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Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


Perhaps I should rephrase. When I spoke of prolonging the experience' date=' she's not by any means a masochist or sadist, but she enjoys the "dance" of combat as a substitute for sex.[/quote']


Sorry if I took it the wrong way, but with all the sex talk it's what came to mind when I saw the world prolong in the context of fighting :o


So she probably fights defensively, throwing out strikes to gauge reaction, possibly pulling her punches until she knows what the opponent can take. She studies her opponents moves carefully, testing their abilities, learning their habits and checking for weak points. Only once she's cracked the code does she start launching the real offense.


I suppose dance might even be something she could discover over time as another sublimation method for her desires. She's only been doing the costumed superhero thing for a few months, so fighting was her first discovered method.


Is she doing this dancing alone? Otherwise this is another one of those activities that might just make things worse...


My game group is all male, but they are older, long-term players and we've played for several years now.


Cool, just wanted to point out the potential to offend might be there. Obviously, you know your players better than anyone else :)


Sorry if my thoughts on her sex drive and exploring what they could mean to her character seem disturbing. I'm trying to get a solid handle on her write-up and personality.


Oh, overall, it's not disturbing. Not by a long shot!


I have no problem with the idea of exploring that aspect of just about any given character.


Like I said, I just took that one comment in entirely the wrong direction...

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


There are three different disorders relating to "heightened" sexual arousal, one of which is physical in nature, one of which is psychological, and one which may be both or neither. Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome is physical in nature and is not necessarily accompanied by an increase in sexual thoughts or impulses. Sex Addiction is primarily psychological in nature and marked by impulsive/compulsive sexual behavior. Hypersexuality(aka nymphomania/satyriasis) is an increased interest in sex, above and beyond some normative range. It may or may not be a psychological issue, and may or may not be related to hormonal drives or some form of mania/hypomania.

As described, it seems to me that her hypersexuality ISN'T the problem, it's her inability/unwillingness to directly confront it. She's ashamed to want something she's not supposed to want so much, she sublimates her impulses through "approved" (but violent) channels, gets highly uncomfortable in sexually charged situations, and reacts angrily to being teased about her sexuality. Lots of people are hypersexual, but most of them tend to address those urges more directly, by having sex or "smashing the robot". When/if the character does either, she will immediately notice a sense of relief, which will last a little while before her urges return. Eventually beating the crap out of things to sublimate her urges will have consequences foreseeable to others but not to herself(i.e., she will begin to derive sexual pleasure from violence, with all that that implies).


That is an excellent analysis of her condition. I'd rep you if I could, but I need to spread rep some more first.


She definitely fits into the first and third category. She's a young woman (20 or so) and not experienced enough or mature enough to realize what she is doing is not healthy for her in the long run. She's had her abilities and costume for 2-3 months, and she wasn't prepared for the tremendous physiological and mental changes that have happened to her. She's trying to cope and work out her issues with the tools she has at hand.


Here is the initial draft of her "secret origin."


My current thinking is that she was raised in a small town in Kansas, in a traditional, but not overly repressive, Christian household and was taught alongside her two brothers (one older and one younger) from a young age that the sex urge was something to be kept under restraint until marriage. Her parents loved each other and are still together, so she has them for role models for a relationship. No secret tragedies or hidden family abuse happened in her childhood. Her own history of relationships hasn't been as successful. Thin and gangly with glasses and a bad complexion, she kept to herself and didn't date in high school because no one asked. She's kind of a female Peter Parker that way. She's still a virgin.


She sublimated her previously more normal levels of sexual desire into her art and painting and earned a scholarship to the university she attends. She supplements her income with odd jobs around campus.


Three months ago, she discovered the Icons store and was drawn to a patriotic costume on one of the racks. Putting it on was like an electric surge, like a circuit closing. Her body began changing that very night, growing taller and stronger over the following weeks. She stopped several street crimes that first night, finding she likes the thrill of wearing a mask.


However, her libido amped up at a similar rate to her body growing in size and strength. She began thinking about sex almost constantly and began suddenly really noticing the men on campus, like the members of the various athletic teams on campus. She spent part of her first few days after getting her costume watching them train, almost drooling at the sight of them. They noticed the new her too, but some aspect of the Icon Effect kept her from being suspected as some kind of superhuman. She ran away without speaking to any of them, and she moved to the back of her classes, dressed in bulky clothing to hide her new figure.


She tried to paint, but after the first week she couldn't keep the thoughts away. She went out to run around, hoping exercise would help, and she got into a brawl with three squads of VIPER goons. That relieved her for a day.


She's been going out every night ever since, and that's helped her control herself.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


Sorry if I took it the wrong way, but with all the sex talk it's what came to mind when I saw the world prolong in the context of fighting :o


So she probably fights defensively, throwing out strikes to gauge reaction, possibly pulling her punches until she knows what the opponent can take. She studies her opponents moves carefully, testing their abilities, learning their habits and checking for weak points. Only once she's cracked the code does she start launching the real offense.


Is she doing this dancing alone? Otherwise this is another one of those activities that might just make things worse...


Your comments made me realize some additions I could make to her character sheet. Maybe an Analyze Style or Analyze Combat Technique as well as possibly something like the martial arts ability from the HSMA book I've Taken Your Measure.


On your dancing question, I think she'd prefer interacting with a partner as she starts studying it. Yeah, that would cause other problems.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


Any "definetely not interested or not interesting" among the PC? You know: Odd' date=' not anatomically correct robot, alien or male homsexual?[/quote']


The PCs consist of three males and one female, but the female one is currently thought to be male due to wearing a masculine-looking suit of powered armor and the voice coming from the speakers is male-sounding.


Male PC #1 is a 20-something Brick with variable strength. At his lowest level, he is a 25 STR, so on par with Libido Woman. He is handsome in a Superman sort of way and single.


Male PC #2 is a 40-something Martial Artist with a 20 STR, so a little weaker than Libido Woman. He is handsome in a Wolverine sort of way but married in a loveless marriage and going through a midlife crisis.


Male PC #3 is a 40-something Mystic Master of average looks with a 10 STR and a 5 PD. Single but living with an Indian demigoddess he summoned by accident and hasn't been able to get to leave. She's a bit possessive and jealous of other women spending time with him.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


The PCs consist of three males and one female' date=' but the female one is currently thought to be male due to wearing a masculine-looking suit of powered armor and the voice coming from the speakers is male-sounding.[/quote']

When she keeps her secret ID/real gender hidden even from her allies, she might be the way to go for "just friends".


Single but living with an Indian demigoddess he summoned by accident and hasn't been able to get to leave. She's a bit possessive and jealous of other women spending time with him.

Why does this remind me of "I Dream of Jeanie"?

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


With two full levels of SA, and two limited-group levels of SA, in the real world this character would be one of the most attractive women in the world. She should be a magnet for male attention while in hero ID, and also outside of hero ID whenever she forgets to wear figure-hiding apparel(even then, since she has a beautiful face, that only slightly limits the effect). She'd have to quickly become acclimated to being stared at, to men (and women) becoming uncomfortably quiet when she enters a conversation, and other effects like that.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


"One must imagine Sisyphus happy." (



The sublimation of sex with violence has so far been considered to be natural. The cause of the PC's heightened libido is miraculous, but nothing else about it is any different than what normal people go through with mundane sublimation.



Paranormal Hyperthymia ("over-spirited-ness"):


I'd build this as END with Requires an EGO Roll (-1 to roll per point of END used) & Burnout (forcing the PC to take STUN damage to continue spending END).


The END represents the PC's store of sexual energy. The spending of END represents catharsis. The EGO roll is the juggling of catharsis while remaining excited. The Burnout represents an uncontrollable overly-cathartic "release" that drains the PC.


If you wanted to, you could think of th PC as essentially being ridden by an abstract supernatural daemon. This may actually be an opportunistic & malevolent spirit... or... it may just be an imbalance of "super-humors" (e.g., The HULK). I imagine the difference as being virtually non-existent.


Like in Camus' above linked vision of Sisyphus, this would be a blessing in disguise [as modified in-game Endurance]. Naturally, the sublimation of sex with violence is both cathartic & constructive. There is nothing strange/mysterious about this.


But what if there was a direct "spiritual/psychic" connection between the degree of violence the PC could bring to the table, & the current intensity of her sexual frustration? This would be more than mere mundane sublimation.


Becoming aware of this "psycho-spiritual" connection, if she wanted to, she could cultivate more power by aggravating her condition on purpose (e.g., by not having sex). Note the lack of religious background in this form of motivation. The PC is just being pragmatic... much like Doc Savage.


If she doesn't ever release the pressure, she continues to get more & more dangerous over time. [abstractly w/ Recovery of END & spending XP on becoming "more dangerous"]


Violence has the potential of becoming too cathartic, causing an unwelcome release of pressure during/after combat that drains her of her strength/endurance. [the END burns-out]


This juggling of superpowers between catharsis & sexual frustration reminds me of the way the World of Darkness used 'humanity' to make vampire games angsty. I like it. It would be fun for either teenChampions or an all-dark-elven (all-orc?) campaign. :eg:

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


When she keeps her secret ID/real gender hidden even from her allies, she might be the way to go for "just friends".


Why does this remind me of "I Dream of Jeanie"?


Panzer, the female in male powered armor would be a good choice for a female friend. Both of them are "in the biz" so could swap stories and stuff.


Yes, the Mystic Master has what anime tropes have come to call a magical girlfriend.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


I'd generally treat this as a "notation" or 0-Point Complication.


Or, I you do Gurps style Quirks you could give 1 point for it.


If you really want five points for it I would give 5 points for a -3 to Resist Charm rolls or "sexuality based" distractions.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


With two full levels of SA' date=' and two limited-group levels of SA, in the real world this character would be one of the most attractive women in the world. She should be a magnet for male attention while in hero ID, and also outside of hero ID whenever she forgets to wear figure-hiding apparel(even then, since she has a beautiful face, that only slightly limits the effect). She'd have to quickly become acclimated to being stared at, to men (and women) becoming uncomfortably quiet when she enters a conversation, and other effects like that.[/quote']


I'd like her to still be able to maintain a secret ID as a college student, so it sounds like a pair of glasses and baggy clothes might not do the trick. She does have the Icon Effect going for her, so superhero tropes like secret IDs not being examined too closely by those around her would be in play. I do want to balance that out with a certain amount of reasonableness, so maybe I could revise her levels in Striking Appearance to something like the following.


Beautiful: +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs all characters)

My Eyes Are Up Here: +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs those who find her physique sexually attractive)

Pheromones: +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs Men)


This would be a total of nine points and might be a better representation. In her costume, she is clearly a woman in peak physical form and would draw stares. The pheromones are something her body generates due to her biochemical changes.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


Hmmm, depending on your game and the direction things might go, you can always throw the animalistic psychopath with enhanced senses at her at some point. Someone who can match her hand to hand...


"You're turned on by this, ain't cha. I can smell it on you..."


If the specific nature of her 'issue' isn't already known (to herself/others), this will certainly throw it in everyone's faces...

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


The sublimation of sex with violence has so far been considered to be natural. The cause of the PC's heightened libido is miraculous, but nothing else about it is any different than what normal people go through with mundane sublimation.




If you wanted to, you could think of th PC as essentially being ridden by an abstract supernatural daemon. This may actually be an opportunistic & malevolent spirit... or... it may just be an imbalance of "super-humors" (e.g., The HULK). I imagine the difference as being virtually non-existent.


This juggling of superpowers between catharsis & sexual frustration reminds me of the way the World of Darkness used 'humanity' to make vampire games angsty. I like it. It would be fun for either teen Champions or an all-dark-elven (all-orc?) campaign. :eg:


This is an interesting idea, and I rep thee for it.


The nature of her Icon costume and powerset is actually the main part of the cause of her problem. The superhuman she is an analog for was male. Most Icons don't have to deal with a gender switch. In gaining her powers, she became infused with a certain amount of male energies. In eastern terms, she could be considered yang-imbalanced. It makes her much more aggressive and active in nature, and a tomboy of sorts.


Every Icon, after starting to wear a costume from the store, enters a chrysalis phase where they gradually internalize the powers from the costume. Her problem is that she's filled with male-yang energy from the superhuman she is an analog for. She didn't become male in her thoughts or change her sexual orientation from being a heterosexual female. Instead, she is now very male in the core of her essence while still being female.


Over time, her body will rebalance its energies into something more normal, but she will always be at least slightly yang-imbalanced. In a relationship with a man, she might be the more aggressive one as well.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


I'd generally treat this as a "notation" or 0-Point Complication.


Or, I you do Gurps style Quirks you could give 1 point for it.


If you really want five points for it I would give 5 points for a -3 to Resist Charm rolls or "sexuality based" distractions.


Thank you for the suggestions.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


Hmmm, depending on your game and the direction things might go, you can always throw the animalistic psychopath with enhanced senses at her at some point. Someone who can match her hand to hand...


"You're turned on by this, ain't cha. I can smell it on you..."


If the specific nature of her 'issue' isn't already known (to herself/others), this will certainly throw it in everyone's faces...


Heh. Yeah. No one among the PCs is a Wolverine sort, so it might be something that comes up when meeting another team.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


I'd like her to still be able to maintain a secret ID as a college student' date=' so it sounds like a pair of glasses and baggy clothes might not do the trick. She does have the Icon Effect going for her, so superhero tropes like secret IDs not being examined too closely by those around her would be in play.[/quote']


I think she might be able to maintain a secret ID as a college student with no more trouble than Bruce Wayne or Hal Jordan. She is, after all, wearing a mask in a comic book setting.


That said, the transformation you have described is pretty extreme and would be quite obvious to anyone that actually knew her beforehand.


She's packed on a ton of muscle and gained 5" of height overnight, so you might want to have her get her powers right before arriving at a new school in a new town or something similar so that she's not interacting constantly with people that know her.


I would think the height, more so than anything, would probably make it difficult to mask her identity once she goes home though.


The rest might be chalked up to plastic surgery, a healthy diet, steroids, beauty care products and tons of exercise... but a growth spurt at her age might be a hard sell.


This doesn't mean her folks back home will immediately ID her as a super hero during Thanksgiving dinner or something, but it's bound to raise some eyebrows. Virtually nobody that grew up with her will believe she's the same person.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


This is an interesting idea' date=' and I rep thee for it.[/quote']


Thanks. =)


The nature of her Icon costume and powerset is actually the main part of the cause of her problem. The superhuman she is an analog for was male. Most Icons don't have to deal with a gender switch. In gaining her powers' date=' she became infused with a certain amount of male energies. In eastern terms, she could be considered yang-imbalanced. It makes her much more aggressive and active in nature, and a tomboy of sorts.[/quote']


Humorous. :P


Every Icon' date=' after starting to wear a costume from the store, enters a chrysalis phase where they gradually internalize the powers from the costume. Her problem is that she's filled with male-yang energy from the superhuman she is an analog for. She didn't become male in her thoughts or change her sexual orientation from being a heterosexual female. Instead, she is now very male in the core of her essence while still being female.[/quote']


... & according to Obi-Wan Kenobi, her new self "betrayed & murdered" her old self. ;)


Over time' date=' her body will rebalance its energies into something more normal, but she will always be at least slightly yang-imbalanced. In a relationship with a man, she might be the more aggressive one as well.[/quote']


"Yang-Imbalanced": Distinctive Feature: Not Concealable... Always Noticed (causes major gender prejudice/confusion)... Detectable Only By Unusual Senses (Detect "Yin/Yang" Energy).

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


I think she might be able to maintain a secret ID as a college student with no more trouble than Bruce Wayne or Hal Jordan. She is, after all, wearing a mask in a comic book setting.


That said, the transformation you have described is pretty extreme and would be quite obvious to anyone that actually knew her beforehand.


She's packed on a ton of muscle and gained 5" of height overnight, so you might want to have her get her powers right before arriving at a new school in a new town or something similar so that she's not interacting constantly with people that know her.


I would think the height, more so than anything, would probably make it difficult to mask her identity once she goes home though.


The rest might be chalked up to plastic surgery, a healthy diet, steroids, beauty care products and tons of exercise... but a growth spurt at her age might be a hard sell.


This doesn't mean her folks back home will immediately ID her as a super hero during Thanksgiving dinner or something, but it's bound to raise some eyebrows. Virtually nobody that grew up with her will believe she's the same person.


You raise good points on the secret ID issue. She's basically had a change something like what happened with Caitlin Fairchild of Gen13. I suppose I could make her "before" version a little taller, but it's still going to be an extreme transformation.


Having her change schools after the change sounds like a good idea. She could start fresh with a new school and a new life as part of her superhuman adventures. I could handwave it, since it is all off-screen NPC activity. Her final destination school is where the campaign is.


Her parents will be an issue, and her brothers will be curious, especially now that she is taller than her older brother. I'll have to think on that one and maybe change her family situation.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


"Yang-Imbalanced": Distinctive Feature: Not Concealable... Always Noticed (causes major gender prejudice/confusion)... Detectable Only By Unusual Senses (Detect "Yin/Yang" Energy).


That's an intriguing idea. It would certainly give the chi sensitive martial artist of the group a few fits, especially since he's been ogling women a lot more as his Icon abilities drops twenty years off his biological age.


"My eyes tell me she's all woman, but her chi is like a man's!"

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


Man, this is SO counter to my world view and experiences that it's like reading someone recommending trying to put out a fire with buckets of gasoline :nonp:


Ignoring that fact, the bolded part is slightly disturbing, though perhaps somewhat less so in the context of a four color comic setting where violence has no real consequence...


Also, not sure of what your game group/target audience is like, but I know several women that wouldn't appreciate the "man-like" comment in regards to a woman having an incredible sex drive. Heck, I think I know some guys that might find that sort of remark offensive...


I can't speak for Steve but when I say a more "masculine" sex drive I don't mean the strength but its more aggressive nature. She seems more active in her need for sex, driven to be the pursurer instead of the pursued. Speaking in generalities that's a trait attributed to men. As is venting sexual frustration and stress with violence (stress tend to lessen female sex drive overall). Which isn't to say their aren't sexually aggressive women or sexually reactionary men. It makes sense if she has heightened testosterone levels or the serum acts as enhanced male hormones.

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Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"?


This might have been mentioned; I did not read the entire thread.


If you are having her be the "good girl" while also having the heightened libido, she is most likely going to be very confused by, if not outright ashamed of, her urges, and channel those into all sorts of other things, probably without any of those things actually alleviating the urges. I would probably model this as some sort of small OCD type Psych Lim, and possibly an "Accidental Change" if you want to take it that far. The "accidental change" would be that, in certain circumstances, she might be unable to resist her urges and do something, uh, "rash." Be that accidentally beat up a teammate, accidentally overdo a beating on a bad guy, or actually giving in to the urges in some fashion.


The points you award for it will depend on exactly how severe these urges are, and how frequently or how extremely she responds to them.


If it is just a roleplay quirk; I would play her off as extremely edgy, frustrated, intense, competitive, driven, and emotional. Libido is highly hormonal; if her heightened libido comes from a super-serum that makes her perform at peak human capacity, it is likely her hormones are the cause of the problem, and thus it will manifest in her being extremely hormonal; constant PMS without the cramps.

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