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Everything posted by cutsleeve

  1. gurps rome? steve jackson has always done good research for his gurps game line and tends to seperate the fact from fiction. other then game materials you might want to rent a few movies. Not gladiator but some of the older technicolor roman movies they did many good ones spaticus, ben hur, amd cleopatra to name the bigger movies. doing a google search will net you many sites which have information http://www.dalton.org/groups/rome/ http://members.aol.com/Donnclass/Romelife.html http://www.ghg.net/shetler/rome/ and you can find out many interesting little facts about a culture by finding out what, how, and why they eat certian foods http://www2.carthage.edu/outis/food.html http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/ethnic/historical/ant-rom-coll.html http://www.classicsunveiled.com/romel/html/romefood.html this link also has other information Basically theirs alot of info and ancient rome is a very good subject to be familiar with
  2. i recognized it as soon as i saw white mage black mage a red mage. i started thinking final fantasy. i was actually thinking of doing a rough conversion of final fantasy awhile ago no set magic system but all the spells written up. mainly cuz the magic system always changes every game. one thing that i would have to do is ignore the multiple healing rules attached to that new power.
  3. Ecto 1 the ecto 1 wasn't a station wagon its actually an old old ambulance basically its build like a Herse except without drapes or fancy bobs and bits. if i remember its like late 50's early 60's ambulance.
  4. good idea: though mine would also allow the samurai to perform one action that isnt attack related it would just it would need rewording. i set it up as an attack because thats what it would usually be used for. but your method is better if you just want to buy it to attack and nothing else.
  5. Hagakure chapter 2 by Yamamoto Tsunetomo translated by William Scott Wilson. Samurai Determination Healing 10d6 to Body +Ressureaction Trigger (only when character reaches 0 body or less)+1/4, Self Only -1/2, charges 1 --2, Side Effect: 4d6ka Side effect (occures whenever the character does one specific act) When he has made one final attack or leaves combat -3/4 BC:120 AC:150 RC:35 I did this while comtemplating whether i wanted to convert over my Feudal Japamese setting over to hero.It was in Oriental adventures but i found that it and d20 wherent really that good at simulating the kind of feudal japan i wanted. Hope this doesnt look to bad Its spose to be an ability to get up, after being sruck down, and making one more attack or action and then go back to being dead like normal. Any critizism will be welcome :D
  6. supress or transformation are both good ways of doing the same thing. With the supress method you have to stat out all of the poisons so that you know how powerful a poison or disease is and how much it will take to supress it. This is a good method if you have a setting where magical healing is more complicated then in standard fantasy settings. However if you want to create a setting where healing spells are more powerful or where you have the poof insta heal spells like those featured in most of the other fantasy settings for other game systems then the transform works wonderfully. So in truth which is better depends on the setting you have and how you particularly want to handle it.
  7. i recall in a couple stories conan using 2 weapons. in one he was being hunted by a captian of the guard and pops out and greets the unlucky fellow as he is trying to kill a fleeing woman. He is using a hand axe and long knife. Which can be simply put as hatchet and short sword. In another story he is fleeing the picts through a jungle and manages to climb up onto a tall rock and waits till nightfall to slip away from them because they wont come closer to it. He uses the same weapon combination in this as well hand axe and long knife. In these and other stories he often throws one of these weapons at something killing it fairly quickly and running the hell away after that but it is shown and alluded to the fact that he does indeed carry and employs dual weapons on occasion but they are usually light easy to weild weapons that dont burden him down when he is hauling a**. I do have to say yes its a very good write up i would however include an unarmed fighting martial art and maybe 2 combat skill levels or penalty skill levels just for overcomming the penalties for making critical hits. He is quite good at it in the books.
  8. pointy or sharp projectiles have more penetration then blunt projectiles. This is why the .308 winchester aka 7.62x51 aka 7.62 nato is considered an armor peicing round because it is a brass jacketed pointly highly areodynamic projectile. It will effective punch through all but the highest class of kevlar. You have to consider that joules of energy is not the only factor that determines damage to organic structures. you have penetration, tissue trauma, and after wound effects. basically its wether the weapon can penetrate and how far it penetrates, what tissues have been hit and damaged by the weapon, and any effects which are the result from the aforementioned factors ie. a hit to the chest will cause you to slowly loose the ability to breath, a hit to the abdomine makes it almost impossible to stand or move around properly, an very lucky leg strike will cause you to bleed to death in 4 minutes if you hit just the right spot. Now we know that arrows can penetrate flesh we know they can penetrate kevlar we know that in some instances it can penetrate light plate mail, chain, and leather. We know your average pistol bullet will penetrate light and heavy plate, chain, and leather mail we know it will penetrate leather and we also know there are 5 levels of kevlar and each is constructed for a specific range of caliber not against all and we know that they will penetrate flesh. In truth arrows and bullets really arent that much differant they both do pretty much what they need to do. They both put nice round holes in what they are pointed at. just comparing joules of energy doesnt go far enough you have to study the areodynamic properties or the projectile the balistic qualities of it the general composition of it then you must weigh this against the target. General composition of the targetbeginning at surface and then proceding with an examination at each inch of depth this will tell you how effetive a weapon will be. The best way to handle this lil difficulty Use Rule Number Zero "Common Sense is a good measure for mitigation of the little problems":D
  9. rolemaster rolemaster rolemaster:D
  10. no bears and arrows i have to admit there are people who do hunt bear with arrows. theyre called idots. i wouldnt hunt a bear with anything less then a .44 magnum with a scope. even then it doesnt really matter what gun you use or what tool what matters is accuracy if you dont hit that bear in a nasty spot and kill it in one hit your gonna end up being Mr.Bears breakfast. Thats why they made .50 caliber hunting rifles you get a lil more leway and a little more distance from you to the bear in case you only injure Mr.Bear. sooooooo In case of brear bear id say thats accuracy not weapon type.
  11. about 5 years ago i started to get into hunting and i was debating getting into bow hunting instead of rifle. So i study up on it a bit and i saw something interesting on a bow hunting show geared twords begginners they had a metal bucket full of sand and behind it a glass mirror. They shot the bucket of sand with the rifle and it stopped the bullet the mirror was intact but there was a big hold in the bucket. They took the same kind of set up and shot it with a recurve bow and the arrow went through the metal bucket broke the mirror and was poking out both sides of the bucket. Take all that as you will thats just something i saw. all i do know is you can always get a bigger bullet you cant always get a bigger bow. and if that bucket had been an inche thick the arrow would have bounced off while the rifle round would still have penetrated. Moral in my eyes. certain materials would provide differant forms of defence agaisnt differant forms of damage.
  12. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Vanguard00 I charge characters for any magic items they possess at the time of character creation. If/when that item is used/lost, they either lose the points (and the corresponding amount of disad points, or they become "bankable" points to be used just like XP. They cannot be used to acquire additional items.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would never pay character points for any magic item, as a Player, I just use replaceable foci. I've learned this over the many years I've played Hero. ****** This is a personal choice on how you would create your character. Some people would pay character points to have a magical item at the beginning of play. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't charge CPs for normal items, period. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wouldn't pay a single point for a magic item, but then, that's my own preference. I wouldn't play in a game in which those experience points, I hard earned through roleplaying, where taken away. I don't like Indian-giver GMs. ************ Your statement doesnt contradict the statement you quoted. He said he would never have people pay character points for normal items. In general everyone here is of the mind that they would never make a character pay for items acquired in play so you wouldnt loose the xp gained you. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any items not on the person at time of creation will need to be RPed, either in the finding, the making, the buying, the stealing...whatever. They can keep those items indefinitely unless something occurs in-story to remove it (loss, use, theft, selling it, etc). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I would spend every session to reaqcuire that magic item, spending experience points on spells, leaving the party look for it, until the GM backed down, or killed my character. Problem is, some people don't seem to have a respect for the effort people put into roleplaying a character. I spend hours designing my characters, a GM who killed my character off willy-nilly, or stole his magic items willy-nilly, would find me no longer at his table. *********** Again im confused by this justoposition of quote and reply. What he is saying is that the gaining and loosing of items is a roleplayed event and that an indavidual can keep those items as long as events within the story remove them. How does this contradict the "effort people put into roleplaying a character" it is a natural part of roleplay and is also the natural course of item interactions items are found lost misplaced all the time. Story referance can show this. Conan discovered a very well made sword in a cave in the very first story written about him. He was nearly killed by the reanimated dead king who owned it. It was a substantial item but by the second story he had already lost it. Conan always loses, breaks, or throws away weapons in the stories. Yet he always begins the story with a weapon. One way of reflecting this is GM Option to rule that he always has a sword. Or Conan could just have bought ,with character points, the weapons he always starts with omitting independant to represent the fact that he can always get a new one for free. By killing, stealing, or by luck. Good Gm's dont take things away willy nilly or kill characters willy nilly but having a character die or having his gear stolen happens thats story or thats just happenstance. Items can be taken away and if you feel the need to go chasing after it i would not impede your character in his quest. But if you got killed doing it i wouldnt expect any whining about how i took it away in the first place thats life being an adventurer is hard. Basically all these things break down to personal preferance and thats all. When you buy items with character points and independant you run the risk that it will be taken away thats why it has a -2 limitation. If you dont want an item to be able to be taken away dont buy it with Independant and buy it with straight cp with no focus. Focus just means it cant be permanently taken away but i can be temporarily removed. Items gained through play are by their nature independant unless the character wishes to buy them without it with CP's. This doesnt mean they cant keep them but it means that they can be taken away or lost during the course of the adventure.
  13. mind control with cumulative and invisible power affect would be better in my opinion. plus basically what you are doing is using 2 or 3 powers to simulate one Mind control. put a cumulative affect on mind control and you have an attack that you can keep hitting someone with and it will eventually take effect add invisible advantage and the person wont notice he is being attacked. plus your spending 5 points per d6 of base mind control and 10 points per d6 for base drain. then you also have to buy telepathy for 5 points per d6 of base telepathy. Plus if i where gm i would say that your based on ECV drain would be counterable by power defence and mental defence leaving you in a worse boat then straight mind control which i supressed by only mental defense. Ypu also have to consider that you are trying to build a roundabout version of mind control as a GM i would be very wary of allowing it when its just duplicating mind control.
  14. not a good idea imho all a hero would have to do is give the person a countering command such as whoop on that bad boy over there and then use an hearing flash so the character cant recieve any more commands the egoist gets a whoopin and you dont have to worry till the ego drain wears off because all you have to do is keep the guy flashed.
  15. Most RPG's gloss over or totally omit "Utility" spells. Some spells like fertility spells would in truth be more useful then a fireball spell to kingdoms and the citizens who serve them. For human and animal fertility i would use a transform for environmental fertility i would recommend a change enviroment. The effects are the most appropriate ones to use inho. they may turn out to be quite expensive but if you take into consideration what exactly you are doing its cost is quite cheap. changing the land to green fertile land or changing a male or female into a more fertile male or female. And yes one wizard for hire with an infertility spell can ensure the transfer of a kingdom to more unscrupulous individuals for a good price. No need for wars no need for arguement just make sure the king has no heirs and then step into the vacuum after his death and declair a puppet relative to the throne. Of course you will make sure that you have had a daughter ,that darn wizard again, and get the 2 together then have the same wizard make sure the child is a boy. Since your the grandfather you raise the boy the best you can , you evil evil man, and your family line will rule the country after that king dies.
  16. well i have the dcu game an actually for the most part its an ok system and the characters are represented. Not well represented though the old DC hero's game had more accurate statistic scores for the characters. Alot of the powers arent well developed or defined and statistics are somewhat defined it would be much harder to calculate conversions from dcu to the hero system them it would just to guestimate the characters abilities. this sight has some nice write ups of dc charatcers and includes 3 different point versions of superman the 3560 pt version would be a Pre-Crisis Sperman http://www.mactyre.net/scm/deejay/champs/writeups.html but as far as if i know of any conversion writeups nope i dont know of any sorry.
  17. nope you dont need them The great thing about hero system is that when you buy the 5th edition book you have everything you need to build and play in all settings and genre's. All of the other books are basically short cut books. They describe the conventions of particular similar genre's like fantasy or sci fi or even martial arts. The others are compiled abilities created using the 5th edition hero rules and are designed to be quick easy already premade stuff built with the system. Fantasy Hero describes how to create run and play in a fantasy setting and the general and common setting niche's they use. While Fantasy Hero Grimoure is a big book of spells at are premade and can be selected and used in fantasy games requiring little or no modification to adapt to individual settings. Until SuperPowers Database is a compilations of super powers that can be selected and used to easily create super powered hero's and villians. Hero system puts out this line of books to make it a lil easier for some people or to give them something to look at and think about or just for those of us who are feeling lazy or wasted their time posting on the message boards instead of working on the bad guys for their next adventure. In summation you do not need any of these other books because all the things these books can do can be done just with the basic book. Theyre nice to have though. cutsleeve hugs his FRed. Fifth Rules edition.
  18. Peter Porker anyone it sounded like the old peter porker comics. if hey had done that with a few other marvel characters i think the Bruce banner would have been a door mouse until you make him angry then he would become Hulkrilla. a giant green gorilla "ook ook Puny spaniel"
  19. The most psychotic, neurotic, and craziest nutball super villian ever known to man, has a cough and decides it must me because of hairballs cause hey cats cough all the time dont they. so he decides to go to a local pet store and rob it of all its hairball remedy. He and his cronies bust in and hold the old old man at the counter up as he and the rest of the crew search the shelves for the hairball medicine. Your characters come in capes a flapping and start wailing on the Pyschopaths goons. In a panic he grabs for a hostage and slams his gun to the hostages temple. You stand there face to face against this vile evil human who is totally and abosolutely crazy. His evil gleaming Mad Eyes flicker over your team his lips cracking a sinister grin. As he points his 9mm handgun at the head of an innocent cute fluffy pet shop kitten. What would you do?
  20. oh wait misread it do you mean someone elses spell. If thats the case then just buy a variable power pool with maybe a disadvantage saying. -1/2 only to duplicate spells seen.
  21. If its just one particular spell just create it with the delayed effect advantage. If it can be many spells and you dont want to built delayed effect on them all or its in a variable powerpool or such. Try something funky like a delayed effect naked advantage and id say maybe slap on a variable special effect advantage on to it to just to make sure "all Magic" is covered. Something like this. Delayed Effect (up to 60 active points) base cost: 15 with variable special effect (effects all magic) +1/4 active cost: 18 Real cost: 18 and remeber naked power advantaged cost endurance so the cost might be higher if you want it reduced endurance.
  22. Thats a slight bit rude. but thats merely my opinion it may be flawed or just stupid but oh well.
  23. your being as rude Chuckg. telling someone to shut up is rude. but also insulting them for their particular preferance in genre is also rude. in this you are both even. posts are opinion especially ones based on moral quandries.
  24. well the original post of this thread is not whether someone will kill while being attacked or whether you would kill if someones life was in danger. in essence this thread is about if a super powered man who was convicted of a crime was sentanced to death and the state who sentanced him could not execute him because they lacked the ability to harm him. would you execute him. This thread didnt say that he would get out in a couple days if they held him long enough to get him tried and convicted then long enough for all those apeals and the last one went through. then that means more then likely he isnt going to get out anytime soon to reoffend. rl criminals on death row take years to actually get executed. in the end your not asking yourself am i killing someone who will go back and reoffend or am i killing someone who is killing someone or is trying to kill me. what you are asking is will i kill someone who is in prison is contained has been contained ,even though he knows that they can call in many super hero's some of whome wouldnt mind offing him, would you still kill him. Of course you have been asked by the state to do it. He was convicted of the crime he is being executed for. And no one else can harm him only you. 2 out of 3 of these conditions are met by all executioners throughout all times. Even though it has we have recently come to the point where some states and people do not agree with capital punishment. the reason for that are a few little questions. What if he is really innocent What if the evidence is false. What if there where predjudice involved in that decision. What if im wrong. what ever your decision these are questions that might cross your characters mind. in a super powered setting these questions become more complex. with Mind control, black mail, evil twins, shape shifters, and other assorted genre cliques who is to trully know. I personally wouldnt want espers in the court room reading my mind those kind of things seem totalitarian. like i said this really has nothing to do with four color comics or dark gritty comics its more of a moral issue.
  25. i always liked the needle gun heinlein wrote about in the cat who walks through walls. a small fire arm that fires a 4mm rod which penetrates the human body and then detonates making an inaudible explosion in the body killing the target. in my sci fi settings fire arms where still commonly used also. This is because they did the job they put nice round holes in what they where aimed at. cheap, easy to use, and the technology to make them is commonly avaliable. Actually sci fi weapons have pretty much been plotted out there arent very many new things that have come out most are just variations on a theme.
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