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Redundant Organs

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Re: Redundant Organs


Higher CON, higher BODY, higher REC / END / STUN maybe. Maybe some Damage Reduction / Damage Negation (probably not much - 25% or 2-3 DC's at most.)


Maybe some type of resistance to Wounding / Disabling / Bleeding.


Possibly some life support options. (Poison? I have 4 livers! HAHAHAHA!)

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Re: Redundant Organs


Extra Body, only to determine the Point of Dying (-2). Maybe with Side effect (Can't act and looks like dead).

Or anything you could do with Bioware.


Overall the question is as easily what game effects you want those organs to have, since they can do almost anything.

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Re: Redundant Organs


The overall effect is to make the race harder to kill.

Do you talk about the Klingon "Brak'lul"? I once made this Klingon Racial Template (in short +3 BODY, +3 CON, but the template had to fit in 18 Points):




3 Klingon Strenght +3 STR

3 brak'lul +3 CON

3 brak'lul +3 BODY

1 Fit in high age LS: Longelivity: 200 years

8 Battle Focus +1 Overall Level; -1/2 Only when Stressed or in Combat

Overall Abilites: 18



10 Klingon Way of Live (Code of Conduct; Common, Moderate)

Overall Complications: 10




Klingons have a lot of redundant organs


Klingon way of Live:

Outside of Battle: Always be direct. Don't show weakness. Protect the honor of your house. Only die in Battle. Shun Medical Treatment for wounds Recieved in Honorable Battle.

In Battle: Ignore the above; Victory or Death


Everyklingon Skills:



Computer Programming




Native Language (4 points, incl Literacy) (Most Likely tlhIngan Hol)



On PS at 11-



WF: Klingon Blade Weapons

AK: Klingon Empire 8-


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Re: Redundant Organs


Do you talk about the Klingon "Brak'lul"? I once made this Klingon Racial Template (in short +3 BODY' date=' +3 CON, but the template had to fit in 18 Points):[/quote']


Given how tough Klingons are, how do races (like Humans) ever keep up in physical combat? Or, are they only able to keep up in the short term?

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Re: Redundant Organs


Given how tough Klingons are' date=' how do races (like Humans) ever keep up in physical combat? Or, are they only able to keep up in the short term?[/quote']

They don't keep up. The Standart Cast member (175 Points) is simply superior to the standart Klingon Soldier (50-100 Points). When they are build on the same points, the Close Combat goes to the Klingon.

But the Federation has better ranged weapons and is willing to use them so actually getting into close range will be the problem...

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Re: Redundant Organs


Given how tough Klingons are' date=' how do races (like Humans) ever keep up in physical combat? Or, are they only able to keep up in the short term?[/quote']


I'd say humans use different tactics. Klingons are tough, but they're straightforward. The humans bob and weave, dodge, and probably take advantage of superior SPD (stanjdard Klingon soldier - 2 SPD; standard Federation soldier - 3 SPD; add one to each for elite officer material) to use phases blocking or dodging, getting in a strike now and then. Kirk seemed to use a lot of double-handed blows fighting Klingons (Dodge out of the way, then use that one extra phase for a Haymaker, relying on abort to Dodge on the Klingon's next phase). Klingons don't dodge - they don't think that way.

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Re: Redundant Organs


The overall effect is to make the race harder to kill.


Harder to kill is easy to do in hero. More Body. It also affects things like impairment and disabling, which is realistic for someone with backup organs. You could also buy regeneration (only heals the first 5 points of Body taken) simulating that all but the most severe wounds can be rapidly recovered from. You might even try defences: +2 fully resistant PD and ED will cost you 6 points and will mean that it takes more damage to kill you than normal people.


If you go the 'defence' route then it is worth thinking about limitations, for example the first point of Body always gets through, or the defences shut down after stopping 10 Body damage, or whatever. Defences also mean that killing attacks are less likely to stun you, which again seems appropriate.

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Re: Redundant Organs


Life Support extended breathing. Back up lungs should allow for more airflow?


On the contrary, the energy and oxygen requirements of all those redundant systems would make the Klingon easier to drown or asphyxiate.


Lucius Alexander


This is my palindromedary, and this is my back up palindromedary

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Re: Redundant Organs


I'd say humans use different tactics. Klingons are tough' date=' but they're straightforward. The humans bob and weave, dodge, and probably take advantage of superior SPD (stanjdard Klingon soldier - 2 SPD; standard Federation soldier - 3 SPD; add one to each for elite officer material) to use phases blocking or dodging, getting in a strike now and then. Kirk seemed to use a lot of double-handed blows fighting Klingons (Dodge out of the way, then use that one extra phase for a Haymaker, relying on abort to Dodge on the Klingon's next phase). Klingons don't dodge - they don't think that way.[/quote']

No, they don't have different speeds at all. Nothing like that.

For TNG-Klingons(the onse I wrote down above) it is simply their "Shtick" to be better in Combat. They are a warrior culture.

For what the humans have, let's just use a citate from memory Alpha: "It needs repair but I'm willing to bet that you've brought one of those famed Starfleet engineers who can turn rocks into replicators." (And yes, the did have O'brien with them).

The average starfleet soldier can't compete with the average Klingon Soldier in battle.

But Kirk was simply no average Star Fleet officers. In fact his mayor abilites are tactic, seduction of space women and especially brawling (imho Picard took him out of the Nexus so somebody could beat up Soren).

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Re: Redundant Organs


the No Hit Locations Power


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary denies having redundant heads. It's just that everyone else undersupplied.


Lucius beat me to it. I would add the limitation, only for attacks v. vital organs, because it sounds like head shots would still get their full effect.

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Re: Redundant Organs


Is that legal for a non-Automaton to take in 6e?

Automaton Powers are normal Powers, of the "Automaton Powers" group. While not listed as those they "should be" considered Inherent, Defense Powers and Special powers.

And the entire Group has a big STOP sign on it.


But otherwise: Sure, why not. Can create interesting characters.

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