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What would your character do #22


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You and your team arrive at the scene of a hostage situation. One villian is clearly visable and appears to be waiting for you and your team. You soon discover the villian and all enterences to the building are protected by force walls. The villian demands everyone surrender or hostages will begin to die. You surrender, however one of you team members does not and attacks the villian. The attack is totally stopped by the force wall. The villian responds by have a hostage killed. Your teammate refuses to surrender and gets ready to attack a 2nd time.

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Blackcat would look over and shout "Oracles you idiot!! We'll discuss this later, somebody died because of your impulsiviness this time" then one punch him (which she has done before).



Ballistic would immediatly mentally/mysticall call for Psyche (a teammate) to unmindcontrol whoever did it, as no one on his team would act that way.

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Well.................first I incapacitate my fellow teammate with a non lethal attack. Then, when the villian gets cocky, I shoot him with my AP, Penetrating micro vibrating shuriken.........


As the force wall collapses, the villian screaming in agony, I charge in behind the force of my Presence attack and take down the second villian, preferably in some horrifically painful way.

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Guest WhammeWhamme



Flippant would probably try and pop the force field with his pentrating RKA damage shield.... the hostage situation is obviously screwed up.


Wraith would check for a ghost coming off the hostage; if this is a real death, he's going to do something stupid... (possibly *creating* a citter that would be more at home as the big bad in a Ghostbusters movie...) -he's not someone who's comfortable with A) deaths and B) stupid teammates.

If it's fake, someone is getting a ghostly wake-up call.


Neither can really afford to try and take on a teammate. Although I suppose Wraith could ask someone to repossess the teammate...

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Uncle Slam would not hesitate to take out the hero while calling out to the villain to hold action while I "resolve" this problem. If he's dumb enough to endanger an innocent then his pride is owed no consideration.


Anthem would plead with the hero not to continue. She'd even go so far as to put herself between the villain and the crazed hero, ready to take any shots he has for the villain until the innocents are out of danger. She's less powerful than the other heroes, so she's going to have to rely on her ability to convince them.

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Unfortunately, this is a very, very likely situation for my character, seeing as most of his teammates are rather lacking in morals.


Firsty he'd try to grab the offender. "Have you any concept of what you're doing, brother?! These are Father's citizens!" (At least, I would presume so for the situation to happen in the first place.) If that didn't work, just what would happen next would depend on the reactions of the others around. There might be a firefight between them while the villain looks down and laughs, he might be shouted down by the majority and left with nothing to do but grieve, or if he's lucky, he might actually be able to work alongside his robotic kin and figure out a plan (with or without the offender being trapped in a lump of crystal). Likely the plan would be some kind of dirty trick involving making the fiend think they've surrendered... time to actually roll against his PsychLims for once. -- Pteryx

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Husky would probably go tackle the team mate because a brawl is better than giving up hopefully during the insueing fight the forcewall might suffer from a few "accidental" move throughs best case scenario any more cool headed team members would try and take advantage of the chaos created by Husky brawling with a fellow super.


Unfortunately there's a good chance Husky was the one who would blindly attack the force wall in the first place.

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I'm would probably be the most likely to have attacked. But assuming not I'd analyze the force walls for weakness and in any case you said the villain and entrances were force walled, you didnt say anything about the whole building. I might just "make" my own entrance. Better to lose property than the rest of the hostages.

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Hmm...well, I would simply kill my fellow team mate as a good will gesture to the villain with the hostages. If my team mate was so stupid as to attack when it is clear he could not penetrate the force wall then they do not deserve to live. Second, if my team mate was so stupid as to not realize that the walls of the building were not protected by force walls they would deserve to perish.


After dispatching my foolish team mate I would lull the villain into complacency by working towards meeting his demands. The rest of the team, would work out an all out assault on the site going through walls, etc. to get to the villains. We all know that hostage situations are messy. There will always be a percentage of collateral damage that is "acceptable". When they were in place I would give the go ahead signal for the assault. I strongly advise using the Russian or Israeli hostage counter attack methodology: "No terrorist will be left standing".

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Originally posted by Alex Raven

Hmm...well, I would simply kill my fellow team mate as a good will gesture to the villain with the hostages. If my team mate was so stupid as to attack when it is clear he could not penetrate the force wall then they do not deserve to live. Second, if my team mate was so stupid as to not realize that the walls of the building were not protected by force walls they would deserve to perish.


So you're the guy the villain planted in the hero team, in other words.

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Re: What would your character do #22


Is the forcewall technology or magically-based? And, do I know the supervillan (very low roll on the KS:Supervillans skill)?


Ghost Sniper has a NND (only stopped by mystical force fields/force walls or double chocolate fudge) that she can use to take down that supervillan.


Then, if she got in and found the guy that killed the hostage, it would be, "Okay, left or right?"


Then, she'd start to cut the legs, then the arms, of the killer off. One limb per dead hostage.


Ghost Sniper takes a VERY low view of people whom kill innocents.


Originally posted by Stone

You and your team arrive at the scene of a hostage situation. One villian is clearly visable and appears to be waiting for you and your team. You soon discover the villian and all enterences to the building are protected by force walls. The villian demands everyone surrender or hostages will begin to die. You surrender, however one of you team members does not and attacks the villian. The attack is totally stopped by the force wall. The villian responds by have a hostage killed. Your teammate refuses to surrender and gets ready to attack a 2nd time.

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Lightning:: These guys are all pretty true blue, if it was Jake the Rain God though, Lightning would grab him from behind and hold him until the electron instability drained Jake's STUN away...he can't use winds at close range, and Lightning's electron field blunts lightning bolts tremendously.

if it was Gralcore...well....he'd point out to the villain that every hostage death will shorten his life expectancy, after all, immortal gargoyles stay mad a REALLY long time...


FlameJet:: Melt the idiot to the pavement with a plasma beam and ignore the complaints about the pain. Then he'd turn back to the villain and ask for his list of demands. If reasonable, he'd see if they could be met. If political, see option b. :)


B) If someone tries to use restraints or power dampers on ole Jet, he'll cut loose with plasma beams on the force wall/building and mentally promise the life insurance payouts for the hostages will be large. He's a believer in the "no terrorists standing" rule himself, AND he has a large (re)construction company.

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Flare: Interpose himself between teammate and villain, force field up full. "What the hell are you doing?!" If need be, use the Stun Attack to take him down. Inform the villain that he has crossed a line he really, really, didn't want to cross.


Dr Graves: If I think that the teammate is definitely going to fire again, Dominate him, assuming he's not one of the people with Immunity: Mental, to stop him. Then use Telepathy on everyone concerned to see if anyone is Dominated by anyone else, is a Doppelganger, or if this teammate is Just That Dumb. Also have a go at Dominating the villain into surrendering or lowering his forcewall.

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I can't properly respond to this, as it couldn't happen with my characters. They either tend to be solo heroes, and thus would not attack the force wall unless they were absolutely sure they could breach it, or they tend to surround themselves with people who actually listen, and would stand down if told to.

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Mayday: Tell the villain the next hostage he kills better be me.... and mind blast my moron teammate. Keep an eye open for oportunities to talk the villain down from the situation and chances are he cant leave without dropping the Force Walls so we are in no hurry. If possible slap a tracking device on the villain but mainly keep the hostages alive.


Sabre: Lurk outside out of sight and wait for him to come out. If there is a clean shot she takes it but it has to be clean. Cant afford to mess up in front of people, her ego would never allow such a thing.

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