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Everything posted by cutsleeve

  1. Re: Land of confusion I was trolling for ideas on how to simulate all of those actually. Sometimes if you ask a broad simple question you get alot of feedback. I think ill end up just making it a Combo power. with mental images and a lil mind control with ego attack and flash darkness and the othere as added effects to it. Now i need to beat people with my +5 Stick of Repping.
  2. I was compiling a list of effects that i want to roughly model for FH spells. Im creating a setting that has a few diferant ways of doing magic so i figured instead of modeling spells i should model effects. One effect i wondered about and thats confusion. What would be a decent way to model confusion (like a confusion spell for FH or confusion ray for silver age super heroes).
  3. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!"
  4. Re: Is there still such a thing as a mainstream Marvel Universe? I stopped spending my comic book money on marvel comics shortly after the end of The New Mutants. That was early to mid 90's. Several factors killed my desire to read marvel. 1. i missed books with teenage mutants who where just trying to get by and deal with the fact that they are mutants. All the x books centered around the battles and lame character interactions that only exsisted as filler between the next big battle. 2. The sheer number of continuity gaps that kept creeping into marvels line of comics. 3. their relience on a few majors superstar characters to push comics rather then good story telling and art. (Cable, wolverine, and Gambit) 4. Liefeld (both art and story contributions)
  5. Re: MetaCyber The cons of decking and hacking missing. Though i can imagine the general bad of them. decking = potential brain baking.
  6. Re: (Spam) I am Selling many classic 4th ediition Hero Books It's It's just so beautiful curse my lack of money. I bow down and worship the list in all its 4th edition glory Ialways liked the 4th edition it was the first edition i played.
  7. Re: HERO powers to Unisystem cutsleeve hold a cross in his right hand, a squirt gun full of holy water in his left, and wears a necklace of garlic. Then cautiously approaches the evil thread. Usually the conversions go the other way around. From X to hero. What games use unisystem anyhoo. Could get more help if we knew.
  8. Re: THE ULTIMATE TECHNOLOGY: What Do *You* Want To See? -- Unofficial Sourcebook Proposal I'd just like to see things which produce lots of light, make lots of noise, whirr, buzz, and then blow up. You cant have unltimate technology unless it make sick machine noises and then violently falls apart.
  9. Re: Too balanced The myth of hydrostatic shock is that it is the force behind stopping power or instant kills. Even the term instant kill is a bad description. The only instant kill you can get is if a bullet of significant power hits the brain and does enough damage to stop motor and bodily function or a strike which severes the spinal column in the upper neck. The rest of the kinds of wounds that people consider instant kills arent, like a previous poster said there are people who have been shot in the heart and still managed to fire back before falling to the ground. I have never believed in hydrostatic shock. To me its a "magic bullet theory" which leads to the classical use this gun or use this bullet and youll kill people instantly myth. The only way to guarentee a quick kill is by being accurate and using a bullet which will create enough tissue damage to stop organ function and cause lots of bleeding.
  10. Re: Too balanced Hydrostatic shock is actually a well circulated myth. A hollow point bullet doesnt distribute significant levels of energy to cause any disprution in nearby tissue. Like all bullets it only damages what it hits. The reason a hollow point causes more grievous wounds is because of expansion. The hollow point will expand, and with some varieties break apart. The expansion causes a larger wound canal which means more bleeding and trauma. In the case of hollow points which rip apart it causes multiple internal wounds effecting multiple tissues. Bullets are no differant from pointy sticks, arrows, knives, or swords. They all kill someone in the same manner but rending, tearing, and pentrations which cause bleeding and destruction of organ function. The only sure fire method to kill someone is to shoot accurately with a firearms of sufficient size and power to cause a great deal of tissue trauma. Most people who are shot do not drop due to wounds but do to pain. After they hit the ground they usually go into shock or bleed to death. Im sire everyone remembers incidents in the 80's inviolving angel dust and pcp. If the person you shoot doesnt feel pain they will be less likely to drop when hit by a bullet. This means they will still be able to function up until the point where their brain and muscles finally loose all oxygen due to blood loss.
  11. Re: What happened to the Champions? Isn't seeker owned by someone besides DOJ. thought thats why he's gone.
  12. Re: Has HERO achieved maximum desirable complexity? It could be alot more complexe then it already is. Imagine If the next edition was called 011010000110010101110010011011110010000001110011011110010111001101110100011001010110110100100000001011010010000001110011011010010111100001110100011010000010000001100101011001000110100101110100011010010110111101101110001000000010110100100000011101000110100001100101001000000111010101101100011101000110100101101101011000010111010001100101001000000110011101100001011011010110010101110010011100110010000001110100011011110110111101101100011010110110100101110100 translated it means "hero system - sixth edition - the ultimate gamers toolkit" the binary edition its nickname for it would be "Weighty Text Format" or abreviated WTF It would cost a bit more then the standard 5er but the cost includes the crane you have to use to carry it to your saturday night gaming session. Of course die hard Hero fans would have mixed reviews about all the changes to rules and costs. However it will generally be heralded as the greatest edition so far. Once again being awarded best rpg system ever made. Of course people who play other systems will scoff at the shear size and complexity of the new hero system. They will complain about how the math is to hard and complicated in character creation, and that they are happy playing their own games in the easy to understand format of egyptian hieroglyphes. Plus they will also say their systems will play better because its printed on very flimsy easy to tear, but highly glossy and fancy looking paper. That is until the ultimate rpg is reprinted "it came from the late late late show 2nd edition" People wont actually play theyll sorta bow down to it and worship it as a god.
  13. Re: How to build a Scythe for a weapon? hmmmmm dontcha think str min 16 and 13 are a bit much. Scythes arent that hard to swing or control once you get usto them. I just think it might be a bit high for those poor old farmers to be swinging around all day.
  14. Re: I know this probably sounds psycotic, and it probably will be. Hows this for a power set buy a bunch of armor versus pd and ed and buy 2 large absoptions one for pd and one for ed. now what you have to do is have the absobed body devided evenly to 2 things. half the body absorbed goes into presence and the other half is pumped into buying up the maximum absorption cap. Basically you get a monster thats hard to kill and just gets meaner, uglier, and more terrifying with every hit. I was thinking of this ability for the bigger nastier cthuluh monsters.
  15. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model Guacamole Dip: green, pasty, refreshing, and goes great on burrito's and omlettes.
  16. Re: Is this android "anatomically correct"? Fellas, I'm ready to get up and do my thing I wanta get into it, man, you know.... Like a, like a sex machine, man, Movin'... doin' it, you know Can I count it off? (Go ahead) Spoken: One, two, three, four! Get up, get on up Get up, get on up Stay on the scene, like a sex machine James Brown This issue could be part of a cyberpunk character, depending on how prolific androids are. But it sould actually be handled by other disadvatages and abilities like Distinctive Feature , Professional skill(bow chika wow wow), Hunted(Really jealous husband), or even Social limitation(mechanical marital aid). Good examples of this would be the movies AI, BladeRunner, the original Bubblegun Crisis, and maybe even the horrible sci fi movies Galaxina. "harleeeeeeyyy Davidson, God protect us"
  17. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems? Ive thought about the same thing in rpg merchandise. setting books or true source books. I would like to see something like that on the market personally. I dont think they would sell well thought most people would get all whiney if there where no system to it. it sould be the same arguement that you get for Hero system, the "why should i have to build it myself" arguement. You certainly wouldnt get any money out of the munchkin gamers because they arent going to buy it unless it can give them 1 more damage, hit point, or a wonderful new samophlange with use. Im just tired of all the differant systems out there, but im also tired of d20ism where everything has to be made using the d20 system.
  18. Re: The limits of the toolkit approach That may have been true for other editions of the hero rules or even the older chanmpions rules but he stated 4th edition which is what i was refering back to. Even in the 4th edition it stated that "there is usually difficulty in switching forms" Of course you obviously played older versions but to be fair I was debating purely on a transition back to the old version of instant change and its effects alongside OIHID. Using HFO to "mark out a period of time when a character was vulnerable and powerless" is not that far removed that you couldnt just say "those times when the character is inconveinenced". It basically boils down to "when does your alternate identity get in the way". If the transformation from one to the other is instantaneous then it becomes less of a burden the only other part of that is being noticed. If you create a method where you can shift from one identity to the OIHID identity without anyone ever noticing and doing it instantly then OIHID is worth nothing. I always like thinking around things and bouncing around the philosophy behind rules and also their uses and implications. Thats what attracted me to Hero back during the 4th edition. Heres an idea i had thinking about images. A person buys a single hex image of a chair which covers all sense groups, including touch, and also bought it at a level of perception, say +6. Then that Chair Image would effectively become real. You would be able to look at it, knock on it and hear its wooden sound, lick it and taste the varnish and dust, smell it and have people give you weird stares, and even sit on it and feel how totally uncomfortable it is. If the Image is bought high enough you might even be able to move it around and pick it up as long as it stays in that one hex. For all intents and purposes it is real in the game world. If you go one step further and designate that its special effect is "summon chair" then it has even more validity in the game worl. It isnt an illusion of a chair but a summoned chair. A summoned chair which must stay in the " circle of Moosecalen" in order to stay in this dimension. Its a weird idea ain't it
  19. Re: The limits of the toolkit approach it seems that the part of this that nexus is refering to for instant change isnt the ability to activate the power as a 0phase action but activation a heroic identity so that they can use a power with OIHID can be used. ive always personally had a problem with that. OIHID states basically you have to have difficulty changing from one form to another (taking at least a full phase). It never seemed very inconveinent to be able to shift identities as a 0phase action then run up and wallup someone in the same phase. If a person does have a situation where they cant change identities because of witnessess, camera's, and other annoyances then that is a social limitaion not a OIHID limitation. If you cant use your powers because you cant change into your costume for reasons of being witnessed thats part of having OIHID and Secret identity limitations. The 2 are independant from one another. if you have a case where you just want someone to be able to change really fast then the standard transform works just as well even if it is 3 points more expensive then 4th. Just think of it this way a hero could take a half move in gliding(only to hover around), start their transform, Shout "wonderfully awesome power princess transform" for a prescence attack all in 1 second. Sailor moon takes what at least 5 seconds of animation to do that. :D
  20. Re: THE ULTIMATE SPEEDSTER -- What Do *You* Want To See? How about some varient racing rules. I remember there being a couple posts at one time asking for ideas on that. seems appropriate for chases, racing, and trying to out run things in general.
  21. Re: Your Character's Comic Book I can think of one of my super characters that would like to have his own comic. especially since he's one of those science nerd types who ends up as a super hero. As far as artists go i think id like to have Bill Sienkiewicz. Except one issue, in that one i would make sure i got Rob Liefeld contracted to do a "Dimensional crossover" issue and after i had him on paper for doing it id reveal the "rewrites" to the plot where the characters just spend the entire comic making fun of him. I dont like Liefeld since he messed up my favorite comic "the new mutants".
  22. Re: Hero is broken Me bites this thread on the neck and sucks out its blood. Thus making it into another vampire thread. It shall live forever feeding off of others and will never die. If a brave person should happen to stake it through the heart it will just rise again when someone else with a pint of fresh blood comes by and sprinkles it over the ashes. Its Threadcula ^^^( ;; )^^^
  23. Re: Hero is broken you know theres really no point in arguing about whether hero is broken. All games have parts that seem to be spackled together. The big question is it playable. Hero is playable and its internal system works. Its not like it has a weapons listing for brass knucles that says it adds to unarmed damage but no where in the system does it say how much unarmed damage characters do. It isnt a system where they divide mecha damage and human damage into 2 seperate types of damage then based on what book you play an m1 abrams may or may not be able to hurt a mech. Or have a mechanic where a mediocre artist from a superhero world can end up in a superspy world pick up a few martial arts there then get sucked through a dimensional distortion and end up in a wasteland. suddenly this person becomes the Fist of the North Star with the ability to punch holes in the really tough mecha mentioned above. Believe me Hero isnt that broken. Even if one feature is a bit off about it doesnt make it broken its when you keep encountering rules that dont work that its broken. For the most part Hero's rules work not elegant but they work.
  24. Re: Speaking of Zombies... The Return of Brain Eater Lad. I think Lord Liadens solution is prolly the best. It would just be a tranform that transforms a person into a zombie that can then gradually transform other people into zombies. say cumulative affect. dont have to book handy but i remember something in there that can make it a cumulative affect.
  25. Re: invisible, desolid follower Psychological limitation: common total (schitzophrenea "Has in invisible incoporeal pixie following him wherever he goes and no one can see, hear, or touch the incoporeal Fairy") +20 points Of course the doctors always give him extra iron pills that make the Fairy go away cuz everyone knows pixies hate iron right. Except that he likes the pixie and how it gives him reasurring comments and makes his life happy. Especially since the day atentacled monster from the abysmal depths dragged his girlfriend away while they where dating one night. He can still here her screams sometimes but pixie makes it all better in his lil impish way. see invisible incoporeal pixie that give you points
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