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Everything posted by MilkmanDan

  1. He'd remember that Dr. Destroyer has used impostors and stand-ins before and it's unlikely in the world of Champions that the world's greatest mega-villain is going to die of a frickin' heart attack. He'd then take the almost undoubtedly innocent individual to the nearest hospital ASAP.
  2. Re: Re: Construction Crew Scary thought. Anyone want to write up stats for Kid Foucault or Derrida Man?
  3. I've always preferred "NOT IN THE FACE! NOT IN THE FACE!"
  4. Depends on how you want to play it. IMO (and I assume in most people's O), it's a godawful show. They should have just called it X-Men: 90210 and gotten it over with. The teen years were awkward for many, many people. If your focus becomes day-to-day existence in school, trying to live with developing powers, it's gonna be very real-world in a possibly very annoying way.
  5. Re: Teleportation Attack I had a character with a similar attack. Was an NND EB, linked to teleport, must teleport through target. Defense was target had to have 10 ED or more for it to work, theorizing that you needed to have some resistance to your moving through for the attack to be felt by the target. Worked pretty well.
  6. "You can run around in hot pants for only so long before some interdimensional God of Evil begins to come after you. It's just the way the world works."
  7. Well, consider the Nazi fascination with the occult, it actually fits quite well. The Krauts would assumably have a number of supernatural big nasties. Mr. Fog (agree, great character) would be a perfect foil for them.
  8. Don't look at how much Force Field that I got, 'cause I'm still Sapphire from the block . . . If she is actually J Lo with powers, I'm rooting for Mechanon.
  9. Well, DC's an obvious choice for multiple regions. While not top-ten, it's got a large population plus is an attractive target for all sorts of symbolic reasons. Plus I live there, so, ya know, it's even more attractive as a setting for me. "You blew up the 7-11. No, you know, the one at the corner of Cedar at Route 29. Yeah, the one that always has the sour raspberry Slurpees."
  10. Darn interesting. Same effect, obviously, but I like the idea of making all supers attacks AP or x2 AP vs. starships. It's certainly a very focused attack, makes a lot of sense.
  11. There's a running joke in our campaign that the higher the COM, the meaner the chick villain. Sure, high COM is pointless and all, but it's a part of the comic world schtick.
  12. Re: What does the word 'Geodecent' mean? It means your team's Earth Elemental brick wears pants.
  13. I tried that last one, but it just didn't work. Then again, my shopping list read: One (1) nuclear device One (1) map of the New York subway systems, with a station near Times Square marked with a big red "X" Somehow the heroes were still able to stop me.
  14. Well, we play in Northern Virginia (DC 'burbs), so we're Team NOVA, which seemed darn appropriate until I thought I saw a Nova team in the Champions book. I also saw somewhere a deeply disturbing reference to a character named "Tesseract", which until then I thought was an incredibly inventive and unique name for my character. Stupid @#$@#!! continuity.
  15. I just changed mine at my massive 18 posts. Don't think there's a limit.
  16. Re: Wolverine vs Taco Bell Chihuahua Well, the Chihuahua isn't saddled down by overwhelming angst, ridiculous plot lines, and bad writing. That's gotta slow Wolvie down somethin' fierce. Not to mention the fact that if Wolverine just ate at Taco Bell, there's a good chance he's got food poisoning. The dog wins, hands down.
  17. That, or the villain's a gadgeteer, right? Suppress Shrinking will make him considerably easier to hit, and would certainly fit the villain's MO. Splat away.
  18. Well, you're talking about a power that can suppress every single power of a huge class of people with wildly different special effects. Why shouldn't it be expensive as heck?
  19. Can I volunteer to be Black Harlequin? It's not that they were comic relief, or embarrassed heroes, it's just that the group was way too over the top. It's one thing to have a humor-based group. It's another for it to be just so damn goofy. It was like the Gweenies in the BBB, just silly-a$$ stuff that got on my nerves.
  20. Well, if he needs more forms, it's 5 points of villain bonus to double the amount, right? Add a few more points in and he'll have an effectively unlimited supply of forms. As for convincing him, just put a limitation on the Multiform that he can only use the form while he believes he's it.
  21. Well, for a start, all the villains are going to have to have some Shrinking to fit in there.
  22. I'm suddenly thinking of the essay "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" with a VERY different point of view.
  23. I'm suddenly thinking of the essay "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" with a VERY different point of view.
  24. Ooooh, I like that. Evil of a new level. Of course, the advantage to not having the Transform is it makes people more prone to violence. If the goal is to actually destroy the world, people being unwilling to kill each other screws things up. I say no Transform. The world ends quicker if people are willing to nuke each other for food. To add to my original post--make it Visible. People know who has the gift of eternal life, and want to get it from them. Increase the desperation.
  25. OK, how 'bout: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Longevity: Immortal), Sticky (Standard; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (37 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour; -3), OAF Bulky Fragile (-1 3/4)--6 Real Points Won't even need Megascale since it's Sticky. The person you give it to touches someone, who touches someone, and it's the whole "and they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends." You've then got worldwide immortality and no fear of disease, so the only way people die is either by accident or violence. Or, more likely, starving to death, because there ain't people dying, but there sure as heck are people breeding. Anyone up for a wild, wacky game of Global Starvation?
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