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Everything posted by dmjalund

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Close Encounters of the Socially Unacceptable Kind
  2. Re: Independent limitation in 6E the first sounds more like a Limited Control limitation (say -1/2) and/or potential side affect (Power used against owner)
  3. Re: New Power/Advantage - Control How hard would it be just to modify Transform to do this (and similar) stuff Like: Changing the Special Effect of an attack Reshaping the area of an Area Effect attack Change the Class of Mind that someones Mind Scan affects
  4. Re: weapon/item derived powers? How the...? There is no "RIGHT" way, but some ways are usually better than others
  5. Re: New Power/Advantage - Control But Mind control targets the persons EGO, Control would probably target the Active Points of the Power - In fact, it's closer to the concept of using Tranform, but targeting a specific activation/use of a power I believe that the idea thet the character is controlling the effect of the power rather than the person using it.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Eternal Moonshine of the Spotless Mime
  7. Re: Bad character design or broken rules ? he can't stop you from buying them as CSLs with limitations
  8. Re: How would I model this... dont forget the Set Effect limitation
  9. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster actually, as allayered drink, the bottom third is probably not alcoholic
  10. Re: Heroic v. superheroic genres and the use of powers I think if you are going to have an Adjustment power as a Talent, you should buy it with an AVAD which exists in the campaign
  11. Re: Impact of Figured Characteristics 1) Personally I'm thinking of making STR through PRE costing 2 points (including an option for a power that allows you to lift without causing extra damage for 5 pts per x2 Lift (though this extra lift could add to crushing damage, but not Strikes or Move Throughs) 2) If we ever do reattach Figured Characterstics, I would definitely have OCV, DCV etc, be a Figured Characteristic which can be bought up or sold off 3) I totally agree with Tasha
  12. Re: Best way to represent a Psionic Symbiote. Help! Getting feedback from a follower can be quite useful on occasions
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Vallium of the Dolls
  14. Re: Best way to represent a Psionic Symbiote. Help! Feedback is a standard limitation for Duplication (6E1 204)
  15. Re: Modifier For Range Attacks on Moving Objects anything more fancy than the above, might require the Indirect advantage (maybe with something related to an RSR roll)
  16. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. but I believe you are supposed to take their course
  17. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! They could also have senses that allow them to see electricity flow - add this to an instinct designed into them to stop this electricity, and you have an (almost) instant anti tech bioweapon
  18. Re: Unique, interesting powers Haughty Villain: But he's a two-headed camel, how well can he fit in ANYWHERE?
  19. Re: More cross-genre goodiness: The Predator vs. a Jedi
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Yes, but which musical?
  21. Re: Heroic v. superheroic genres and the use of powers you call THAT a knife? Now THAT'S a knife
  22. Re: More cross-genre goodiness: The Predator vs. a Jedi unless the predator can mask his presence in the force, he will have a hard time surprising o Jedi, no matter how he does it (well almost)
  23. Re: Heroic v. superheroic genres and the use of powers
  24. Re: Physics of space battles - gizmodo article
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