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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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I deserve a disad, "Psych lim: think I'm more dextrous than I am." I thought I could pull that melting piece of plastic out of the bottom of the dishwasher without touching the (very hot) coil.


I was wrong.


Well, the good thing was that it was so hot it didn't actually hurt. Just made a white bump that I looked at saying, "Hmmm, that is going to hurt a lot." Now it's starting to hurt, around 20 minutes later, having been on ice most of that time. Oh, well.


I am Dex 7, not 13, I am Dex 7, not 13, I am Dex 7, not 13...

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So, I threw some things away at work that I shouldn't have, and we've got to reprint some things from the tape backup.


This was actually an important change than one of the tons of useless stuff/wrong changes that crosses my desk.


Fortunately, I figured out how to fix the issues. I just have to come up with something to keep it from happening again. Should be pretty easy, although it's going to require more time from my boss, since I'll have to run some things by him.


I like being given the chance to fix the error, and come up with new procedures rather than just having the hammer drop.



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What is it with some people? I went into a fast-food restaurant today where they keep the napkins behind the counter (I guess they have a problem with customers taking handfulls of them away when left in the public area). They put the soda on the tray, then about 3 napkins, and then they drop the fries right on top of the friggin napkins! If they're trying to cut down on napkin consumption, that ain't the way to do it. It happens at another place I know too.



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Needle In My Foot, Day 10: Here's a fun trick you can try at home:


1) Break a needle off in your foot.

2) Get a sore throat and run a high temperature.

3) Don't eat anything all day because of your sore throat.

4) Take the codeine you were prescribed for your foot.

5) Wait 5 minutes.

6) See how many hops you can take before passing out on the nearest piece of furniture.


Surgery is tomorrow morning, early. At last I'll be able to go through airport metal detectors again.



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I feel the urge to destroy swelling with in me.


I think I'll go play Rise of Nations and conquer the world.


In the mean time, I begin to suspect there is a conspiracy keeping "Nightwing: A Knight in Bludhaven" out of my hands. I ordered it a month ago. It has not arrived. They are sending a second one. I hope I don't have to wait another #$#$ing month.

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A single article has destroyed all interest in pop-culture for me. This article included three things:

a) Justin Timberlake won a grammy for male pop vocal performance for Cry Me a River. I accidentely heard this song one morning. If this is the best the recording industry has to offer, I wish it luck in finding a good place to go die.


B) Justin Timberlake won a grammy for pop vocal album for his solo debut, Justified. Again, this is the best the industry has to offer? This is why they have used CD stores and decent jazz music labels. This is why I haven't bought a rock CD that has been produced since 2000.


And finally


c) Justin Timberlake is making his big screen debut. Nuff said, I am never going to the movies again.

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I was up earlier and out of the house earlier. But at the Tube 10 minutes later thanks to the Bus service not running properly again. It would have been worse had I been able to drive.


At work a back up would not work until second attempt.

A scanner could not be set up without a SCSI card.

And a new colour printer could not be put into the required position so we are putting it elsewhere.


And at lunchtime I could not get into the boards.


Its the magpies I tell you.

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Cut myself shaving this morning... it happens rarely but I fscking hate it when it does. Did nothing but apply direct pressure for half an hour and I still bled for another hour and a half. Tried vaseline, liquid skin, even the old toilet paper bits. Nothing would stop the flow.


Now there's a nice icky clot on my face, but I dare not disturb it in any way lest it come off and I bleed to death here in the office.

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Guest Worldmaker

I was listening to Justice Talking's debate today about same-sex marriage, and every time the woman from the National Council on We Don't Want That (or whatever they were called) used the phrase "destroy/endanger/injure/annoy the institution of marriage", I kept asking "Why?" and "How?" and she never addressed it. Of course, i was in my car at the time.


But the question is nagging at me. I mean, my marriage sure doesn't feel destroyed/endangered/whatever...

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Guest Worldmaker

"Bush looks like he's afraid of Tim Russert. He's stammering and unsteady. For the first time, I've felt a twinge of fear myself about the November election." -- Michael Graham, "The Meet the Press Disaster"


Strange, I didn't see anything different from the usual bumbling bufoon who can't answer a question because nobody's written a script for him to read.

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Needle In My Foot, Day 11: Podiatrist removed the needle today. I preferred when it was in. While I was under anesthesia, I think they used a rib spreader on the pad of my foot. Probably salted it first. (Bet my insurance doesn't even cover the salt.)


The original pain prescription had no appreciable effect. Dinner tonight included bratwurst on a bun and 200mg of Darvocet. Talk about ambrosia. Tonight I shall sleep the sleep of the gods.


Well, of the gods who have just had a needle removed from their foot.


For Valentine's Day, am considering a proposal to buy my wife whatever accoutrements she needs for a new hobby. As long as it isn't sewing. Any suggestions?



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Guest Worldmaker

I hate it when some advertising firm secures the right to use some perfectly acceptable if borderline depressive song that just happens to contain one upbeat lyric in a mass of agony, and uses that one lyric to make happy happy in their TV ads.


I just saw a furniture store commercial using Joe Cocker's "Feeling Alright"... but just using the lyric "Feeling alright..." and not continuing with the less upbeat "I'm not feeling too good myself". Its a song about getting your heart ripped out, for Christ's sake!


Reminds me of the time I heard an Insurance company use Everclear's "Everything is Wonderful Now", totally ignoring the fact that its about domestic violence and divorce.


I hate ad agencies.

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Guest Worldmaker

Overheard while the idiot box was on in the background:


"It's nine months before the election and Bush's poll numbers have fallen to the exact level that his father's poll numbers were nine months before he lost to Bill Clinton. Today John Kerry said he's not superstitious, but just to be on the safe side, he's going to start f*cking everything that moves." -- Bill Maher

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