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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Waaaaaaaaay back on page 181...


It's September 1st!


Vanguard00 says that if people keep mixing in politics, it's just not fun anymore.


Hyper-Man admits to drinking way too much at a party.


Death Tribble returns after four days off of the boards.


Scuba Hero suggests getting Ricardo Montalban to advertise Fantasy Hero.


Tim discovers that hurricanes are all named after his family! (Glad they haven't gotten up to the T's yet!)


Scuba Hero wants to see John Kovalic write Dork 'Champions'.


Owl Wife of SS has been blinded by her coordless optical mouse!


Worldmaker gets a Saturn!


Mightybec plans on joining the Police Academy.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Odd day so far. Get up way to early to drive to shelter. Run out of gas since I must of used up 40 miles worth of gas in just trying to get him to start last week. Walk to first service station, no gas cans. Next one will sell me one, so I buy a mini-one for $3.19. No biggie. Fill up after another nice walk.


Take Ricco to the vet and get his med patch taken off. He did not like the auto trip, but he's fine.


I talk to one of the new volunteers. He finds out I used to go to UCSC and wants to know if I knew someone. I'm thinking "I didn't even say what years I was there and I'm going to know some random guy". He says the last name is Abbot. I then go "Jason?". Yes. Used to play Hero with him all the time. Haven't heard from him in a few though. Small World.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Mom: Is it soup yet?




Translation - 43 pages/11,744 words in one day.


Michelle... whatever mojo you have, could you give me teleportation next? :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I think an interesting aspect of the Guest films and one I hadn't thought about is that they are largely about perseverance. The characters are, despite their flaws and limitations, persevering against great odds and often insurmountable obstacles. I think that's a major key to the appeal - it isn't just that the characters are sympathetic as people (which is important), but that we can not only identify with them but we find a certain nobility in these people. They have a sort of bravery (even if often due to sheer ignorance or delusion!) that gives them a Quixotic character.

I shared the above with my wife via e-mail today. She mentioned back that not only this, but they generally succeed, even if on a very modest, even trivial level. Spinal Tap is big in Japan. Most of the players from Waiting for Guffman get the courage to at least get some sort of progress in acting, even if it's extras in ads and in homes and such. The most modest of those seeking Best in Show win, with many of the others also achieving something. The players of A Mighty Wind get not only a little spot in the sun for a moment, but also are able to have their muses excited and move on to at least...well, something!


The reality is most of us won't achieve much more, and there's nothing wrong with achieving a little something, even that sets apart the main Guest characters. Without perseverance, most of us will achieve nothing.


PS - meant to add, and the fact these people attain something believable in turns reinforces our connection to them.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Canada is really not that foreign. It's not like Japan, where things are so different that a laundromat could be the most fascinating thing in the world. No, in Canada they speak the same language and use the same money, and you can read, so it's not like you could ever get lost, really. Even the food is the same--good, but the same.


Not to take anything away from Canada, of course. The visit was lots of fun, the people were nice, there were plenty of really hot chicks to look at. The only complaint I could make is that it didn't snow, and I don't think that's Canada's fault. It's just not the most alien place I've ever been.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


To all of those who think of White Heat as a "straight man", allow me to educate you by sharing an argument that I totaly swear I am not making up we had earlier this evening...



WH: I’m nekkid under all these clothes!


K: Well.. yeah… I’m nekkind under all of MY clothes, too.


WH: Nuh uh!


K: Why not?


WH: Cus you got unnerroos on.


K: Well, them is clothes, too, and I’m naked under them.


WH: Nuh uh! Unnerroos is *not* clothes.


K: Yes they are!


WH: Nu uh!


K: Why not?


WH: Because them don’t show!


K: Well.. your towel doesn’t show… so you isn’t nekkid under your clothes, either!


WH: Yes I am! A tower ((not a typo, but a deliberate pronunciation on her part)) isn’t clothes, an it isn't unnerroos neither! So is still true I am nekkid unnerneath alla my clothes!


K: There you go, making special exemptions for yourself again.


WH: Look! If you saw a woman walkin’ down the road wearin’ nuthin but a tower, you’d say to her “Lady! Go put some clothes on!†Which means a tower isn’t clothes!


K: Actually, I’d say “Hey lady! Get that towel out of the way!â€


WH: Point being…! Towers isn’t clothes!


K: Which means you are *not* nekked underneath all of your clothes!


WH: I am too!! Tower’s aren’t clothes, no!

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