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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Get a current copy of the app - the feature didn't exist in 2015.
  2. That would make sense -- too many files accessed in too short of a time trigger one of it's safeguards (guessing here).
  3. Interesting. The characters load fine (after selecting "no" for the newer version of the template file so that HD uses the one bundled with the character), and the combat record export runs without issue on my system. I note that deeper down in the stack trace (in your trace.log file), we're in the java.security package. I'm thinking that may be due to the location of some of your files (looks like Google Drive is in play). Some system-level access manager is not playing nicely with Java during that process...possibly due to the rapid open/close of multiple files, though that's purely a guess. Try moving all relevant files onto your local system (yes, I realize that Google Drive makes a folder on your local system...move them to a permanent, non-mapped drive for now) and see if the problem persists.
  4. IG was direct from the book -- IIRC, a victory prize for one of the other players. Wait'll you see one of the others....it's mechanized...and bigger...and bigger
  5. The stacks being blown up in the trailer is the overt beginning of that.
  6. Oh yeah...that was a major part of it. It's been a while, but from what I recall, the latter...half?...quarter?...of the book was mixed between real-world and the Oasis.
  7. I'm loving the folks chiming in with statements of the movie not being even close to the book....that they haven't read. Joust? Yeah, that's a major thing in the book (slikmar's been through that part already). Movie references? Yup, those too. I've read the book. It was fun. It was chock full of pop culture references (as noted)...kinda its thing. The trailers thus far are looking to be following the book pretty closely. I haven't seen anything in them that I don't recall from the book, at least....and without seeing the movie, it's impossible to say how much from the book hasn't made it into the movie.
  8. There has been zero change in how the program runs. Did you follow the instructions on the download page? (hint: they start with unzipping/unpacking the downloaded file)
  9. Blue text means the display has been edited (manually) - likely an accidental copy/paste. HD will not automatically update the text as the disadvantage is edited/changed, since you've indicated that you want something custom. To get back to the default display, click on the text to edit and then clear out everything - HD will see empty display text and revert to its default.
  10. Yup - you're not doing anything wrong at all. The item in question needs to have shipping methods defined (something Jason and Co. need to handle)
  11. I agree with you on Civil War -- it was a different take, and one that didn't really jibe with me. Winter Soldier was darker, but not in the same way - I liked it a LOT more than Civil War. IMO, Black Panther is different from Civil War or Winter Soldier. It doesn't shy away from some pretty deep subject matter, but it handles it extremely well. It's still decidedly a comic book movie and has a villain that is...understandable. Given enough depth to make him interesting, believable, and even (to an extent) sympathetic. There is still a two dimensional villain...but that's left to one of the Tolkien white guys to play
  12. Contact form or open a Support Ticket.
  13. Same answer as before: store is working just fine. No applicable shipping options were defined for that item.
  14. Fair enough -- Nothere will no longer be joining us in these forums.
  15. Round and round we go. I suggest you perhaps read my posts. Or keep going and see where it ends up.
  16. Not well. I did read the entire post (when it first went up)....and decided not to respond to it until after I had actually seen the movie, so that I could determine if perhaps there was something I wasn't aware of behind his apparent need to express that particular outlook. If this is the hill he wants to die on, then so be it. Banning will occur. Alternately, if his intent was NOT to express a racist opinion, all he really needs to do is say "sorry, that was not my intent and I apologize that it came across that way"
  17. Read my post. "No offense, but..." is generally a lead-in to something offensive. "This isn't racist, but...." is generally a lead-in to something racist. Without any context for your opinion other than "I haven't seen it," your statement applies to Black Panther in specific, and is viewed as a reflection on what is known about the movie. Now, if you preface your statement with other reasons/explanations it becomes significantly more palatable -- just like any other review (from those that have seen it). "I really don't like Marvel movies, and while I haven't seen this one yet, I can only assume that it will be the same poor acting, poor cinematography, etc." That explains your opinion as a general opinion of Marvel movies and not specific to Black Panther. So, again, I would strongly suggest that you explain your statement a bit more thoroughly. Unless, of course, you actually meant to be racist...in which case I would strongly suggest that you quit posting entirely.
  18. This whole post has been bugging the crap out of me...and it comes down to the first statement combined with the general sentiment. If you haven't seen the movie, the only thing you have to go on is the general knowledge of it, which is largely focused on the overwhelmingly black cast, direction, and theme. So you're judging a movie as crap based on that general knowledge -- which is racist. I'd rather strongly suggest you consider how your post is coming across. If you don't mean for it to actually be racist, you may want to post and amendment to explain your intention. If you do mean for it to actually be racist, you may want to find another site to frequent.
  19. Simply put: you don't. You load (and UNLOAD) prefabs on an as-needed basis. Memory issues will be the least of your concerns with a large number of prefabs loaded -- each and every ability needs to go through multiple rounds of calculations anytime there is a change anywhere in the active character. That is a LOT of processing cycles.
  20. Still no clue what you're after. If you're worried about special characters in XML, you use <![CDATA[]]>
  21. Not entirely sure what you're after...if you want HD to export XML, make and XML export format.
  22. Edit: never mind -- it was simpler than what I originally posted. <!/--STR--> That's where your problem is. Replace it with the correct end tag: <!--/STR-->
  23. You associate the base/most expensive form. The feature is not intended to track all possible files, it's there for cost calculation.
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