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Not a fan of the matrix as I found it extremely and offensively racist but i will pick the Lobby scene since it was used to explain the new turn sequence system. In EABA 2. The scene was gone thru move by move shot by shot to explain how you could run an action scene in EABA 2 using its expanding turn scale system.


Speaking of the matrix, which of these movies that had similar themes to the matrix but were better was the best one:


Dark city or They live?


Oh, some people think dark city was a rip off f the matrix. It was released a year earlier and the matrix used a rooftop set from dark city.

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8-Track Tapes vs 72rpm records

I actually owned records, 78 RPM, at an early age (and 33's and 45's at less early ages), though 78s I think were all but extinct by 1962 and those I had were old second-hand castoffs. By contrast, while I owned both reel-to-reel and cassette tapes, I never owned an 8-track. I did have a friend with one, and was appalled that some of his 8-track tapes had the track-switch in the middle of a song. Major suckage, that. So I vote for 78s.


More obsolete media delivery devices:


Console black-and-white TV versus portable 7-transistor AM radio

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Tough choice. One is a fat slob with no sense of morals or ethics, and the other's an alien..


I have to respectfully disagree with you about the kingpin. He actually has a few traces of redeeming qualities.


1. He is something of an American patriot on his own view.

2. He really hates nazis.

3. He beat the red skull's nazi ass and kicked it out of new your city.


See: http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/4513196.html

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