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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


This week during the night my right arm from just above the elbow went totally numb. I had no feeling it it at all and couldn't move it. It was just 'there'. And a weird feeling to have no feeling.


Well anyway to move my arm I had to use the other one. I lifted it slightly and then started to roll the fingers, like one makes a fist. I still couldn't feel/move my arm my itself and then *BAM* feeling returned and OH WHAT A FEELING TO HAVE FEELING. Those little bits of bioelectricity touch your finger tips, man oh man that was incredible.


I'm tempted to do it again. :)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I;m about to take off for the weekend. I am going to visit some High School friends that I have not seen in nearly 4 years. I always met the definintion of introvert, when it came to friends I had very few, but they were close friends. However I went off to college and have traveled across the states several times since then. Some of the people from HS never left my hometown. So going to meet people that were at one time very close friends, and now are closer to acquantices with a shared past. Its going to be a bit weird.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just spent five days on an SQL course. The Northwind database lives again !

We were well fed on the course. Usually don't have dessert with lunch. But they included it in the cost so I thought why not ?


Today my clothes especially my coat smells of cigarette smoke. Nothing to do with the course. Has everything to do with going the 100 Club last night and seeing Siouxsie and Budgie doing Creatures and Banshees stuff. Including the very first Banshees song Hong Kong Garden. Other Banshees tracks included Cities in Dust, Dear Prudence and Kiss Them for Me.

She verbally laid into one guy taking photoes on his phone and then calling his mates with them. She said she would have excused him but he was really ugly so she wasn't getting any benefit.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I’ve been thinking about our fortune

And I’ve decided that we’re really not to blame

For the love that’s deep inside us now

Is still the same


And the sounds we make together

Is the music to the story in your eyes

It’s been shining down upon me now

I realize


Listen to the tide slowly turning

Wash all our heartaches away

We’re part of the fire that is burning

And from the ashes we can build another day


But I’m frightened for your children

That the life that we are living is in vain

And the sunshine we’ve been waiting for

Will turn to rain


When the final line is over

It’s certain that the curtain’s gonna fall

I can hide inside your sweet sweet love

For ever more

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I discover mold growing on the ceiling of the storage building in back of the house. I get on top of the building to discover that there is a sag in one corner.


I rip off the shingles there to discover that the plywood of the roof is rotted and I'll have to replace a whole 4'x8' hunk of the roof. I get the shingles and felt off the section and get all the nails out of the 4'x8' and then the rain that is not forcast until tomorrow afternoon arrives 24 hours early. :eek:


Now I got bricks and sheet plastic for a roof and the latest weather forcast is for pretty much non-stop rain for the next 36+ hours. :cry:


Add to this that it is pretty obvious that the Racoons that my dear old(questionably sane) mother has been feeding :stupid: have on the roof as well.


I figure they'll show up tonight and tear up the plastic as they explore for food and the building will be a write-off. :mad:



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Lucky Bastard!!! ;)


the only ren faires here are a small one that runs for about 6 summer weekends and another one 300 miles away that lasts about 10, iirc.


Outsider and I went to the one 300 miles from here once.



I got to see Bone Daddy and his belle at the MD Ren Faire today. Asside from the fact that he was trying to turn my hand into a maracca when we shook hands' date=' it was a good meeting :)[/quote']
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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


South Carolina is like a base for making other states. If you take South Carolina and add mountains you will have North Carolina. If you take South Carolina and add open gas stations and some smoke factories, you have Georgia. If you take South Carolina and add palm trees, traffic, and humidity, you have Florida.

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