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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, I for one am going home to bed. :)


Actually now I want to stay up for a bit more and just find an active thread but everyone else is asleep or busy I take it...


And it's only 5:13 AM here in South Carolina.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Nothing spoils a nice day faster than a group of relatives coming back from a trip. Especially when they didn't have much fun on that trip.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The kindness shown by people on this board to people they only know through these boards is astonishing. You guys are terrific!


And to those guys about whom I am speaking, I will find a way to pay you back threefold.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Writing a background/origin for a grim and gritty character isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. :(

It is if you are Grim and Gritty! :D I can see you having a problem with that. :)

Heck, what would you look to for inspriation? Kara?



Rachel: Okay, Kara, you are a grim and gritty avenger in the night.


Kara: OAKY! *hop* I'm grim! *Hop, bounce* I'm dark! *Hop, Hop, bounce* I wear dark colors!


Rachel: ...okay, I'm going into the other room now...I don't think this is going to work.




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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I feel the need to spew random thoughts onto a public board from time to time so I thought I'd start up a thread to do it. Of course everyone else is welcome to spew here also--the only rule is that you cannot reply to someone else's post. Each post should have as little to do with the others as possible.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I talked to my wife for just over 3 hours today on the phone. We hadn't talked much the last few days (on a business trip) and didn't think we had much to talk about - but we just had fun chatting for a change. That was nice. I feel (as I was interested one time to see Lemming does) most of the time I just want to get off of the phone, even if it's a friend, though 15 years ago I would spend hours on the phone if I were talking to a close friend on politics/philsoophy/etc.. But e-mail and all that has changed things dramatically and I no longer enjoy being on the phone long at all. but this was very nice.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Roseanne is on Nickelodeon. That just seems wrong. Not because it's good or bad but because Nickelodeon should - in my mind - that even if up to the 80s shouldn't be older than 1985 and should be more - I dunno - lighter (i.e., not necessarily banal, but simply less heavy). That's my mind on Nick, yes, I know, it's their right to do as they please. But it's just so not the Nick I used to like.


TVLand is still reasonably okay.


But why can't we get a pure 1950s or at least no later than around 1965 or so channel? WHY WHY WHY?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why do I have such a dislike of the Chinese Gov't?


Is it lingering anger over Tiananmen square? (the guy who lived downstairs was one of the people running the worldwide fax distribution campaign, IIRC he received asylum here)


Is it the disgust I feel over their cultural genocide in Tibet?


Is it their constant threats to attack Taiwan?


Is it the attrocities Mao organized?


Is it the destruction of a huge area of beautiful land, the displacement of a million plus people, and the construction of a huge dam in a seismically active area? (not to mention the mass of water projected might just be able to TRIGGER seismic activity)


Is it all of the above?


Why do they bother me so Much? I have liked all or nearly all of the Chinese Citizens I have met. I would love to visit the country, but...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Nice little "spree" on the HERO store, picked up a few of the character packs and FINALLY made the plunge into buying the Ultimate Mentalist, even though I know I'll buy the 5th version when it's out. But I've become very interested in developing mental stuff due to having lemming's mentalist, Spectrum, in the campaign.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So far so good today. Obviously I'm posting, though I've been here so early that the day hasn't heated up. Still, brand new software and, yes, a few unexpected kinks, but, truly so far so good, happy up to this point. Let's see what the day brings and not get optimistic...


on the more interesting side, my boss is here with me now, he's in this office to coordinate here and to help out as I am. He is "self-assigned" to the help desk! So I walked down the hall to tell him something and walked in to see him sitting at his station - wearing the appropriate headest, looking very customer-service-ready. As soon as I walked in and he looked up I just smiled and tried to hide it as of course it was kind of a funny picture, being out of context from experience. He was like, "go ahead, have fun with it, everyone else is," very good-natured, and as he'd just received a joking call from a peer of his. Of course I have a feeling my turn on the help desk is coming quicker than it might have now! :)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've written a couple of RPGs; at least one of them has proved to be playable and fun. On top of that, I'm friendly with a high-up Hasbro exec that has offered to help "pass it through channels" to try and get it published. To date, though, I've remained noncommittal. Why?


Because one of the criteria for getting it published that way would be that I'd have to convert it from my homebrew system to a d20 base, because Hasbro would want to publish it through WOTC.


I remain now as I have been ever since Michael made his offer to me -- torn. A good chance to see something that was a labor of love published vs. seeing something that was a labor of love consumed by "We are d20 of Borg. Resistance is futile!"

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just made my first-ever online auction bid. I feel oddly nervous about buying something on EBay, but I know so many guys who do it almost as a hobby that I also feel stupid for being so nervous.


It was for a near-mint copy of Gygax's 1983 release The World of Greyhawk. It included the folio, booklet, and the two large maps. The nostalgia value alone makes it worth every penny.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So here I am... first day on the job at Verizon in Reston, VA. I'm being given computers hooked up to a Ghost server to image and reimage machines, then test for connectivity using certain parameters. Basically, they want to make sure that clients who sign up for Verizon DSL can use the internet OK, so I'm testing OS's from Win 98A through XP Pro -- I'll even be testing Macs. But as part of the testing is making sure users can browse and use the internet, I need to test it.


That's right... being on the Hero boards during work is not simply a guilty pleasure I sneak in when nobody is looking, I'm actually getting PAID to do it. :D


I hope this project lasts longer than the 6 weeks they are projecting...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


ARGH! I don't care what this customer says, there is no way that switching someone over from dynamic to static IP is going to suddenly make the address unpingable. I hate this retards who think they know more than the technicians about computers.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have exactly 192 points of reputation. Trebuchet is above me but is not yet 3 green boxes. It has been like this for three days now. How much this sucks to be so close... and yet so far away. I hope his rep isn't exactly 199 because that would blow.

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