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Superhero Showdown #2: Super-Man v. Wonder-Man

Guest Hunter1

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Guest Hunter1

Super-Man, aka Clark Kent, has powers based on his absorption of solar energy. We all know his super powers, and his super weakness.


Wonder-Man, aka Simon Willians, has powers based on ionic energy. He is basically an energy being encased in flesh. He is as strong as the Hulk, he can fly, and he can shoot ionic blasts from his eyes (I have seen him do it in a comic).


I know many will disagree with me, but this one ends in a draw. Based on my understanding of Super-Man's powers, there isn't anything he can do to actually hurt Wonder-Man. The same goes for Wonder-Man, who has fewer powers. They would have a terrific brawl, but ultimately neither man would prevail against the other.


Let me add that if Simon got a hold of some kryptonite, and could then beat up on Super-Man. Of course, the Frog-Man, with some of that stuff, could beat up on him too.


Let me know what you think.

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Sorry, can't agree with you here. Superman is stronger, faster, tougher, and has more powers than Wonderman. Supes has already beaten Thor in the JLA/Avengers crossover, and the last time Thor cut loose on Wondy full force, the fight ended fairly quickly.


Not that Wonderman isn't a very formidable opponent, he's just a rung down the ladder from the Man of Steel.

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C'mon, Solomon, Hulk Hogan isn't that much tougher than Cap.


Y'know, I'm a huge Wonderman mark, especially of his original incarnation and the early post return from the dead in Avengers 151 - 162.


One thing (well more than one) to remember about Wondy is that in his original incarnation he had: the STR of Giant Man, the hitting power of Thor's Hammer, the flight ability of Iron Man (woope) and, most importantly, the fighting ability of Captain America and absolutely nothing from the Wasp except for maybe his fashion sense.


Now, I think it's pretty easily acknowledged that, in pure fighting skill, Captain America would mop the floor with Supes. So, if Wondy, somewhere deep down inside can remember how to fight like Captain America, then Supes is in big trouble.


But the big problem with Wondy (and even I acknowledge this) is that he's the worlds' most powerful underachiever. He has Thor level powers and nothing to back them up. Captain America said, "the weaknesses are all in the man" about him. Which is, sadly, true.


So, as it stands, and as much as I dislike Superman, I'd have to say that he'd beat Wondy without working up a sweat.


Unless of course, we're dealing with the ultimate incarnation that was briefly shown in Wondy's solo comic where he gained complete control of his ionic energy and could project blasts of force, change size and solidity, etc. Then it may be a different story.


That being said, I think a more interesting contest may be Superman vs the ionically charged Count Nefaria. What about that?



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Hate to play the resourcefulness card, but Superman will find a way to win any close fight. And in this case I don't even consider it close.


In the thread about selecting your Dream Superteam I almost posted my team as SUPERMAN... alone. Because he's a one-man team. That's the same reason I didn't ultimately put him on my team... because he almost invalidates the rest of the team. Seems to me sometimes the JLA writers have to go out of their way to find a reason why Superman doesn't handle it all himself.

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Originally posted by Vigil

One thing (well more than one) to remember about Wondy is that in his original incarnation he had: the STR of Giant Man, the hitting power of Thor's Hammer, the flight ability of Iron Man (woope) and, most importantly, the fighting ability of Captain America and absolutely nothing from the Wasp except for maybe his fashion sense.


Now, I think it's pretty easily acknowledged that, in pure fighting skill, Captain America would mop the floor with Supes. So, if Wondy, somewhere deep down inside can remember how to fight like Captain America, then Supes is in big trouble.


I think we can put some of that attribution down to hyperbole by Wonder Man's creator, Baron Zemo Sr. AFAIK Wondy never had the combat training that Captain America received, and his style has always been that of a straight-up brawler. OTOH he unquestionably has a lot going for him: very nearly as strong as Thor, highly resistant to damage, no need to breathe, virtually tireless, and (what a lot of writers forget) superhumanly quick reflexes. But as Solomon pointed out, Superman has all of that, and more.


Originally posted by Vigil

That being said, I think a more interesting contest may be Superman vs the ionically charged Count Nefaria. What about that?


I've thought of that matchup more than once. Nefaria is the closest Marvel comes to an "evil Superman." Other than flight and super senses, his powers seem to match up well against Superman's. His battles with the Avengers show that he's a smart fighter and no coward. I would expect a fight between these two to be tough, drawn out and quite entertaining. :)


Superman's experience, resourcefulness and sheer heart would win out in the end, but he'd have to sweat for it. And oh, the collateral damage! :eek:

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I'm not a big fan of Wonder Man, but then, I didn't learn to appreciate Supes until I was much older ... so I'm not a die hard fan of either.


However, I think this would be a closer match than some folks would give it credit for. Wonder Man has said his punches hit as hard as Thor's hammer, and for a time, Marvel seemed to back that statement up in writing. He claims to have been invulnerable, and given how many times he's been resurected... okay, I'd even say he matches Supes in that dept. He would give Supes a hard time, a really hard time. This fight could last awhile.


However, Supes would win. That edge in Speed as well as Strength, and decades of being the powerhouse of the DC universe means experience that would best the man o Wonder.


Frankly, I Think he'd win by simply grabbing Wonder Man and removing him from the battle field.... flying him to whereever at super speed, leaving him somewhere remote and letting a slower Wonder Man have to trudge (Fly sure, but a slow fly compared?) back. Supes could take him "out of the ring" as it were.

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Originally posted by Eyendasky80

Wonder man had his own mag. It lasted about ten issues.

I have up to issue 27, then I couldn't find them anymore ... I think it went to 30, then ended because the writer had other obligations. Wondy was my inspiration for a character named Rampage, a brick pro-wrestler.


I'm giving this one to Wondy, myself. He's in Superman's strength class (he seemed a smidge stronger than the Hulk when they squared off), can also fly, ionic blasts, etc etc. I actually think Wondy is smarter than Superman, given his background (science and engineering) over Clark's (journalism), and Wondy's pulled a few resourceful tricks of his own over the years. Wondy's powers are also more flexible than Superman's, which gives him the edge. I give it to Wondy in the final page of a three-issue all-brawl miniseries.


Unless we're talking the Superman Blue/Red version from a few years back, who could control, project, absorb, and manipulate energy in its raw state. If that's the case, then Wondy's screwed in two panels.

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Originally posted by Enforcer84

Wonderman has begun to fly under his own power and seems to get more variety of powers with each rebirth. In his own title he was doing some very weird things towards the end. All said and done Superman still has him beat.



Perhaps Wonder Man is still needing a few more deaths and rebirths before he can try Supes. Right now, it's not really a contest.

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I really like Wonder Man (in his old rocket-belt days, anyway) but this isn't much of a contest. Even if you allow that as a brick he's equal to Superman (which I'm not sure is clear) then you're still talking about (as I understand it) a normal man against the Flash. I'm not sure where it was said that Wonder Man has Captain America's fighting ability, but he never showed anything close to that back when I read the Avengers. Cap trained the various Avengers in fighting techniques, but that's a far cry from actually fighting like Cap.


Besides, it's almost more fun to watch Wonder Man lose than to watch him win. He's sort of the Charlie Brown of world-class superheroes. :)



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