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DearMr. Greenwade:

Duke Bushido

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I know that, as one of the world's most limited resources: an competent author who spends a great deal of his time upside down, you are likely a very busy man, and very much in demand.


I simply thought I would take the time to point out to you that in addition to all the real people in your life, the real pressures, and the real responsibilities, there are many, many synthetic people living in your home-- perhaps even inside your pocket-- behind a thin piece of illuminated glass.  These people love you, and they, too, need you.  They need you to help them guide the next generation of true, math-and-imagination inspired gamers away from little glass screens of their own, and into the amazing realm of shared experience.  And while you have certainly done more than your share-- more than many other people's shares as well!  There are still synthetic people who, even having started young and bright and energetic, have grown, and in that growing they have become more sophisticated, more complex, and have almost lost touch with the very youth they hope to lead forward, to one day become their replacements in this hobby that we love.


And to that end-- that single beautiful all-consuming purpose-- they need your help.  We need your help.  I, Sir, a humble synthetic being of colored electrons on your computer screen-- a total stranger from a fictional land of people you will never meet or know-- is still one of the people you have touched with your work over the years with your work.  I am one of many you have touched, and who has accepted your anonymous help, given to the community at large, and I thank you and all like you who have consistently done the same.


But we need your help again, if we are to ourselves touch young and imaginative minds before it is too late, before they have hardened and their creativity has been flattened by the all-enticing magic of staring at a little screen and letting it replace their imagination, their creativity, their ability to think-- you can help us coax their dwindling sparks into magnificent and powerful flames that will one day become the torches that carry our favorite pastime forward when our own flames are snuffed and gone-- wispy, smoky memories.


We need your help with those first steps, Sir.  We need you to repost Invasion of the Gweenies.






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Ugh. A couple billion hits, none of them right. 


You know the problem with Googling anything for HERO? 


It's called "hero," which is apparently second only to "the," "and," and "a" in the English language. 


Try "hero system" and get a billion hits from some education initiative.  Try "hero rpg" or what have you, and the "hero" is dropped entirely and you get endless D&D and clones of such. 


This could take me a couple more days... :(

Still, it's good to have a lead. 



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Thanks.  The best I've done so far is find a link back to this thread. :lol:


I think "pdf store". Is right up there with "POD:". if you don't happen on on like the one day they are actually willing to try it, it's just not going to happen. 


And on the PDF subject, why do you suppose the Adventurers Club was never given the PDF treatment?  Yeah; I know that it's two editions old, but they would have had reasonable compatibility to 5e, back when that was still a thing. 

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On 10/20/2018 at 7:35 PM, Duke Bushido said:

And on the PDF subject, why do you suppose the Adventurers Club was never given the PDF treatment?  Yeah; I know that it's two editions old, but they would have had reasonable compatibility to 5e, back when that was still a thing. 


I think it was only ever published in print, with no PDFs produced at time of publication.  So as to turning all of the issues into PDFs now, I'm guessing that either the powers-that-be (PTB) no longer have the original electronic files from which they were printed (whether through computer crashes, no longer having the software to access them, or not knowing who the heck has them) from which to easily create PDFs, or it's not worth it to them to scan them all in (I'm not sure how time-consuming it is to do OCR scanning, and what the costs vs. benefits might be, and the PTB may not have a physical copy of every issue).

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23 hours ago, Christopher said:

Everytime I see this topic I can not help but think of this song:



Mr. Greenwade,

Give me a game.

Include the gweenies

But not at all lame.


Have it as fun

As all of your others,

Just for my daughter

And her two big brothers.


Mr. Greenwade,

I'm in a fix

Don't want a dark game,

Just something that kicks.


So please turn on your magic please,

Mr. Greenwade give me

Please, please, please, Mr. Greenwade,

Give me a game!

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That was awesome.  Thanks. 


The search continues.  The best I've done so far is find a link back to this thread. :lol:


I think "pdf store". Is right up there with "POD:". if you don't happen on on like the one day they are actually willing to try it, it's just not going to happen. 


And on the PDF subject, why do you suppose the Adventurers Club was never given the PDF treatment?  Yeah; I know that it's two editions old, but they would have had reasonable compatibility to 5e, back when that was still a thing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly, while I received courtesy copies of a few EZHeros issues, I don't have EZHero #5.


You could try getting in touch w/ Dave Mattingly who as memory serves was the organizer of EzHero back in the day.




EDIT: this guy: https://davemattingly.net/2016/02/09/fanzines/


This was the cover:





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On 10/20/2018 at 7:35 PM, Duke Bushido said:



And on the PDF subject, why do you suppose the Adventurers Club was never given the PDF treatment?  Yeah; I know that it's two editions old, but they would have had reasonable compatibility to 5e, back when that was still a thing. 



I'm. Working on it.!


Granted, that won't help anyone else, but at least the will exist.  If I can do it without destroying the originals, then I can pass them along when I'm done. 


Right now my 3e Star HERO is underway, followed by western and horror, so I haven't been in any hurry on anything else.  Besides, those books are PRICEY! 


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10 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:

Though at the moment, I am extremely intrigued by the name "Hammer "HERO...."



It was the original version of what turned into this:  http://www.killershrike.com/FantasyHERO/ConversionWH/conversionWH.aspx 


Warhammer FRPG 1e to HS 4e.


It was one of my Haymaker submissions, back in the day.

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Don't forget the web ring.  That's what kept it fresh for me: all those hundreds of fan sites-- some mundane and homey, others done by folks with a real gift-- but all of them linked back and forth to each other, and new ideas popping up all the time.  During my sporadic net days (90s and the oughts), the web ring was the thing that let me know I wasn't evangelizing a dead church, so to speak. :D


I owe a lot to Derrick H, who, shortly after I stumbled into Red October, informed me of the "rumors of a fifth edition in the next couple years" and pointed me toward the HERO board the day I couldn't find Red October anymore.  I bought Champions Complete-- initially-- solely to support his work as  a likely forever-unheard "thanks, Derrick."  Doesn't matter if he hears it or not, I know I thanked him.  Great guy, Derrick is, even if he doesn't haunt these halls anymore.


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  • 2 years later...
On 10/20/2018 at 7:05 PM, BoloOfEarth said:

I got curious and tried finding someplace to buy a copy of EZ Hero.  No luck on my front.  So I sent a PM to the former editor/publisher of EZ Hero asking how one might get a copy.  I'll let you know what he says.





Were you abke to make any better headway than I did?



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On 10/20/2018 at 4:35 PM, Duke Bushido said:

Thanks.  The best I've done so far is find a link back to this thread. :lol:


I think "pdf store". Is right up there with "POD:". if you don't happen on on like the one day they are actually willing to try it, it's just not going to happen. 


And on the PDF subject, why do you suppose the Adventurers Club was never given the PDF treatment?  Yeah; I know that it's two editions old, but they would have had reasonable compatibility to 5e, back when that was still a thing. 


The Adventurers Club is out in PDF format. You can find it in the store here Adventurers Club - HERO Games


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