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Can you help you cut this character down to only 400 points ?


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There are certain factors that have to be taken into account with most every player character superhero.


For example, you should usually be able to take at least one average hit (however "average" is defined for a given campaign) without being taken out. You probably don't want to be a "glass cannon" or "one hit wonder."


You want to look at Combat Values in terms of the average or expected opposition. It is frustrating to roll and roll and roll and never hit, and if your OCV is 4 and the average supervillain is DCV 8 you are going to hit less often than you probably think. Also unless you are really very tough, you don't want to get hit repeatedly if you can help it.


You want both a tactical maneuver movement (getting around on the battlefield) and a strategic movement (getting TO the battlefield) - not a problem for this character, you can be the strategic movement for the whole team.


The Game Operations Director should impose some restrictions on SPD,  that is, both minimum and maximum levels. SPD governs how many times you can act in a Turn.  While we're on the topic, remember that SPD also governs how often you can MOVE in a turn. If you have SPD 4 and did not change your Running at all, you are covering ground at twice the rate of a "normal" person a fact that somehow often seems to get overlooked.


AVOID SPD with Limitations or SPD in a Framework, until everyone is more familiar with the system. It 's more complicated than it probably looks.


You need some way of effecting the villiains. Teleportation Usable As Attack is a potentially very powerful ability in that regard. Many opponents can be hurt by teleporting them straight up, and fliers can be teleported from open air to right in front of a wall, forcing them to risk crashing into or through it. There are two drawbacks to Movement Powers used as Attacks, though; they're so powerful in most cases that they might prove to be overwhelming, and on the other hand they need to have kind of defined defense that prevents them from working, so you need at least one other attack as well.


Lucius Alexander


I need a palindromedary but you probably don't.

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11 STR doesn't really allow him to do anything 10 STR doesn't.

18 INT bumps up his INT and PER rolls to 13-, rather than 12-.


So, swap a point from STR to INT.


A lot of my other comments upthread still apply.


Specifically, why is Always On a limitation for his Life Support and Regeneration? What's bad about it?


I'm not quite sure what is going on with his Armor. Why is it 0 points?


He's still got massive attacks and fairly weak defenses.


His DEX, CON and SPD are relatively low for most campaigns.


The last two comments are campaign dependent, however.

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ok so now I changed his stats 


STR 10

DEX 13

CON 13

INT 18

EGO 12

PRE 10


I lowered his END to 60

brought his REC to 21

I lowered his swimming to 2 and leaping to 2 and his running to 7



Also anyone know a cannon champions game looking for a player ?

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In my head I have some of his physical stats lower because he got this power and is still learning the ropes of being a hero. Thats why he does not really have a name of costume yet. He just uses motorcycle armor I planned on using his in game XP to mostly build up his physical stats. Because in game I was thinking he would have only been doing this hero stuff for a total of a week or more. He is training in his apartment every day try to get in good enough shape to keep him in a fight longer 

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One thing that I noticed is that the character's power levels are all over the place. The first place one should start BEFORE building a Hero PC is to find out what the GM's power level averages are. Also IMHO only put attacks in Multipowers esp when you are starting out. Use limitations like "Unified Power" -1/4 to tie powers together thematically. Rolls of 14 to 16 or less on skills are pretty powerful due to the bellcurve. There's really little to no reason to buy Int above 28. The character is incredibly slow on their feet (ie their Dex is abysmal and their Speed is way below Champions Universe average).


ie My Champions Games tend to be built with the following Averages in place

Damage Class 12 (60 Active points), Defense (PD&ED) 22 (up to 11 Resistant), OCV/DCV 8 (can have up to 4 levels that add to that average), Dex 20, Spd 5.

Unless I missed something, all other Averages can be inferred from those numbers (ie Con of 21 average, 42 Stun (to take 2 hits before unconsciousness)


Oh and if you really want to see how we would fix your character, upload the .hdc file along with the PDF and see how we would trim your character.

Follow the Link in my signature to see how I generally teach people to make characters, and see how the system's internal math works (ie how Damage done tells you how much Defense, Con, Stun etc the character needs).

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How is the Dex below average. in the book it says average is 10. I i did the same for skills


Oh I did not think about adding the file I thought the pdf was enough. 



                                       Char    SPD     CV     DC   ActivePts    SkillPts  Skill Roll       Def/rDef

Standard Superheroic  10-40    3-10    7-13   6-14     40-80         25-80     11-15-       20-25/12-18



The Ranges of that table are a bit too wide and don't really cover that important stuff. So are a bit decieving. Yes, characters have Characteristics in the range of 10-40. That doesn't really tell the whole story. You will find the the Default Champions Universe has Dex in the 18 - 33 range with the Campaign assuming most character being around 23 dex (There's a reason for those numbers that made more sense in previous editions, but they stay with us because it's what people have done for decades).


I have found that once people know what the averages center around they can make judgments about where they want their character to be in the range above. Because for some stats like SPD, the higher the number the more often your character can act. A low number means that other players at the table are getting to do stuff while your character does nothing but watch. Going crazy on Skill Rolls mean that you tie up a ton of points in Dexterity, Intelligence and Presence. Which can be the difference between coming within point budget or blowing it sky high.


Long ago, Hero Games polled the gamers about what averages their Champions campaigns ran about. The numbers they got back are fairly close to the ones in my previous post. Those numbers were also used to build all of the Pregen PCs and Villains for Champions.


I don't know if you are using Champions Complete or Hero System Sixth Edition vol 1 and 2. In Champions Complete, the Sample PC team "The Champions" Appear on pg 191  In HS6e Vol 2 (also referred to as 6e2) Sample Superheroic characters appear on pg 220 and include Taurus, Eagle Eye, Hardpoint and Malestrom.All of these characters in both books are a good starting point to look at power levels and how to spend points.



Re PDF and HDE file upload. We can quickly comment on PDF, but most don't have time to re enter your characer into Hero Designer. So you will just get advice and not any real builds. If you include HDE files some posters will DL the file and Tinker with the character and you can see how experienced player/GM's would rebuild the character to fit within the budget. A totally different Experience.

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How is the Dex below average. in the book it says average is 10. I i did the same for skills


Oh I did not think about adding the file I thought the pdf was enough. 


I think Tasha already pointed this out but just in case.


That average of 10 is usually for "Normals", not super-heroes and definitely no PC Super-heroes.


I've never played in, or seen a PC  from another supers game, that had a Dex of 10.


Even the characters I've played, and played with, in Heroic level games never had a 10.

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Ok So now I rised his Dex to 19


STR: 12


Con: 13



PRE: 10

OCV: 8

DCV: 6



SPD: 4

PD: 10

ED: 6

REC: 22

END: 60

Body: 20



Is that better ?


I lowered his Multi Power to raise this stats his multi power is now 170

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oo thanks. i like it alot :)


just gotta add the remote teleportation attack. I enjoy the idea of teleporting some one a mile up and letting them hit the ground lol 


or I guess that is something he could learn later. 


only other thing is he can't use spatial targeting and any of his other attacks at the same time. hmmm unless I can just use to help me when he gets stronger. how much 


hmm might add the complication from his job.

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Question. if i use his Hat Trick Power to lets say pull out a sword or bat or something how do I go about making it in hero designer ?



Yea thinking bout it I think it would fit more for him to learn to remote teleport (Aportation) others as his ability get stronger hmmm or replace spatial cutting with it. hmmm thinking

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I saw that you left one point left that could be used 


Also I did not notice what bureaucratics was useful for so I made it an Everyman Skill


what do you use that for ?


I had more space to add Aportation to the power and to bring his long distance teleport for no combat to 10km


his Aportation is 10km also so he can drop an enemy from 6 miles up or my personal favorite scare an enemy by dropping him from that high and then teleporting him just before he hits the ground back to his feet.  


Also I really like the curious complication. I can see he like that it lends well to the nature of his power. He can explore and see things now. I hope if he survives long enough i want to get him a power called 'felling the turn of the universe" it would allow him to feel when something really bad is going on out there. 



hmmm would 1km be enough to cause lots of damage from a drop or scare some one ? if so I will lower it



also still need a name. So hard to think of one. I was thinking about going with 


Aeon (because space goes on forever)



Zone man



Spatial Manipulatior updated by forum member v2.hdc

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