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What Pointers Do You Have For Building Martial Artists?


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I'd like to build one but I don't really know how to go about it. What do you think are good Martial Arts skills to learn, how much Martial Damage Classes should be bought,

how much should go to stats, what if any ranged abilities would you recommend and the like?




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The first thing to do is talk to whoever is running the game and get their guidelines and suggestions.

Then you need a concept to build to.


Disclaimer: This is all in my opinion, you can expect other people to have different advice.


Personally, rather than get ranged attacks, I might invest in movement and possibly stealth abilities that let the character get close to a target. That's what I've done with martial arts focused superhero characters.


On that note, I would look to include Martial Maneuvers with the Full Move element, such as Passing Strike or Flying Dodge. Stealth, Acrobatics, and Climbing are all Skills that may help in different ways to close with a target (and Breakfall is a great Skill to have when Climbing fails....) One classic Champions villain was a Martial Artist with Teleport. More mundane options for getting around include extra Leaping with the Accurate adder, or just extra Running and of course, a high SPD. My personal opinion is that 6 is the ideal SPD for a super martial artist, but you're bound to get lots of opinions on that. You might also consider something like Flight or Teleport with appropriate Limitations to create the ability to climb steep walls, walk tightropes, leap chasms, or otherwise demonstrate fantastic agility in movement. Some people buy extra movement with a Limitation "only for calculating half moves" which can basically make your full move a half move.


If you have access to the write ups for Tai Chi Chuan and Kendo, I consider those two together to be pretty ideal for a Super Martial Artist, with the points spent on Weapons Elements to use either one both armed and unarmed. Last superheroic Martial Artist I played, I gave a boken (wooden sword, although I specified it was a high tech durable materiel) bought as a Killing Attack with about a +4 Stun multiplier. I think I only took about 1 or 2 Damage Classes. After adding up the weapon, STR, maneuver bonus, and sometimes velocity bonus, I didn't need that much extra damage. I once did over 100 STUN with one blow.


You don't have to get the two arts I named; but you should aim to be a well rounded Martial Artist with options to Grab, Throw, Dodge, Escape from being held, etc. Breakfall also comes in handy when someone else throws you.


It's simpler if you buy STR in increments of 5. The absolute minimum is 15 unless the concept calls for making a point of the character lacking strength, such as an elderly master who makes up for lack of force with speed and precision. More than 20 might be hard to justify unless you have special chi focus powers or are really a mutant or alien or cyborg or something but this depends on the game and the person running it; some people have no problem with a STR 30 on a supposedly normal Human with lots of time in a dojo. I'd go for DEX 18, possibly with Lightning Reflexes. Don't neglect to buy up CON (you don't want to be stunned) STUN (you don't want to be knocked out) or END and REC (unless you bought your STR, Movement, etc with Reduced END Cost.)


Take some kind of Resistant Defenses. How much defense you need depends on the campaign, but keep in mind you're probably not supposed to be bulletproof or able to shrug off a hit from the Hulk. Invest in things like DCV in preference to making your character a tank.


Others will probably have more useful and specific advice, but thanks for listening to my take on it.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wants a martial art for quadrapeds





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Thanks. Those look pretty well-rounded.


Yikes, 100 Stun in 1 hit?!


Not sure if I could get away with +4 stun multiplier with my friend next week, pretty sure the kibosh would be on that.

He looks really closely at those exclamation abilities.


Do you suggest using a weapon OIF/OAF multipower or stay away from that?




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I first look at Martial Art maneuvers as a means of leveling the playing field when facing an opponent with better stats in some particular area (STR, DEX, PD, SPD, Running, etc..).


Martial Escape gives the character a chance to break a Grab by a higher STR opponent.

Martial Block gives the character a chance to gain Initiative when facing a higher DEX opponent.

Martial Throw with a held action can be effective vs. the higher movement opponent.

Martial Strike can can easily be combined with a handheld weapon to do more damage.

Sacrifice Strike can do more base damage when the primary weapon is not available.


For a character example of this see my starting PC version of Batman for 6e built on 400 points:



He has both HTH and Ranged Martial Arts maneuvers. The latter combine quite well with his 'Batarangs' to both do decent ranged damage as well as Trip and Disarm opponents at range. The list is by no means complete and is not meant to simulate the current character in the comics. Rather, it's closer to a Batman Year 1 version.

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Here's an early version (5th edition) of my current martial artist. He is built using the Custom Maneuvers rules. Tomato juice washes away the funk from his stink bombs. I recommend flash and/or smoke pellets or such to deal with crowds of enemies.







The Kraken[/TD]







Alternate ID's: Steve Vu[/TD]







Player: Bill Geiger[/TD]







Campaign: Shadows Over Detroit[/TD]














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[TD=align: center]







[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]
















STR Roll: 12-[/TD]



Run: [/TD]










DEX Roll: 14-[/TD]



Swim: [/TD]










CON Roll: 12-[/TD]



Leap: [/TD]









[TD=colspan: 3]

INT Roll: 12-[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 3]

EGO Roll: 11-[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 3]

PER Roll: 12-[/TD]














[TD=colspan: 2, align: center]







[TD=colspan: 2, align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Dependent NPC: Girlfriend: Stella Trung or Father; Philip Vu, or Mother, Vanessa Vu, or bookstore owners; Mike or Charley 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID) Stella = 11- (Normal) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Distinctive Features: Choy Li Fut Kung Fu Style: (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Distinctive Features: Vovinam Style: (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Distinctive Features: Wing Chun Kung Fu Style: (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Distinctive Features: Baggy, Hooded Costume: (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Enraged: When Foe Draws His Blood (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Hunted: Detroit Police Department or Wayne County Sheriff 8- (Mo Pow, Capture) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Strong) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Reputation: Soft-Hearted, 11- (Known Only To The Underworld) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Social Limitation: Asian Male in Detroit (Occasionally, Severe) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Social Limitation: Secret ID: Steve Vu (Frequently, Major) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: left]

Mystery Disadvantage [/TD]


[TD=align: right]




















[TD=align: center]




[TD=align: right]

Base Points : 170[/TD]






[TD=align: right]

Disads Total + 150[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 2, align: right]

Experience Spent + 0[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 2, align: right]

Total Cost = 319[/TD]













[TD=align: center]



















[TD=colspan: 3, align: center]







[TD=align: right]

Pts. [/TD]


[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

12 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Agile and Nimble: +6 DEX; No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Blink: Sight Group Flash Defense (2 points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Deeper Into the Blue-Green Spectrum Kraken Vision:Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Fortunate Eight Arms: Luck 1d6 [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

15 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Straight Blast / Strike / Chain Punching +3d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Movement: Multipower, 5-point reserve [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

1) Leaping +5" (8" forward, 4" upward) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

2) Running +2" (8" total) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

3) Swimming +5" (7" total) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Impressive Costume: Dark Gray Sumurai Clothes with Deep Hood:+5 PRE; OIF (-1/2) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Equipment: Additional Baton [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Concealed* Kraken Fright Mask:-16 COM, +15 PRE, Only For Fear Based Presence Attacks, OIF [Notes:*Successfully or otherwise, with deep hood.] [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]



[TD=align: left]

Concealed Nomex / Spectra Armor, all slots IIF Durable (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

14 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

1) Armor (6 PD/6 ED); IIF (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

4 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

2) Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Resistant Defenses; IIF Durable (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

4 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

3) Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense; IIF Durable (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

15 [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

Concealed* Gear: Multipower, 30-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1) [Notes: *Successfully or otherwise. Line-Baton is Durable.] [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

1) Disappear In A Cloud Of Inky Smoke - Smoke Pellets:Teleportation 8", 16 Charges (+0); OAF (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (Matches Stealth Roll; -1/2), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

2) Flash Pellets: Sight Group Flash 4d6, 16 Charges (+0), Explosion (+1/2); OAF (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

3) Noxious Fatigue Toxin Pellets:Suppress END 3d6, 2 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+0), Continuous (+1); OAF (-1) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]

[2 cc][/TD]






[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

4) Two Rebreathers: Life Support (Custom Adder; Self-Contained Breathing); OAF (-1) plus Power Defense (15 points); OAF (-1) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

5) Noxious Weakness Toxin Pellets:Suppress STR 3d6, 2 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+0); OAF (-1) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]

[2 cc][/TD]






[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

6) Inky Hot Smoke Pellets: Darkness to Normal and IR Sight Group 3" radius; OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1u [/TD]


[TD=align: left]

7) Baton: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=colspan: 3, align: center]

Martial Arts[/TD]






[TD=align: right]

Pts. [/TD]


[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

4 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Back Fist / Diagonal Kick / Elbow Strike / Head Butt / Low Kick / Knee Strike / Pivot Kick / Punch / Rainbow Kick / Roundhouse Kick / Stop Hit / Stop Kick / One Inch Punch / Sun-character Rushing Hammer / Vertical Kick / Yin/Yang Fist / Yin/Yang Knuckle Strike / Great Fist / Level Fist / Heaven's Fist / Nation's Fist / Cross Pattern Fist / Long Fist / Continuous Fighting Fist / Buddha's Palm and more.: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, 3d6 Strike [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Defensive Throw: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Target Falls [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Legsweep, Flying Scissors: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 4d6 Strike, Target Falls [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

4 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Martial Block / Parry: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3d6 +v/5, Target Falls [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Weapon Element: Clubs, Default Element, Empty Hand [Notes: Default Element = Straight Blast / Strike / Chain Punching.] [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=colspan: 3, align: center]







[TD=align: right]

Pts. [/TD]


[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Acrobatics 14- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Breakfall 14- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Climbing 14- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Contortionist 14- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Defense Maneuver I [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Gambling (Mahjongg, Other Pai Gow, Pai Gow Poker) 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Paramedics 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

5 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Rapid Attack (HTH) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Shadowing 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Sleight Of Hand 14- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Stealth 14- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Streetwise 13- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Tactics 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

1 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Language: Vietnamese (basic conversation) [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

3 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Scholar [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

1) KS: Choy Li Fut Kung Fu 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

2) KS: Jeet Kune Do 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

3) KS: Marine Science 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

4) KS: Martial World 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

5) KS: Parkour 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

6) KS: Vovinam 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

7) KS: Wing Chun Kung Fu 12- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=colspan: 3, align: center]







[TD=align: right]

Pts. [/TD]


[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

2 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Access: Vong's Lost and Found Emporium [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=colspan: 3, align: center]







[TD=align: right]

Pts. [/TD]


[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

4 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Double Jointed [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

30 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Kraken Danger Sense (self only, any danger, Function as a Sense) 15- [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]

0 [/TD]


[TD=colspan: 2, align: left]

Kraken Healing Factor: 1.25 BODY per 6 Hours, 4 Active Points [/TD]


[TD=align: right]







[TD=align: right]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: right]








99 : Powers Cost

120 + Skills Cost

100 + Characteristics Cost

319 = Total Cost







Base OCV: [/TD]



9 [/TD]



Base DCV: [/TD]










Adjustment+ [/TD]






Adjustment+ [/TD]










Final OCV: [/TD]






Final DCV: [/TD]
















[TD=colspan: 4]

Levels: [/TD]









[TABLE=align: center]







DCV: [/TD]

















[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]













[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Block, Abort[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




+2 vs. Range Mod.[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Can disarm[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Abort, vs. all attacks[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Grab two limbs[/TD]







Grab By[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Move and Grab[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




+4DC to attack[/TD]







Move By[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




STR/2 + v/5[/TD]







Move Through[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




STR + v/3[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Ranged attacks only[/TD]









[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




STR or weapon[/TD]







Back Fist / Diagonal Kick / Elbow Strike / Head Butt / Low Kick / Knee Strike / Pivot Kick / Punch / Rainbow Kick / Roundhouse Kick / Stop Hit / Stop Kick / One Inch Punch / Sun-character Rushing Hammer / Vertical Kick / Yin/Yang Fist / Yin/Yang Knuckle Strike / Great Fist / Level Fist / Heaven's Fist / Nation's Fist / Cross Pattern Fist / Long Fist / Continuous Fighting Fist / Buddha's Palm and more.[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




3d6 Strike[/TD]







Defensive Throw[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Block, Target Falls[/TD]







Flying Dodge[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove[/TD]







Legsweep, Flying Scissors[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




4d6 Strike, Target Falls[/TD]







Martial Block / Parry[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




Block, Abort[/TD]







Martial Throw[/TD]


[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]




3d6 +v/5, Target Falls[/TD]

















[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]










[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]
















DEX: 26[/TD]



SPD: 6[/TD]



ECV: 4[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 3]

Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12[/TD]







7/13 PD (0/6 rPD)[/TD]



7/13 ED (0/6 rED)[/TD]



MD: 0[/TD]







END: 30[/TD]



STUN: 28[/TD]



BODY: 12[/TD]














[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]

To Hit[/TD]






[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: center]







[TD=align: center]



[TD=align: left]



[TD=align: center]



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Character Information[/TD]







Height: 5' 9"[/TD]



Hair: Black[/TD]







Weight: 175 lbs[/TD]



Eyes: Brown[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 2]

Appearance: The Kraken and Steve Vu have been described as six feet tall, but this is an exaggeration. His poise and bearing add imaginery inches to his height. The Kraken wears dark gray baggy samurai clothes over a deep hood hiding his six-eyed fright mask. His utility belt holds only medical gear - other items are secreted in hidden pockets.

Handsome Steve Vu usually wears a black dress jacket, no tie.[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 2]

Background: Steve Vu, a young Asian American martial arts master, spent three years looking for a mysterious place called "The Lost and Found Emporium." He finally tracked it down in a back room of All Star Books in Detroit, but once inside, he found the place had no owner or any staff.

Browsing around, Steve ran across an elderly lady, who walked through a door, apparently from downtown Fort Lauderdale, looking for lost time. He was not interested in her story, but suddenly, he saw an orb of light which tried to point him to something. Following the orb, which the woman did not see, he found a cage with mice with instructions to rub them until they calm down. Believing that this was her chance to win back her lost time, the woman tried to do so, but the mice scatter away before she managed to do it. She broke down in tears. Steve just condescendingly quipped, "Them's the breaks," and walked away.

The next person Steve met was an elderly man, who came to the emporium by accident. He eventually admitted he lost the respect of his children, and Steve grudgingly pointed him (with the help of the orb) to a mirror, which he should look at for no less than five and a half minutes. The man began the procedure, but was disgusted by what he saw - a distorted, monsterous image of him. Unable to control himself, he smashed the mirror, then realized what he had done. And just like with the old woman, Steve just shook his head and left.

As he walked away from the man, Steve was confronted by Stella, who scolded him for his lack of compassion. Steve admitted that it was his compassion that he was after, explaining how he lost it years ago due to racial intolerance he encountered in his life. He mentioned the murder of Vincent Chin, which was an important event for the Asian American community in the USA. Stella offered him a deal - she would find his compassion if she found her lost item, which she would not reveal. Steve agreed, and followed the orb to an old thermos, which released a stream of vapor. After inhaling the vapor, Stella could not stop giggling - she got her sense of humor back. She then pointed Steve to his lost belonging, in the shape of three flasks, with one containing his compassion.

Unable to choose, Steve grabbed the two biggest one and smashed them, and gained his integrity and childhood memories back. But the third flask - a small white test tube - rolled away from him, and was lost for good. Steve was visibly unhappy, but soon, he realized he did gain a lot back, and that compassion came along with it to some extent. Feeling like a man reborn, Steve realized it was his destiny to help other poor unfortunate souls find what they're looking for, and Stella stayed with him as his assistant. They started off with the ones who had their chance - the elderly man and woman - as even lost chances can be recovered.

In the emporium, Steve found a utility belt filled with non-lethal munitions and tools, a fright mask, an armored jumpsuit, and a squid amulet. The amulet imbued him with several cephalopod traits, even when he was not wearing it. He took this as a sign that, with his martial arts mastery and his new-found integrity and compassion, he should take his resources to the street, covertly patrolling Detroit to protect the people. He found that the belt mysteriously reloaded itself each time it was returned to the emporium. Likewise, there was alway petty cash in a cigar box and a enigmatically changing variety of fresh food in the emporium icebox. No utility or property tax bills or the like ever found their way to the emporium. -based on "Wong's Lost and Found Emporium", by William F. Wu, first published in Amazing Stories, May 1983.[/TD]










[TD=colspan: 2]

Personality: Vovinam's disciples vow to pursue high proficiency in their martial art in order to serve humanity.Promise to be faithful to the intentions and teaching of Voviman and develop the young generation of Vovinam. Be united in spirit and heart, respect one's elder, be kind to one's peers.Respect for the other martial art schools, only use martial art skills for self defense and to protect justice.The Kraken likes to rescue police, fire, EMS personnel and civilians. Steve Vu checks in with his dad to see how he and his Veterans Muscle Car dealership are going, and with his mom and her Hmong Super Market. He dates his girlfriend Stella, sends her love notes and buys her special treats.[/TD]






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Quote: "Hit the deck!"[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 2]

Tactics: The Kraken prefers to spring quietly from rooftop to rooftop. One of his Android Tracfones advises a select few of his location, and sometimes they tell him about police, fire and / or EMS runs in his area. He is fond of Multipowers Attack, for example, using his two batons to beat a foe like a drum.[/TD]






[TD=colspan: 2]

Campaign Use: Sometimes The Kraken listens to a police scanner for emergency runs, checks a vigilante friend's locale, and if there is a match, ring them up with the tip.[/TD]







Please click on the blue lower case "a" under the title Portrait, above, for my illustration of The Kraken.

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Also consider S-Damage, from Ninja Hero Errata[/url=http://www.aaronallston.com/factpages/errata_ninjahero.html] by Aaron Allston, as follows-


After years playing the current Hero System martial arts rules, I have to say that I think that the NND maneuver element presented in those rules is broken. It results in maneuvers that just aren't viable.


In the movies, a "nerve strike" maneuver is supposed to momentarily stun the bad guys, but in practice, the NND nerve strike maneuvers don't do this even occasionally until they reach 5d6 and 6d6 levels of damage.


My approach to fixing the problem in my own campaigns has been to introduce a new type of maneuver damage, adding it to the chart of damage types.


The new type is called S-Damage, for "Stunning Damage." The cost is identical with that of K-Damage.

It also functions identically with K-Damage, with one important exceptions: It does no actual killing damage, just STUN.


In use, a character hits a victim with an S-Damage maneuver, rolls thedamage, and calculates the STUN normally... but the victim only takes the STUN, not the killing damage.

This type of damage simulates a nerve strike with the following characteristics:


(1) The stronger the character is, the harder he can hit with the maneuver, doing more damage; and


(2) Body armor stops some of the STUN damage being transmitted, but doesn't eliminate all maneuver effects (unlike NND{1} from page 12 of Ninja Hero).


In playtest, this has led to maneuvers doing a wider range of STUN damage (from negligible to remarkable) than NND Damage-based maneuvers. Nerve strikes are still chancy, but they are successful more often, and occasionally yield spectacular results.


This rule was proposed to Hero Games for Ultimate Martial Artist, but errors on my part in describing it led to it being altered to a form even less functional than NND Damage and then being dropped from the draft.






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I'd echo what has been said before above.

STR 18 or 20 is usual for most martial artists in campaigns.

Speed will depend on campaign speed. If campaign speed is 4, then 5 for the martial artist. If 5, then 6 but I would go no higher than 8.


Who and how trained are important considerations.


Also the Find Weakness skill but not at automatic levels i.e. 18 or less.

Stealth almost always for a martial artist. Possibly also sleight of hand.

10d6 as max damage most of the time.

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Definitely get some Combat Skill Levels - with Martial Arts' date=' Hand to Hand combat, and/or All Combat Lucius Alexander Weapon Element: Palindromedary [/quote']


I would go one further and suggest getting at least 1 or 2 Overall Skill Levels. They can be used as Combat Skill Levels as well as for any non-combat skill. They can also be used to increase Characteristic Rolls (NOT something CSL's can normally be used for). Why is that important? Dive For Cover. The mechanics of DFC are based on a DEX Roll. So if you want your martial artist to have a better than a base-DEX chance of escaping an Area of Affect attack be sure to give them 1 or 2 Overall Levels.

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Definitely get some Combat Skill Levels - with Martial Arts' date=' Hand to Hand combat, and/or All Combat Lucius Alexander Weapon Element: Palindromedary [/quote']


I would go one further and suggest getting at least 1 or 2 Overall Skill Levels. They can be used as Combat Skill Levels as well as for any non-combat skill. They can also be used to increase Characteristic Rolls (NOT something CSL's can normally be used for). Why is that important? Dive For Cover. The mechanics of DFC are based on a DEX Roll. So if you want your martial artist to have a better than a base-DEX chance of escaping an Area of Affect attack be sure to give them 1 or 2 Overall Levels.

If the character has Flying Dodge, he should be using that instead of Dive For Cover. There's a DCV bonus and no DEX roll is required.
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Definitely get some Combat Skill Levels - with Martial Arts' date=' Hand to Hand combat, and/or All Combat Lucius Alexander Weapon Element: Palindromedary [/quote']


I would go one further and suggest getting at least 1 or 2 Overall Skill Levels. They can be used as Combat Skill Levels as well as for any non-combat skill. They can also be used to increase Characteristic Rolls (NOT something CSL's can normally be used for). Why is that important? Dive For Cover. The mechanics of DFC are based on a DEX Roll. So if you want your martial artist to have a better than a base-DEX chance of escaping an Area of Affect attack be sure to give them 1 or 2 Overall Levels.

The potential issue with Flying Dodge is schtick preservation. There is no 'real world' martial art that includes the maneuver. The only example of it in UMA and HSMA is included as part of a 'speedster martial arts package'. Just something to be mindful of.
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If you don't see the character as wearing armor, an ability like Combat Luck goes a long way. I also like using Damage Reduction with appropriate limitations to simulate the "Artful Dodger" effect.
Both of which can help with those pesky AoE attacks that ignore your awesome DCV.
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"How I Learned Hero System"

by Wannabe Ninja


The first lesson my sensei gave me started with her saying "Hit me." I

tried to strike a pose like I'd seen in kung fu movies and she said "No,

don't make like you're Karate Kid. Just hit me." I tried, but it took a

few tries to connect. Then she hit back, and it hurt a lot less than I

expected. "What kind of move is that?" I asked. "Just a Basic Strike"

she said. "Same thing you're using." So I asked how come I had to throw

a few punches and she just clipped me the first time, and she explained

Combat Value. "Start with basics" she explained while ducking away with

a normal Dodge, not even adding Skill Levels, "If you don't know how to

roll to hit and damage for an ordinary blow, you won't know what to do

with The Unseen Sword of the Crescent Moon or The Spinning Whirlwind



"These are the basic building blocks" she said with a straight face

while demonstrating Basic Blocks by frustrating every punch or kick I

threw at her, and using her extra Phases to counterattack. That's how I

learned how important SPeeD is.


I was starting to see where I needed to spend my points.


The first real Martial Manuever she used was Throw, and that was just to

teach me Breakfall. I began to see that DEX was good for more than

initiative. When I complained about the exercise and the ascetic diet

she said it was good for the CON. I was so disappointed to learn that

didn't mean we were going to GEN-CON. When she showed me Nerve Strike, I

was really Stunned. At first I thought there was so much to learn, but

she always came back to basics. "It just drops a couple of steps," she

explained, "Don't count BODy and don't subtract defenses. Just do a set

number of dice, STR doesn't help. And of course, if they have the

defense, it doesn't work at all." Naturally I asked what the defense

was. "Every No Normal Defense attack needs a special defense; for Nerve

Strike, it's having rigid armor that protects the pressure points." I

said "In other words, when you most want to bypass defense - when you're

up against armor - is when you can't use it?" She told me she didn't

design the Manuever, she just spent points on it.


Sensei wasn't done with me when I'd picked out ten points in manuevers

and took the KS and a few Skills like Breakfall, and Stealth because I

wanted to be like a Ninja. "Talents are so useful" she said. "Combat

Luck, Danger Sense, Lightsleep...." I protested "Who's going to sneak up

on me in my sleep?" I should have known she'd say "I might." We talked

so much about Skills I might as well have taken Conversation. "It's

boring to fight all the time" she said. "If all you do is fight, fight,

fight, who will care about you? Even Miyamoto Musashi took PS:

Painting." I had to ask, "Me - ah who?" "See what I mean?" she went on,

"If you don't spend points on something besides Combat Skill Levels,

you'll never know what anyone's talking about and everyone will know

you're an ignoramus."


The day came that she brought up Powers, and I said I didn't want to be

a superhero. "Powers aren't just for supers" she said, tossing me a bag

of throwing stars and taking out a sword. "You wanted the Weapon

Familiarity, start throwing." As I tossed them one by one she knocked

them aside, explaining "Killing Attacks are a power. So's Missile

Deflection. And Reflection." She caught the last one barehanded and

returned it; only Combat Luck saved me. "Run or die." She charged, and

being no fool, I ran. Even though I knew she wouldn't kill me - not as

long as I was doing what she said, anyway. "So's Running. Now stop.

Listen." I listened, believe me. "That trick with walking on rice paper

- Limited Gliding. Scattering marbles to trip up pursuers - Change

Environment. The Ninja's famous ability to 'disappear' in plain sight -

Invisibility. Just because something's listed in the Powers section of

the book doesn't mean having it qualifies you for a mask and cape."


At first I was really confused by Disadvantages. "How does it help to

have something like Hunted by Ninja?" I asked. "I'm Hunted by WANNABE

Ninja" she clarified, "Why do you think I wound up stuck with you for

this long?" I ignored that and asked "Why would anyone want a

Disadvantage? Give me one good reason." She gave me several. First,

it's more points to spend on things I need, "like maybe KS: What the

Heck You're Talking About." Second, they can help define a character and

may even be required for a concept; "The 'Style Disad' is practically a

gimme. More optionally, Berserk if Surprised would define you as having

dangerously honed reflexes, or Vulnerable to Flash could underline how

hypersensitive your eyes and ears are." Third, it can provide a

challenge to overcome; "I can spread the word about you and give you

Reputation: Hopeless or Foolish Wannabe Ninja. Then you will have to

work hard to be taken seriously." I declined to take that one. Fourth,

they can provide depth and detail to my history, background, and

personality; "Everybody needs Psych Lims, in my opinion. It gives you

motivation and something to roleplay." Finally, they can provide "hooks"

to draw me right into the action; "Adventures can be written around

Disadvantages! Look, you've always wanted to meet a real Ninja, right?

Take Hunted by Ninja and maybe you will." "I'd like to meet one, not

necessarily get killed by one!" "Just take it at 'mildly punish' level"

she said. Little did I know she was setting me up. I had not yet bought

Analyze: Inscrutable Martial Arts Masters.


The time came to leave the dojo. "You have nothing more to teach me?" I

asked, and she scoffed. "I have more to teach than you'll ever know, but

you can't learn it yet. You've spent your alloted points and maxed out

Disads. Get out there and earn some XPs."


So I have. I still haven't met any Ninja, not met per se, where I knew

what they were. But who do you think replaced my steel shuriken with

ones made of rubber? Stole all my socks? Put a tripwire between two

trees in a park right where I was going to walk? Gave my date the

fortune cookie that said "your dinner companion is an idiot, maybe you

should date a real Ninja instead?" Wrote "Stupid barbarian" in Japanese

on my livingroom ceiling, and then "Stupid barbarian can't read

Japanese" in English after I got someone to translate it? I've got to

buy off this Disad.


But first I have something else to spend XP on. Something that will

finally get me some respect. My sensei gave me the idea when she

threatened to give me a bad Reputation; I'm going to get a positive

Reputation that will get me taken seriously. Yes! I'm saving up for

Reputation: Skilled and Dangerous Wannabe Ninja.



Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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