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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... QFT. (Oh, it's still out there and in publication. But try to find SFB players that aren't all about tournament play. Or find SFB players at all, for that matter...)
  2. Re: The Marvels That Men Do! (Marvel Comics Conversion to Pulp) And the reptonfa strikes...
  3. Re: Mottos for use in games "What's a motto?" "Nothing. What's a'motto with you?" Ba-dum.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  5. Re: Mottos for use in games "Kill 'em all; let God sort 'em out." "Let us win your hearts and minds or we'll burn your damn huts to the ground." "I love the smell of napalm in the morning..."
  6. Re: What's Hero System good for? HERO! Good God, ya'll! What is it good for? Absolutely everything!
  7. Re: From Pulp to Golden Age And yet the CU holds on to the "like our world, with a Superhuman World grafted on but not making fundamental changes" trope like a drowning man on a piece of flotsam...
  8. Re: From Pulp to Golden Age See Champions Universe, p. 11. Short version: In 1938, Nazi mystics performed a ritual that resulted in the "return of magic" to the HERO Universe, which allowed true superpowers to manifest.
  9. Re: From Pulp to Golden Age
  10. Re: Ninja Hero - Samurai vs. Ninja blood bath Sequel suggestion: your ninja have to deal with raiding ships coming up from the South China Sea. Ninja vs. Pirates!
  11. Re: From Pulp to Golden Age For me, the difference is costumes and equipment. Most of the pulp heroes had no compunctions about using guns, while golden age heroes tended to eschew them; the main exception being golden age cowboys (essentially holdover pulp cowboys). And the golden age was literally started when colorful, circus-acrobat-inspired costumes became the norm.
  12. Re: Mottos for use in games Danke schön!
  13. Re: The Emergence Of Superhumans Good point. The change "reverses/inverts", and the impact is "damped out" by the passage of time post-change.
  14. Re: Liberty League There should definitely be a "complexity of organism" qualifier for the first criteria. But given that the canonical Classes of Minds are Human, Alien, Animal, and Machine, Plant is not too far of a stretch - even though it violates a sentience criteria that the other classes meet, short of setting-specific conditions, allowing the SFX "mentally communicates with plants" to be Mental Powers with the Plant class of minds is a more intuitive power construct, as it parallels "communicates with animals" and "communicates with machines". There should be limits on what Plant minds can say or do based on their non-sentience, though.
  15. Re: Mottos for use in games I can't believe this one hasn't come up yet. "Nuke the site from orbit; it's the only way to be sure." (And I probably misquoted slightly; correction for accuracy welcomed.)
  16. Re: Interest in a Zodiac game Yeah. I didn't know this:
  17. Re: Ninja Hero - Samurai vs. Ninja blood bath May I .sig this?
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Just now. [/spaceballs]
  19. Re: Order of the Stick I'd call it enlightened self-interest - V couldn't escape, so that was the next best way to survive. Fortunately, X is enough of a villain to start... monologuing.
  20. Re: Liberty League We're at par on the quibbles, then. And I would say that Class of Minds requires either a. biological life or b. sentience ("psychological life"?); having both works as well, of course. So a sentient undead could belong to the Undead class of minds, if such were relevant for the setting. Likewise, the Machine class of minds is already defined as only those machines with an EGO score; that is, sentient machines (IIRC). However, an Automaton, whether mechanical ("mindless" robot) or undead ("mindless" zombie or animated skeleton), is neither living nor sentient, and therefore not affected by any mind-affecting powers. Does this make sense?
  21. Re: The Emergence Of Superhumans The introduction of superhumans is a special case of Alternate History. The general rules of AH are: 1. The farther back the change, the greater the effects on "today". 2. The larger the change, the greater the effects on "today". 3. The more visible the change, the greater the effects on "today". Exceptions abound, of course. The introduction of superhumans is typically a large, visible change. (It doesn't have to be, but it usually is.) It actually takes a concerted effort to explain why the introduction of superhumans doesn't make more of a change than the normal comics trope. And the longer ago the introduction of superhumans, the more effort it takes. As with any AH, you can reason forward, or reason backward. To reason backward, decide what changes you want in place and figure out how the introduction of superhumans got you there. To reason forward, introduce superhumans at your chosen point and extrapolate. In either case, you should either insure that you are the SME for the historical period(s) in question for your local gaming group, or that the the SME(s) is (are) willing to help you and/or grant you the benefit of suspension of disbelief when you (in their eyes) violate plausibility.
  22. Re: The Marvels That Men Do! (Marvel Comics Conversion to Pulp)
  23. Re: Costumed Crimefighters Collective I don't have much of a problem with multiple concepts. I can even connect them together with pre-game relationships. And I don't have a problem with power levels - Chars, DCs, APs, etc. Where I have a challenge is point totals - I'm long since over the "starting character for the power level who grows by accumulating and spending XP" schtick. I'm now a Pointless Champions convert, and it's hard to find like-minded others.
  24. Re: Why the dislike for Find Weakness? Surely it goes both ways, eh?
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