?


I am so tempted now to make a necromantic character and name him Harry Hausen.


Lucius Alexander


Only Lucius Alexander could animate a palindromedary that bicephalous


Funny, after posting that the next day I thought "Hey, Harryhausen as a necromancer!"


Note: The Badger fears his mind is becoming in tune with the palindromedary.

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