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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Tooling around the NGD threads in order to calm down for this morning's important job interview is not working. I'm actually more uptight after looking around here, especially at one particularly upsetting thread.


I should know better.




-Wondering when (or if) Ben will step in and intervene...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So a few words might describe my Sunday bike ride, perhaps cold. It was 15 degrees F and I had frost forming on my goatee, but that didn't bother me. Perhaps stupid (see comment on temp). No, the defining word for the ride was headwind. I had a 15 mph (gusting to 25) headwind I had to plow through across the river valley (and several other open spots), thats what defined the ride. It's like riding through molasses. I would have gladly ridden in colder temps*, if only there was no wind.


The plus side, I only saw seven other people on the whole ride.


*The windchill was zero degrees F according to weather.com

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


With regard to the last bit of this from the Compliment Thread somebody pass me the sick bucket.


Up up above, thousands of posts high

Breathing fire,

He’s there in the sky



And Bazzookie….


Oh the shame of it ! Reduced to an ineffectual comic relief ! Poor Bazza.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I don't think that the Desert Eagle would have been anywhere as popular if it had been named after any other bird... say...


The Desert Mallard

The Desert Kookaburra (though... it does sound cool)

The Desert Cornish Hen

The Desert Quail

The Desert Foo (if the Foo shits, wear it...)

The Desert Parakeet...


'nuff said.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, the CZ5000 synthesizer arrived! That's cool, and lucky, in that the guy sent it to my PO Box as instructed...but by UPS, not USPS! Fortunately, kinda, USPS checked the actual street address, although that meant this vintage (not expensive, just vintage) synth ended up sitting on the porch for anyone to do some yuletide stealing, fortunately it was there safe and sound when I got home.


We've had a lot of things stolen off our porch. Though the last thing was funny, my wife put out a purse that had been cat-peed on, so someone got a leather cat urine-soaked purse...good for them...


On another note, WHERE OH WHERE IS TIVO TO GO??? Well I just looked and there's tantalizing signs it may be released soon, but they're totally missing the boat on Christmas. I hope this means they're making it right the first time.


(PS - re those tantalizing signs, recently Tivo put this page up - http://www.tivo.com/togo//)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


More TivoToGo info - the CS reps apparently have been told January as a release timeframe.


And posted my first post there - in response to someone marveling at how much the company is getting bashed over software - I just had to post about how there was so much bashing in the past of a "roleplaying game company" for problems releasing something (the bad old days, remember all that vitriol? I don't know about the boards but it was way ugly on the newsgroup, and I must admit to having been rather unfair at times).

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Quote for the Day (via AndrewSullivan.com):

"And where should the rest of the world stand? To say, 'Well, that's your problem, go and look after it,' or, 'You're better off with Saddam Hussein running the country' - as if the only choice they should have in the world is a choice between a brutal dictator killing hundreds of thousands of people or terrorists and insurgents. There is another choice for Iraq - the choice is democracy, the choice is freedom - and our job is to help them get there because that's what they want. Sometimes when I see some of the reporting of what's happening in Iraq in the rest of the world, I just feel that people should understand how precious what has been created here is."

-Tony Blair

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Go me! I just used Windows Movie Maker to re-do the "credits" for my book, and actually managed to edit down a piece of music so that now it works as the music for the credits! YAH-HAH


Took a 4m45s song down to 2m50s, exactly the length of time I could use, and it doesn't sound choppy or nothing!


And even better, now the two different renditions I did are saved as WMA files, which means I can show them to other people!


Now I just have to figure out which version works better, the one I did to "The Dragon Theme" (from Dragonball Z) or the one I did to the "Image Gallery" music (from Spiral). Decisions, decisions...





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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I was at the supermarket (ended up buying THE GOOD, BAD and the UGLY) and I stopped to have a quick look at a name book. (I have one from about 10 years ago, so it iis not so strange, ok?) Well I looked up my nephew but his name wasn't in there.


I randomly opened the book and landed on the "Ka"s, so I looked up Kara, It is Danish for "pure". Instinctually I knew it to be true. Just thought I'd share.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Looking back 100 some pages... at August 13th.


Hurricanes in Florida are a worry, but most folks on the boards just get rain.


I scored tickets for Varekai in DC. Ironicly, just last week (December) I received a notice that tickets for the Baltimore leg of their tour are on sale.


Mage had just started using the litter box again back then. Now we had to take the litter box away from him because he kept ending up covered with clumping litter.


Death Tribble was crowing because he'd posted on the A & Q thread and no one had responeded for 24 hours. He thought that he'd stumped us all. I don't know about that, but I know that he was already bragging by the time I saw the post...



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