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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

Found another fantastic quote:


"The wicked thing about both the little and the great 'collective faiths', prehistoric and historic, is that they all, without exception, pretend to hold encompassed in their ritualized mythologies all of the truth ever to be known.


"They are therefore cursed, and they curse all who accept them, with what I shall call the 'error of the found truth,' or, in mythological language, the sin against the Holy Ghost.


"They set up against the revelations of the spirit the barriers of their own petrified belief, and, therefore, within the ban of their control, mythology, as they shape it, serves the end only of binding potential individuals to whatever system of sentiments may have seemed to the shapers of the past (now sanctified as saints, sages, ancestors or even gods) to be appropriate to their concept of a great society." -- Joseph Campbell

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Guest Worldmaker

Oh, and here's a pair of great quotes:


"I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!" -- Jerry Foulwell


"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith.... We need believing people." -- Adolf Hitler


Gotta love it...

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Guest Worldmaker

Liberals should be ashamed. The lazy bugs do so little.


Conservatives, on the other hand, are busy little bees. They attend Hitler Youth rallies, put down union strikes, close down orphanages, cut the funding from inner city schools, and make sure the elderly can't afford prescription drugs! Now that is determination, and its part of what America is all about!

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The two most popular names for cities in the United States are...



are you ready...?


are you thinking about it?


want some spoiler space?





want to think some more?





















or more?























ore more about it? not Springfield...















not Lincoln or Greenville...













but Washington (but you knew that one)...and....


































Good old Ben!

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Guest Worldmaker

I really hate governmental bureaucracy. I really do. Especially those cogs in the machine who are, shall we say less than imaginative?




I am not only making my child support payments (for my oldest son, the child of my first marriage) on time and in full, I am actually paying more than I am obligated to by court-order (which, by the way, is only $40 a week).


So what do I get when I open the mail? A letter from Child Support Enforcement telling me that I am in arrears to the tune of $700 and that I have to appear in court to explain to an Orange County judge why I am in arrears on February 23, 2004 at 9:30 am. The courtroom I need to appear at is in downtown Orlando.


The letter was delivered to me today... February 23, 2004. At 2:00 pm.


And oh, by the way, I'm in Tallahassee. Five hours away.


So, I call Child Support Enforcement, and I tell them I just got the letter telling me about the court appearance, and oh, by the way, did they ever get my last fourteen checks, including the one for $1000 I sent the day I got my tax return back?


"Yes, Mr. Butler... we show you are paid in full. Overpaid, in fact."


"No, Mr. Butler... we don't show you in arrears."


"Yes, Mr. Butler, there was a hearing scheduled on your case. And yes, you were entered as a FTA" (which, when I asked, means "failure to appear").


"No, Mr. Butler, no contempt citation has been issued for you yet, but there is a notation here saying that, as per policy with FTA's we are going to request one."


"I understand you're paid in full, but you still failed to appear."


"You still failed to appear, sir."


"Yes, you are correct. Your paid in full."


"No sir, I couldn't tell you why you were sent the letter. Its obviously in error."


"Because we hold hearings on all persons who are in arrears, sir."


"I acknowledge that you're not in arrears."


"We're going to be requesting a contempt citation because you failed to appear."


(Wash, rinse, repeat five times. FIVE TIMES. I counted. Finally, I asked for the number to the judge doing CSE duty that day.)


"Certainly. Judge Mark's office number is 407-XXX-XXXX. His clerk's name is Jeremy Cutter. Let me transfer you."


So, I got Mr. Cutter on the line, explained what happened, asked him to contact Child Support Enforcement for confirmation, and if I could please request that Judge Marks refuse the contempt citation, seeing as I am not in contempt at all?


"Certainly, Mr. Butler. I think I can do that, in the interest of justice and all. Let me have your number so I can call you back when its all taken care of."


He called back in two minutes.

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About 6 weeks or so ago, I was glancing at my profile and noticed my posts/day and overall post count for the 11 months since the new site began. This subsequently led to a bit of somewhat disturbing contemplation about how much time I actually spend on this site.


Needless to say, I spent a couple weeks away from here, and have subsequently weaned myself down to one (sometimes two) days a week. Probably only a couple hours at best. At the same time, concentrating solely on converting 'site time' to 'family time'. This change has gone splendidly and I'm quite happy with it.

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Something that's beginning to chap my "spent way too many years in Chemistry to let it slide" ass.


"All Natural. No Chemicals."


No, not really. You see, Chemicals are those things that are making up each and every block of matter that you possess.


No Artificial (man-made) chemicals, perhaps. But No Chemicals. Hell, even Air has chemicals (Nitrogen, Oxygen, etc). Pure Water is a chemical.



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Guest Worldmaker

Why does the McDonalds drive through have braille menus? Who are they there for? Can't be the driver... he presumably has passed an eye test to get a license.


The passengers? Sure, I suppose... but can't they get the driver to tell them the menu?

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Guest Worldmaker

It occurred to me that a whole lot of Conservatives are serious bigots.


The thing that brought this to my conscious thought was the realization that most conservatives use the word "liberal" in the same sneering tone in which the word "nigger" is used by members of the Klan.


Think about it. Try to remember the last time you heard a conservative use that word ("liberal", not "nigger"), and be honest: didn't it have the same tone of hatred and malice? Didn't the statements being made about liberals basically accuse the liberal of being some evil form of subhuman?


I know it did for me.


Its apparently not enough for conservatives to disagree with our politics... they hate us for existing. And that, my friends, is base bigotry.

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Over here it is quite cold at the moment, the weather is cold. Like several degrees below. Chicken feed you might say, but that ain't the point.

What gets me is how some girls and women can go out in skirts that barely cover their backsides, proper fishnet stockings and these half anoraks that cover only up to the bottom of the ribs. Hypothermia anyone ?


I am going out with suit and jumper and big coat and I still feel cold. What about them ?

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I was riding in the elevator with my supervisor's supervisor (the one who hates me), and this other guy got on. They struck up a conversation, and brought me in.


The other guy stared at my nametag for a minute, then gave a slight nod, like he had memorized my name for future reference.


Afterwards, Dina said, "Do you know who that was?" Me, "No." "That was X, he's the CFO. He memorized your name."


She seemed pretty convinced that it was a good thing.


The CFO knows my name. That makes me a little nervous, since my disorder doesn't let me match faces to names all that well. So, I doubt I'll recognize him, next time we meet.



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If you're into 3.5 D&D Unearthed Arcana (not to be confused with Monte's Arcana Unearthed) rocks. It's got tons of cool options, most of which are pretty balanced.


Some are useless to me, but in general, there's lots of stuff that I can find to justify the price.


Now, if the FLGS could get me a Dragon's Gate, I'd be set.



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