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Everything posted by cutsleeve

  1. Re: Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company - Omigod... i remember going to their wab sire. Its attached to a child literacy program or something like that. Cant remember exactly was just bouncing around the web and found it . here we go http://www.superherosupplies.com/ click on the 826 nyc affiliation creating writing organization for kids
  2. Re: Helping a Newbie Nope the revised rules only have the core mechanics in them no setting information. The setting information has however changed from Champions 4th to the modern setting thats detailed in the champions setting book. i was speaking mainly of rules conversions.
  3. Re: Helping a Newbie Well could use what you have right there so long as you have say a copy of 4th edition hero system rules or Big Blue. The changes are not overwhelming not like Ad&d2nd to 3rd. Almost 90% of the original hero system remains intact between 4th and 5th edition. http://theemerged.blogspot.com/HERO425.htm this lil url has a listing of the changes that where made between 4th and 5th it doesnt list 5th to 5er but those where not to extensive just adding additional material a couple costs changes fixing errors and giving more examples of stuff. As Far as Adaptability well the normal super hero point base got a boost but for DC im not sure it will matter much. If i where to recommend buying anything id say just buy the new %ed revised and then decide from there if you wanna upgrade.
  4. Re: Conversion Cyberpunk to Hero Well there's nothing really keeping them from being damaged just because they wouldnt be foci doesnt mean that their SFX doesnt count for something. Also Since they are bought as equipment modifications could be made to them. Not all Hero Level Equipment Has to be a Focus it just has that as a SFX Equipment Cybernetics. An Example might be appropriate in this instance so i give you: Nomad Santiago STR 20 DEX 20 CON 20 BODY 20 INT 10 EGO 18 PRE 18 COM 16 PD 4 ED 4 SPD 3 (4) REC 8 END 40 STUN 40 OCV/DCV 7 RUNNING 10 SWIMMING 2 LEAP 2 (4 WITH STR) Characteristic Costs: 88 cp Skills, Perks, and Talents TF2 wheeled motorized ground vehicals (everyman) Common Motorized Graond Vehicals WF Common Melee Weapons and SmallArms +2 CSL w/ All Combat Combat piloting 17- Seduction 16- PS (everyman) 8- Mechanics And a few more unmentioned everyman skills Judo Choke Hold Leg Sweep Martial Escape Martial Grab Martial Throw Sacrifice Throw Skill Costs: 82 Character Points Disadvantages Psych. Lim. (Cocky) Common Strong Psych. Lim. (Attracted to collegue: Rogue) Common Moderate Reputation (Influencial Member of the Aldecaldo Pack) Frequent 11- Reputation (Reliable Operative That Works Cheap)Frequent 11- Social Limitation (Nomad) Frequently 11- Major Not Limiting In Nomad Cultures Hunted (Police)AP Occassionally Harsh Punishment (Incarceration) Hunted (Various Corperates he has Operated Against) MP NCI Harsh Punishment (Homocide) Chararacter: Base 75 + 75 Disadvantages + 20 (I come from an non d20 game system bonus) Disadvantages Recieved From Cybernetics Physical Limitation (Loss of use for eyes and Right Arm and Leg when encountering EMP phenomenon) Infrequently Fully Distictive Feature (Cybered Up) Easily Concealable Major Reaction Not Distinctive in Street Cultures Cybernetics Cyber Eyes Infrared Perception Low Light "Hero System Night Vision" (restrainable -1/4 by EMP Phanomenon) Targeting Scope +1 CSL w/ small arms (restrainable -1/4 by EMP Phanomenon) Cost: 1800 euro Cyber Arm and Leg +1DC only for Right Arm or leg -1/4 0 Endurance +1/2 +6 RPD Coverage 7-8 and 14-18 but only for right arm and leg -1 +3 Str for Right Arm or Leg 0 -1/4 0 Endurance +1/2 9mm PopupGun 1D6+1 30 charges +1/4 Beam -1/4 Real Weapon -1/4 Str cannot add to Damage -1/2 (restrainable -1/4 by EMP Phanomenon) + 3 SKill Level W/ Concealment +2RPD Coverage 7-8 Right Arm Only -1 1/2 (Kevlar Platin on Arm) Leg Holster +4 Skill Levels W/ Concealment (only for small caliber pistols -1/4) restrainable -1/4 by EMP Phanomenon) Cost: 6100 euro Kerenzikov Boost LVL 2: +1 Spd (restrainable -1/4 by EMP Phanomenon) +3 Dex only for going first in a Phase -1 (restrainable -1/4 by EMP Phanomenon) Cost: 1000 for neural Coprocessor 1000 for lvl 2 Boost Gear Heavy Armor 11def Coverage 10-13 OIF Real Armor Half Mass Cost: 200 euro Helmet 5 def coverage 3-5 OIF Real Armor No Mass Cost: 20 Euro AKR-20 Assault Rifle +2 ocv +1 Rmod Dam 2D6 StunX +1 StrMin 15 Charges 30 AutoFire 5 Cost: 500 euro Federated Arms X-9mm Dam 1D6+1 StrMin 7 Charges 12 Cost: 300 euro Bimodo Motorcycle Size 1.25x .64 Mass 200kg Str 15 Def 3 Body11 Dex 23 Spd 4 Move 30x4 Max 480 Cost: 2000 euro That feeling you get when you just survived a huge fire fight and still managed to make off with the payroll. Priceless Santiago is a fairly Arrogant and Cocky nomad attached to the Aldecaldo Pack a sizable Nomad Family that has extensive contacts and influence. He loves to live the life "Girls, Guns, and The fastest Cycles." He tends to hang around another street operative named Rogue. This is mainly due to the fact that he hasnt been able to score with her but also because she's decent company of a job. Rogue has yet to figure out whether she wants to sleep with him or shoot him.
  5. Re: Conversion Cyberpunk to Hero I always thought of doing cyber limbs that are suceptible to EMP damage or shutdown as being modeled best by a physical disadvantage rather then foci. Something like Infrequently if EMP attacks are rare and Slightly, greatly, and fully to simulate how many limbs have been effected of what limbs. For the case of internal organs that would sustain life then it would be a suceptability or vulnerability. For certian other abilities like night vision enhancement to normal eyes then it might be best handled as restrainable. Ive always disliked making cyberwear any type of focus unless its basically a removable prosthesis which is just a bit more high tech then modern ones.
  6. Re: Conversion Cyberpunk to Hero You know i actually have the old cyber hero rules Cant wait for the reprint. : )
  7. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead I could see a hero zombie with the eanraged brain eating. Back at the Hall of justice. our intrepid hero's (Pinnacle, Slueth, Falconer, Lavander Lamp, The Zip, and Brain Eater Lad) attempt to deduce the plans of the Legion Of Gloom. Pinnacle: The situation is grave if we dont find out the secret plans of the nefarious Legion of Gloom they will eventually take over the world. And that would be bad. Slueth: That goes without saying. hmmmmmmm ( looking at the cyphered Documents) Lavander Lamp: So have you found anything yet that might reveal the location of the Legion of Glooms hideout? Slueth: (looking at Lavander Lamp with an expression you might give to a very small yipping dog) No. Now please be quiet a moment. Brain Eater Lad: (sweting bullets and looking nervously about the room then back at the floor.) Hope you ummmm can umm you know make it our. Slueth: I should be able tooooo, yes i think i have it. The Zip: goodnowwecangokicksomebuttoffthoseevilbastardsfromtheLegionofGloomilovekickingtherebuttsitsarealthrill.Holdonasecineedtogetsomemorecapacino.Okimbacksowhatdidyoufind? (everyone looks at The Zip) Falconer: Huh? Slueth: Its not that important. What is important is that ...Oh My God hey quit it. Brain Eater Lad: Brainnnnnns Brains Eat your.... wait wait ok ok im ok i have this beat im ok Fwew. Pinnacle: Ok so long as you have it under control? Brain Eater Lad: Yes yes completely... BBRAINS BRAINS EAT BRAINS EAT NOW. ..... I.... Have this beat.... i dont... need... to.. eat .... Brains... tastey yummmy.... brains ... lets ummm... goo ... kick ... some ... Legion of Gloom Butt... K... Pinnacle: OK. (they begin to walk out of the Hall of Justice and Slueth turns to Brain Eater Lad) Slueth: why do you always go after me first when your hungry for brains? Brain Eater Lad: Your the Slurth I thought it would be Obvious. Slurth: Oh........................................ Damn.
  8. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? It is always in moments of desperation that a hero either shines or fails. In that instant he should have chosen to do something even if he thought he might not succeed. If he decided on a course of action and follows thru with the intent to succeed then he cant really fail.
  9. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead Hmm well apart from loss of legal status, civil rights, and citizenship there might be a few other things. I guess thats a Social limitation. Bad smell for instance very distinctive feature unless you want him to walk around heavily perfumed which i guess would be just the same kind of distinctive feature but instead of gagging from the festering smell they would gag because of all the cheap perfume. Theres also a dependancy he would have to have. It would of course be a dependancy for good stout thread and sharp needles say every hour he doesnt have it he takes damage as bits fall off. Hunted vultures LP 14- easy to find (at least for a vulture) Harsh punishment (dinner) Another Hunted to simulate those people who think a walking talking dead man is unnatural and needs to be given his final rest (for your own peace of mind of course) say AP 8- Harsh punishment. Vulnerability to cold based entangles Enraged at the sight of living people with brain (the desire to eat them of course ) Uncommon 8- to go 14- to recover ( its uncommons because well the general population seems a bit brainless to me) And of course the classical distinctive feature Dead, deceased, not among the living, worm food, pushing up daisies, feeding the tree's, an ex-human, he is no more.
  10. Re: Looking for Firearm Resource Why not have that many LLamas that do 1d6 flash of aggrevating spit.
  11. Re: Looking for Firearm Resource most people consider the Villar Perosa Gun to be the first sub machine gun. If you search the web you can find pictures of one though it tends to be a version that has 2 of them linked together. Odd Gun it has a top mounted magazine. it was invented in 1915.
  12. Re: Vehicle Rams Actually i always modeled ram prows,cattle catchers, and such as defences just for decreasing damage done by move thrus. With maybe a little added damage if it was built for causing extra damage like old ship rams that where jagged. Other then that a ram attachment really just keeps the vehical from sustaining direct damage from the ramming.
  13. Re: Chases I posted a reply to a post Sociotard made about racing im pretty sure the method i thought up can be used for chases too. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=435367#post435367 try it out see if you like it and if so then steal it.
  14. Re: Entangle Abuse If the entagle is sfx driven which for this character id assume plant based why not have a flame villian hose it down with napalm now Mr. Mockturtle is in a fiery deathtrap he must escape, very supercliche : ) . Or have the Defoliater throw insta weed killer on it. or you could have another plant based hero manipulate transform it into an entangle that they can control. BogTurtle meets The Deadly Marsha. As far as the power being abusive i would more or less see it as a neat idea that caught me for a loop. That doesnt mean that you have to stand idley by while he does it. The amazing thing about tactics is it only takes 2 uses for people to realize it is a personal tactic and exploit it to their advantage. Three uses and every villian in the city will be prepared for it.
  15. Re: If you could add one more... the power id throw in would be Possession. Make it expensive but give it adders and advantages to modify it a bit. id say 20 pts per DC would satify the game balance issues.
  16. Re: How to create water Didnt they use this kinda thing to kill godzilla in the original movie. It was the Oxygen Destroyer.
  17. Re: Teleios: The origin story hmmm what other characters or civilizations have the capacity for genetic manipulation in the champions universe.
  18. Re: I amay have asked, but... Atlatls??? Atlatls basically throw really big darts. They tend to be light flimsey and easily broken. However they will hit hard over short distances and can travel farther overall in comparison to hand tossed spears.
  19. Re: Teleios: The origin story Sounds like Wolverines entire backstory to me.
  20. Re: Teleios: The origin story I know who it was. It was: The Gweenies From 4th edition chanpions BBB. They came down and thought "hey why dont we give this guy a few secrets to genetic engineering" as one of their big pranks. Now they're just sitting back and watching the hillarity like it was a late night sitcom.
  21. Re: A Bathroom how about Extra Demensional movement (Local Waste disposal network) 0 Endurance +1/2 Limited power (can only move approximately 4.0 kg of material into sewer space) -1/4 Independant -2 OAF Immobile -2 Extra Time (5 Minutes) -2 Activation roll 15- Jammed. -3/4 BP 20 AP 30 RC 3
  22. Re: Are there ever too many points? hmmmmmmm you know with that characters permeable limitation he is is going to be vulnerable to gunfire. They still make and sell alot of unjacketed lead bullets nowadays. Unless that was the intent to make superman who couldn't bounce bullets. If so please ignore my post.
  23. Re: My Player Betrayed Humanity. Now What? What im wondering is why didnt any of the other superhero's pound his character into the dirt and drag him back in handcuffs for what he did. Now if the law is incapable of taking action (like in the case of intergalactic juristiction)then im sure they could find some remote rock to drop him off on.
  24. Re: Doctor J.A. Quest The stats for the little quest kid all grown up would probably look similar to Doc Savages.
  25. The passing of the man who played Superman
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