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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just got Volume I of Chrono Crusade on DVD, and my God it kicks major ass...


Watching Chrono go absolutely ballistic in Episode 3 was one of the THE coolest scenes I have seen yet in anime. Not to mention he gets one of the best lines...


"What have you done, lowest of the low? You who are so beneath my contempt, you have not even a name?! You dare touch my contractor?! YOU DARE HURT WHAT'S MINE?!"


And I'm thinking that Greg Ayres has the making of a damned fine voice actor. First Spiral, now this...


I am so all over the next few volumes when my paychecks start coming in...





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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I got my first review for Agent of Peril tonight.


Mykal Banta mailto.gif [2] [2005-03-19 18:20:15]

Rating: goldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgoldstar.gifgreystar.gifgreystar.gif

This was a seriously action packed Bolan adventure. I thought the events were a little scrambled at the beginning, but the book finished very strongly. One thing I enjoyed tremendously about “Agent of Peril†was the accurate use of a wide variety of military firearms, fighter jets, weapons systems, and tanks. Mr. Wojtowicz did his homework on this one (or else has a military background himself). The action scenes, particularly at the conclusion of the book, were real edge-of-your-seat stuff. My only complaint is that the book’s villain, General Idel, was not given enough page time. He was a very interesting character, truly menacing an odd (he is afflicted through much of the book with lockjaw), and I would have liked to get more of him.


On the other hand, the relationship between Bolan’s sidekicks, Alessandro Kalid and Tera Geran was on the money and very well written.


All in all I good outing for the Soldier.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


*wonders what the hell happened to the page margins*


Ah, well.


If my work gave sick days, I would SO take one today so I could sleep in, then go spend time outside, where it's nice and warm.


Maybe that's why.


And why the heck is it warmer outside than in my office? So not fair.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today we had to euthanize Griffy. He came into the shelter six months ago, FeLV+ and a bad case of upper respiratory. He stabilized, but had frequent fevers and a couple more bouts of upper repiratory.

Couple weeks ago, we couldn't get his fever to stay down, but he was still being active. He loved being held and playing with the other cats in the FeLV room. Last week he started getting more listless and a couple days ago he started losing the color in his pads and gums. That generally means the end is near. He stopped eating and while would show interest didn't have any energy. Today we took him to the vet for his crossing.

He'll be missed.


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's rude to pop in on others' thread and only slightly less rude to talk about it "behind their backs", but I am completely mystified why anybody at all aside from relatives and friends could give a rat's ass about Blake or Peterson for that matter Jackson or any of these people accused of things we know nothing about, really! They aren't even serial killer suspects for whom we have larger societal concerns (well, perhaps except for Jackson, I suppose a case could be made his trial is of a larger social consequence because if he is a child molester he can easily be a serial one, taking advantage of many). I know relatively little about the old Simpson case and I'm embarrassed to the extent I do. Who cares? What's the point?


Done venting now, sorry to no doubt have given offense to some (though I will say, on a side note, I can respect those who take it to the logical extreme and actually are really studying and making a hobby out of any one or many of these cases, that's sort of a whole different thing).

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Man... I went 23 hours without coming here... It's a record. Here... enjoy...


From my friend Boojie's Dad's page The Lair of the Evil DM


Monday, 21 March 2005

Pete the Barbarian

Mood: thumbup.gif a-ok

Topic: Action Figures

Mc Farlane came out with a conan figure a few months ago. I waited to get one and now I'm glad I did they are now on clearance at Kay-bee toys for $5.00 I just can't get over the resemblance. Surly stoic Barbarian or Surly ex-ball player?



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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's my third anniversary with my girlfriend. I brought up the idea of buying an Airstream motor home, and the ideas and happiness level went through the roof.


A motor home is a slim prospect, but life with it, and her, would be sweet. I'd also be able to visit ALL kinds of friends in it. Especially Greg, Michelle and John T, and her fun cousins, and Disney Land.




My ticket to heaven.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why I love Kim Du-Toit... even though he's a middle aged south african immigrant...







Overheard during this past weekend:

"Can Major Leage Baseball heal itself, or will it take action from Congress to fix it?"

My response: Show me where in the Constution it says the Congress can do that.

"We’re going to draft a narrow, bipartisan and bicameral law which will save Terry Schiavo’s life."

My comment: See above. Also, since when could Congress intervene in a private matter between husband and wife, as defined by both the law and by custom? (That last would be the “sanctity of marriage between man and womanâ€, as so ardently supported by this same Congress.



Longtime Readers will know that I’m not a huge supporter of the “life is precious†sentiment, mainly because it isn’t. It’s cheap, there’s a lot of it about, and, believe it or not, there are some things more important than one person’s life.


Like, for example, the aforesaid Constitution, which has NOT given Congress the right to interfere in people’s lives the way they are planning to do. It doesn’t matter whether you think that they SHOULD be allowed to do it—the fact of the matter is that it simply isn’t there.


And opening this little can of worms, to save this one sick woman, is going to cause an enormous number of unintended consequences down the road.


Stop thinking with your hearts, because emotion and sentiment have no place in discussions of this type. Constitutional integrity is more important than Terry Schiavo’s life; it’s more important than a hundred lives, or a hundred thousand lives.


If we allow Congress to get involved here, there will be no end to it.


Congress needs to shut up, stay out of business over which which the Constitution doesn’t give it authority, and get back to fixing Social Security / passing tax cuts / cut spending / simplifying the tax code / authorizing the President to declare war on France.




We’d all be the happier for it.

Don’t bother with hate mail, or abusive comments either, because they will not affect me, nor cause me to change my mind. I am terribly sorry for this poor woman, and for her family, and the whole business has affected me sorely. But getting the Federal Government involved in this is about as big a mistake as we could make. Remember this post, and copy it down somewhere, because when this meddling leads to ever-increasing government intrusion into our private lives, I will be reminding you of it, even though saying “I told you so†will give me no pleasure whatsoever.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Marines don't mind the Beretta 9mm... but when it's time to kill goblins at high-speed, low drag speeds...


Some MEUs still carry proven .45s


By Mark Oliva, Stars and Stripes

Pacific edition, Monday, August 5, 2002




CAMP HANSEN, Okinawa — Not everyone in the U.S. military carries Beretta’s M-9 9 mm handgun. A small group of Marines still carry .45-caliber pistols — but they’re a far cry from Grandpa’s World War II gun.


Marine Corps officials keep about 500 .45-caliber pistols, based on the Colt M-1911A1 frame. They’re called MEU (SOC) .45s, specially designed for applications within the Marine Expeditionary Unit’s Special Operations Capable missions.


They’re issued to Force Reconnaissance Marines as secondary weapons to submachine guns for their role as the Maritime Special Purpose Force. This gun shoots up close and personal.


Marine Capt. Jeffrey Stower, project officer for the MEU (SOC) .45 at Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, Va., said the .45 is essential to Marines’ direct-action missions as a secondary weapon. It’s so important, in fact, that the Marine Corps plans to upgrade the weapon.


The Corps now builds its own specialized version of the .45-caliber pistol from existing M-1911A1 frames still in inventory.


Armorers at the Marine Corps Weapons Training Battalion in Quantico refit the guns. They install new slides, barrels and internal components to what is called “near match†or “combat accuratized†specifications. Each weapon costs about $600 and is good for 30,000 shots before it needs to be refitted.


The planned improvements won’t affect the .45’s appearance or make it shoot faster or more smoothly. But they should make it more durable.


Stower said the Marine Corps wants to put in “hardened, drop-in parts, which would enhance the reliability and endurance of the weapon, as well as lower the echelon of maintenance.â€


“The two biggest reasons we carry the .45 pistol,†said Marine Maj. Tracy Tafolla, “is a single-action loader is a little faster for the Marines to use when conducting close-quarters battle.â€


“We get faster, stronger and more accurate shots that we just wouldn’t get with a double-action pistol,†said Tafolla, head of the Special Missions branch, III3rd Marine Expeditionary Force Special Operations Training Group. That means Marines can get off a first round faster, smoother and more accurately.


“Another reason we use the MEU (SOC) .45 is because of its ability to incapacitate a hostile person with one round,†Tafolla said. “We’re much more likely to do that with a .45 than with a 9 mm.â€


Tafolla said the M-9 9 mm is a good weapon with good attributes. He said the safety of double-action triggers, high-capacity 15-round magazines and the fact it’s the same round used by other NATO allies makes it a natural fit for standard issue. He labeled the M-9 as a “good personal self-defense weapon.â€


In fact, the same Marines who carry the beefy .45s also carry MP-5 submachine guns that shoot 9 mm rounds. But when firing those submachine guns, they shoot “double-taps,†or two squeezes on the trigger, to ensure an enemy soldier is hit with a massive amount of lead. Special Operations Training Group instructors teach a single shot to the head for the .45.


The MEU (SOC) .45 also is better able to survive harsh battlefield environments, Tafolla said. It can fire in dirtier conditions that would gum up the M-9; its heavier frame can take more abuse.


“Look at how many decades we’ve been using the .45,†the major said. “It’s a proven weapon.â€


Tafolla said Marines using the specialized .45-caliber pistols expect to be fighting within steps of their enemy, “with very little stand-off room.†The time needed to get off a second shot can be the difference between life and death.


“They need a weapon that will be able to put somebody down now,†Tafolla said. “It all comes back to the energy you deliver to the target. Although the 9 mm is faster, the .45 is able to deliver more energy and achieve greater penetration. That’s what you have to have.â€


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"But Steven, isn't this constant expansion in the power of the Federal Government against all of the Republicans' basic core principles?"


"Jon, there are principles for every occasion. Yes, the Republicans did campaign against Big Government, but that was before they controlled the White House and Congress. Whereas now, they do. So............... there's that."


-The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 3/21/05

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I was actually a little disappointed--more in myself than anyone/anything else--to find that, of the nine or so subscribed threads that have seen activity since I last logged on (about nine hours ago), all were NGD threads. Not a single genre, rule or game-related thread in the bunch. I guess I need to get out more.

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