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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

How many times has a conservative posted that "Florida Supreme Court rewrote election law" nonsense?


And how many times am I going to have to crush their ignorant little heads under the weight of what the law actually says?


I'm getting tired of doing it. I'm especially getting tired of doing it to the same people over and over and over!


Are they being intentionally obtuse? One has to wonder...

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I was just sitting here thinking.


I'm left handed. My right hand is there more to balance my looks and type than anything else. lol The twins, who I carried, are ambidextrous. They will often mirror each other, on purpose. And they switch off who's using which hand. The grandparents are convinced that Katie's right handed and Kim's left. They've obviously done this with all the relatives, to give them a way to tell them apart, because we've even caught the little scamps answering to the wrong name when one anyone but Rachel, my cousin or I call them. He, the cousin, is convinced they're doing it out of mischief. Rachel came up with the thought that they were probably doing it so the relatives could have a way to tell them apart.


Anyway, Rachel's right handed, and Faith, who she carried seems to be leaning more to left handed as she gets older.


Erin's showing every sign of being a born righty. :)


So, what do you think affects handedness? It can't be entirely genetics.

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Guest Worldmaker

An officer in the U.S. Naval reserve was attending a conference that included admirals from both the U.S. Navy and the French Navy. At a cocktail reception, he found himself in a small group that included personnel from both navies.


The French admiral started complaining that where as Europeans learned many languages, Americans learned only English. He then asked "Why is it that we have to speak English in these conferences rather than you speak French?"


Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied, "Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you would not have to speak in German."

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Wish me luck everyone, I'm going to piss off Legal.


The memo that came with the "Policy on Employee Transactions" that we have to sign and return annually said February 4th.


Today we got a pissy Email about not having returned everything by the 31st of January.


So, I'm sending them an email about it.



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In America, when the government or an organization tells you the policy is X the policy really is X.


In Israel, when the government or an organization tells you the policy is X the policy is X unless you


1) know someone

2) convince someone to make an exception


I have bucked so many policies, deadlines, rules, regulations, and guidelines in the last week it would make your head spin - and I'm not even in Israel yet.

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Putty Ponderings


I was working on an epoxy resin model the other day when I ran out of Squadron Green Putty. I'd had this tube of putty for several years. I got online to order some more putty and discovered that Squadron now makes green putty and white putty. First time I've seen the white putty so I ordered a tube of both.


So is the white putty just like the green without the green coloring added or is it green putty that has been bleached white?

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Guest Worldmaker

You know what ticks me off? People who base their entire argument on their own flavor of religion as if, just because its their religion, it also happens to be natural law regardless of the merits of the argument. Generally, these people are the first to marginalize those whose beliefs differ, just because the beliefs differ, regardless of the merits of the argument.


While we're on the subject, servers who forget drink orders but remember the rest of the meal, and thus deliver your food without ever delivering your drinks tick me off as well.

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For almost two weeks now I have been kicking around ideas for the pre-campaign history of my next Dark Champions campaign. I just can't seem to get myself psyched up to start writing it up. I know I can get it done in only a couple of hours. I've made the notes and thought out the rough idea in my head. I just can't get myself started.


It's very frustating.

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During the Second World War, when it appeared that Nazi Germany would attempt to capture England, Mahatma Gandhi offered the British the following advice:


"I would like you to lay down the arms you have which are useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession.... If these gentlemen choose to occupy your homes, you will vacate them. If they do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child, to be slaughtered, but you will refuse to owe allegiance to them."


To the Jews of Germany, Gandhi offered a similar message:


"I am as certain as I am dictating these words that the stoniest German heart will melt [if only the Jews] adopt active non-violence. Human nature... unfailingly responds to the advances of love. I do not despair of his [Hitler's] responding to human suffering even though caused by him."


Ghandi was a putz.

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I'm stuck home today, again, because of bad weather. Not because I have chosen to do so, mind you, but because my office (Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind in Washington DC) has shut down.


On the one hand, it is nice that they value the safety of their worker. On the other hand, I am a contractor, and when they shut down, that is a days pay lost to the wind. And for reasons of their own, they can only "afford" to pay me for 32 hours a week. No, I can't make up hours lost one week on a following week, as they can only pay me week to week, even though the money they budgeted for me is still there. Last week, I got to go into work twice, and the weather was only really bad one of the three days I missed.

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Guest Worldmaker

I think my problem is that I'm not a subtle person. I'm watching other people be as abbrasive and stubborn and condescending as I've ever been, but they're doing it with the subtlety of Iago at his best.


So apparently my "past crimes" aren't that I was being an asshole... but that was never very good at being smooth at it.

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