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Everything posted by Mathew

  1. Re: 250 Point Project From the pages of Justice Machine, comes the fiery teenage girl... Blazer! http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/BLAZER.pdf
  2. Re: Build a Pleasure Planet Candyworld - Taking a hint from Willy Wonka, how about a world where ALL life (animal, plant) is not only edible, but good tasting. If you see a tree, you can eat a leaf, and it's pepperment flavored - bark is chocolate. Lake water is fruit flavored. The fish in the lake actually are safe to eat raw, are boneless, and taste like Sweedish Fish... etc. Weekend Athlete World - All rocks on the surface on the world are softer, coated with foam rubber or whatever, and do less damage, and the gravity is lower as well, meaning with simple protective gear, a rock climber can fall from a cliff face, and probably live with simple burises. The world is littered with game fields, with every sports game, ready to go, with full gear waiting. You are only matched against droids of like ability in the game. So a bunch of overweight balding businessmen on vacation can compete in basketball or hockey if they like, and have a chance of winning.
  3. Re: 350 Point Project Since you need villians too, and I love Transformers, here is a foe for Grapple on the Decepticon side, Scrapper, leader of the Constructicons! http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/SCRAPPER.pdf I included the flying wing that came with the toy, allowing his vehice mode to fly, even though it's never been depicted in fiction. I made him a mere 16 feet tall, since that's about how large the show bible says he is, despite his vehicle mode suggesting that he would be larger. Basically he's a adistic alien construction worker with a laser psitol who turns into a flying scoop loader!
  4. Re: 150 Point Project Here is another 150 point "hero", it's Casey Jones, converted directly from the Palladium TMNT RPG stats to Champions rules. Probably more of a Dark Champions character, but heck, why not have some burnt out innkeeper in Fantasy Hero be a crimefighter in the town your Fantasy Heroes visit next time? http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/CASEY_JO.pdf
  5. Re: Converting RIFTS to HERO I tried converting a Heroes Unlimited character to Champions 4th edition rules. He's Constitution, from The Sentinels of Liberty and Justice (as seen in the add on book Villains Unlimited). http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/CONSTITU.pdf Constitution is a mutant in a US government patriotic themed super hero team. He's big and tough, with growth powers, be he's also surprisingly quick and agile, superhumanly so. I based his abilities on trying to translate into real world numbers and stats where possible. For instance his SPD of 6 is based on the fact that he can make 8 attacks per melee in the Palladium rules, but their melee rounds are 15 seconds, were a Hero turn in 12 seconds. So I figured 8 attacks in 15 seconds is about 6 attacks in 12 seconds. The 19 inches of running is also based on the Palladium Speed attribute, which says Speed x20 is number of meters you can run in one minute, which took some math, but came to 19 inches of running! His basic STR was based on taking his normal sized P.S. and translating that to pounds he could lift, then to STR. P.S. 34 ended up being a STR 30. However, I let his STR increase as normal Growth, so he quickly became MUCH stronger, as Hero STR increases geometrically, where Palladium P.S. increases in a linear fashion. I let his IQ and PB become is INT and COM. ME became EGO. MA became PRE. PP became DEX, PE became CON. Other stuff I had to just read his powers, like having Enhanced Physical Endurance and Healing Factor meant that he basically NEVER tires, ever, so I bought all his powers, movement and STR to 0 END. He still sleeps, but Constitution can be working at full strength from the moment he wakes until he goes to bed again without being tired. I tried to find skills that matched skills from Champions - for instance Advanced Mathematics became Science: Mathematics, First Aid became Paramedic, Prowl became Stealth. Since Heroes Unlimited growth gives you bonuses to SDC, running and horror factor, I linked some extra running, armor and Presence to his Growth. One of his powers gave him half damage from all heat and cold attacks, so he got Damage Reduction. Most of the Disadvantages had to be figured by just reading about his personality, history and alignment.
  6. Re: Classic Hero Characters updated (sorta) Here is Jabberrock from Enemies III updated to 4th edition rules. http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/JABBERRO.pdf
  7. Re: Classic Hero Characters updated (sorta) Here is Indigo, an agent of PSI, from the 1988 book Villainy Unbound. Updated from 3rd to 4th edition rules, and also corrected for a seeming mistake in his Multipower. http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/INDIGO.pdf In the original write-up the Multipower had 50 points of reserve, and seveal 50 point ultimate slots, as well as 5 inches of flight. Oddly the TK slot was calculated wrongly (should have had 75 active points!) and in the original configuration if he activated his 5 inches of flight he didn't have enough points to activate ANY other powers in the Multipower, locking them all out. So I increased the reserve to the Multipower to the correct cost of his TK, which means he can not activate any of the 50 point powers and his Flight at the same time. He only must land to use his TK. I also added his "detects as a mutant" DF.
  8. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Mecha is a teenage mutant with the power of mecha-merging. He can merge with any machine, converting it into a giant humanoid robot ("villians are attacking, sorry, I'll need to borrow your washing machine! IT'S MECHA TIME!"). weapons include launching fists, a blazing sword and missiles from his fingers, as well as weapons based on the machine he used (washing machine shoots a spin cycle attack). Often a bit too eager to engage his "Mecha" mode and launch attacks. Okay, new team. An excentric scientist has decided to creat a team of super android heroes - they appear almost completely human on the outside, but inside the are robotic with inbuild powers and weapons systems. In order to grant them personalities, he had set up a computer program to research the psyche profiles, personalities, knowledge and histories of 5 of his favorite dead famous people (historic, pop culture, anything goes, as long as the real person is dead), and place these AIs into the bodies. The androids all believe they are the histroic figures reincarnated, and have the urge to fight crime with their seemingly unexplained powers.
  9. Re: 350 Point Project Here is another 350 point character, from the Transformers TV series, Grapple, Autobot Architect! http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/GRAPPLE.pdf
  10. Re: Public Domain Extraterrestrials Just started watching the Cat Women of the Moon movie. They seem to have teleportation powers, and very long range telepathy and mind control - that only works on women. Long range, but moderate power. They read an influence earth women's thoughts from the moon. Perhaps some high power Mind Scan?
  11. Re: Classic Hero Characters updated (sorta) I recently found Atlas Unleashed, which was written for 3rd edition rules. I updated Uberman to 4th edition. You know I think he's one of the few people of his point level who could touch Scorch without taking (much) damage with his 30 points of hardened, resistant ED. http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/UBERMAN.pdf
  12. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books? Well, Heromaker seems to be better at math than most past authors from Hero Games. However, I will double check it.
  13. Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged." Does anyone still have the official errata sheet for this book?
  14. Re: Was the BBB ever available in electronic fomat (PDF)? Yes, that's what I'm looking for.
  15. Mathew

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars I was working on a lower point cost write-up for Iron Man and pondering on the point that he seems to own so many armors, and changes them... particularly the "mission specific" armors. You know, the Stealth armor, the hulkbuster armor, deep sea armor, space armor. Now rather than writing up a dozen different suits, I considered what if I wrote the basic suit, with no extras, then gave him a Multipower where each slot was the bonuses to one particular armor. This Multipower could only be changed in his lab. So while the special effect is that he goes home and switches from his stealth armor to his hulkbuster armor, in game mechanics, he went to the lab, switched his multipower slot from invisiblity to armor and STR, then went out on a mission.
  16. Re: Bygone Champions - Early Editions Here is another long lost hero. Well, it's Well...
  17. Re: Was the BBB ever available in electronic fomat (PDF)? Yeah, I found the basic 4th edition hero book in PDF. I think the BB just missed the electronic craze, or maybe back then they were holding out, hoping to make everyone buy a paper book for the main book, and ebooks for the suppliments?
  18. Re: Public Domain Extraterrestrials Okay, yes, I'd love to see the Green Martian racial package. I've written lots of racial packages before, but almost everything is NOT in the public domain. It's based on some copywritten movie, TV show, comic, etc. Hey, are the aliens of Mongo from Flash Gorden copywritten? Ro-Man from the movie Robot Monster was a powerful alien villian. How about the aliens (and zombies) from Plan 9 from Outer Space? (okay, they are pretty much humans in funny suits). There are the Eye Creatures: http://www.archive.org/details/TheEyeCreatures_631 There are the Martians that Santa Clause conquored: http://www.archive.org/details/santa_claus_conquers_the_martians_ipod There is the blood eating alien from The Little Shop of Horrors: http://www.archive.org/details/The_Little_Shop_of_Horrors.mpeg Of course the Evil Brain from Outer Space, is an alien mastermind, literally: http://www.archive.org/details/EvilBrainFromOuterSpace
  19. Just curious, I still love my BBB (Champions 4th editon main book), but it's getting old. Wish I had a version to run on a laptop (heck, these days most laptops are smaller than the BBB!)
  20. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books? That's a great addition. I'm going to try to keep a running list of the errata for 4th edition on my web site.
  21. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books? Thanks for the links, but I already knew about mytyhic greece and ninja hero one. I don't see technical corrections on the other pages you linked. Edit - found one errata for the Champions 4th edition book, and one for VIPER. Thanks. Still missing the thing I'm writing through.
  22. Re: Public Domain Extraterrestrials What are you looking to do with them? Make Racial Packages for PS, make unique villians toy fight?
  23. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books? I think that's what I was asking for, if it has been done. Would save me time. Anyone have a link? BTW - I have no plan to "update" to 6th edition at the current time. In fact I may "retrograde" the new 6th writeups to older editions.
  24. Re: Public Domain Extraterrestrials Well, Zontar makes a good puppetmaster villian - he has mind control that slowly takes over a town, and can do many things remotely (shut off electricity to the heroes, etc). The Cat Women make great supporting characters, DNPCs etc.
  25. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books? Teflon Billy, I don't think you get it. The software has nothing to do with it, except that I happen to be using it to check the numbers. The thread is to make a running list of errata in the older books, no matter how you go about doing it. If you see some math error in an old book, note it here, and I'll add it to the list.
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