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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Athiest Fundamentalism


Disclaimer: athiests come in all shapes and sizes, and of all manner of personality types, just like religious folk, so don't get your undies up in a bunch if your an athiest who doesn't fit into the sights of the following diatribe. In fact, some of my good friends are extremely agnostic, and I have good relations with several athiests.


Athiests are some of the most fundamentalist and zealously dogmatic people I've ever met. I have literally had more tolerant, civil, and human conversations with 1) an iranian cleric visiting family here, 2) a palestinian (when I was in Israel) who had a brother in administrative detention for being a member of IJ, and 3) an extremist christian who had ties to the neo-nazis who broke down crying one day and seemed to think I was his father confessor.


With that said: I don't talk about religion at work, or with strangers. Its a firm policy. I'll answer direct questions, if I feel the question is honest and the circumstances are ideal, but its my policy to avoid the subject.


Nor do I get evangelical with people. I don't think being Jewish is for everyone. In fact, in my ethnocentrism, I don't think its in the tribe's interest to just take every johnny come lately who thinks it would be neat to dance to klesmer and sing hava-nagila.


So I'm washing my hands in the men's room at work and this guy slides up next to me and starts washing his hands as well. I've seen him in the hall, but have never spoken with him. I don't know his name. I don't know what team he's on. I don't know what his job description is. I have no reason to know - or care for that matter.


He looks up at me in the mirror and says: "I don't believe in God."


Inner monologue: who are you and why do I care?


Me: "We all make choices in life."


He says: "I think religion is the cause of the worlds ills."


Inner monologue: great - an athiest missionary with emotional problems and a lack of social boundaries.


Me (I'm drying my hands now): "You're entitled to your opinion."


He says: "You probably think I'm going to hell."


Inner monologue: No, idiot, I don't. I don't believe in hell. I'm a Jew, not a pagan, christian, or moslem. I don't think God would waste that much energy on you (or anyone). And why is what I think relevent to you?


Me (I'm walking past him): "you don't believe in God, but you believe in Hell?"


He looks at me confused and says: "well... no."


Inner monologue: all too easy.


Me: "me either."


That gets him - he looks perplexed. There is silence in the restroom. I start to leave.


He blurts out: "But you believe in God."


Inner monologue: your powers of observation are truly impressive reverend athiest. and why does it bother you so much?


Me: "I take it that bothers you."


Now he looks concerned. He shuffles back and forth a little. I can tell I nailed it, but he wants to say no.


Inner monologue: don't do it mouth! don't do it! aaagh! you're doing it...


Me: "That was the point of our conversation, wasn't it - your intolerance for people who do not share your cosmological bent?"


He looks like he got hit by a mack truck.


Inner monologue (warning: uncharitable): weren't expecting that were you secular bigot boy?


Me: "Do me a favor, will you?"


He nods, still confused.


Me: "Missionize someone else."


I admit I was being harsh, but what is with people? I don't walk up to strangers (in the bathroom or anywhere else) and say: "I believe in God. I think people who don't are immoral post-modern secular nincompoops." I don't even say that to people I know. People would be far better off if they just left eachother alone. Whats with the bathroom routine?


All missionaries must be eaten! Including the athiest ones!

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Guest Worldmaker

How does someone tell a supposedly mature adult that playing the "It wasn't me! It wasn't my fault! I didn't do anything wrong!" card doesn't work when the adult in question did it in public, in front of witnesses, and thus should act like the adult they supposedly are, own up to it, and stop whining about how unfair it is that people think they did something wrong?

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Guest Worldmaker

Morningstar just called me a troll in a message to Kara. Anyone else notice the irony of a guy who follows me around, posting to threads I am involved in just so he can insult me calling anyone a troll?


Hey, Morningstar... its getting old already. We get it. You don't like me. So shut up about it already. All you're doing at this point is making yourself look bad, and me look like the victim.


Or better yet, come to Crawfordville, Florida and we'll settle this issue the old fashioned way.

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edit: Hermit tricked me into a non random thought...so a quick edit, blank my mind for something random and voila...


Ever notice how things seem to pile up on one day. I used to call it my rule of threes. Anytime I had a big event planned two other events would line up perfectly on that same day. Its bizaare because I don't usually plan that much, but somehow out of 52 weeks in a year, three thigns which interest me pick the exact same weekend.

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