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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And so my little sister, about 13 years younger than I am (And thus in her early twenties) is getting married in about 2 months. To a nice guy, a soldier, which is funny because she swore she'd never fall for a military guy like mom did. The guy is going back to Iraq afterwards, just when is unsure... I hope it lasts and they are happy. I also hope she doesn't end up being a widow before she's thirty at this rate :(


He seems to be a great guy, and that's a comfort.



As for me... gagh... I have to get a suit. Not crazy about suits, but at least I won't have to wear a tux.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I hate it when television ads are selective about noticing who has Oscars and who doesn't. Specifically, I noticed earlier an ad for TNT's presentation of "Stepmom", which they touted as starring "Oscar Winners Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts". And my thought was "What is Ed Harris? Chopped liver?"

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Again, Kim Du-Toit.


11:30am: Militia-Style Defense





Next time anyone asks you why you carry a gun, refer them to this link:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Shopkeepers and residents on one of Baghdad’s main streets pulled out their own guns Tuesday and killed three insurgents when hooded men began shooting at passers-by, giving a rare victory to civilians increasingly frustrated by the violence bleeding Iraq.


The clash in the capital’s southern Doura neighborhood erupted when militants in three cars sprayed bullets at shoppers, Interior Ministry officials said. Three people - a man, a woman and a child - were wounded.


The motive was unclear, but there have been previous attacks in the ethnically mixed neighborhood. Earlier in the day, gunmen in the same quarter killed a policeman as he drove to work, police Lt. Col. Hafidh Al-Ghrayri said.


A forceful citizen response is rare, but not unheard of in a country where conflict has become commonplace and the law allows each home to have a weapon. Early this month, police said townsmen in Wihda, 25 miles south of Baghdad, attacked a group of militants believed planning to raid the town and killed seven.


Priceless quote: "The motive was unclear..."

Uhhhh how about “terrorism†for the motive? As though these “gunmen†were shooting at everyone because they were pissed off at the high prices in the market… Numb nuts.


This is precisely why we need to go back to being a Nation of Riflemen.


The police cannot be everywhere all the time; the bad guys know it; and ultimately, if you can’t protect yourself, you hand over the decision of life and death to another.


Three dead goblins in return for three wounded citizens.


It's about time the humans started taking back their own country.


More power to them.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Coming back from lunch the radio news said easter-eggs are healthy. They also boost fertility. :straight: So what does that mean for kids?


And it probably explains why easter-bunny gets around… (1) “clones†(2) lovers


Happy Easter!


chew on that over easter hee he

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The little sister is gettin' married this summer, but I'm not invited. The older sister said I could come as a guest, but considering that my father and I haven't talked for two years--and that was after a couple of years of fighting and button-pushing--I figgered it'd be too awkward for everyone but me. I say "but me" because I understand and accept why my little sister didn't invite me, understand and appreciate why my older sister invited me, and have long since accepted that my father and I are two disparate personalities who cannot coexist peacefully in the same zip code.


But I wish her all the best and long life & happiness with her future husband...whoever he may be.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's amazing to me that the US doesn't generally give time off at Easter while Europe gives 2 days, while the US is almost always considered to be more overtly religious (not meaning in a spiritual but an organizational and political sense) than most of Europe (Ireland is a notable exception, and I know sections of countries, like Bavaria in Germany, seem to be more religious than the norm in America (though less than the Bible Belt)).

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Its that time of year again. Spring. The geese have started nesting on the company campus, meaning that you have watch where you walk or you are likely to get attacked by an over-protective pair. Its hard to take them seriously when you think of the smothered in plum sauce at thanksgiving. That is until the start hissing and try to wing strike you.


The other annual right of spring is the presentation of the phone books. How many phone books does one house need? The answer, at least six. So far I have received six phone books, many duplicates. Since I live in a suburb of a suburb, I get a copy for Greater St. Louis area as well as St. Charles county. I might be less likely to complain except that the phone books don't even match. The St. Louis phone book always has more St. Charles businesses listed than the St. Charles phone book. Argh.


Well, the April showers have begun early, so hopefully this gloomy season will pass quickly and summer will arrive.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Finally have made a flash-light equipped Kimber LAPD SWAT .45 auto. And turned the SOCOM Mk 23 into a proper USP 45 with ambidextrous safeties.


Good gun day. And completed chapter 4.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A friend of mine got a story about him posted on /.

I thought it cool that he made it on the front page with his YRO story. Short story, he tracked down a couple ID thiefs and got them arrested. I'm going to grill him a bit on Sunday.

I think his geek cred went up a bit more as well. ;) Already pretty high with all his Perl work.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A friend of mine got a story about him posted on /.

I thought it cool that he made it on the front page with his YRO story. Short story, he tracked down a couple ID thiefs and got them arrested. I'm going to grill him a bit on Sunday.

I think his geek cred went up a bit more as well. ;)



I saw this today also. You beat me to posting it though.


here is the direct link: http://www.livejournal.com/users/publius_ovidius/111672.html

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