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THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I would think that different units would have different rituals depending on their origin, species, etc...


Unless they try to mix the units up so that there's no "home" identity.


Speaking of which, are D-Soldiers a uniform race in the first place? What is their original race as they are typically depicted? Different racial characteristics for D-Soldiers could be interesting, though it would probably be as simple as referring to Star HERO and Champions Beyond. Sidebar stuff perhaps?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I think V'Han's forces should be fairly detailed, but just to the extent that they would appear to be a credible threat to accomplish what she wants--namely, dimensional conquest. We don't need to know their order of battle, logistics, etc. A fair selection of sample weapons, vehicles, soldiers, special forces(i.e., superhumanoids), bases and so forth would be just fine.

I'd kinda like to see if she has an option to "upgrade" her personal combat capability, if needed(powered armor, magic items, cosmic widgets, etc.)--she's fairly tough, with a big EB, but I'd think she probably has recourse to some other resources if personally challenged. I mean, her peers are Skarn and Tyrannon, she's gotta have a contingency plan for unexpected confrontations. :)

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I think V'Han's forces should be fairly detailed, but just to the extent that they would appear to be a credible threat to accomplish what she wants--namely, dimensional conquest. We don't need to know their order of battle, logistics, etc. A fair selection of sample weapons, vehicles, soldiers, special forces(i.e., superhumanoids), bases and so forth would be just fine.

I'd kinda like to see if she has an option to "upgrade" her personal combat capability, if needed(powered armor, magic items, cosmic widgets, etc.)--she's fairly tough, with a big EB, but I'd think she probably has recourse to some other resources if personally challenged. I mean, her peers are Skarn and Tyrannon, she's gotta have a contingency plan for unexpected confrontations. :)


I don't think she ever actually fights her own battle anymore. She has people for that. She has entire races devoted to that.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Now that brings up what to me is an interesting consideration: are there any "warrior races" that serve V'han specifically in that capacity? Some Dorsai or Jem'hadar equivalent, either loyal to the Empress or paid mercenaries? Perhaps even augmented by her science to make them more powerful fighters?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Does I-V maintain a "prison dimension" to which she exiles criminals, political prisoners, undesirables, and the like? I know that's the schtick of Nebula and her "Republic," but if anyone else has the capacity and the reason to find or create such a place, it's the Empress.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Does I-V maintain a "prison dimension" to which she exiles criminals' date=' political prisoners, undesirables, and the like? I know that's the schtick of Nebula and her "Republic," but if anyone else has the capacity and the reason to find or create such a place, it's the Empress.[/quote']

So, basically a Australia-Dimension?


Now that brings up what to me is an interesting consideration: are there any "warrior races" that serve V'han specifically in that capacity? Some Dorsai or Jem'hadar equivalent' date=' either loyal to the Empress or paid mercenaries? Perhaps even augmented by her science to make them more powerful fighters?[/quote']

Well, Pizza Mans Character Sidestep can afaik summon Dog Warriors. I am not certain if they is a official Idea or his "creative leeway", since her Realm is simply big enough to such a thign going on somewhere. If not it could be worth a look for the book.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Weeks? You're Steve Long' date=' it'll take two days at most...[/quote']


And if you can still fit it in: How about variants where the Empress is basically the good guy and the "heroes" aren't as heroic as they think they are (eg. stooges for a corrupt government that doesn't want V'han to clean things up, etc). She could actually be a force for good bringing justice to dimensions filled with corruption and evil. Of course that's what she'd say anyway, but what if it was true? Maybe she is going to the heroes' dimension to save it from a threat that she sees coming? The Empress saves dimensions, then moves on and returns if evil rises again. Something like that could put an interesting twist on an otherwise morally black-and-white situation!

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Something like that could put an interesting twist on an otherwise morally black-and-white situation!

Her reign is not "black and white". In fact she does solves most potential for internal conflict and all those nations (wich only lead wars and waste resuources on a global scale) would be the first to be abolished and be replaced with one central government.

Sure, she needs to infringe on personality rights (mostly the privacy thing) in a way not even Stalin could pull it off, but overall her goverment is better than what we have right now in every single aspect.

If humans wouldn't cling to freedom that much, the CU would have welcommed her already.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Does I-V maintain a "prison dimension" to which she exiles criminals' date=' political prisoners, undesirables, and the like? I know that's the schtick of Nebula and her "Republic," but if anyone else has the capacity and the reason to find or create such a place, it's the Empress.[/quote']


Maybe its even the same place...

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


When we are talking about conquering a dimension' date=' why start the conquest near Earth? She could open a beachhead several galaxies away from Earth. What prevents this? Her ego? Rules of inter-dimensional travel?[/quote']


Pfft, everybody knows there's only one important planet per Universe. Just like there's only one city per planet, and only one climate zone.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Her reign is not "black and white". In fact she does solves most potential for internal conflict and all those nations (wich only lead wars and waste resuources on a global scale) would be the first to be abolished and be replaced with one central government.

Sure, she needs to infringe on personality rights (mostly the privacy thing) in a way not even Stalin could pull it off, but overall her goverment is better than what we have right now in every single aspect.

If humans wouldn't cling to freedom that much, the CU would have welcommed her already.


Who said she'd need Stalin-style surveillance, etc. Stalin was a horrific butcher that slaughtered more people than Hitler, not the most popular guy. The Empress is a basically benevolent ruler that is loved by her people (most of them at least). Paranoid monitoring of the population wouldn't be necessary (unlike for a malevolent ruler like Stalin).

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Who said she'd need Stalin-style surveillance' date=' etc. Stalin was a horrific butcher that slaughtered more people than Hitler, not the most popular guy. The Empress is a basically benevolent ruler that is loved by her people (most of them at least). Paranoid monitoring of the population wouldn't be necessary (unlike for a malevolent ruler like Stalin).[/quote']

Hmm, perhaps because Steve Long mentioned it half a dozen times in this thread alone that she does use extreme surveilance and that she does uses extreme propaganda?

She is saving us from our self (such great is her benevolence), that she needs to infrigne on our rights to make certain it works. And a billion happy galaxies where it works can't be wrong, right?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Hmm, perhaps because Steve Long mentioned it half a dozen times in this thread alone that she does use extreme surveilance and that she does uses extreme propaganda?

She is saving us from our self (such great is her benevolence), that she needs to infrigne on our rights to make certain it works. And a billion happy galaxies where it works can't be wrong, right?


Hmm, I can almost see the Empress behaving somewhat like the God-Emperor and the Imperium in Warhammer 40K. Follow the rules and you'll be okay, mostly; but when enough of you step out of line your world becomes the latest entry on the top-rated holovision show "Worlds We Blew Up Real Good This Week". Why trifle over the death of a few billion ungrateful rebels when you have a populace counted in the high trillions?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


So she is running what amounts to the ultimate nanny state.


That means she is really the good guy, and those who stand against her are like radical right-wing conservative paranoid conspiracy theory nuts! :yes:


I'm not biased, really! I'm just a normal human game player like the rest of you, it's not like I'm the Empress posting under a pseudonym or something! :angel:

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


What man really understands what goes on inside a woman's thought processes?


As I have often said, "If I could understand how women think, I'd be making a million jillion dollars on Oprah and the talk show/book circuit, not doing this gaming thing." ;)

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


She could actually be a force for good bringing justice to dimensions filled with corruption and evil.


She already is -- that's touched on briefly in CV1 and will certainly be discussed further in BotE. V'han often improves life in many, many ways for her subjects. All she asks in return is obedience. If you're willing to give up your freedom she's great to have around. That's what makes her an interesting villain, IMO, rather than just some comic book multi-dimensional version of Sauron.*


I think it's safe to say that many people welcome her for just this reason -- life is so bad for them they're happy to trade liberty for security and prosperity. As you will see, there are even people on Earth who are in favor of letting her take over.




*: Not that there's anything wrong with Sauron. Everything in its place, and a place for every thing. ;)

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


She already is -- that's touched on briefly in CV1 and will certainly be discussed further in BotE. V'han often improves life in many, many ways for her subjects. All she asks in return is obedience. If you're willing to give up your freedom she's great to have around. That's what makes her an interesting villain, IMO, rather than just some comic book multi-dimensional version of Sauron.*


I think it's safe to say that many people welcome her for just this reason -- life is so bad for them they're happy to trade liberty for security and prosperity. As you will see, there are even people on Earth who are in favor of letting her take over.




*: Not that there's anything wrong with Sauron. Everything in its place, and a place for every thing. ;)


Don't have CV1 (yet) :)


How about for her origin (or an alternate one) that she started out as a superhero. Maybe part of a group like the PCs. She fought evil and let the elected government rule just like the PCs do. But that government turned out to really be no better than the supervillains and the "freedom and liberty" they thought they had really didn't exist, it was just an illusion made by the media and politicians. When the heroes found out, the government teamed up with the supervillains and had them all killed. Only V'han survived and led the resistance movement that saved her world from tyranny. The people nominated her as Empress. She herself worries about going too far, but has seen what not doing enough causes. When the heroes look at her, they see themselves, or what they could become. They are left to wonder "where did she go wrong", or did she? Is their world really "free" at all, or does it just have less ethical rulers? :shock:

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I assume she doesn't operate with a volunteer army - how long do citizens have to serve? can they choose Local branches, or do they get randomly assigned dimensions to guard, or invade?


How the heck do you police a billion dimensions - hyper surveillance aside, what're local task forces like?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I wanna see someone off the wall, but really Bad a** like Killer Roo!

Say 550 to 600 points of hired assassin for the Empress...

"Pesky Heroes givin ya problems, eh Miss? Don't sweat it. Me an me mates will clean em up for you."


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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Wasn't he with Tank Girl?


I would assume the Empress doesn't micro-manage. Seems like it would be a bit much for that big of an empire.

We can't be certain until we know how exaclty that "being unique in all the Dimensions" works. If it is based on time travel where she avoid being at the same place at the same time, then she could. And we can't say for certain if she would.

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