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What would your character do? #23


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You and your team have spent the better part of a week tracking a werewolf that's been attacking people late at night in city. After chasing "wolfie" through city park, the team gadgeteer finally manages a clean shot on the beast with a tranquilizer gun. The creature goes down and immediately starts reverting to human form. Much to your shock and dismay, the werewolf turns out to be... your own DNPC. What do you do?

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Husky would clear his throat in an uncomfrotable way and offer to take the "monster" to his Arctic Fortress of Huskitude. Once he had his parent (is it mom or dad?) in his secret basment laboratory he'd change back to Kenneth Clark (after looking at the science stuff and thinking "this stuff is lame I need to get more pictures of chicks to hang on the walls") and get to work on a cure assuming they must have stumbled across one of his early unsuccesful Husky formulaes. But if they came in contact with a sample then who knows how many others may have been affected?

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If there was a "werewolf" running around, probably just about nobody would believe it, most of my character's robotic "family" included. Most likely he'd be searching alone or with only one or two of his closer brothers, and even then they'd be working off of the assumption that it was some wolf-form sapient robot from one of the other factions making a ruckus in their father's captured lands. My character doesn't have a DNPC per se, but there is a handy substitute here: his creator, the mad scientist would-be dictator of the world.


Anyway, his first reaction would be utter shock and horror. Could this even be possible? Do his senses deceive him?! (That's not a pleasant thought.) If he were alone, he'd probably kneel by his creator, cradling him and concentrate, trying to allow the answer to come to him (read, let the scanners that sit below his conscious level do their work). If he registers as a robot, well, that's that -- a very bizzare robot double, possibly an experiment of his own creator's gone awry, to be brought to headquarters for examination. If he still registers as organic... well, things really have taken a turn for the bizzare.


If any others were with him (I pray the single closest would be there), he'd discuss observations and rumors with them in order to try to piece things together, then talk about just how to prove what they've seen to the others -- after all, no one would believe it. If my character were on his own, he'd be thinking more about the proof part and only in the process of that start trying to piece together what little evidence he has. Either way, probably the idea of having the dual medic examine him would come up somewhere along the line (fortunately, s/he's also one of the group closer to my character).


What happens next would depend primarily on the results of the examination. If it turns out to not be him at all, probably the poor sap would be executed post-haste and there's nothing my poor character could do about it. If it seems like it is their creator but his DNA has been tampered with, or like it's a modified clone of their creator... well, depending on just how quickly enough of the rest of the dozens of sapient robots that make up their family could be convinced, sooner or later they'd be battering down the door of Dr. DeVry and loudly, violently demanding their real creator back, or a cure for his condition. And if it wasn't him, there'd be a rampage until they found out just who was responsible. (The faction is widely considered a bunch of villains for a reason...)


And if, by some breach of his particular setting's milieu, his DNA were the same?... Well, he'd be amazed (and a bit disturbed) to discover that true werewolves do exist after all and wonder what the heck is causing their reemergence now, and probably ask the spirits why his creator was so cursed. There's no way in heck he could convince anyone else of the truth of things; he himself would just be seen as having relapsed into crazy pseudo-mystical nonsense, and any eyewitnesses would just be accused of hanging around him too much. Therefore, it'd be necessary to try to set up other eyewitness accounts... say, suggesting a month later to the one among them created as their creator's bodyguard to take him out for a walk at night, arguing that the full moon is plenty of light to see by...


Meanwhile, he'd pull together legends and lore and try to determine just what parts of it all wuld be useful in helping his creator. Since there's so much to go on, he'd ask very little to nothing of the spirits when it comes to aid -- they've got enough problems. -- Pteryx

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Whips out cell phone. "Jackson, I've got another woman from the clerical pool with a mystical infection. What the hell is going on at the office? Do we need to relocate again? Or is the damned safe room leaking energy again? I knew we needed to put those things in seperate locations and seperate confinement systems. Call that little geek at Miskatonic University and tell him to come pick these damned things up. I'll build them a new library."


Lightning would never have had to chase a wolfman through the park unless it had superspeed...Lightning would be spraying it with molten silver...and be very perturbed when it turned out to be one of the kids from the orphanage...lycanthropy is supposed to require puberty to have set in...

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Neither of my heroes have DNPCs. But in the interest of just supposing...


Anthem would see if there are witnesses. If no, she would try and smuggle the DNPC away and get them isolated somewhere. She'd explain to them what happened, try and keep them locked up at night, and seek help of any local heroes in keeping them restrained while she sought help of a mystical nature.


It's easy for Uncle Slam. Being appointed temporary trustee of the city's super-prison, he'd haul them there for keeping and enlist the aid of all local heroes to gain information.

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Zand would...


Zand would be at a loss for a moment, but would then quickly place the necklace of silver and turquoise about their neck to protect them from further manifestation of the wolf spirit. Then he would make a coccoon of earth about the human form up to the neck and call on his team to assist him in taking the poor soul to the reservation.


En route, he would call ahead on his cellphone and call for a singer to help cleanse him in the walking way ceremony. Few of the others would understand the needs for magic, but as a living sandpainting he knew how Coyote and Raven wanted to become more involved with man. With the worlds drawing closer together, the third world of man and the fourth world of the electron, the old ones sought to come again and pass with man into the next realm.


It would sadden him to know he would be responsible for the possible death of this one he knew, and the sorrow of it would follow him as he continued to act to foil the doings of Coyote. Up until Raven came to claim him as she does all.


IE I would fully expect to lose the DNPC in play and replace him with a psych lim or a reputation among the supernatural (or both).


Scotto the Unwise

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Anthem: confine them in a government research facility and hope there is a cure.


Midnight: freak out - then go to his mystic buddy Bane to see if there is anything that can be done.


Pinstripe: there's a reason I carry silver bullets, you know...


Doc Micro: inch tall werewolves aren't that dangerous or difficult to contain. You just keep them in a mason jar with a hole poked in the cap on the night of the full moon.

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Use his government and Super contacts to seek help to cure one of his kids!


Black Star:

Was an alien and it is unlikely that his DNPC would turn into a werewolf (she being the same race as him, a 3' diameter, gravity manipulating, silicon disk). He would have something to say about the weakness of humans when this was someone else's DNPC (and considering one of the players had Icicle, this could be sticky....)



Use his superhero contacts to help get the Assistant DA he knows cured before she gets canned.



The Alien half of this multiform would work to find a cure. The Former UNTIL agent would seek out old contacts and go on explorations to find a cure.



Use is great mastery of Magic to solve the problem quickly and effortlessly. When's breakfast?

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Ballistic (DNPC fiance) would shift his mystic pool into "cure lycanthropy" and fix her. Then over dinner later that week, he would politely inquire about when she got bit by a wererwolf.


Blackcat (DNPC - graduated primary student, who started a MA based "superagency" when her secret ID went public) would use ch'i healing to fix the flows of energy and eradicate the beast, and take him to the dojo. Then she would have a long talk about getting involved in the mystic stuff, and begin to train him on how to fight off the effects of lycanthropy, vampire bites and whatnot (chi based Power D).

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Checkmate would be incredibly surprised as his wife and son are both superbeings themselves, and the werewolf who could infect either would have to be unbelievably powerful. Nonetheless, as it seems to have happened, he would bind them for their own safety, then proceed back to his lab to study genetics so he could cure them. It shouldn't take more than a few months, with his intellect.


Guardian would ensure that they were bound, hire a lawyer to point out diminished capacity, and locate one of her more mystical friends to find out how to cure them.

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Re: What would your character do? #23


Ghost Sniper:

"Some child-molesting, goat-fucking, ass-fucker gave my SISTER Cyberline! She knew not to take it, everybody that I knew was specifically told NOT to give her any."


Then, she's going to find the person that gave it to her. Ghost Sniper will find out who ordered it, all the way to the top-and kill them all.


Originally posted by Wormhole

You and your team have spent the better part of a week tracking a werewolf that's been attacking people late at night in city. After chasing "wolfie" through city park, the team gadgeteer finally manages a clean shot on the beast with a tranquilizer gun. The creature goes down and immediately starts reverting to human form. Much to your shock and dismay, the werewolf turns out to be... your own DNPC. What do you do?

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Mayday: (doesnt actually have a DNPC but the closest woud be....) "Grand dad! Someone help me get him to the hospital. His heart can't stand up to a fight like this..." Later she would wonder if somehow it is in her genes too, and ask him about it if he remembers anything at all. If he doesnt she will not let anyone tell him. She would take leave to take him home ad have a talk with their estate foreman. Come the next full moon they will be ready to drug him, and lock him in a special containment vault, for as long as he has left to live. Whoooole lot of church time as well.

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